Salchow - 33

Edges and Toe Picks

A/N: Hey chingus! Waiting for an update? Okay I'm dropping one for tonight. See you all tomorrow! 

P.S. - Please don't be mad at Jessi, she's just going through a phase. Hehe... And please don't be mad at me if I make Jessica like this. It's needed in the story... ✌

Thank you to all our subscribers!

Peace yow! ✌




Krystal's POV


"Soojung-ah, I got great news!" Yuri unnie waved and shouted at me from the other side of the fence with a small plastic pack in her hands. She entered the wooden door into Amber's backyard. It was a Saturday morning and I'm spending it here in the Liu's as usual and Yuri unnie has a big smile in her face still on her cute pajamas.

We came back from L.A. a week ago with Jackie promising to me that once baby boy is born, she and Bryan will visit us in Seoul to meet his other Aunties and also to visit Grandma at Jeju.

I returned to a very not so tidy apartment with a note from Jessi saying sorry because she was really busy with the team that's why she didn't have enough time fixing the whole house. It's okay, she's still my sister and the demands of her work that week is a lot because Amber and Yuri accompanied me.

Yuri unnie stopped in front of me and held the two plastic satchets containing a cotton swab and some pieces of hair. I tilted my head thinking why she is showing the things to me, then I remember about Dani's DNA test. She excitedly hovered it like she's dancing making me chuckle and snap my fingers.

"Finally! We got it! Oh my God! Is that legit Dad's?"

"Yep 100% your Dad's. These are actually 3 sachets but the third one is not a good sight in the morning so I left it stored away in the fridge. These are still hours fresh and just delivered to me at the wee hours so I think we should bring it immediately at the testing center." She said still playfully dancing with it like she's holding two precious finds.

The harvesting process took a lot of weeks starting from hiring a private detective to track Dad's whereabouts, getting informations on where he frequents and who he sees. His old habits are still there, going to night clubs and strip clubs paying girls for a night of pleasure. I don't know why he's doing it, I somehow feel sorry for Dad.

I think Yuri unnie's plan paid off. She was the one who talked to the girl we paid to get closer to Dad and do what it takes to get a sample of his hair and saliva. She told her the story on why we are doing it telling her we meant no harm and what we're asking her to do is the only way to finally close the book.

Yumi was the name of the girl who works at the strip club and she agreed but she said she needed time. Yuri unnie gave her half of the amount she promised and the other half after the goods are delivered discreetly. All of it must be discreet and not be known by anyone.

And now it's finally here.

"I should wake Dani now and tell her to get ready later. Since it's still early and the testing center is probably still close unnie, let's have breakfast first. Amber is cooking some pancakes and bacon in the kitchen."

"Yey! Pancakes! I'll just put this inside the house and wake Do-yeon and Shannon. Tell Amber to cook a lot because I'm starving!" She went running back to her house with a loud laugh. She's looking carefree and outgoing now different from the Yuri Kwon I met before who's all fidgety and always keeps to herself.

Amber and I was in her backyard last night chatting with her when I noticed that her once bed of Daisies are gone. A new variety is already planted and when I asked her about it, she said she planted Sunflowers to give color to her backyard. She said Se Kyung unnie helped her plant it and when we were away she asked the girls to take care of the plants. Now it's going to bloom in a few days and she's excited.


I went inside the house to get my phone so I can inform unnie about the development and also to tell her that we're going to the testing center later. Upon entering I saw Amber in the kitchen in a serious mode flipping pancakes in the air with her tongue sticking out. I chuckled on her cuteness and went to her hugging her from the back.

"Hey Johnny~..." I kissed her nape earning a cackle from her.

"Is my beautiful and y girlfriend hungry?"

"Starvinggg... My energy was drained last night." She snickered at what I said and turned her head to me smirking. "You shouldn't have said that Calvin Klein gives you underwears for Free." I pinched her arms earning a hearty laugh from her.

"I did a good decision of having my room sound proofed didn't I?" I buried my face on her back whining. That was utter embarrassment on my part, remembering how wanton I am last night. "It will be embarrassing and a shock to the girls if they heard me so yes, you had the best decision." I rubbed my nose on her back smelling her scent. "You passed out babe..." she said teasingly. I cringe remembering how my sight suddenly turned blur and eventually fell asleep after that mind blowing and earth shattering we had.

Dani and Tia made their presence known by clearing their throats. We didn't notice that my sister was already seating on the kitchen stool with her chin propped on her hands like a thinking pose listening to us talk about our little adventure last night. She and Tia has this mischievous look on their faces like telling me 'We Know What You Did Last Night!'. This is too embarassing O_o

Amber was laughing out loud when she saw the look on my face that I bit her shoulders playfully. I broke our hug and went to Dani and kissed her head hugging her. "Is that how you greet your sister in the morning?! By teasing, hmm?" Tia leaned on me and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Hahaha! Sorry... We didn't hear anything, right Tia?"

"Whatever you say girl, zipped." She made a zipping motion on smiling at me.

"By the way unnie, I thought you're gonna move here... What happened? Is Jess unnie still not giving you the blessing? I'm giving you my blessings!" Dani said to me with a scouts promise. I ruffled her beautiful hair smiling. Amber and i shared a glance and I sighed.

The trio from the Kwon household came still on their pajamas holding a bottle of milk and a box of Rice Krispies. Yuri unnie heard what Dani said and pinched my sister's cheeks "You're giving your blessings because it will benefit you if your Soojung unnie is here. You'll finally have a tutor in your Algebra subject."

I raised my eyebrow at Dani asking about it. She just smiled at me clenching her teeth "I'm having problems with Algebra unnie. I asked Jess unnie for help the other day because Professor Seo needs to talk to a family member."

"Why didn't you tell us? I could have talk to your professor in an instant." Amber said placing the mountain of pancakes in the middle of the table and sat beside Dani.

"We told her to tell it to you Amber unnie and Soojung unnie but she said she's afraid you'll scold her." Shannon said while eating her Rice Krispies.

Dani was pouting looking down on the table while poking her food. "I didn't tell you two because Jess unnie promised to come. I waited for her but.... she didn't.. I called her to check where she is and she said she forgot about it because she has a function to attend with Dr. Lee..." I frowned on what she said. That is not so Jessica. What's happening to our sister??

"Don't worry, Amber and I will talk to your Professor on Monday just tell her we'll come." I said rubbing her back. She smiled at me with relief and started to eat. Jessi's gonna have it later from me. "When was this? That whole incident Dani?"

She swallowed her food looking at me "The week when you're in Utah... She only visited us once then just called us to check on the following days. I know she's busy with the team so it's okay unnie don't tell her. And besides, we bumped into Se Kyung unnie in the mall and she treated us for dinner."

"Yeah..." Shannon took a spoonful of her Rice Krispies and drank some milk. She has this weird habit of eating the cereal and drinking the milk instead of pouring the milk in the bowl with cereals "After that, we asked her to cook for us every night hehehe..." Yuri unnie flicked her forehead and shake her head with a smile on her face.

Well that's embarrassing... I think I need to thank Se Kyung unnie for taking care of them. I better tell Yuri unnie later to invite her for dinner tomorrow and I'll ask Amber to cook. Hahaha... Of course she's the one who'll cook, I'll just bake something.




We finished breakfast and I told Dani to get ready because we're going out with Yuri unnie for a while. I dialled unnie's number but it was just ringing. Maybe she's still sleeping... But it's already 10:30 am... I kept on dialling it but it's the same. For the last time after 7 tries it connected. But the groggy voice in the other line wasn't hers because the last time I checked, Jessi is a girl.


"Ummm.... who's this?" I asked even though I know who it is. Damn. Even on the phone?!

"Oh.. Soojung? Is that you? Hi! I'm sorry, Jessica is on the bathroom. Can I get a message for her?"

I sighed and just kicked Amber's beanie in the room "Just tell her to call me back ASAP please. Bye Donghae Oppa." I disconnected the call with a frown on my face and just joined Amber in the shower.


"Babe, something wrong?" She asked me when I hugged her from the back with water flowing in our heads. 

"Just bothered with Jessi but don't mind it... By the way, are you tired?" 

"Nope, why?" 

I bit on her shoulders giggling "I want you to blow my mind~" 






Unnie didn't call me back until dinnertime. She said Donghae Oppa forgot to tell her that I called and that pisses me off. I controlled myself and just chatted with her and narrated what happened in the testing center. Results will be release in 4 days so I told her that I'll just call her immediately if I have it.

"Unnie, why did you forgot to talk to Professor Seo last week? Dani was waiting for you..." I asked her just to make sure. I still want to understand unnie and her sudden change.

She sighed on the other line "I know Soojung, I messed up. I'm sorry Soojungie... I really forgot about it because I was thinking about the function that night. It was already set days before and I'm busy with the games too. Forgive me Soojung~..." what else can I do but forgive her since Dani already forgave her too.

"I'm not mad unnie.. it's just that lately you've been so busy that you don't have time for me and Dani. And the one time Dani needs you, you stood up on her. But it's okay we understand... We just miss you unnie." It's true I miss her even though we live in the same house.

"I'm really sorry Soojungie.. let me make up to you and Dani. On the day we get the results let's have dinner, just the three of us Jungsis. Okay?" I lit up on what she said and nodded even though she won't see it.

"Okay. I'll tell Dani.. I'll see you on Monday unnie. I love you.."

"I love you too Soojung.. bye.."

Just forget about it Soojung... She's going to make up for it don't worry. Maybe she's too immerse on her new found life.




I was helping Dani with her Algebra while Amber and Yuri unnie is busy with dinner. The three teens are playing Nintendo Wii happily while Dani sulks on the dining table trying to understand her Algebra. Poor Dani... I think she got this from Jessi hehehe...


"Unnie... I'm so fed up studying about the 'x' and 'y'... It's a Saturday night... Please let me be with them because I have to maintain my top score in Tennis." I tapped her forehead with a pencil and meronged at her.

"Because studying about your 'x' and 'y' the two of you broke up will give you the realization that you've been searching for. Are we still talking about Algebra here or your puppy love?! Fine.. go and have fun. Dinner will be ready later." She kissed me in the cheeks and strotted her way to the three joining them in the game. She's turning 19 on Christmas Eve and that's a month from now. Maybe I should talk to unnie about throwing a party for her in a Club maybe, invite some of her friends and classmates.

Why not? She'll only turn 19 once so better celebrate it the way she wants. When I turned 19, I was competing in China and Dad didn't even bought a cake for me. Mom surprised me by ordering a cake in the hotel room service.

"Hey... Why so serious?" Amber sat down beside me draping her right arm on my shoulders. I lay my head on her shoulders and sigh again. I think I sighed a lot of times today.

"I talked to unnie a while ago and she said sorry about forgetting the meeting with Dani's professor. She said she'll make it up to us by bringing us to dinner when we get the results, just the three of us."

"That's great! Just give her a chance... But you know I noticed something on Jessi the other day in practice." I looked up to her urging her to continue. "We usually talk, the three of us Yuri included when we're in the office. About the plays, how we will improve something on one of the players, if we got a good review in the university... You know work stuff. But lately she's becoming aloof and when we talk she doesn't even look at me in the eye. The usual silly banters and her being bipolar is gone. I'll understand it if it's because of Yuri, but still, it shouldn't happen because I'm dating her sister and we usually had a normal sometimes abusive relationship as friends."

I thought about what Amber said and made me think of the number of times she has visited Amber's house ever since she and Yuri had a fall out versus when they were still okay. It's not about Yuri anymore because there's nothing to do about that now since it's over. It's like she's ....

"She's distancing herself..." Both of us said while looking at the four teens. Dani's Wii controller flew when she swinged it with passion thinking that she's playing it in real life, almost wrecking Amber's 50 inch Samsung Smart TV missing it by an inch. Amber's jaw dropped and my eyes turned wide because of shock.

"Ooops?..." My sister said smiling at the two of us cleching her teeth and guilty as charge.

"Danielle Kim!!! Algebra NOW!!!"






We got the results after 4 days and it's 99.9% accurate. Dad is Dani's biological father no doubt, he can't play innocent again. So the next plan to execute is to put her on the family registry. Dani and I talked about it and I asked her if she wants to carry the Jung surname. She said she will keep her mother's surname, Kim. As remembrance and love for the mother who saved her and let her live in this world.

As promise, the three of us went to dinner at the Sports Bar that unnie frequents with her friends. She loves hanging out there with Sooyoung and Yoona unnie back when they were still in High School.

"Wow... It looks cool here unnie.. I'll bring Tia, Shannon, and Do-yeon here next time." Dani said while eating her fries.

We were chatting happily when an unexpected guest came making me frown. He was grinning at unnie while walking to our table with someone behind him. I thought it's just the three of us?!

"Hi Soojung, hi Dani!" Tss.. Donghae Oppa greeted me and Dani with a smile on his face. I thought he's just greeting us and will sit in other tables since we're having a private moment but no. He sat beside unnie and introduced his friend. "By the way, this is my friend Dr. Kim Jongin." The guy bowed to Dani and smiled at me. Uggh. What the hell is happening?!

"Hey Donghae Oppa... Nice to meet you Dr. Kim. Are you just dropping by Oppa?" I asked him not liking the idea of someone I don't know joining us, especially guys.

Jessi answered it with a wide smile on her face "I texted him to join us since he's near the area and his friend Dr. Kim so they are here. Why don't you give a space for Dr. Kim beside you Soojung?" I gave Jess an 'Are you freaking serious!?' look but she insist.

Dani saw how uncomfortable I am that's why she tapped my shoulders and exchanged her seats with me so I won't be seating beside that Dr. Kim. The hell I am sitting beside some guy I don't know who looks like he's stripping me and it's disgusting.

I don't know what Jess is planning but I'll let her off this time since she said she's making up to us. But this dinner is non sense now since our bonding moments are over. The guy was trying to make a conversation with me even though he knows that Dani is in between us.

"So Soojung--"

"Call her Krystal Jong Un ssi.... My unnie doesn't like being called in her Korean name by some random person she doesn't know.." Dani answered him with a smug smile on her face. Very good girl...

"It's actually Jongin not Jong Un..." 


"Yeah whatever..."

"Dani! Don't be rude!" Jessi hissed at her making Dani shut up. I patted her hands and spoke to unnie.

"She's just telling the truth... I don't like being called Soojung when they don't have any permission from me to call me by that name. Only family, love ones, and close friends can only call me Soojung. I hope you understand Dr. Kim." He just nodded and smirked at me. I wanna poke his eyes and leave now but out of respect to my sisters I'll stay.

"I understand and I hope someday I'll have the privilege to call you like that.." as if I'll give you the chance! "Do you like golf? I play golf with Hae and sometimes Jessica comes with us to watch. Maybe I can teach you how. Playing golf makes me relax because being a doctor is..." yada yada yada yada. I rolled my eyes at Dani and I think unnie saw it because she kicked me lightly under the table.

"Isn't it stupid... Playing golf. No offense but all you do is hit that single ball and make it shoot in that very small hole. That game is for ahjussis only..." I wanna kiss Dani for being so bright. I mentally reminded myself to borrow the monkey's Black card and take her on a shopping spree.

"Hahaha! Jessica, your dongsaeng is so funny.." his smile was so fake then he winked at me. That's foul!

The night went on and it was one of the worst dinner I ever had with Jessi. I'll let today slip and forgive you Unnie. I hope next time no one will ruin our Jungsis moments again.






You know that feeling when you let a terrible mistake slip on the first time it happened? Like you want to slap your forehead and say I'm so stupid to let it slip and it happened for the second time? Well that's what I'm feeling right now.

It's a terrible mistake not to tell unnie that what happened in that dinner is unacceptable to me and Dani. In short, we don't like sharing the table with those two creepy guys. I don't like the way Donghae meddles in our family moments, and I don't like the way unnie sells Dr. Kim to me like he's the most handsome doctor in Korea. I should have told her from the first time it happened that we don't like it but it's too late.

Because the following week that unnie invited me and Dani again for a dinner that she said is just for the three of us, Dr. Lee miraculously appeared again with Dr. Kim and they again, in a magical coincidence, is just around the corner.

That left me utterly annoyed at Jessi the whole night. I said to myself that if this happens for the third time, Jessi is really up to something and I won't like it. Dani again saved me from doom and from the doctor from hell. I was texting with Amber the whole night and I told her what's happening.

Unnie was kicking me under the table but I just glared at her coldly and kept to myself the whole night with Dani answering questions from the doctor that is intended for me. I excused myself and went to the bar to watch a boxing match while talking to my girlfriend. Someone tapped on my shoulders and it was unnie with a mad expression with her eyebrow raised at me.

"What do you think you are doing here Soojung?! Dr. Kim is left alone--"

"Yeah I know he's left alone there in the table and i don't care because I'm not the one who invited him to this dinner. Which is by the way was originally just for the three of us." I answered her matching her stare. I had enough and I'm really pissed off now especially when she told me that we will be joining them the day after when the two s play golf.


I think Jessi's forgetting something.



"Why are you acting like that Soojung?!"

"If you mean that why I'm acting like a brat and disrespectful to your friends then I'm guilty. I'm sorry but I just can't take this anymore Jess. But I would also like to remind you that you're disrespecting my girlfriend by selling that Dr. Kim to me. Jessi... Why are you doing this?!" I stood up from the bar stool and crossed my arms waiting for her answer.

Her expression was priceless. Surprised from my sudden outburst on her. Dani was already beside me patting my back "Soojung unnie, please calm down. Let's take a seat now and finish our food then I'll call Amber unnie to drive us home." I saw Jessi flinched and snorted at what she heard.

"Look, I'm sorry if you feel like I'm pushing Jongin to you but I'm not. It's just that he was with Hae again and they are around the area and he said he's interested on you when he met you last week...." oh I don't know why but I want to smack unnie in her head but I won't do it because I still respect her.

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly counting from 1 to 10. I don't wanna be angry at her I love my sister so much. "Unnie this is the last time that I'll accept that stupid reason of yours. I'm sorry for the words but it's true. I would like you to know that Dani and I am not enjoying this night so far like she didn't enjoyed our night last week because they magically appeared out of nowhere. Whatever you want to achieve with inviting them over to our private sister's bonding time, I have a feeling what it is."

"Soojung... Look, if you want you and Dani can move to another table away from us if you don't want to dine with Dr. Kim but please Soojung, make an effort to be accommodating to him because he seems to be a nice guy and he's a doctor." What the hell is she saying!!?

"Sooyeon unnie, I'm sorry to interrupt you but from what I heard you want Soojung unnie to get to know the doctor from hell? But she's already committed to Amber unnie... They are together.." Dani said the last words in a whisper because unnie is already glaring at her. I pulled Dani beside me and stared at unnie, disappointed at what she is doing. I don't know her anymore... Jessica Jung is not the same sister anymore.

"Look unnie, once is enough. But repeating it again is unacceptable, I'm tired about all of these...these words you're saying. Did you hear what you said? You want me to get to know that guy even though I'm already in a very beautiful and loving relationship with Amber! Why do I have a feeling that you want me to be like you? Having a relationship with a guy like you? I'm sorry but you can't convert me to your cult. I love Amber and she loves me too. I'm sorry but I'm fed up with this, we're leaving." I pulled Dani to the direction of our table where the two s are happily chatting. ers. You ruined my night.

"Oh Soojung, are you leaving? Would you like Jongin to drive you to the apartment?" the veins in my forehead throbbed and my blood boiled hearing Donghae, yes just Donghae because he deserves it.

I glared at him, making him gulp "Dani and I are leaving and I don't need Dr. Kim to drive me home. Please stop pimping him to me because I don't dig him. I have a girlfriend for Pete's sake! I'm gay and I'm happy with our life! Stop meddling in our life Dr. Lee, stop meddling in my relationship because I don't meddle with yours. If you'll excuse me, my girlfriend is waiting for me and I can't wait to see her and have an earth shattering again with her like we always do. Good bye!" I turned my back at them and we started to walk away when unnie spoke with coldness.

"Soojung, we'll talk later when I get home. Wait for me and we'll talk. Atleast give me some respect in front of my friends."

I turned my head looking at her disappointment written all over my face "I'm sorry Jessi, I'll see you at practice." I turned around and left with Dani clinging her arms on mine.



I pushed my speed dial and Amber answered in just one ring. I took a deep breath and sighed. 


"Babe, can you please pick us up here? I can't take it anymore... I'm moving in tonight."


I'm sorry Jessi... You need to learn what your mistake is. You need to find your self again...





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Chapter 1: I’ve been away from kpop fanfics for a while, and have been sifting through a few pages to find one that caught my eye. I know this is classed as an older work now, but I really like the premise and the way you write. You don’t rush the interactions between the characters, and it feels like you really understand how to put a story together. I’m looking forward to reading the rest.
bluesky2275 #2
Chapter 56: Awesome, me rereading it while waiting for authornim to update.

Note : authornim any update for this story. Does kryber add in new addition to their family, any progress on Dani and Jackson plus the rest of the characters. Update, please.
exiguousnobody #3
Chapter 56: awesome story!
Feichin #4
Chapter 20: ?so sad mike ?
moonsun750 #5
Chapter 45: Oh maaaannnn jessiiiieeee awwwhhhhhhhhhh
moonsun750 #6
Chapter 13: Aww^www it happened my heart... Damn it danii
moonsun750 #7
moonsun750 #8
Chapter 7: Awwwhhhh
moonsun750 #9
Emjey012 #10
Chapter 55: Nice story as always author-nim!
I don't know much about figure skating and ice hockey but I really enjoyed reading this fanfic.
Kryber having RV as their kids is so cute (^.^)