Teenage Parties


Taeyeon and Tiffany have been going out for some time. Taeyeon has been getting more attention at school because she’s been seen with Tiffany. There’s silly rumours about her. About how she might be rich or she might be hired by Tiffany’s dad. People don’t understand that Tiffany can just be close with someone without needing a strange reason. She made up with Jessica although she can still be kind of cold at times. Whenever Taeyeon hangs out with Tiffany she goes to hang out with Yuri. After the exams Tiffany went to America to visit her dad and sister so they couldn’t spend time together. They could only phone and video call. Taeyeon realized how much she actually cares about Tiffany when she had to wait till late at night everyday for the American girl's video call. Only being able to look at her as if she were a real celebrity that you couldn't approach. 

Tiffany is finally back from America and they’re busy making out on the couch in the lounge because of ually frustrated feelings. It wasn't planned this way but when they saw each other they just had the same thoughts and desires. 

“I missed you a lot.” Taeyeon says between kissing while she pins the brunette back against the couch.

Tiffany is wearing a loose white dress which is riding up exposing her matching white while Taeyeon is wearing a loose shirt and shorts. Tiffany is busy gripping Taeyeon's shirt tightly. 

“Me too.” Tiffany says breathlessly then finally pulls Taeyeon’s loose top off revealing her blue bra. 
The blond responds by pulling off the brunette’s expensive dress . Tiffany is just as beautiful and perfect as she remembers. Her skin even softer than in her memories. Her body the amazing balance of toned yet supple. They both feel hot and extremely as they kiss passionately their tongues filled with desire. Tiffany bites Taeyeon’s lip. The blond just wants to touch every part of the brunette . Discover the parts she’s never been able to see before. Feeling deprived from their long distance relationship. Almost as if reading her mind Tiffany unhooks her bra and takes it off. 

! ! ! She’s so hot! This is so hot! She’s too perfect! 

Taeyeon stops for a moment as she stares at Tiffany’s moderate sized s and hard pink s. Her toujours belle tattoo now completely visible. The shorter girl feels incredibly aroused and ends up unconsciously trying to press herself against Tiffany’s lap.

“Tae. You can...” Tiffany begins shyly and takes the other girl's hand. She moves it onto her which ended up feeling better than she thought. Her delicate yet strong hand feels hot. She’s never let anyone touch her s directly before but she wants Taeyeon to touch them. Right now she wants Taeyeon to touch her everywhere. 

Taeyeon takes a moment as she can feel Tiffany’s supple in her hand . Her hard hitting her palm. The milky skinned brunette breathing deeply from nervousness and arousal. She never imagined that another girl's could feel so good. 

“This feels great.” Taeyeon let’s out

Tiffany’s face goes red, “Don’t say that stupid.”

Taeyeon slowly moves her hand and pinches the brunettte’s pink .

She squirms ,”Ah! Tae !” she whines from the sudden pleasure. 

What is this!? Holy crap! 

Taeyeon wants to pleasure Tiffany so she leans down and starts kissing her and on her while she plays with the other one using her hand. 

“OH MY GOD !” Tiffany let’s out because it feels amazing. She can feel Taeyeon’s warm, wet soft tongue caressing her skin and she wants to feel more, “Oh my God! Tae! Make me !” she says without thinking 

That’s ...that’s !?

Taeyeon stops and swallows then nervously moves her hand on top of Tiffany’s that feel incredibly hot and damp , “S-So it’s fine if I —“

“Tiff you gotta be kidding me.” 

Suddenly Tiffany’s eyes meet with her sister’s and she immediately pushes Taeyeon back and covers her s. 


Taeyeon is left sitting next to Tiffany’s sister on the couch because she wanted to have a talk. To Taeyeon she’s almost as beautiful as Tiffany. She has long dark hair and white skin. She’s wearing an expensive designer dress covered in jewelry . They seem alike. 

“Do you speak English?” Michelle asks because she can hardly speak Korean. 

“A bit.”

Taeyeon can’t look Michelle in the face. She hasn’t felt this aroused before in her life but now she has to try decipher English . Plus Tiffany’s sister is really pretty and Taeyeon can smell her pleasant perfume making her more nervous. 

How much did she see? That was a really bad time... I was about to... 

“I never thought I would have to have this conversation to a girl.” Michelle goes on. 

At least my English is pretty good thanks to Tiffany and Jessica 

“Was this a one time thing?” She asks

“Tiffany is...my girlfriend.” Taeyeon replies trying to gather her English 

“Oh my God! She goes to Korea and gets a girlfriend does this make sense?” Michelle tries to take in everything, “So you like girls?”,


“And you like my sister?”


“Have you had ?”

Taeyeon swallows, “No.”

But if you didn’t come then... 

“So when you’re young you might get these urges ...”

Huh? What? Is this the talk? 

“And you might look at girls and only see one thing ,maybe...”

Am I being treated as the guy? 

“And Tiff can send mixed signals...But you know what they say the big A for ... or was it abstinence?”


“But... if you’re both girls then I don’t have to worry about her getting pregnant. So I guess... there’s no problem? What was your name again?” Michelle comes into some strange realization. 


Michelle gives Taeyeon a pat on the back, “Have if you want.”

What just happened?! 



Taeyeon left so the sisters could have some time together and because it would be really awkward if she stays. 

“You’re with a girl?” Michelle questions her sister 

“Yeah technically...”

“I was going to surprise you but instead I find out you have a girlfriend?”

“Taeyeon is dreamy though right.” Tiffany swoons playing with her hair while thinking about the shorter girl. And the passionate exchange they just had. 

Michelle remembers her conversation with the fidgeting girl that couldn’t look at her in the eyes, “Dreamy might be a push...”

“You just don’t know her yet.” She defends 

“Oh my God... Tiff. You definitely weren’t into girls in America.... You don’t think this is because you miss mom?”

“Ew no!  I fool around with Taeyeon! Don’t bring mom into this!”

“Don’t bring up the fooling around! I saw enough! Your life. I’m not getting involved.”

“What if I told daddy?”

“You’re crazy! You’re 16 it’s not worth telling dad. If you’re moving to America and getting married then you tell dad. You might break up with her next week.”

Tiffany bashes her sister, “Can’t you support me!”

“I’m supporting you. If you want to go around dating girls then go around dating girls. You’ve always just done whatever you wanted anyways. I’m just saying don’t tell dad. If he finds out his little  princess is going out with a girl I don’t even want to know what he’ll do. This is something I don’t think he’ll let slide. You’ll probably get disowned.”

“He was fine with Justin...”

Michelle flicks Tiffany’s arm, “Rich heir, male. Hello?”

“I get it ok.” Tiffany frowns. 


“So of course she had to go see you-know-who when she got back from America. Just when you think you’re rid of her. She’s like a cockroach. I thought Taeyeon would get over her if they don’t see each other for a while but I should have known Taeyeon is like a loyal dog.” Jessica complains casually handing her packet of clothes to Yuri to carry. 

Yuri and Jessica have gotten kind of close since Yuri knows about her feelings for Taeyeon she’s the only one she can complain to and Yuri being weak for being ordered around by pretty girls ends up accompanying her. Today Jessica told Yuri to come shopping with her since Taeyeon went to Tiffany’s house. Yuri has also met with Taeyeon before and they get along ok. It was nice to find out Yuri wasn't alone with the complicated feelings she started having for girls. She always tried to brush it off as admiration. 

“Instead of complaining to me everyday you should just confess.” 

“I don’t see you confessing to Tiffany.” 

“Tiffany doesn’t even talk to me. You’re super close to Taeyeon. It does hurt to know Tiffany is seeing a girl...I had a chance...”

“Yuri I don’t get why you ended up on her side.”

“She’s really pretty... “ Yuri says softly and she wouldn't be able to say herself how it ended up happening. It just happened. 

“I know two lesbians and you're all the same! You’re practically guys! What happened to inner beauty!” 

“You also like girls!” Yuri defends 

“Girls? No. Taeyeon is an exception and if anything I’m bi.” 

“Sica you know you’re also really beautiful. On the same level as Tiffany.” Yuri compliments 

“Same level? I’m way prettier. I just don’t go around looking for attention by causing a scene and showing everyone my underwear.”

Yuri holds back a laugh. She knows why Taeyeon calls Jessica a princess. She is undeniably a princess. 

“You should be glad Taeyeon put up with you for all these years.” Yuri teases 

Jessica bashes the taller girl, “What’s that supposed to mean.”

Yuri smiles, “Nothing .”

The tan girl doesn’t mind listening to Jessica’s complaining which surprises her because she didn’t have a great impression of the princess before. You just have to understand that Jessica doesn't really mean most of the things she says. They get along well now that they have a reason to talk.

*Next day *

Michelle is busy exploring Korea while Tiffany and Taeyeon are in the brunette’s room. Michelle wasn’t really phased about Tiffany having a girlfriend no wonder Tiffany likes her sister. They’re both just relaxing on Tiffany’s bed listening to music. Taeyeon hasn't been able to forget about yesterday. It's driving her crazy. Now everything the brunette does looks . 

Michelle isn’t here to interrupt so... Continuation from yesterday... 

“ Sooyoung’s having a party before school starts and she invited me as some kind of joke. Let’s go to that. I can see her face now.” Tiffany says staring at her phone replying to messages. 


“Sooyoung’s party.”

“That sounds like a bad idea. Plus I wasn’t invited.”

“ I was invited and since you’re going with me you’re invited. We’re going. If I don’t  people will think she didn’t invite me. It’s such a pain.” Tiffany makes up her mind and when the rich girl makes up her mind it’s happening. 


Tiffany let me borrow her clothes so I’m wearing a  dress and high heels. She also did my make up. The whole outfit feels kind of awkward. Sooyoung’s house is a mansion and there’s people everywhere. It looks like there’s even alcohol. 
What have I got myself into 

“Looks like maybe at least she can put on a party. That’s about all she can do.” Tiffany comments then drags Taeyeon into the venue. 

“No drinking!” The responsible blond shouts to Tiffany over the music 

“It’s bad manners not to drink at a party!” she shouts back 

Since when! I have to keep an eye on her

Tiffany dances to the music and forces Taeyeon to join her. Tiffany loves dancing and she loves these kinds of situations where as Taeyeon doesn’t. She doesn’t like being surrounded by so many people but it’s not so bad as long as she just stares at her girlfriend who casually touches her while they’re dancing. 

Tiffany is hot when she dances... Or just whenever. That short red dress should be illegal. I wish we could be closer in public. 

“Sooyoung!” Tiffany shouts as she sees the form of her enemy.  She immediately stops her dancing and grabs Taeyeon’s hand to pull her towards the tall girl. 

“Nice party.” Tiffany says sarcastically when she catches up to the host 

“Glad you could make it Tiff.” Sooyoung says sarcastically then looks to Taeyeon ,”Do I know you?”

“She’s with me.” Tiffany answers 

“Oh yeah you’re that new minion. I couldn’t recognize you with the dress and make up. You always gave me baggy jeans vibes. Hopefully this one can fill the void of a friend.”

Taeyeon doesn’t like to get talked down to by anyone and she hates how horrible Sooyoung has been treating her girlfriend, “I heard about how horrible you’ve been to Tiffany.  You know she actually works hard unlike you. I see you got nothing better to do with your life since you had to throw this party so people would hang out with you. ” The blond finishes then grabs Tiffany’s hand and pulls her away from the speechless tall girl before she can say anything back. 


Sooyoung is left standing watching the two girls walk back down to crowd. 

Who the hell does she think she is?! 

“Want to hear something hilarious?” A familiar male voice says and Sooyoung turns and smiles, “Dusty. You came.”

“Music, booze, hot girls who wouldn’t come.” He jokes. 

“You should just go out with me already.”

He laughs, “I’ll think about it.”

“So what’s this funny thing you have to tell me?”

“Just about Taeyeon and Tiffany.”

“What about that annoying and her new friend?” Sooyoung frowns 

“Yeah you see that’s the thing ‘friend ‘.”

Sooyoung is confused 

“Taeyeon is Tiffany’s ‘girlfriend'” he continues 

“YOUR KIDDING!?WHAT? TIFFANY IS GAY! I did not expect that!” 

The blond girl gave me vibes but Tiffany!? I’ve known her for years and she was always surrounded by guys!

“Bi according to her.” He frowns remembering when she broke up with him. 

“Oh my God! This will ruin her.”

“Yeah it will especially if her dad finds out so you can’t spread this.”

Sooyoung stares Justin in the eyes, “Do you still like her?”

He looks away from her gaze, “My parents are close with her dad. I’m not a horrible person ok. They want to set us up for arranged marriage.”

“Oh my God? What!? Does that still happen!? 

“They were just talking about it...”

“Dusty don’t you dare marry her!”

“If you know Tiffany then you know that arranged marriage will never happen. If you want me to go out with you. You’ll keep what I told you a secret.” He says seriously 

Sooyoung frowns. 

I can’t believe the dirt I have on her... But damn Dusty still has a stupid crush her!?  




“Oh my God Tae! That was so hot! Did you see her face!”

Taeyeon grins to herself.

“Let’s celebrate with drinks!” Tiffany breaks Taeyeon’s grip in her happiness of being called hot. 

“Wait Fany-ah!”


Now Taeyeon has found herself separated from Tiffany and surrounded by drunk dancing teenagers. 

“Were you just talking to Tiffany and Sooyoung?” One of the girls comes up to Taeyeon 

“She’s also close to Jessica. ” Her friend adds 

“Oh wow where did you get that dress! That’s like super expensive! Are you like really close to Tiffany? Is it true she has a separate house just for clothes?” One of the surrounding girl’s joins in. 

“I heard she flies to Europe on the weekends.”

“But isn’t she like a major ?”

“Can’t blame her if I had her looks and money do you even need to be nice? Then it’s just unfair you know. “

“I’ve actually spoken with her before. We got paired up in class once.”

“Omg what did you talk about?"

“She told me my nail polish looked cheap and I should get a manicure.”

“She was totally right. What was that stuff. Is that why you started getting your nails done?”

“Every time she looked at my hand I felt like she was judging my nails. Tiffany’s hair and nails are always perfect I had to!”

Do I even need to be here... 

One of the passing guys joins in, “Tiffany? She’s so ing Hot. I just saw her by the drinks. I would bang that.”

“Can you not talk about her like that.” Taeyeon interrupts now upset. 

“Some guys are the worst.” One of the girl’s comments 

“There’s not a single guy in school that wouldn’t bang her.”

Taeyeon pushes the annoying guy, “Shut up!”

“What’s your problem?”

“She would never sleep with any of the guys at school!”

“Yeah and that Justin guy? Pretty sure he was banging her pretty hard that bastard.”

Taeyeon wishes she could punch this guy in the face but she has no fighting skills and she’s never been violent before. She can’t even say anything in case she exposes their relationship. It’s the worst. She wants to go home. She’s gripping her hand so hard it hurts. 

“When you’re drunk you show your true colours Jae.” A girl joins in. 

She’s about to just let all her values go and punch someone in the face for the first time in her life when she sees Tiffany getting closer with drinks. She wants to take Tiffanys hand and pull her away from this horrible crowd but they automatically back off. 

So you want to sleep with her but you can’t even say a word to her Jae? ing coward. 

“I may have started without you but here’s your drink.” Tiffany says and hands Taeyeon an alcoholic beverage. 

“Started without me? Ok that’s it no more alcohol for you let’s go home!” 

I don’t want any more guys looking at you! This place is dangerous! 

“You’re no fun!”

“I’m just trying to look after you! "

“We’re the same age! Just have fun with me baby!” she whines and Taeyeon’s shoulder. 


“One drink....”

One drink probably won’t do anything right. Then I’ll take her back.



Turns out Taeyeon was really bad with alcohol. One drink was enough. 

“That dress is really short!” The drunk blond tells Tiffany while they’re dancing. Taeyeon now enjoying the party way more than she was earlier. 

“It’s like normal short!” Tiffany replies 

“You’re really pretty!” Taeyeon compliments and puts her hand on the y brunette’s waist pulling her closer because she wants Tiffany to dance against her. 


“Taeyeon are you drunk already? You know we can’t be like this in public.” Tiffany is used to drinking so she still feels completely fine. 

“What? What? I can’t compliment someone without being accused of being drunk?” Taeyeon says while staring at Tiffany’s s. 

“You’re drunk.”

“Did I mention that you're hot!”

She laughs, “ Now you can’t hold the club thing over me.”

Taeyeon runs her hand along Tiffany’s side, “You make me feel...”

“I make you feel?”

The drunk girl doesn't care about her surroundings anymore . She wants everyone to know that she's with Tiffany. They've been staring at her the whole time. She lightly wets her lips and leans into tiffany before she can feel the pleasant sensation of her girlfriend's desirable lips on hers she's interrupted by Tiffany's hand over . 

"I should take you home. Tomorrow you’re going to kill me.” Tiffany grabs Taeyeon’s hand and drags her away from the dance floor. 

“No I’m good I promise! You wanted to come here.” Taeyeon insists trying to keep her balance because she already wasn’t that great with heels and now things feel a bit off. 

“Tae it’s fine it was fun. I should get you out of here before you do something weird in public. The alcohol is making you .”


Tiffany decides to take Taeyeon back to her place. She doesn’t want to get lectured by Taeyeon’s mom. Michelle is already asleep in the guest room so Taeyeon can’t sleep there. They haven’t really slept in the same bed in a while because it felt the same as if she let a boyfriend sleep with her. 

"Just wait here I'm going to shower." Tiffany tells the drunk girl who is lying on her bed. 

"I'll come with!" Taeyeon says naturally 

"Don't you dare! Wait here! Don't wake my sister up!" Tiffany lectures and closes the door 

Taeyeon lies on the bed listening to the sound of water running for a few moments then walks to the bathroom and opens the door to an unsuspecting showering Tiffany. 

"OH MY GOD! TAEYEON! I SAID NO!" A red faced Tiffany shouts 

Taeyeon stares at the fully girl made even more by the steam. Drops of water falling off her seductive body leaving Taeyeon breathless. 

"It's ok we're both girls." Taeyeon says now staring very intently at the brunette's smooth exposed frontal region until Tiffany covers herself with her hand. 

"It is definitely not ok! Other girl's don't look at me like that! Go wait in my room!" She orders 

Taeyeon doesn't move so Tiffany has to get out of the shower to push the drunk girl out. She closes the door and locks it. 




“I guess now we’re even.” Tiffany says referring to the times the other girl helped her when she was drunk. 

“What how is this even? You didn’t undress me and we didn’t sleep together!” Taeyeon whines on the bed. 

Tiffany blushes, “I didn't sneak up on you in the shower! This is a different situation. Look you’re just drunk. Sleeping together is dangerous...” 

Taeyeon takes her dress off, “Ok let’s sleep.”

Tiffany laughs, “Are you serious? Remember I said no more sleep overs.”

“I’m always very serious!”

“It’s my bed anyway and it’s big. Hope you appreciate this slumber party tomorrow. We’re just sleeping.”

Tiffany gets in on the opposite side of the bed but Taeyeon scoots closer to her. 

“You can sleep on the other side.” The brunette pushes back the drunk 

“But I’m lonely.”

“You’re kidding.”

“kkkkk” Taeyeon chuckles 

Tiffany hits her, “I didn’t think you could get more annoying.”

“You’re really hot. Did I tell you that?”

Tiffany clears , “You might have mentioned that and a few other things...”

Taeyeon was showering Tiffany with compliments and a bunch of inappropriate lines on the way to the house. It's like the alcohol removed Taeyeon's filter. 

“Don’t you think it feels kind of hot?”

“Well if you’re hot you can sleep on the other side.” Tiffany insists because the half Taeyeon is making her heart race and she realizes why she stopped the sleep overs. Especially because the blond can be kind if touchy when she’s asleep. 

“I don’t want to...you make me feel hot. You know like since yesterday or maybe before that I was thinking that I really badly want to have with you. Really badly. And I just saw you . I'm so .” Taeyeon says speaking her thoughts as soon as they enter her mind. 

“I told you to wait in the room. If we do that it will be when you’re sober.” Tiffany says with a red face 

“I have your sister’s permission.”

“Is that what she told you!?”

Taeyeon stares at Tiffany and her loose fitting pajamas exposing a lot of her neck and bust. She puts her arm around her pulling her closer but Tiffany pushes her back lightly, “W-we can’t . When we do I want it to be special... Because the first time is something you’ll always remember.”

“So you thought about it.”

“Of course I thought about it. That’s all I can think about when we’re making out.” A flushed Tiffany confesses. Taeyeon stares at Tiffany’s plump lips but Tiffany bashes her, “That’s why we can’t do anything. Things get out of hand.”

“Those ing guys at school all want to sleep with you. I hate them. I don’t want them getting near you. I don’t want them touching you.”

Tiffany smiles, “But you just told me you also want to sleep with me.”

Taeyeon stares deeply into Tiffany’s captivating brown eyes, “I don’t want to sleep with you. I want to make love to you.”

Tiffany’s face goes bright red and her heart beats out of control.  She covers Taeyeon’s serious eyes, “Oh my God! I can’t believe you just said that!”

“Things feel fuzzy...”

She thinks Taeyeon does seem a bit hot so she feels the girl's forehead, “You might have a slight fever. Do you want some water?”

“I’m fine...”

The brunette gets up and fetches Taeyeon a cup of water, “Drink this . It might help. I don’t want you to get sick.”

Taeyeon takes the water and drinks it. 


The blond nods her head. Tiffany gets in the bed next to Taeyeon and holds her hand, “If you need anything you can ask ok.”

“I missed you a lot when you went to America.” She confesses. 

“I missed you a lot too Taeyeonie. Next time we can go together. America is really great. It’s.. It’s my home. There’s tons of lesbians there. You’d love it.” She jokes

“But lesbians in America look like guys.”

Tiffany laughs, “That’s a stereotype and not true. I’m saying we could make out in public stupid.”

“Ok I want to go.”

“See! I want to show you around and take you to my favorite places. I love America but I think I understand why my dad wanted me to come here.”

Tiffany grips Taeyeon’s hand tightly for courage to speak her mind 

“You can tell me Fany-ah.” Taeyeon reassures and gives a small smile. 

“When I was younger the kids used to call me Chinese, they would pick on my mom’s accent, even though I was born in America I felt like I was treated as an outsider. So I really hated being Asian. If my parents spoke in Korean I would tell them to speak in English. I didn’t want anything to do with Korea... Now people tell me that I don’t seem Asian and I was happy about that...but I realized I shouldn’t be. I should be proud of being Asian but I never knew anything about my parent’s life in Korea and now my mom isn’t here to tell me about it...”

“It’s not your Fault. How were you meant to know you would lose that chance. I’ve also been picked on before because I liked different things from the other girls and so I know about wanting to change yourself. We’re the same age but I think that you’re way more mature than me.”

“You know I’m not mature Tae. I gave you alcohol and it made you sick.”

“ My eyes just feel heavy... You’re mature .You know all these things and have all this experience. You’ve been in clubs and other relationships.”

Tiffany looks away, “I’m not experienced. I get nervous when you touch me.”

Taeyeon runs her hand through the brunettes silky hair gently pushing it back and Tiffany returns her gaze to the shorter girl her heart racing from the unexpected gesture ,“ I love you.”




A/N : Another long chapter 。^‿^。 Thanks for all the comments, subs and up votes! ^^ keep letting me know what you think! 


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czankx #1
Chapter 26: damn, Taeyeon is just really a ert, i just hate how emotional she gets, just a small fight or misunderstanding there she goes making-out or having with anybody.. that's quite dangerous actually as a character to someone you're dating, i've read a lot of TaeNy fics and manga and this usually is the one i hate, it's like you can't even make a single mistake or hide any truth because it might end up a misunderstanding and then there goes your partner , drinking and making out or having immediately to someone and then cries back to the GF/BF as if nothing happened.. so annoying hahahahaha
NekoLS #2
Chapter 26: This is one of the best storyline its cure my craving for taeny as I have been missing taeny moment!!!
I love how they fight for each other
But i still think is so rush to be end like what will they explain to paparazi, how taeyeon university life..
However i still thankful for your story authornim 😊

And i was quite curios how come i have never notice this story!!!
Chapter 5: LMAOAO this is so funny Hayeon should’ve told them that sooner
Chapter 9: This is do hot, why fid I not read this before. 🥵
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 8: You don’t wanna ing know how much i wanted this to be a taengsic ff instead LOL
ebatwise #6
Chapter 8: Oo nga bat hindi na lang si jessica ang end game ni taeyeon dito huhujujujuhu my taengsic T_T
Chapter 26: Their love really strong... Even after separate for few years.. They still fall in love with same person... I like the ending... It's perfect... ^^
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 12: OOp
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 11: Lol
Mihyun101 #10
Chapter 11: DHDJJDDJ