How did Reese eat her cereal? Witherspoon.

Chanyeol/Jongdae/Yifan Escapades


When the post-christmas sales hit a month ago, Jongdae had decided to finally buy those brushed-cotton sheets he saw in the window of the department store every morning as he made his way to the university. He’d always envied the middle-aged women walking out with their new purchase, ready to go home, make the bed and snuggle up in it while Jongdae had two hour lectures with a professor so quiet that he spent the entire time leaning forward in his seat and trying to listen so hard that he ended up with a headache.

So when Jongdae bought the sheets on sale, he was so delighted to run home and make his bed, curling up in it and not leaving until the next morning, when he had to get to university again, this time waving at the familiar shop assistant as he walked passed.


Because Jongdae loved these sheets so much (which he was very vocal about), he thought his roommates might understand that he would want to make the most of them before his dreadful lecture in the morning. But no, here he was being gently shaken awoke by too-large hands and too-deep voices.

“Jongdae-ah,” Chanyeol said as he shook him with a hand on his shoulder, “wake up, hm?”

Yifan brushed the younger’s slightly too long fringe away from his eyes, making the barely awake boy smile contently.

“Wake up,” Chanyeol repeated, his shaked getting slightly more urgent.


Jongdae groaned.

“What is it?” He said, eyes still shut as he pulled his covers up under his chin.

“Let’s get some cereal,” Chanyeol said as he pulled away the beloved covers and started tugging on Jongdae’s arm.

“You’re not seriously asking me to eat cereal with you at-” he blinked open his eyes to glare at his clock, “-four in the morning?!”

Yifan smiled sheepishly and picked him up when Chanyeol’s tugging proved futile, “we won’t take long.”

Jongdae was carried to the kitchen, where he was sat on one of the breakfast bar stools and forced to watch the two giants fumbling around in the kitchen to pour oversized bowls of unhealthy cereal. A bowl of choco-hoops was pushed in front of Jongdae and he started eating on autopilot, eyes barely open and movements slow. He even chewed slowly.


It was only when there were just a few hoops lingering around in the remaining milk in his bowl that he spoke up again, “so why exactly am I eating cereal with you two at four am?”

The pair of tall men both blushed profusely and looked at each other

“Well, you” Chanyeol tried before looking to his partner in crime for help.

“We wanted some cereal but we didn’t want to eat it alone.” Yifan said before shoving a spoonful of honey puffs into his mouth.

“You have each other, you know. You haven’t magically merged into one overnight,” Jongdae replied grumpily, lifting his bowl to drink the last of his milk.

Chanyeol cleared his throat and refused to look at Jongdae as he spoke, “yes, hyung, but we really wanted an excuse to spend some time with y-”

The shortest looked up and frowned, confused, “why? Am I terribly interesting?”


The two men both started to fidget and laugh bashfully, talking over each other.

Well we-”

“Sort of-”

“Kind of-”

“A little bit-”

“Kind of like you?” They finally said in unison, blushing and staring into their bowls.

Realisation dawned on Jongdae and he put his bowl down carefully, “ like me?” He asked, his own voice now a little uncertain.

The two men in front of him nodded quickly, their bed hair jostling and becoming even more unruly.


Jongdae stood up and put his bowl in the sink, collecting the other two and doing the same for them.

“Okay,” he said as he started towards his room, the other two following him.

“Just...okay?” Yifan asked.

Jongdae stopped and looked up at them both, soft smile on his lips, “Just: okay, I kind of maybe like you both too. Shall we go back to sleep now?” Jongdae pulled them both by the hands and climbed into bed, pulling them down either side of him.

They blushed even more as Jongdae pulled the covers around them and cuddled up to them both, shutting his eyes.

“But- Jongdae- Maybe we should talk-” Chanyeol started, arms wrapping around the smaller’s waist.

Jongdae whined and delved his nose into his special covers, “yes, we should. But in the morning. The feeling is mutual boys, now go to sleep.”


Chanyeol and Yifan looked at each other and smiled, each planting a kiss in Jongdae’s fluffy hair.

Well, that went better than expected.

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