
Start of the Night

What comes to your mind when the sun comes down?

Peace? Sleep? Untouched Homeworks? Dinner? Workload infront of the computer? Sleepover? Bars? Alcohol?


For her, It's a flashed memory of a guy..

It all started when friends urged Yeon to go to an over-an-hour ride club with them. As they also told that there are cool and cute guys there.

"No." was her initial reaction.

But it turned to a yes, as they told she needs a breather. And at some point, she didn't fought back anymore. Because arguing was tiring enough for someone like her with a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Tight black jeans. Big hoodie. Untouched hair making it look like dishelved. And a smokey and smudgey make-up she hadn't done in a while. Sums the look of our pretty y little princess.

Yeon loves parties, but only with selected friends. She sometimes entertain new meetings, but only sometimes.


Like now.

It started with few drinks, then loud chatters. Until at some point her friends have gone off somewhere. Maybe flirting?

She can't blame them. She know the fun, why not let them be?

Then there were few performances, it was hyping.

The last one brought her to it's peak of the night.

Then there was one guy of this band. He was the vocalist, that catches her attention and drowning it as he does catched hers as well.


At some point, he was boring holes to her soul with his stare fixated at her. Something was causing a turmoil inside her as his stares continued, like a fire litting up her whole being, feeling hot inside.

The next thing was a hand tugging hers out of the place. She don't know how and what happened, but after his performance he's somehow ended up with her.

She wanted to asked where they headed as she was lead inside his car but what surprises them both, even her. Was her entangling herself on the top him as soon as he had seated at the driver's seat. The space being cramped already was not enough to make them even close. She tugged him on a very sloppy kiss, giving dominance as soon as her lips landed on his. Something on the back of her head whispers that she should stop doing this. And to stop doing this to a stranger, at most. But the hotness spreading through body was urging her to do more. Not exactly thinking anymore, she started grinding herself onto him while they kiss, earning a growl from him. Liking what she's getting, she started doing more, grinding herself onto him harder and faster. His clothed member was hard and pulsating against her clothed self as she just won't stop. She can't. Not being able to control it anymore, the kiss was cut off with unstable breathes he let off an almost growl "Let me drive." His voice was deep and it containes too much lust she just wanted more.

How she behaved at her seat and how they got up the elevator until the front door of his condo was a total wonder. Even him fiddling with his keys as soon as they are at the front door was also quite a show for her. As his needs, wants and lust was totally shown. Making her feel the same and smile a little.

One soft thing was left for her though, and that the fact that this guy opens doors for her and never lets go of her hand, no matter how needy they both are at the current situation.

As soon as they entered his dark place, she was banged against the door as he kisses her without giving her any moment. A moan was given to him, maybe because of the impact and the kiss. She doesn't really know, but it seems it just only arouses the other...





The next morning start off with headaches.

Ofcourse, she remembered what happened, so brushing it off was easy. Not that she's used to it but that's just how it is. She looked around the place only to find silence. Making her, maybe, lead to disappointment.

He's gone.

Ofcourse, she thinks..

But he did left something on the top of her now folded and washed clothes.


And cute.

It was a note

"Sorry I need to leave early me and my bandmates have some schedule today. Anyway, I left breakfast at the kitchen, there's also plenty of water in the fridge. And I also left a hangover pill next to your breakfast. Please make sure to take it.

Jungkook (Yep, that's me)

PS. Call me if you need anything ±0********* :)"

The note was constructed in a respectful way.


But cute.


Leaving his condo. She called him.

"I left everything in place." was her Hi.

"Oh." sounding disappointed "Thanks." was his Hello.

"You said to call if I need anything." She was grinning a bit.

He almost heard it.

"I might need a part two." she said, pushing her luck that this Jungkook might be interested.

After all, last night, everything seemed so perfectly in place and at peace despite their hot exchange.

And that's how it all started..


"What's wrong?" A tap on her shoulder wake her up from pondering over the sky. As the sky shows the start of the night.

"Nothing," she just smiled at him followed by a hug. "I just remembered how respectfull you were when you wrote that note. Now you won't even call me Noona even if I asked you." pouting a bit.

Confused at first while hugging her back, he rest his head on her shoulder, he only answered with, "Why would I call my girlfriend like she's my older sister?"



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