THREE - Impressions

The Dog Lover Next Door

THREE – First Impressions Don’t Last


Chanyeol held Baekhyun for a few more minutes before the blonde started to compose himself.

            Baekhyun’s fingers were clenched tightly around the new shirt Chanyeol was wearing. His tears were probably soaking up the man’s chest. What the is he thinking? Why is he breaking down in front of Park Chanyeol of all people? He should man up and start finding his son, for heaven’s sake!

            Baekhyun tried to even his breathing and gather his thoughts forcing to pull himself back together. He felt Chanyeol’s arms firmly hold him closer and for a quick second Baekhyun’s heart speed up for a whole different reason. He quickly shook his head and pulled away from Chanyeol. Chanyeol let him go with slight reluctance but he was gazing into Baekhyun’s eyes with such concern and worry, Baekhyun’s thoughts scattered once again. He looked down and started wiping his face in embarrassment.

            “Baekhyun,” Chanyeol softly said. “You okay now? Can you tell me what happened?”

            Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak, but he figured out he was still too weak to construct comprehensive sentences, so he simply gave the crumpled note to Chanyeol.

            Chanyeol took it and read it frowning deeply. “When do you think he left?”

            “I-I don’t know,” Baekhyung softly whispered, still breathing hard as he looked down, hugging himself. “H-he cannot have l-left when I w-was at the store cause I l-locked the house. H-he must have s-sneaked out while I w-was preparing d-dinner. Oh, Taehyung, my poor boy what if s-something happens to him? I cannot—I h-how could he do this t-to me?” And once again Baekhyun is sobbing. “God, I feel so pathetic and useless right now.”

            Alarmed, Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun’s face without thinking, forcing the crying male to look up at him. “Hey, hey. Stop blaming yourself. Taehyung mustn’t have left for that long. He’s still around the subdivision. Besides, he could never get out of this private subdivision by himself, the guards won’t allow that. And I’m pretty sure Baekie is with him too.”

            Baekhyun blinked up at Chanyeol. “Baekie? Your dog is also missing?”

            Chanyeol nodded solemnly and absently wiped the tears away from Baekhyun’s face. Thankfully, they stopped falling now that Baekhyun is assured that Taehyung won’t get lost anywhere besides the subdivision. Still, the panic was still there and it made Chanyeol feel on edge.  “Yeah. I was out looking for him just a few minutes ago when I heard your calls.”

            Baekhyun flushed and started to mutter really fast. “Oh, damn. I am so sorry. I am such a nuisance to you and now your dog is missing because of my son. This is all my fault! If I only had gotten him his dog in the first place or if I didn’t even hurt his hopes and feelings he wouldn’t be so upset that he would run away! He was so happy with his new life here, he already made so many friends in just a few hours, he even found a fort as a secret lair, all he needed was a dog to make his life complete! I failed to give him a complete family the least I could do is give him everything he wants—Oh, , wait, wait! I think I know where he is! Goddamn, why didn’t I think of that in the first place?” Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hand and started pulling him with him towards Chanyeol’s own yard.

            To say that Chanyeol was confused is an understatement. In just a couple of minutes, Byun Baekhyun managed to give him a roller coaster ride of emotions. First, he was amused that Baekhyun even apologized for such a thing after everything that has already happened. Then he felt irritated at the fact that Baekhyun keeps on blaming himself for things that weren’t any of his control. Third he became angry because Baekhyun has blamed himself for a bigger and deeper problem, Byun Baekhyun obviously has lots of hidden insecurities he forcefully buries inside but is now exploding due to it being too much and Chanyeol doesn’t like it. And finally, he is confused… Confused because he has no idea where on earth the soft-spoken but now cussing cute father is taking him. Yes, Chanyeol just described Baekhyun as cute in a situation like this. Maybe Baekhyun’s severe state of mind is rubbing on him right now.

            “Baekhyun? Why are we heading at my yard?” Chanyeol asked looking down at Baekhyun’s fingers wrapped around his wrist as he let the small man drag him towards his own property.

            “The fort,” was all Baekhyun said.

            “Excuse me, but what fort?” Chanyeol asked now staring at Baekhyun’s back.

            “The one that’s in the back of your yard and almost near our yard. It’s covered with a bunch of bush… Taehyung found it earlier today. He wouldn’t know anywhere else to hide but in his so-called secret lair.”

            Chanyeol frowned as his mind finally remembered the fort Baekhyun was referring to. “No one has been in there for years.”

            Baekhyun stopped walking and faced Chanyeol once again, desperation in his eyes. “The least we can do is look, Chanyeol. Please. I-I need to find my son… He’s all I got left.”

            Chanyeol’s eyes hardened for a minute but he firmly took Baekhyun’s hand in his own and this time lead the way towards their old fort.

            There was a small grove of oak trees at the rear of the property and beyond that is a high fence. Apparently the fort was situated between the trees and the fence. In the most remote corner of the yard, nestled between two trees, Baekhyun saw the small wooden structure. It blended into the terrain and if he hadn’t been looking for the hideway, he would never have seen it. Baekhyun had to quickly admire his son for being such a great treasure hunter.

            It was obvious when they neared the space that someone had taken up residence. Baekhyun’s heart sped and his hopes rose with it. Chanyeol let his hand go and lowered himself down to all fours. He peered inside then looked back at Baekhyun with a nod. Chanyeol took a breath for a moment before crawling his way through the narrow entrance.

            Baekhyun got down on his knees and quickly followed him inside.

            Just as they both had suspected, Taehyung and Baekie were huddled together in a corner. Taehyung was fast asleep and Baekie was curled up by his side, guarding him. When Chanyeol and Baekhyun entered, the Labrador lifted his head and wagged his tail in greeting.

            The fort wasn’t much bigger than the tent Taehyung had constructed the night before. It was just enough space to hold thoe four of them inside but Baekhyun was forced to press his body closer to Chanyeol’s in order for him to sit down. Baekhyun pursed his lips, embarrassment over everything that happened with Chanyeol is sinking in now that the intense worry for Taehyung’s well-being is gone. He blushed and hugged his knees close, trying to make himself as small as possible.

            Taehyung must have sensed that his newfound home had been invaded because his eyes fluttered open and he gazed at Baekhyun and Chanyeol with wide eyes. Soon, the boy blushed the same red as his father and looked down at his lap as he sat up.

            “Hi, Dad and Mr. Park,” he sheepishly and softly said. “I guess I’m in big trouble, aren’t I?”

            Baekhyun was just so grateful to find him and all he can do was nod in response. He doesn’t trust his mouth for now after the stupid babbling he did to Chanyeol a while ago. He first had to make sure that his brain regains full control of his speech and actions once more.

            “So, Taehyung,” Chanyeol said when Baekhyun remained quiet. “You were going to run away from home. I see you brought some useful equipment.” Chanyeol pushed a baseball bat and atlas in the middle of their cramped quarters. Baekhyun gasped. How could his son run away with only those in hand? Oh, gods! “Anyway, what I want to know is how you convinced Baekie to join you.”

            “I sneaked out the front door when Dad was cooking dinner.” Taehyung explained, his eyes avoiding Chanyeol’s. “Baekie came out of the house same time as I did. He saw me and followed me on his own. I swear. I didn’t take him on purpose. He’s your dog. Not mine…”

            “I see…” was all Chanyeol could say. He looked at Baekhyun wondering if he was ready to talk but Baekhyun was still staring at the items Taehyung brought with him.

            “What the fuc—fudge? All you took was a fu—freaking baseball bat and an atlas! An atlas for shi—shimmers’ sake! Why did you not think of taking my fu—fantastic phone or my money or my godda—gorgeous life? You… weird son of mine!” Baekhyun burst out.

            Both Chanyeol and Taehyung stared at him blankly. And Chanyeol can’t help it—he snorted then soon laughed. Now, both father and son—and Baekie stared up at him in surprise. Baekhyun never thought he would hear Park Chanyeol laugh and it was quite… pleasant. Very pleasant.

            On Chanyeol’s defense, he really finds it funny how colorful Baekhyun’s mouth is whenever he is upset. But the fact that he managed to turn all of those many curse words of his into fantastic words just for the innocence of his son who is now staring up at his father worriedly but without a hint of understanding—Baekhyun was just full of surprises!

            Chanyeol shook his head grinning and decided to change the topic. “So, Taehyung I take it you don’t like living here since you wanted to run away?”

            “No.” Taehyung answered, pouting now that the attention was on him again. “I like it here but… A promise is a promise, right? Daddy broke it and… I feel so sad and upset for a while I really wanted to run away…”

            “So this is all about you not getting a dog?” Chanyeol simplified.

            Taehyung blushed and nodded. Chanyeol can’t help notice how similar the father and son were in terms of their blushes. It was really… endearing. “All because of a stupid fence or some other things Dad said.”

            “Fences are important though, you know.” Chanyeol started and said. “And you know what else? Your father was worried sick about you. He felt sadder than you ever did back there.”

            Taehyung looked at his father who is now blinking furiously to keep the tears from dripping down his face again.

            “Daddy,” Taehyung said, studying his mother anxiously, “are you all right?”

            Baekhyun covered his face with both hands and let out a childish whine. “I slept with a dog and you ran away and I made fool out of myself in front of this man sitting next to me and you took a baseball bat and an atlas.” Once again, Baekhyun’s sentence made no sense to his audience. At least, the cussing was gone and Chanyeol thought that was an improvement.

            “I’m sorry, Daddy.” Taehyung said softly as he crawled to his father, hugging him tightly. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I love you.”

            “I know.” Baekhyun whimpered hugging Taehyung back. “I really want you to have a dog but—I’ve already said it a million times in my head! There’s no fence, no funds, no—I don’t even know anymore!”

            Taehyung nervously glanced at Chanyeol for support and the two males shared a knowing look, “It might be a good idea if we get your father back inside your house.”

            “You think I’m getting mental, don’t you?” Baekhyun whined as Chanyeol started crawling out of the fort. “What’s wrong with being mental for some rare moments in my life? It’s healthy—all the books say so!”

            “Right, Dad.” Taehyung gently patted his shoulder then crawled out of the fort. Baekhyun followed mumbling to himself. Chanyeol had to bite his lips to prevent another laugh. Baekhyun was just so adorable now that he is acting like a child throwing a tantrum and getting scolded by his parents. Oh, the turn of events and the role reversal between those two father and son.

            They walked back to the Byuns’ residence, Taehyung escorting his frowning father with Chanyeol and Baekie just behind them.

            Once inside, Baekhyun grabbed a tissue and loudly blew his nose. He buried his face in his hands as he settled down the couch.

            “Have you got any aspirin?” Chanyeol asked Taehyung.

            Taehyung nodded and dashed up the stairs to the bathroom, returning in thirty seconds flat with the tablets. Chanyeol filled a glass with water and delivered both to Baekhyun.

            Baekhyun blinked up at the man and blushed for the nth time that day. He took the water and drank the medicine silently.

            “Why don’t you lie down for a few minutes? I’m sure you’ll feel better.” Chanyeol suggested with a small smile. In a daze, Baekhyun listened and slowly lied down the couch. Chanyeol sat down near Baekhyun’s foot and turned to face Taehyung who was sitting on the opposite couch, staring worriedly at his father. “Do you have family close by?”

            The question was directed to Taehyung and Baekhyun frowned. Why is Chanyeol asking his nine-year old son instead of him, who is an adult?

            “Not anymore.” Taehyung answered in a whisper, as if afraid to upset Baekhyun ‘the child’. “My grandparents live in the countryside and my uncle lives in the Philippines with his own family.”

            “I see…” Chanyeol said. “Are you okay with looking after your father by yourself? He has… been through a lot of random situations in just a day. He needs lots of rest.”

            Baekhyun groaned. Is Chanyeol his doctor now? He thought the guy was a lawyer! What business does he have with Baekhyun’s well-being? Ugh!

            But despite all those random thoughts, Baekhyun remained silent and simply glared at the two males who were talking about him as if he wasn’t just a couple of feet away from them.

            Taehyung nodded and dashed back upstairs this time coming back with a pillow and a blanket. Taehyung gave them to Chanyeol and the man draped it over a shocked Baekhyun and handed the blonde the pillow.

            Baekhyun couldn’t believe he was allowing himself to be lead around like a… like a puppy! As if reading his thoughts, Baekie wandered over to her side and lowered his bulk onto the carpet beside the sofa.

            Baekhyun huffed and simply closed his eyes. Maybe he does need some rest…

            Chanyeol was staring down at the silent male with another amused smile, he was interrupted by Taehyung’s question though and he immediately looked away from Baekhyun to stare at his son. “Mr. Park can I ask you something important?”

            For a while, Chanyeol randomly panicked. Was he staring at Baekhyun for that long? What the fanstastic hell is wrong with him? “Uhh, sure. What’s that? And call me Chanyeol.”

            Taehyung nodded, grinning at the acknowledgement that Chanyeol has decided to be less formal with him. “Is anyone using the fort?”

            Chanyeol stiffened. “Not that I know of.”

            Taehyung’s expression was hopeful and Chanyeol realized this must’ve been the look that defeated Byun Baekhyun. It was lethal all right. “It didn’t look like anyone had been inside for a long time…”

            Chanyeol sighed, “Five years.”

            “That long? How come?” Taehyung asked. “It’s a great fort! If it’s all right with you I’d like to go over there sometimes. I promise to not walk in any flower beds or anything and I won’t leave a mess. I’ll take real good care of everything!”

            Chanyeol was silent for good long moment. Taehyung waited patiently without the knowledge that Park Chanyeol was putting up his walls once more. The walls he had surprisingly let down during this whole missing dog and son fiasco. He was searching for the kindest words to refuse Taehyung but when he looked back at the kid, something snapped and before he knew it he nodded wordlessly.

            “Thank you so so much!” Taehyung said standing up and bowing as low as he can to Park Chanyeol who nervously chuckled. “When I use the fort, will it be all right if I took Baek with me?” The dog gave a bark in approval at the mention of his name. Taehyung laughed and continued, “He followed me today! I didn’t have to do anything to get him to come along!”

            “As your Dad said, you have a way with animals.” Chanyeol was staring into space as he muttered, his thoughts were now scattered into different places, the past more specifically, he cannot believe he just agreed to something he shouldn’t have. The Byuns had managed to shatter a lot of his defenses in just one day and he isn’t sure if he likes it or to be specific he isn’t sure he is comfortable with it. He had been alone for so long he is starting to get used to it. And the possible change his choices and actions may lead to… he is scared to be in the company of such a pair ever again.

            “My other father did too. Or that’s what Dad says. I never would know cause I don’t even remember him. If he hadn’t died we would have gotten a farm with lots of animals and everything…” There was such pride and longing in Taehyung’s voice and Chanyeol knew he was a goner.

            Chanyeol stood up and knelt down in front of Taehyung putting a hand on his shoulder. “Since your father explained there’s going to be a delay in getting you a dog, it would be fine with me if you played with Baekie every now and then. You have to stay in your own yard or in mine though. I don’t want you two running around the neighborhood unless he’s on a leash and you can prove yourself old enough to handle a huge running Labrador.”

            “Do you mean it? Thanks Chanyeol! I’ll do everything you asked!” Taehyung smiled so brightly and he hugged Chanyeol tightly that the man’s eyes almost filled with tears.

            Chanyeol chuckled nervously and patted Taehyung’s back. Taehyung pulled away and Chanyeol stood up. “Yeah. Just ask permission first and let me know what you’re going to do. We wouldn’t want you running away again, you saw how much that affected your father.”

            Taehyung’s happy smile dimmed as he gazed into his sleeping father. “Yes, don’t worry… I won’t let Daddy cry ever again. And I would take care of him forever.”

            Chanyeol smiled as he stared at the sleeping Baekhyun once again, he patted Taehyung’s head and said. “Well, I have to go now. Baekie and I have to eat dinner, you go and take good care of your father.”

            “We have dinner! Dad cooked lots of food for me! You should stay and eat some.” Taehyung grinned tugging Chanyeol’s hand towards the kitchen.

            And that’s where Chanyeol knew he had to stop. He had already dragged himself deeper into this than he would have liked…

            “Thank you for the offer but I’m sorry Taehyung, Baekie and I have some other plans for dinner.”

            Taehyung nodded in understanding. “I see. Well let me, uh, walk you out of the door!” And once again Taehyung dragged Chanyeol by the hand towards the front door of the house. Sensing that his master was leaving, Baekie stood up and followed.

            Chanyeol smiled softly as he stared at the back of the small kid tugging on his hand. The similarities between Baekhyun and this child were too much yet they never collided. It’s like they switch the father and son roles from time to time yet when the roles are switched they take up the most prominent traits of each other as well.

            When Chanyeol and Baekie were outside and already walking back towards their house, Taehyung called out “Have a good evening, Mr. Chanyeol! Thank you for everything! I’m so happy someone like you is our neighbor!”

            After everything that happened and the rash decisions Chanyeol made because of his newfound emotions, Chanyeol wasn’t sure if he could say the same.




           . . . unbeta-ed . . . once again please let me know what you think~ it inspires me to update faster to be very honest hehe and the new subscribers and upvotes for this simple newbie story and author really touched my heart saduhljewfldclafg. THANK YOU and to the people who added me as a friend kyaah thank you too!!!

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exhoel_4life #1
Chapter 3: I wish it was finished TT I really enjoyed it
Chapter 3: Omg so gooooood
Chapter 3: So good ? pls wwen you are free, update it ??
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 3: It's nice till here : )
The byuns are something xd
Chapter 3: *SOBS* it's just so beautiful I cannot *blows nose* I can't even function right now I'm so in love ;~; <3
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Chapter 3: Knew it hehe ^^ Waiting for the next update!
Are u from the Phil. Author-nim? Just asking ^^
Chapter 3: Really enjoy this! Looking forward to the next update!
minseoked #8
Chapter 3: I love everything about this
Chapter 3: Oh god adorable baekhyun just killing me
t_aeri #10
Chapter 3: wow I love this