Case File #1

Agent 04

cbbunny614 – est. 041217



     “Baek, I’m repeating this for your benefit because I know you have a tendency to get carried away 97% most of the time.” Jongin repeated in an exasperated tone over Baekhyun’s earpiece as the slender blonde double checks his appearance over the mirror in his car. “Always wait for my signal before you do anything out of the plan. On second thought, just stick solely to the plan. Please.”

     Baekhyun can’t help but chuckle over his best friend’s exasperation. Jongin knows him too well. It’s not like Jongin doesn’t have any faith that Baekhyun will not get the job done. Even he has to admit that after 3 years in this line of work, Baekhyun has rose to high degrees, creating a great reputation for himself as one of the best and most skillful agents in the field.

     Jongin believes Baekhyun will ace this mission. After every mission Baekhyun had, this was nothing but a piece of cake. But of course Jongin also knows that Baekhyun has his wild theatrical ways.

     “Stop worrying, you silly thing.” Baekhyun replied as he turned off the engine of his sports car. “This is just simple paparazzi work. I normally would’ve passed it off to the newbies at the agency but you know how bored I am during this time of the year.”

     “Besides,” Baekhyun continued as he stepped out of his car putting on his sunglasses with a gorgeous smile to the club bouncer who blanked out for a moment after being dazzled by the perfection that is Byun Baekhyun. “This should be interesting. You know how I love political drama that involves exposing big-shot politicians and their behind the scenes shameless acts to their wives and the naïve people of the public.”

   “This would’ve been a whole lot easier if you just gave me a few hours to whip up a fake club membership for you.” Jongin said through the earpiece with an irritated sigh.

     “And erase all the fun? No way.” Baekhyun smirked as he made his way to the club bouncer who by this point was already drooling over Baekhyun. “And trust me, my way is a heck faster than your boring and useless fake documents.”

     Jongin’s grunt of defeat was the last that Baekhyun heard before he reached his destination by the door stopping only a foot away from the tall and muscular bouncer.

     “Hi!” Baekhyun chirped as he slowly removed his sunglasses, giving the guy his ‘lethal-for-the-heart’ eyesmile. “Can I come in?”

     Baekhyun’s tone which was too velvety and sunny and his appearance which consists of a see through black blouse and tight-fitting very ripped jeans which leaves little to the guard’s imagination are to be blamed for the bouncer’s lack of response. The huge man was blatantly staring over Baekhyun’s hips and thighs and Baekhyun can’t help but internally roll his eyes.

     He took a step forward and put his pretty fingers over the man’s wide chest finally lifting the guy’s attention so he can now ogle on the perfection of Byun Baekhyun’s face. “Hey, big guy, I was talking to you.”

     “Oh, right.” The man replied as if suddenly snapping from a trance. The guy tried to regain his intimidating appearance by straightening up, obviously towering over Baekhyun’s feminine build, but the man made no move to remove the beautiful hand slowly caressing his chest and shoulder. “I’m sorry, sir, but this club is strictly private for people with memberships only.”

      “Is that so?” Baekhyun pouted, giving the guy the most heart-breaking look he can fake which to say is very convincing, considering how great of an actor and a seducer Byun Baekhyun is. “But I really wanted to get inside. Just this time! So what’s the point of having a membership? Besides, no one would really notice, there are so many people inside. Please?”

     Conflict passed over the man’s eyes as the rational part of his brain argued with his lower body parts. His brain was telling him to outright refuse for it might cause a great danger to his job position, but his buddy down south was screaming to do anything that would please the angel in front of him who was slowly inching forward his arms now loosely wrapped around the big man’s neck. “I don’t really want to get in trouble with my boss…”

     “You wouldn’t! I promise. It’s just like smuggling a little kitty in. No one would notice.” Baekhyun said in his most suggestive voice, he leaned up and whispered by the man’s ear, his voice traced with lust and mischief. “Don’t worry, this little kitten might just let you play with him once your shift’s over as a reward for this great favor. Do we have a deal, handsome?”

     By this point, Baekhyun’s body was pressed closed enough for him to feel the man’s by his thigh. He let out a whimper when the guy d his for a minute before letting go and opening the door for the vixen. “My shift ends in a couple of hours. I’ll see you then.”

     Baekhyun simply gave the guy a wink as he triumphantly sashayed his way inside of the club, the music almost drowning out Jongin’s annoyed whisper through the earpiece. “That was disgusting. Don’t tell me you were seriously planning on sleeping with him?”

     Baekhyun laughed as he made his way over to the bar, muttering in response to Jongin’s question. “He looks decent enough and you know I’m only in it for his ripped body which is honestly hot. Are all bouncers that big?”

     “Baek! Just… Whatever. Agent 04, get to work.”

     Upon hearing his codename, Baekhyun straightened up and smiled his signature smile, a look he reserves only when addressed by his other persona. “Roger that, Agent 88.”


It only took 24 minutes for Baekhyun to finish the novice job.

            As soon as he reached the bar, he ordered a martini while casually looking around for any signs of the politician who was supposed to be his target. It took only a couple of minutes for Baekhyun to spot the guy, after all he was in one of the most secluded corner guarded by 5 body guards and flanked by two women in skimpy clothing who were rubbing themselves shamelessly over the man.

            Baekhyun raised a brow but quickly replaced his disgusted expression with a dazzling smile as one of the politician’s guards noticed his gaze. He casually turned his attention back to the bar tender who had finished his martini drink just in time. He took a sip of his drink and started muttering to Jongin, “I saw him.  You can now activate the contact lenses for the picture.”


            Baekhyun finished the whole drink the same time as his vision slightly blurred signaling the fact that the device he was wearing is now activated. Now, everything he sees can be seen by Jongin as well. He just had to turn his gaze for a few moments back to the businessman and move towards different angles and with that his job will be complete.

            He stood up and started walking towards the dance floor, while casually staring at his target. He heard a couple of tiny snaps and his vision quickly out as if he was blinking, the sign that the picture has been taken. He had blended himself in the dancing crowd just in time before one of the guards spotted him staring again.

            Baekhyun danced his way through the crowd until he reached a corner with a clear view of the politician kissing one of the girls’ neck.

            Click. Snap.

            He agilely made his way to the other side of the room for the last needed angle of his shots.

            Click. Snap.

            And just like that his mission was complete.

            “You can turn it off now, these lenses are blurring my perfect vision.” Baekhyun muttered as he made his way back to the club’s bar opting for another cocktail.

            But before he could hear Jongin’s response he heard a deeper voice from behind him say, “Then why are you wearing contact lenses if you have a perfect vision already?”

            Baekhyun paused for a quick moment before his sight quickly out and returned to normal. He could hear Jongin snicker by his earpiece. “Let’s see how you charm your way out of this one.”

            Baekhyun groaned and he turned to face the guy with a smile and excuse already made up in his mind, but before he could utter a single word, his jaw drop at the sight of the guy.

            He was tall to the point that Baekhyun had to look up just to meet his eyes. His body was physically fit, not ripped like the club’s bouncer, but for Baekhyun the guy’s body was like a Greek statue’s, perfect and just right. Only the guy’s face can rival the glory of his body and damn Baekhyun can’t help but gulp because this was the most handsome guy he has ever seen in his whole life.

            “Earth to Baekhyun? Are you still there? Where’s your fantastic, fake and charming excuse?” Jongin asked as he continued to hear nothing but silence from Baekhyun who was still blatantly staring up at the tall and handsome man.

            The man seemed just as fascinated by Baekhyun’s face as Baekhyun was to his. He leaned down and caressed the speechless boy’s cheek. “I certainly hope you’re not wearing any contact lenses because you have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.”

            Baekhyun blinked and was finally back to reality when he smelled the strong scent of alcohol from the man’s breath. The guy was drunk. Baekhyun doesn’t know whether to feel relief that he could easily sneak his way out of this one or sad because being drunk was a major turn off in Baekhyun’s dictionary. “I’m not wearing any lenses. You must’ve been hearing things.”

            The tall guy suddenly straightened up and to Baekhyun’s surprise the man pouted and damn it was too adorable for someone like Baekhyun whose weakness are hot guys acting cute. “Hmm… I guess so.”

            Before Baekhyun could say anything more, the handsome guy made his way pass him and took out his phone. Baekhyun watched with amusement as the guy wobbled his way through the crowd while reading something on his phone.

            “You’re lucky he was drunk.” Jongin said as Baekhyun continued to observe the guy. “Anyway, the mission’s complete. I’ve already emailed the pictures to our client so you better get out of there before things get dirty.”

            But Baekhyun was barely listening, because right now Mr. Cute Drunk was arguing with the guards of Baekhyun’s target. Frowning, Baekhyun quickly made his way towards the guy.

            “Hey, Baekhyun. Did you understand me? I told you to get out of there. I’m hearing someone arguing on the background. Are the client’s guards already there?”


            “Then what is that noise?”

            “It’s nothing. Don’t worry, I’m getting out of here… After I rescue Mr. Cute Drunk.” Baekhyun smirked.

            “Wait—what? Baekhyun that isn’t part of the—“ Baekhyun quickly turned off his earpiece since he knows he’ll only be receiving a lecture from his best friend. Besides, he has already decided that Mr. Cute Drunk is too handsome to receive a punch in the face.

     “Baby! There you are!” Baekhyun exclaimed when he finally reached the place where Mr. Cute Drunk is arguing with the guards. The two men stared at the petite blonde with confusion but Baekhyun didn’t let that falter him. He wrapped his arm firmly around Mr. Cute Drunk’s biceps and started firmly dragging the tall guy away. “I’m sorry, if my boyfriend bothered you, he’s really troublesome when he’s drunk. Don’t worry, I’m taking him home now.”

     The guards stared at them blankly as Baekhyun continued to strongly drag the confused man out of the club. Once they reached the parking lot, Baekhyun asked, “Do you have a car?”

     The handsome drunk just blinked blankly at him and pouted once again. “Why did you drag me out? I wasn’t finish giving them a piece of my mind!”

Baekhyun groaned and looked around for his car. He guessed he had to drive this man back home himself. As he started dragging the whining guy towards his car, his gaze caught something. Three of the politician’s guards had also exited the club building and are looking around wildly. When the guards’ gaze settled upon him and the tall guy he was dragging they frowned and started making their way towards them, each of them with a metallic baseball bat in hand.

“.” Baekhyun cussed as he quickly turned to the tall guy who was staring at their approaching attackers with wide eyes. “Look, I can take care of them. Just head towards that black Jaguar and wait for me. I’ll follow you soon.”

“But—“ the guy started to protest, concern flashing over his wide eyes.

Baekhyun grinned. “Believe me, I’ll be fine. Go, before I knock you out myself just to drag you to safety.”

The guy bit his lower lip but slowly started to walk away from Baekhyun. Baekhyun gave the guy an encouraging nod and turned back to face the guards who are now only a few feet away. He smirked and started stretching his muscles and joints. “Bring it on.”

The first guy who charged towards Baekhyun was cocky. He relied on his brute strength, swinging his bat, hoping to take Baekhyun out with one hit. Baekhyun simply dodged the attack and kicked the guy’s legs out from under him. The guy fell to the ground with a sickening crunch from his head unconscious.

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Baekhyun muttered with a grin as he stooped low to pick up the fallen guy’s baseball bat. He casually swung it over his shoulders and stared at the two remaining brutes who were looking down at their fallen colleague with shock. “Who’s next?”

The two remaining guards charged Baekhyun at the same time. One aimed for swinging at his head which Baekhyun swiftly dodged. He hit the man’s knee as hard as he can with the metal bat and the man fell to his knees. He was about to deliver a chop to the man’s neck that will knock the guy unconscious when he felt movement from behind him. He dodged just in time to avoid a hit on the back.

With the reflexes of a trained fighter, Baekhyun threw the bat on the man’s chest knocking him backwards. Before the guy with the injured knee could stand up and retaliate, Baekhyun used his shoulder as a springboard, quickly twisting a nerve on his neck to knock him unconscious. With the gained momentum, Baekhyun delivered a spinning kick to the last man’s jaw. Both men fell on the ground at the same time, unconscious.

Inside the club, Baekhyun can faintly hear the sounds of fighting. He turned his earpiece back on as he started looking around for more signs of attackers. “Jongin, what’s the situation?”

“Wow. You had the nerve to shut me down and now that you need me you’re suddenly asking—“

“Agent 88, what’s the situation?” Baekhyun repeated with a huff as he started walking towards his car, taking the keys out from his pocket.

He heard Jongin sighed and replied, “Our target’s wife quickly sent off her men to capture her cheating husband. There’s no fury greater than a woman scorned.”

“I guess that explains why I’ve been attacked by three big brutes with baseball bats.”

“What? You’ve been attacked, Baek? I told you to get out of there! You should’ve listened.”

“Stop worrying, Kim Jongin. You know I can easily handle situations like that. You should actually be proud of me, instead of joining on the big fight going on inside the building, I chose to leave.”

“And why is that?”

Instead of answering Jongin’s question, Baekhyun stopped walking for he had reached his car and Mr. Cute Drunk. And much to Baekhyun’s surprise, the tall guy hugged him tightly. “You’re alright! I didn’t know what I would do if they got you too.”

Baekhyun was speechless and frozen inside the guy’s embrace. He heard sniffles and once again the tall guy surprised Baekhyun by crying. Panicked over the guy’s tears Baekhyun hugged him back and rubbed his back trying his best to calm the man.

“It’s either he is very, very drunk or he has some serious mental issues.” Jongin snickered for he can hear the tall guy’s crying. Baekhyun decided not to reply to his friend and instead coaxed the guy inside the passenger seat of his car.

Once the man was inside, Baekhyun shut the door close and entered the driver seat of his car. He glanced at the man who has now calmed down and seems on the verge of falling asleep. “Hey, what’s your name?” Baekhyun quickly asked before the guy can lose consciousness.

“Chanyeol… Park Chanyeol.” The guy sleepily muttered.

“Chanyeol.” Baekhyun smiled and asked another question. “Where do you live, Chanyeol?”

His question was unanswered. He leaned forward and confirmed that the guy had indeed fallen asleep. Baekhyun shook his head, chuckling softly. “Jongin, activate the lenses for a quick picture of this guy. You heard his name and with the picture you can find out his address, right?”

“And why would I do that? This isn’t part of the mission, Baek! I’m not paid to do this.”

“Because if you don’t do that, I will drop him off at your house and he will be your responsibility.”

“I won’t take him in. What the , Baek?”

“Then leave him to die outside your front door. I’ll report your crime of murder in the morning.”

“I hate you.”

“Oh, Jongin, we both know you don’t.” Baekhyun laughed as he turned his gaze over to the sleeping guy.

There was a quick flash in his line of vision before Jongin replied. “Ah, no wonder the name sounds familiar. I’ve seen him on the news before, I have no idea why you don’t even recognize him.”

“You know I don’t watch TV, Jongin.” Baekhyun muttered as he started the engine of his car.

Jongin snorted and said, “Well that stray child of yours happens to be one of South Korea’s richest businessmen, sole heir to Park Enterprise, a company specializing on sports cars. The one and only Park Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun whistled in admiration. Handsome, tall and rich. A bit of a cry baby, but Baekhyun finds it adorable and affectionate so it’s okay. This guy was truly a catch. “Hmm… so he’s a living prince. Where does he live?”

“The biggest house in the neighborhood just a couple of miles away from there. I’m sending your car the address.”

“Thanks, Jongin. I’ll just drop him off and go home. I’ll see you at the agency tomorrow.”

“You better, Baekhyun, because you seriously have a lot of explaining to do. Your acting very weird towards just a random stranger.”

Baekhyun hummed and bit his lip as he drove out of the parking lot and turned left after receiving the directions of Chanyeol’s address from Jongin on his car’s screen.

“I don’t know… There’s just something about him. I feel like his life is—never mind.“

“Whatever you say, let’s just talk about this tomorrow. Drive safe and go home as soon as you dropped that prince off. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night. Nice job today.”





. . . unbeta-ed . . .

looking for a beta reader, please pm me for details ~

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okay, only a chapter in and I'm experiencing thirst for any upcoming updates. this was so niceeeeeee and I liked it so, so, so much!!
thianaPCY #2
Chapter 1: omo omo plz update i love this fiction
I thought it gonna sounds like Mr & Mrs smith