just like chocolate

chocolate love

this is my first time writing fanfic. this story is based by manga story -chocolate-

i read that story this week and the i think maybe if iwrite it as fanfic will be interesting. so i made one. hehehhehehehhe ^^

but i put some more idea in it because the manga is very short.

there some game that i dont really understand either (in the story)

please enjoy and comment :)

saranghae yeorobun~~~~~~~~

in this story is amber POV only. and this story is about kryber girlXgirl.




“hey amber, lets try kissing”


“lets just try it, if you like it then youre mine”

I can never forget that day, those eyes when she said those words, and unfortunatlly i like the kiss actually i love her soft lips, but i never tasted those lips since that day. 

Now i became her lover.


“krys, come on lets go” i shouted at my”girlfriend”

“ugh, amber this isnt fair!!” she shouted back
“you’re good at sports!, you’re one of our school soccer star!!” She whined again like a little child

“yeah, yeah. So what?. We’re here to pray for you to pass your exam right?. Since ive already been accepted into SM university” i said to her, and then she pout. She;s so cute when she do that, i really want to kiss her but i have no courages at all.

“amber, can you please change your top university choise to a lowerleveled one??” she used her aegyo this time, dont give in amber!!

“no. I refuse” i really want to go to the same university with her!!
“hey, princess. We’re going to the same university right?? Or you dont want to be in the same university with me?” i said with a little dissapoint in my voice

“of course i want to be with you!! But, you know my grades amber... ..” she lowered her haid now, i dont really want to see my princess sad. So i lift her chin up “just do your best, i know you can” i said to her and the give her my best smile ever.

She stay still, then i saw her smile “ i love you amber!!” she said and hug me

“i know, i know” i patted her head and start climbing the stair again


Krystal is my bestfriend since elementary school, i had a crush on her since 3 years ago when she accidantally kissed me. She was drunk so she doesnt know anything. Thats what i know untik 3 days ago when she confessed her love to me. I was shock and happy at the same time.


We were walking together from sulli’s house, it was kind of dark. Suddenly she stopped walking, i looked back and saw she’s standing right there with her eyes closed. I can see she was nervous cause she played with her thumb.

I said “whats wrong princess??” i always called her princess, its just some old habbit. We used to played around when we were young and i always be her servant. She’s supposed to be use to that nickname but why she’s seem so shy? She fluttered, her face become pink.

“hey, whats wrong?” i said again while holding her hands now. “are you cold?” i asked her and i remove her hair so i can see her face clearly. She was like tomato

“i...i...i.......” she began to speak

“i what?? Dont tell me you’re...”, i havent finished my sentence

“i think i love you amber”



“what did you say?”

“i think i, no, no, i love you amber”


“wont you answer me?”


“you hate me dont you??”

“no..., its just....”

“hey amber, lets try kissing”


“lets just try it, if you like it then youre mine”

Before i could speak anything i felt her lips on mine, it took me a long time to realized that krys actually kissing me. I began to close my eyes and kissed her back.


“hey amber”


“today at lunch sulli asked me about something”


“she asked “who is on the bottom? Krystal or amber?””

“what does that mean?”

“” she said it like it was nothing



“what?!!! Wait! She knew about us?!”

“of course, she’s our best best friend ever! I told her right away, i told her we havent had yet”

“i bet you told her to that we only kissed twice”

“yes!, wait. No!! We only kissed once babe!” she yelled at me now

Uh uh, i let my guard down

“hey am, one day we’ll do it right?, !” she ask me with a big grind in her face

I didnt aswer that question,  krystal is a little strange. Its only natural to love someine of the sam gender. For krystal it doesnt matter that we’re both women. So she was able to confess so freely.

I still dont know how i feel now,  i’m confused. I’m happy but... I don't really sure that she love me.
well, we’re dating anyway. I guess i’m pretty bad.


“amber?, why did you space out?”

“uh? Nothing! Rock, paper, scissors!” i didnt want her to know about my “unsure” feeling, so i continue our game.”yes!!”

“you win, again L”

“hehe... by the way, look here. Another step and i win, this win is mine”

“EHHH?!!” i know from her face that she hate to lose, but it’s cute to see her like this

“there are six steps between us, so it’s my win. Princess looooosses!!” it’s fun to see her hated things like this. Her face become red. ^^

“’glico’s extra’(i dont know what it means, its on the comic)is seven letters! I can win qith that! I definitely can!!” she’s so stubborn.

“yeah, yeah.... try it if you think you can win”

But then she said someting that unexpected

“then... if i win, give me a kiss!!”

“............, fine. That’s if you win”


Krystal is surely know how to play with my mood and my heart. Krystal is cute. She’s like a child. Just really. Cute. Sometimes i feel like she’s my sister.

“rock paper scissors!!”

“ i win!! But i cant use ‘glico’s extra’” (i accidently did scissors-krys)

“too bad, with ‘chocolate’ you only get six steps!”

Now krys is saying each sylliables in japanese as she takes each step to spell out “chocolate”







Now she is on the same stair as i am. Suddenly a smirk apear on her face,  our face is like cm’s away. She put her hand on the back of my neck and close the gap between our face. The gap is gatting closer and closer and closer until i can feel her hot breath. I can fer her heartbeat is gatting faster as she press her body to mine. Then i can feel a pair of lips capture mine.  We kissed. I can tell that she’s a good kisser. I can feel her tongue poke for an enterance, so i give in to her. Now i can feel my hand sliding from her waist to her , and when i want to squeez it. I stoped my hand and put it back to her waist. I cant do that to her.

Then we break the kiss and i can feel my cheeks burning.

I pinches her cheek.

“sorry, i shouldnt have kiss you”

“that was dangerous, especially in a hogh place like this!! What if we fell?!”

“waaaaaaahh!!! Sorry amber, sorrryyyy!!!!!!!”

“we would have surely died if we fell from this height.. jeezz krys, what were you thinking”

“it’ll be fine as long as i’m with you”

“.....” what did she just said?

“amber, is that the only thing you’re upset about?”

“noo, i’ll forgive the kiss!, because earlier... i wanted ti kiss you too” i hug her and playing with her hair. I think i understand now.

You dont need a reason to love someone. It just haooens when someone is very dear to you. My theory is. When you’re with the person you love. The reasons why you love them dont matter. They just kinda disappear like a chocolate.

“your face is still red, and you’re warm amber”

You and I, now picture that it's so fly
Sweet tease break me a piece off of that chocolate pie
Bottom to top your so hot, in my eyes a perfect profile
Something about that dark complexion causes me feeling your style

“it’s because of what you did”

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Chapter 1: cute story! :)
Alerth #2
Great storie!
yakiniaku #3
hey ! you're finally write fic , and this isn't bad and i think its good , please make more if you can :)
saorikatsumata #4
Well... Actually I only read ... But this isn't that bad actually...<br />