002. | Doojoon/Junhyung

100 Day Beast Fic Challenge

002. – Doojoon/Junhyung

Rating: PG

Person: Third

Word Count: 507


There was nothing he hated more than babysitting the kid next door. Yoon Doojoon, age seventeen, could be doing a lot of other things—things for teenagers, not children. His parents didn’t really care. He was going to babysit nine year old Yong Junhyung whether he wanted to or not. It was a drag but on the bright side, he was paid pretty good in advance and everything.


“Yah, kid, don’t touch that. Stoves aren’t meant to be poked at.” Doojoon snapped.


The nine year old pouted cutely, stomping his feet. His black hair hung over his eyes, bouncing around as he moved. Doojoon chortled, his eyes narrowing as he laughed at the child before him. He wasn’t sure what it was but the kid was adorable even when he was glaring at his hyung with small rounded eyes.


“Don’t throw a fit.” Doojoon said, ruffling the kid’s hair.

The latter pouted. “I dun like you.”


“Oh and why’s that?” Doojoon squatted down to look the other directly in the face.


Junhyung stuck his tongue out, shaking his head back and forth. He kicked Doojoon, aiming right where his ankles were, knocking his feet right from underneath him. Doojoon collided with the hard tile, smacking into it with minimum force. He rested his head against the ground, lying flat in the middle of his neighbor’s kitchen.


It took him an hour, a whole freaking hour, to calm the kid down. He was bouncing off walls, ignoring whatever he was told to do. Doojoon was really being driven up the wall. If Doojoon said one thing, he’d say another. A part of him couldn’t understand how the Yong family could put up with the little devil.


Doojoon was about to throw in the towel when he noticed the nine year old sitting on the living room floor with a box in his lap. He wiped sweat off his brow, sweat caused from running around trying to go after the mini tyrant. The babysitter walked closer, curious to see what had gotten him to finally calm down and be civilized like an adult. How a kid can be like an adult nobody will ever know but Doojoon was too set on the idea that it was possible to think of anything else of a rational being.


At a closer view, he stood over the boy, peering over his small figure. The elder’s eyes widened immensely. He snatched the box off of the boy’s lap, clutching the object close to his chest. Junhyung turned around, glaring at the one who took away the toy that had been keeping him occupied.


“Give it back.”


“No can do kiddo,” Doojoon answered.


“Then tell me something.” Junhyung demanded for a fair exchange.


“Only under one condition, kiddo, you have to start calling me hyung.” Doojoon poked the latter’s forehead.


Junhyung brushed the hand away. “Fine,” he said with attitude. “Tell me hyung, what’s ? The box said something about this thing called .”


That was the last time Doojoon babysat for Yong Junhyung.

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Omg terrific and clever update.
Junseung is too funny. I really loved the update.
REQUEST! Could you do a solo oneshot for Seobbie? It can be about anything. Thanks:)
HellsRainbow #2
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"But satisfaction brought it back"

Sorry...I'm a bit slow on reading all of them LoL
I caught up to where you are currently. Yay! Haha poor Hyunseung and his fat cheeks. I bet he wants some eyeliner!
Anyways, update soon because your oneshots are the best!
"Same Old Thing" starring Hyunseung is freaking genius too.
Seriously, how do you come up with such great ideas? I wish I wrote like you. Anyways, all the ones I've read so far are really good. Some with a deep meaning or sadness, others will great moral and some with cuteness. I love them all.
The oneshot titled 'Mirror' is unbelievably gorgeous. That one especially touched me because I used to know someone who killed herself while looking in the mirror. She...hated her looks and all that depressing stuff. That oneshot made me bawl and hit something sensitive yet special in me. Thank you for writing something so beautifully genius. How do you write so wonderfully?
Doojoon's "Pain" oneshot is very gorgeous too. You're such a wonderful writer. Your ideas are fresh and cool. They have a despises to them that many other stories don't have at all. I really love the way you write. Keep writing girly.
You're extremely good at it.
OH MY GOSH! Chapter 2 made my heart beat fast and I...I just can't even TRY to tell you how utterly genius that was. How did you come up with something so freaking beautiful? That chapter is a master-piece. I haven't found something so perfect and touching in a long time. That is worthy of winning medals. If it were a little longer, it should be published. No lie. I would buy a ridiculous amount of copies. Brilliant. Just brilliant!
I'm new to this oneshot land of yours. I read the first chapter just now...and I can't put into words how amazing it is. It has a serious and deep meaning in it. It was very great. Smoking is really, seriously bad and you showed that really well in the first chapter. Fighting!
HellsRainbow #9
I love how cute their faces look....yet their hands look so...>.> yeah XD
HellsRainbow #10
XD YESH!!!! Kiseob ftw! <333333333
Teehee I giggled when I read this XD