091. Lucky Charm | Hyunseung/Junhyung

100 Day Beast Fic Challenge

091. Lucky Charm – Hyunseung/Junhyung

Rating: PG

Person: Third

Word Count: 333

Hyunseung is a believer of karma. Junhyung on the other hand doesn’t understand the concept. He knows not to make other’s lives Hell so he knows that even if karma exists, it won’t hurt him. Not only that, but his dear boyfriend believes in lucky charms. One morning he went to Junhyung and asked the latter to buy him a lucky charm. What did Junhyung do? He went to the store and bought a box of cereal for his boyfriend.


“I thought you wanted Lucky Charms.” Junhyung said, perplexed.


“Not Lucky Charms, I wanted a lucky charm.” Hyunseung pouted, “I wanted a lucky charm. It’s not that hard to find one.”


“Nobody uses actual lucky charms, babe. There is no such thing as karma. It’s all mental.” Junhyung kissed his boyfriend on the forehead before going back to what he was doing before, a nice nap on their couch.


Junhyung felt his arm being tugged on as he typed away, his intent on finishing his college essay foiled when Hyunseung didn’t leave his side.


“Yes,” Junhyung grumbled.


Hyunseung pouted; pouting was a trick that he always used to get the sympathy of his lover. “I saw a black cat today. It’s bad luck to have a black cat cross your path. This is why I asked for a bunny’s foot this Christmas and not those weird costumes you got me.”


“They aren’t weird first of all. Secondly, you won’t have any bad luck. I walked underneath a ladder on campus yesterday when I went to class.” Junhyung leaned his cheek against his propped up hand, his elbow supporting his head up.


“I don’t want to catch your bad luck!” the college boy’s boyfriend shouted, turning on his heel to leave.


Junhyung sighed, wrapping his arms around the smaller one’s waist, pulling him down onto his lap. “You don’t need stupid lucky charms to live life.”


“Yes I do.” Hyunseung argued.


“No you don’t, especially when you have me. I’ll be your lucky charm.”

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Omg terrific and clever update.
Junseung is too funny. I really loved the update.
REQUEST! Could you do a solo oneshot for Seobbie? It can be about anything. Thanks:)
HellsRainbow #2
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"But satisfaction brought it back"

Sorry...I'm a bit slow on reading all of them LoL
I caught up to where you are currently. Yay! Haha poor Hyunseung and his fat cheeks. I bet he wants some eyeliner!
Anyways, update soon because your oneshots are the best!
"Same Old Thing" starring Hyunseung is freaking genius too.
Seriously, how do you come up with such great ideas? I wish I wrote like you. Anyways, all the ones I've read so far are really good. Some with a deep meaning or sadness, others will great moral and some with cuteness. I love them all.
The oneshot titled 'Mirror' is unbelievably gorgeous. That one especially touched me because I used to know someone who killed herself while looking in the mirror. She...hated her looks and all that depressing stuff. That oneshot made me bawl and hit something sensitive yet special in me. Thank you for writing something so beautifully genius. How do you write so wonderfully?
Doojoon's "Pain" oneshot is very gorgeous too. You're such a wonderful writer. Your ideas are fresh and cool. They have a despises to them that many other stories don't have at all. I really love the way you write. Keep writing girly.
You're extremely good at it.
OH MY GOSH! Chapter 2 made my heart beat fast and I...I just can't even TRY to tell you how utterly genius that was. How did you come up with something so freaking beautiful? That chapter is a master-piece. I haven't found something so perfect and touching in a long time. That is worthy of winning medals. If it were a little longer, it should be published. No lie. I would buy a ridiculous amount of copies. Brilliant. Just brilliant!
I'm new to this oneshot land of yours. I read the first chapter just now...and I can't put into words how amazing it is. It has a serious and deep meaning in it. It was very great. Smoking is really, seriously bad and you showed that really well in the first chapter. Fighting!
HellsRainbow #9
I love how cute their faces look....yet their hands look so...>.> yeah XD
HellsRainbow #10
XD YESH!!!! Kiseob ftw! <333333333
Teehee I giggled when I read this XD