Save Point #1


A/N: Peeps, I’m bored. I am so sorry for the long delay- I was so lazy..

I woke up in an all white room. The room is empty, only a single couch is here, which I slept on just before. I tried to recall what happened before I lost my consciousness.


Seungwan is gone.


Tears started to pool on my eyes, I remembered it now, Seungwan is gone. I remember the man saying that she’s already dead. I remember seeing the doctor, who looked at me with sorry expression. I remembered her, who was covered up with white cloth. I remember being in her funeral, I remember everything.


“Ah, Irene-unnie, you’re awake.”


I looked up and found Seulgi, walking towards me. I got up and hugged her tightly, while sobbing loudly.


"Shh.. now, Irene unnie, don’t cry okay? I’m here to tell you something.”


I looked up to her, who has this unreadable expression. She didn’t seem to be sad at Seungwan’s funeral. I wondered if she’s just tough and got over her easily, or maybe she’s just acting tough. After all, Seungwan is her best friend, she couldn’t get over her best friend’s death that easily right?


“Irene unnie. Do you know where you are now?” She asked suddenly, startling me


I shook my head, I never know about this white, empty room. Maybe this is one of Seulgi and Seungwan’s secret hideout that they’ve been telling me?


“This is not my and Seungwan’s hideout, in case you’re wondering. This is.. uh, how do I explain it?”


Seulgi scratched her head, trying to find the right words to describe what this place is.


“This is actually.. uh.. some kind of parallel world, dimension, or whatever all those fantasy stories had, this is a place where only the two of us exist. No one else.” Seulgi tried to explain, and I think I can understand it, a bit.


“So.. what happened to our.. lives? I mean, I passed out right? At Seungwan’s funeral..?”


Seulgi nodded, “Yeah, you did passed out. And you ended up here.”


I was confused, why am I here with Seulgi? I mean.. Why Joy and Yerim is not here with us? They’re our friend too!


As if reading my mind, Seulgi quickly added, “If you’re wondering where Joy and Yerim is, they don’t exist in here. Didn’t I told you that only both of us exist here?”


“We’re here, to see your mistakes. Take this.” Seulgi handed me a blue colored book. I flipped the first page open, and recognized the handwriting at the first sight.


It’s Seungwan’s diary.


I smiled when I read the first few pages, it’s all about me and her. The first one is written when she first met me, I think. I kept reading the diary with smile plastered on my face, but the smile disappeared as I reached a certain page.


November 10th, 2016


Joohyun took another case today. It was an actor’s case, I don’t remember his name but Joohyun seemed happy about it. She said the guy was kind and all and she wondered why anyone would make him the bad guy. I was jealous, of course, but I can’t do anything. Being a lawyer makes her to encounter many people, and I can’t be jealous over it. She is being professional in her work and I respect her. She won’t be meeting him after the trial is done anyway.


I froze, Seungwan was jealous. She actually paid attention to all the rants I’ve said back then even though she was busy writing her songs. I flipped the page, and read another pages of her heart.


The diary she wrote makes me felt guiltier than ever, with hands trembling, I flipped pages and pages, until I spotted her recent writing.


January 21st , 2017


Today I saw that guy’s car in front of our apartment complex. I suppose he is either picking Joohyun or taking her home from their ‘date’. It’s like.. the 5th time I saw his car, and has to drive back to Seulgi’s home  as fast as I could before Joohyun saw my car. I can’t let Joohyun know that I already know about her.. doings behind my back.


I looked at Seulgi, who stared at me with arms crossed. I can’t read more of this, I can’t. I was about to close the book when Seulgi’s hand stopped me from closing the book.


“Why did you stop? You need to read the rest.”


So I had no choice but to flip another page. Reading her diary each days become more and more hurting to me- but it’s nothing compared to what she  has suffered. I stopped at our anniversary date, after reading it for a while, my tears started to fall to the book’s pages. It’s the day before she.. was gone forever. I realized that she still have another writing after this one, and with hands trembling, I flipped through the page, and read it.


February 16th , 2017


I was writing this at Seulgi’s home. Why? Probably because I need to write this so bad. I think I’ll just live at Seulgi’s for the next few days. I can just tell Irene that my project needs me to work more with Seulgi, she’ll understand- well.. did she care? I don’t think she still care for me though.. she loves that guy. I can hear it clearly and my ears will never betray me. She said that she ing love him and that triggered me to the most. I can’t take this anymore.


My tears won’t stop falling when I read it. And I felt very weak when I read her last sentence on the very bottom of the page.


But- as long as she is happy. I will forever hold the pain, even if it crushed me


I fell on my knees, crying to no end.




“I am the worst, Seulgi. I indirectly hurt- no.. hurt is an understatement. I tortured her, mentally. I don’t think I will ever be forgiven.” I looked down on the floor. I have stopped crying, and I really feel like I don’t have any tears left. I was tired. Seulgi, on the other hand, just stared at me as I cried my heart out.


“I knew. Not only when Seungwan first told me that you are cheating, But also when she came to my house for the last time. I knew what will happen.”


I looked at Seulgi, not believing any of the words she said. So.. she just let Seungwan go out that night- even when she was fully aware about what will happen to her?


“Before you stand up from that couch and yell at me, I’ll tell you something. Yes, I knew Seungwan is going to die, but that doesn’t mean I’m not sad and hurt. She’s my best friend. Hell, my feelings even hurt when she came to me and told me about your affair even though I already know about it.” Seulgi looked away, I can see her teary eyes now.


“But this, is necessary. This must happen so you’ll learn about your mistakes. That’s why we’re here.” She continued.


“What do you mean?” I growled at her


“You’ll see.. I did tell you to fix your mistakes, right? So, you’ll be given another chance now. Don’t waste them, though. I can’t keep giving you chances.”


Before I can reply, images of my life just before I fainted back in Seungwan’s funeral came back to me, and I ended up..


In front of Seungwan, in front of our room, in our apartment.


Wait- what happened..?

A/N: Apparently today is the day where our school decided if we third years will graduate or not. AAAAAND I GRADUATED GUYS. CHEERS FOR ME- Thanks for those who have commented and voted, I can’t be more grateful than that- And yes, this story can be like those fantasy stories and such- Please tell me if you’re.. confused, okay? 

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Wow its been a year


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18smyths #1
Pls continue
weninkorea #2
Chapter 4: I like this, please continue this. I’ll be waiting, fighting!
Chapter 4: hmmmm a bit confused about previous chapter but im also curious about next chapters ahahhaha
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 4: I want this story
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 3: I don't understand
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 2: I cried
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: I will cry
Chapter 4: You should finish this. You're literally killing me T T
Please…update please… angst is my favorite
I love this one Ren... and I keep waiting for the next chapter... or at least tell me the ending please!! I beg you!!
Chapter 4: What happen next author??
Ren you have to continue this fic pleaseeeee
Irene learned her lesson, and I wonder if Wendy got heal already...