Chapter Two

Counting Stars

 "You're starting school on Monday" was what my mom said as I was sat on the couch enjoying the show I got into on Friday nights, but what she said caught me off guard and she had my full attention. Confusion and anxiety were forming in the pit of my stomach as I felt like screaming. I wrote on the little notepad that I kept everywhere as I wrote

        'I'm scared'  

my mom reached and patted my back as she nodded "I understand that but wouldn't you like to have friends? Be social? You're a teenager go out and have fun" 

        'fun' i found fun and enjoyment in my writing and with my art. I didn't need to go out and try to have 'fun' no one would understand me anyways. 

        "Just think about it, if you don't like it we can always put you back into homeschooling" she whispered trying to calm the nerves that were very obvious. I could feel the anxiety grow as I looked at her knowing I had no way out of this and I was stuck going to a normal school. I stood from the chair before walking out of the house as I walked to the playground that was just in front of my apartment. I didn't realize it was cold until I sat on the swing but that didn't matter; if it's anything I'm nervous about what other people will think of me and my ability to not speak, what if I'm not smart enough? I was too busy wrapped up in my mind I didn't see someone sit right next to me.

        "You okay?" I looked up and saw a tall boy, silver hair and beautiful eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded; that's what teenagers do nowadays isn't it? They nod when they're asked a question. 

        "I'm Namjoon" 

I waved my hand as I looked away 

        "Can you not speak?" 

My face turned a crimson red as I wanted to run but my legs were frozen in place. He got the picture as he saw my notepad tucked away in my shirt pocket

        "That's okay you can write it down" 

I felt embarrassed but I took out the notepad and I wrote

        'My name is Park Jimin'

That smile came back as he grinned shaking my hand 

        "Hello Jimin"

        We spoke for hours today, in fact, I didn't even know it was already eight at night when I decided to head home.

        "It was nice speaking to you Jimin hopefully we can hang out again," He said smiling before giving me a side hug and he went into the direction of the houses.


        "Jimin where were you I was worried sick," My mom said the moment I stepped in the door, the warmth of the house made me realize just how cold i was 

        "Did you do this on purpose so you didn't have to go to school Monday" she huffed in annoyance and i shook my head writing 'I made a friend'  

        Her once annoyed glance faded as she cocked her head to the side 

I smiled nodding before writing out his name as she grinned ruffling my hair

        "He seems like a great guy" she replied as I smiled; he is a great guy, he's the type of person I'd love to be friends with. I walked into my room and laid on the bed as I thought about today; as I hoped and prayed he would be there when I started my first day of school on Monday. 

        "Whats wrong your majesty?" Taehyung asked as I sighed sitting on the royal couch, I looked over at him before speaking

        "My mom is making me go to school" I whispered as he widened his eyes  

        "School, doesn't she know about your condition?" he questioned as I groaned 

        "Exactly my point" I sighed as Jin came into the room laying my head on his lap running his long cold fingers in my hair

        "School won't be that bad," He said trying to calm my nerves as I sighed closing my eyes in annoyance 

        "How would you know you can speak" 

        "So can y-" Jin tried saying before Yoongi interrupted 

        "Only when he's daydreaming Jin" Yoongi reminded him as Jin nodded 


        "Well just remember if it doesn't work out you can go back to being homeschooled," Taehyung said pitching in as I nodded 

        "Guess you're right," I said silently before sighing again.

        "You sighed so much today I thought you were Yoongi," Taehyung laughed as Yoongi was snoring in the corner of the room making us laugh harder.

        I walked around the same store for the third time in a matter of ten minutes. Is this what people do before they go to school? Walk around the mall for three hours for clothes that will make you fit in with everyone else? 

        "Come on Jimin, we need to buy you clothes," My mom said as she had her eyes glued to a pair of ugly pants; I wondered away from my mother as I looked at the t-shirts. The slogans becoming dumber and dumber, on every shirt making me snort.

        "Hey there stranger" A familiar voice spoke on the side of me as I saw Namjoon and I smiled widely waving

        "Look at how dumb this shirt is" He said pointing at one that said 'Move im y' as I laughed silently and he gave me his side smile before he walked into the sock and underwear isle motioning me to follow him and so i did. I eyed the socks and all the cartoon underwear that was hanging from the isle as he looked around before grabbing superman boxer briefs and placed them on his head as i laughed holding a hand in front of my mouth.

        "They call me SUPER UNDERWEAR HEAD" he said as i laughed louder, it made no sense but it was hilarious anyways.

        'you're such a dork' I wrote on the pad as he snickered before chuckling

        "I need to go, lets hang out at the park again?" He questioned as i nodded smiling, he left the isle as my mom came in

        "There you are I was wondering why you were laughing" she said as she spotted the superman underwear in my hand and she chuckled shaking her head.

        "Superman huh?" She hit my head playfully as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder pushing the cart. Two more days, I sighed as I walked with her. 

        Two more days. 

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