
A Little Proposal

Jongin stood out side of Kyungsoo's apartment waiting for the older to come down. He heard a clambering of steps and the door opened reaveling a smiling Kyungsoo. He was dressed in a white button down and black skinny jeans that hugged his thighs nicely. 

"You look good," Jongin said. They were going to a fancy restuarant, so they had to dress to impress. Kyungsoo smiled and attached himself to Jongin's side.

"Thank you! So do you!" Kyungsoo said, smiling. Jongin gave Kyungsoo a kiss on the lips before dragging him out his apartment complex. 

They stood hand in hand as Jongin called a taxi. They got in hand in hand. "Alright boys where we headin'?"

Jongin told the driver the adress and got buckled in. "Okay off we go"

Jongin was talking about the time when his sister's bra strap broke, when the driver asked them if they where a couple. "Um yeah we are. We've been together for, what, three years right?" Jongin said.

"Yep," Kyungsoo piped in.

"Ah, I could tell," kyungsoo smiled and laced his between Jongin's.

Jongin smirked as he felt the small box that was in his pocket.


Jongin sat across from Kyungsoo, watching as the older looked through the menu. He stuck his tongue out a bit to, which was almost too much for Jongin. Jongin kept looking at his boyfriend untill the older looked up with a smile smile gracing his lips. "Okay I'm ready."

"Alrighty," Kyungsoo watched as Jongin raised his hand to call over the waiter. Kyungsoo's mind wandered off to the moment when Jongin asked him out. Jongin was such a to ask out Kyungsoo, it was hard for anyone not to shout, "Hey just already!" But when Jongin grew a pair, he went up to him and, blushing like a twelve year old school girl, and confessed to Kyungsoo. When Kyungsoo didn't reply right away, Jongin got all panicked and was apologizing over and over until Kyungsoo said yes.

He chuckled at the memory. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking of the time when you asked me out that's all," He said. Jongin hid hid face in his hands an groned.

"Do you have to bring it up?"



"Because I know you were embarrased by it for like a month after"

Jongin glared up at him and squinted at Kyungsoo. "Lair."

"Nope. One-hundred percent truth. No lies in this realationship. Nope." 


"Do you want desert, love?" Jongin asked Kyungsoo.

"Nope. Already have enough meat on my bones."

"True. Maybe you could loose a bit too," Jongin eyed Kyungsoo's stomach. 

"So now your calling me fat? I think you mean fab. 'F-A-B'. Not 'F-A-T'," Kyungsoo said while doing the best hair flip he could. Jongin snorted.

"Sure, hun, sure,"


"Alright, so there is something I want to ask you," Jongin's stomach felt like it just did over a million backflips.

"Yeah ask away pretty boy," Kyungsoo smiled. God his smile was beautiful.

"Okay, um," he cleared his throat. "Soo, we've been together for awhile now, and I know I'm not good at speeches but," he stood and got onto his knee and kyungsoo let out and audible gasp. "I remember that trip we went on with my parents to London, how got caught in the rain. I remember that was the first time I told you I love you," He pulled the small black box out of his pocket. "And I mean it. So Soo, will you make me the happiest man on Earth," Jongin was starting tear up, Kyungsoo had tears running down his pale face. "A-and marry me?"

Kyungsoo didn't even have to think. He was going to marry this cheesy little idiot. Kyungsoo lept at Jongin. "Oh my god! Yes, yes, yes! Of course I will marry you!" He started to kiss Jongin roughly all over his face. Jongin caught up with him and caught Kyungsoo on the lips.

There where cheers from everybody else at the restuarant. "Soo, I love you, so, so, so much. You know that?"

Kyungsoo smiled and pulled Jongin for a bone-breaking hug. " I know stupid."

"First off, good. Secondly, rude. I'm not stupid!"

"Yes you are! Now give me the ring I still don't see it on my finger~"

"May I see your hand then?"

Kyungsoo giggled. "You may," He said and held out his hand. Jongin took the ring with his thin fingers and slid it on to Kyungsoo's finger.


"Jongin! You woke up Sehun right? And Luhan?" Kyungsoo yelled from downstairs. It was a few years later and they now had two little demon twins to take care of.

"Yes! I'm helping them get ready!" Jongin yelled from upsairs. He watched as Luhan tried to tie his shoes. Today was the Dooms day to all parents. The first day of kindergarden. 

"Papa can you help me?" Luhan gave up and flopped back on his bed. Jongin laughed and helped his son tie his shoes. Sehun was proudly strutting around the room with his shoes that he tied. 

"Okay," Jongin said as he stood up. "Did you boys brush your teeth?

"Yes," Luhan and Sehun chimed.

"Get your hair all fixed for the ladies?"


"Alright you two! Let's go eat! Papa's gotta get the last donut!" He said as he ran out the room. The two boys quickly followed after him, whining.

"Oh Jongin," Kyungsoo said as Jongin got into the kitchen. "What did you do up there?"

Jongin followed Kyungsoo's eyes to see Luhan and Sehun amost out of breath and the bottom of the stairs. "Daddy did papa take the last donut?" Luhan asked way to seriously.

"No wh- Jongin!" Kyungsoo scolded. Jongin scratched the back of his neck with a sheepish smile gracing his face. "What did you tell them?"

"That I was getting the last donut," Kyungsoo glared up at his husband.

"Well your definitly not getting the last donut," the boys perked up. "I am."







hullo this is it I, the author, here to bestow this article of literature to thy citizens of thy website.

Pwease comment and upvote ya know the drill and see ya next time~


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Chapter 1: Aww, this is warm, cute and sweeeeeeeeet :)
Chapter 1: ok now thats nice