Part 1

Flower Boy


"Thank you!"

He barely heard the driver muttering his answer as the door closed. He gazed at the car heading back to the city before grabbing his heavy bag and heading toward the hotel. The traditional looking building was nestled between the mountains . Even at this altitude many trees had their place trough the rock casting a pleasant shadow over the place. Junsu walked up the path, glad to finally stretch his legs, numbs from the long trip. He could hear the bird chirping and water flowing near. He thought that it must be a nice place to relax. Hopefully he would have some free time once in a while to enjoy the peaceful scenery.


Junsu wasn't here as a customer but as an employee. After hours and days of summer job hunting, he finally found this place. They were looking for someone who could help in various task around the place. This wasn't really a problem for Junsu since he's been helping his whole neighbourhood for years. The major plus about this job tough was that they're giving a place to stay and free meals. He called and after a short talk with the owner he got the job. In a place like that, his summer should be quite interesting.


A cold breeze hit his face when he opened the door to the main hall. The place was simply decorated and right in front of him was the reception counter. A young man was busy scribbling down on a small piece of paper and it took quite some time to Junsu to get over the fact that he was actually very handsome. Junsu was just standing here staring stupidly when the other noticed his presence. The dark brown orbs met his and a smile stretched these plump lips.

"Hello, can I help you?" the man asked

"Umm...Y-yes, I'm Kim J-Junsu. I'll be working here this summer" he answered mentally scolding himself for stuttering like an idiot.

"Oh...You don't look that great after all..." the bright and kind expression on the man face suddenly changed "Just wait a minute"

He coldly stared at Junsu who was still trying to find something to retort. Few seconds later he turned his back to him and headed toward an other corridor. After a couple of minutes, a tall and slender man arrived in the entrance hall. He looked way happier to see him than the other one.

"Hi! You're Junsu, right?" he said holding out his hand

Junsu nodded and hesitantly took his hand. At least there was someone in this place that didn't hate him already.

"I'm Changmin" he continued "I'm working in the kitchen. Follow me, I'll show you around"

After leaving Junsu's suitcase in the staff room, the two walked for almost an hour. The young cook explained everything there is to do in the hotel. After the small tour, they reached a door at the back of the hotel.

"This is probably where you'll work tough" he said as they stepped out of the building.

Before their eyes was a magnificent garden. Many trees and flowers grew around a small pond and a fresh and sweet scent was floating in the air.

"Woah" Junsu said in amazement "I didn't know there was such a place here"

"Yes, it's one of the hotel's best asset" Changmin said "You can even take a walk in the mountain, the view is amazing up there"

"I'll try to find some time to go"

"So, are you good with plants?" he asked as they went further on the rocky path

"I'm okay...I guess. Why?"

"Our flower boy left few weeks ago. I'm quite sure you'll be his replacement"

As they walked trough the trees, Junsu thought it wouldn't be so bad to spend all his time here. He's been living in the city all his life. Being in the nature for once could be nice.

"I need to get back to work now" the younger said "Yoochun said the boss will be waiting for you at 4 o'clock. You remember where his office is, right?"

"I'll be okay, but who is Yoochun?”

He's the one you met at the reception”

Oh, didn't look like he liked me very much, that one ”

Changmin laughed before patting Junsu's shoulder.

Don't worry, it's not personal”

Why? He's always like that?”

No,no...You just have to give him some time. Now I have to get going for real, they can't live without me in the kitchen”

Just like that, the young man left. Junsu's thought went back to the handsome man. So, his name is Yoochun. If only he knew why the other had a grudge after him.

The meeting with the director was pretty short. Just like Changmin said, he'll be in charge of the garden. His happiness was cut short when he announced that Yoochun(aka, the ray of sunshine) would help him getting use to the place. The said man was waiting for him as he left the office.

Hi” Junsu said sheepishly

The only answer he got was a dark glare and a:

Where did you left you're stuff?”

Not much more was shared as they went down to the room near the reception to pick up Junsu's luggage. Then Yoochun took him to the last floor. The hallway here was more minimalistic than the other one. They walked pass a few doors before they halted themselves. The man took out a set of keys and rummaged trough it for a while before finding the good one. The door opened and they both stepped in. It was a really simple room. There was a kitchenette and a small living room with a sofa and a TV for only furniture. Two doors were leading to the bathroom and the bedroom.

Alright, so this your bed” Yoochun said pointing to a mattress on the floor “And the drawer over here is yours”


If I catch you snoring or rolling all over the place during your sleep, I'll kick you out and you'll sleep on the couch. Understood?”


Good, you can stay here for the evening, but tomorrow I'll show you what you'll be doing here this summer”

And the last thing Junsu heard of Yoochun that day was the door slamming as he hurriedly exit the room.

It was a beautiful day. The morning sun was glowing softly trough the window and something was nudging his side.

What?” Junsu growled as he opened his eyes

Yah! Don't 'what' me, Kim!” a strangely familiar voice shouted, kicking harder

Now totally awake, Junsu quickly straighten up. Above him, Park Yoochun was glaring at him with anger.

What was that for?” Junsu said, rubbing the sore spot

You're late” Yoochun said folding his arm “On your first day. That's not a good start Kim”

In a second, the younger was up on his two feet already taking off his pyjama.

Why didn't you wake me up?” Junsu asked as he looked for the uniform he received the day before

It's not my problem and stop stepping on my bed” Yoochun said “That striptease show wasn't necessary you know”

Turning bright red Junsu let out an heavy sigh as he put on his pants.

What time is it anyway?” he asked, changing the subject

“ Six forty-five”

Are you kidding me?” Junsu could only stare in disbelief at the man standing right in front of him “You told me yesterday that I was starting only at 7 o'clock!”

Well, the breakfast's at 6. You missed it”

At this point it seemed pointless to argue any longer. Yoochun was just making no sense and there is no way Junsu was going to spend more of his time trying to figure out what was his problem. Without another word, Junsu went out the room.

Can you hurry up?” he said with a frustrated sigh “Let's get over it so I don't have to stick with you any longer.”


Few minutes later, they were stepping outside in the vast garden. Junsu hastily finished the croissant Changmin had keep for him.

'I didn't saw you earlier so I thought you would be hungry by now'

Yoochun had glared at him as if he had ruined his evil plans


Once his small snack had completely vanished, Yoochun took a sheet out of his pocket. He unfolded it before handing it to Junsu.

That's the list of what you have to do here”

Yoochun explained every tasks as they headed to a small storage located in an isolated corner of the court. The brunette fished out the set of keys. How Yoochun knew which key opened what was a complete mystery to Junsu. To him they pretty much looked all the same.

This one” he said taking a silver one out the set “Opens the storehouse. You'll find everything you need in here. Don't you dare lose it”

I won't” Junsu assured him

Good, then I'll be leaving. Don't ruin the place” Then more quietly “Hyung worked so hard for this” he said

Feeling it was safer to pretend he didn't hear, Junsu cleared his throat

Before you go, can you tell me when is the lunch and the dinner. Unless you want me to starve again, of course”


Junsu thought that it was about time someone takes care of this garden. At first glance, everything seems to be alright, but when you look closer, most of the flowers are starting to wilt and weeds grows everywhere. The young man took out the list of tasks and with a great sigh started his day. Junsu was totally absorbed in his work and almost forgot lunchtime, but overall he liked the job. The only downside was that it was kind of lonely and the only social interactions he got was with the few clients that actually greeted him as they walked by him. It was about 6 o'clock when he finally finished everything. He quickly grabbed something to eat and went back to his room. The prospect of dealing with Yoochun's grumpiness didn't bring any joy to Junsu, but at least the guy was more quiet than the restaurant. As soon as the young man stepped in the room, he was far from expecting the sound that he heard. Someone, most definitely Yoochun, was laughing heartily. Junsu saw the man seating on the couch, talking on the phone, and when he closed the door behind him the latter turned his head and his smile faltered for a second.

No, it's nothing hyung” Yoochun continued ignoring Junsu

The latter did the same thing and installed himself in the kitchen. Thoughts like 'it would have been far more pleasant downstair' started filling Junsu's mind and he was almost glad when he hung up.

Who was that?” Junsu asked not expecting much of an enthusiastic reply

The one who had your job”

He must be a great man for you to be so nice with him”

That comment earned him another dark glare and Yoochun came to sit on the other side of the table.

He is and he's way better than you” he said “But that doesn't matter now. How did you first day went?”

It was okay. There's so much to do”

Their conversation went on until quite late. Yoochun wasn't much more agreeable than usual, but he seemed to be in a good mood. If it wasn't for the few comparison to the mysterious ex-flower boy and the harsh critics, Junsu could've take a liking to the man. He had a good sense of humour and Junsu could tell he was a warm and generous person, but just not toward him. The said Flowerboy was probably the cause of his hate since Yoochun seemed to have high esteem of that man and well, Junsu is supposed to be at least as great if he's Flowerboy's replacement. At 10 pm, it was decided that it was time to go to sleep. Junsu was eager to get some sleep, but not before taking a shower. Yoochun went directly to bed, but didn't forget to give Junsu a friendly advice

Wake me up after that shower and you're dead”


The following days went pretty much the same way. Slowly the garden started getting some of his old brilliance. Yoochun dropped by a couple of time apparently just to boss Junsu around. Junsu often thought himself as a patient person, but he has some limits. All those 'Hyung didn't do it that way' and 'Hyunh would have done better' started getting on his nerves.


It was on a particularly rainy day that Junsu snapped. He was cold, drenched in water and full of dirt while Yoochun was standing there under the security of his umbrella giving order.

Hyung did-” was all Yoochun could say before Junsu got to his limits

Alright, Park Yoochun I get it” he said angrily throwing his tool on the ground “I know 'hyung' is better, I know he's perfect, but do you really need to rub it my face all the freaking time? Don't you have anything better to do? You should have just stick with ignoring me. I'm sick of it, Park. Go away or just shut it, but don't bother me!”

Yoochun stared at with wide eyes but say no more. Junsu went back to his work and he barely heard the other man whisper.

Sorry, I just miss him”

Junsu turned his head, but he only saw Yoochun's back heading to the building. The younger man caught himself feeling guilty, but quickly told himself that missing someone is not a reason to be a jerk. Later when he got the kitchen, Changmin asked him if something happened with Yoochun.

Why?” Junsu asked

He didn't come to get his dinner” Changmin replied with a frown “And you don't look too well either, you know”

Junsu proposed to bring some food to Yoochun and Changmin gladly gave him two plates.

Take care of him” the taller man said before Junsu quit the place.

With great effort Junsu opened the door of their shared room. It was almost a miracle that he didn't drop anything. First thing greeting his sight was Yoochun curled up on the couch. It took only a moment for him to notice Junsu's presence. The man immediately got up and he looked at Junsu. He opened his mouth to say something, but the other didn't let him start.

I brought you something to eat”

They sat down awkwardly and the only word uttered was a small 'thanks' from Yoochun. They ate in silence and it wasn't until they were both finished that someone spoke up.

I'm sorry, Kim” Yoochun said

No, I'm the one who's sorry” Junsu said raising his hand “I shouldn't have been this harsh”

I shouldn't have been this rude to start with” Yoochun said casting his eyes down “When hyung went away, it really depressed me and I was hurt that they found someone to replace him so quickly. I hated you before even meeting you. That kinda explains why I was a a jerk, but I know it doesn't excuse sorry”

Yoochun didn't even look at Junsu and quickly stood up. The man's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment and within just a couple of seconds he was already out of the kitchen. Junsu smiled to himself and started cleaning up. He was at the door, ready to bring the plates back to Changmin, when Yoochun stopped him.

Wait! Where are you going?” he hastily asked

Bringing this back” Junsu said “And I'll probably take a walk outside as well. The garden must beautiful at night”

Well, not really” Yoochun said with a chuckle “The garden is not lighted at night”

Junsu's expression must have given him away and Yoochun quickly added

I know it's surprising, but the clients never showed any interest so we didn't invest on it”

I wouldn't want to get lost here either if I was a client” Junsu said “Anyway, I'm out.”



Yoochun being all sheepish and flustered was something Junsu could get use to. Sure he wish he didn't have to yell at him to get him to understand, but the older man's character would be so much more endurable without all that arrogance.


Yoochun's true personality was still a mystery, but Junsu was determined to find out more about him.


End of Part 1


Hum, so yeah that's it! It's been a while since I wrote something (I feel like I say that everytime I post something), but the inspiration finally came back :)
So there it is. The next part should come quite soon. 
Thanks for reading everyone!

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i feel like I read this story somewhere else... did you post it on LJ or something like that ? anyway... are we gonna have the rest one day? lol I really like it =D
it seems interesting update soon =)