Chapter 1

You're My Universe

"Guys, guess what? I bring awesome news." Alana says, sitting down next to us in the maths classroom.

I gasp and widen my eyes. C-could it be...? "Are BTS finally coming to England?" 

Alana blinks and slowly shakes her head. "Um, no. But someone else is. Someone better."

I tilt my head in confusion. "But no one's better than BTS. Alright then... Uh, EXO?"


"Oh my god, are VIXX coming here?" Squeals Lia, ripping her homework in her excitement.

"No! Jeez, you guys are so dumb. Who is better than all of those groups?"

We both look at her gone out. "Pentagon! Pentagon are better than both of those groups. My brother is better than both of those groups."

We both ohhh in realisation. Of course Alana would say that, her brother Hwitaek recently debuted in a Korean boy group called Pentagon along with nine other hotties. They're awesome but still second to the other amazing groups me and Lia stan. 

Alana and Hwitaek used to be really close before she left to study in England. She was super excited for his debut in Pentagon but hasn't seen him since the party in Seoul a few months ago. Unfortunately, Lia and I couldn't attend it because 1. Both of our parents are meanies and 2. Neither of us have a brother willing to pay for the travelling.

"You mean Pentagon are coming here? To England?" Lia asks.

"Yes! Isn't it great? Hui's gonna be staying with us obviously, but the others will need rooms as well and since you two have massive houses I thought that maybe you'd put them up for a few nights."

Ah, of course. Classic Alana, just using us for our houses.

"You mean Pentagon members would be in my house? Count me in. We could only fit about three in our house though."

"Same here. How long are they staying for?"

"Afewmonths..." She mutters quickly.

I raise an eyebrow. "Didn't quite catch that."

"A few months!" She yells, annoyed.

"A few months?" Shrieks Lia, practically in tears over the death of her three hour maths homework. "I thought you meant days! No way will my parents agree to having strange guys in my house for a few months!"

"Strange?" Sniffs Alana.

We ignore her.

"My parents definetely won't allow it, you know how much they hate kpop."

Alana pouts. "But hotels are expensive!"

"They're idols, they can pay for it." Lia shrugs.

Alana pretends to cry and turns the other way. "Guys, this is Pentagon I'm talking about! You'll change your minds once you meet them, I guarantee."

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aayyyaaaaaa #1
Will you be making chapter 3? lol