Chapter 4

That Person, You

They arrived at their home and Siyeon immediately plunge herself into the couch.

“Finally!” she shouted.

She hugged the pillows and burry herself in them. Nayoung just smiled upon seeing her daughter. She asked one of her maids to prepare the food and bring the luggage to Siyeon’s room. She sat beside her daughter and patted her head. The young girl looked at her mom and hugged her tight.

“Are you happy that you are with mom?”

“Yes, very happy!”

Nayoung smiled and hugged her daughter tightly again. She couldn’t believe that Siyeon would grow up like this. She was just thankful that Siyeon grew up just fine and understanding young fella. Siyeon looked at her and smiled slyly.

That smile, she can’t help but be reminded of that person whom Siyeon took that smile after. She can’t deny the fact that Siyeon has the qualities of Minkyung, the eyes, the smile, and even some gestures. Siyeon is an adventurous girl. She is also tomboyish which she is hundred percent sure that she got from Minkyung. Siyeon is also a smooth talker. She sighed, she can’t help it.

“Let’s go eat dear.”

Siyeon happily munched on the food that her mom prepared. Though there are Korean restaurants in New York, the food cooked from home is the best. Siyeon munched her favorite tteokbokki and kimbap. Nayoung just smiled at her daughter. Siyeon’s appetite is also no joke which she probably took after Minkyung.

Nayoung shake those thoughts and decided to enjoy her first night with her daughter. Siyeon munches every food like there is no tomorrow.

“Woah! These foods are lit, you are the best mom” Nayoung laughed softly.

“Eat slowly dear, no one will take these foods away from you”

“You can’t blame me Mom, these are heaven.”

Nayoung laugh at her daughter who eats like someone who hasn’t eaten anything for 5 days. She continues to fill Siyeon’s plate with dishes and pour her some drinks. She patted her daughter’s head and watch her eat. Siyeon encourages Nayoung to eat as well.

“Tomorrow we will have dinner with your aunts”

“Oh nice, will Yewon be there?”

“Yes, Kyulkyung and Yuha will bring her.”

“I haven’t seen her for ages now”

“Yebin will also be there”

“Who’s Yebin?”

“Sejeong and Chungha’s daughter.”

“I can’t remember her but oh well, I’m excited!”

They finished their meal and Nayoung helped Siyeon put her clothes in her closet. The room is pretty big for Siyeon but what she can do, Nayoung treats her as a princess. She gave her everything but made sure that Siyeon will not be a spoiled brat.

It’s time to sleep, Nayoung does her usual routine. She checks her emails one last time and her schedule. She was about to sleep when she heard a faint knock on her door.

“Come in,” she said.

Siyeon slowly appears her body hiding in the door. She gave her mother the warmest smile. Nayoung gestured for her to come. She hops and sat on the bedside. Siyeon likes the warm feeling of Nayoung’s hug. She felt that she is well protected.

“What does my baby need?” Nayoung asked. Siyeon pouted and broke the hug.

“Mom, I’m not a baby anymore. I’m 18.”

“Okay, so what brings you here?”

“Can I sleep beside you?” Nayoung laughed at her. Siyeon gives her the brightest smile.

“You just said that you are not a baby but here you are want to sleep besides mommy.”

“I just miss you”

Nayoung just smiled and move. She let Siyeon sleeps beside her and like in the old days, she tucks her in to sleep. The girl slowly drifted to sleep. Nayoung watch Siyeon sleep, she caressed Siyeon’s face and she can’t deny the resemblance of that one person that she wanted to forget. That one person who was so precious but never love her back, that someone whom she knows will never come back.


Nayoung preps herself with a simple dress. She doesn’t like accessories thus only her white wristwatch adorns her look. She chooses low-cut sneakers and lets her hair down to complete her look. She checked Siyeon if she was ready and the kid seems to be extra excited.

Siyeon made sure that all her gifts are packed. She doesn’t want to miss a single person. She counted it and told Nayoung that she is ready.

On their way to the restaurant, Siyeon asked to be dropped off at the nearest flower shop. She wanted to surprise her mom’s friend.

Nayoung walks into the restaurant and the moment the doors open, heads immediately turn. Nayoung is indeed a beauty, no wonder a lot of people come after her but Nayoung will not entertain them.

She spots the friends that were waiting for them. She waves at them to let her sit. Her friends wondered why is she alone but they can sense she was extra happy.

“Who is making our dear Nayoung unnie happy?” Kyulkyung asked. Nayoung just gave her a big smile.

“You are being suspicious today” Eunwoo added. Nayoung just smiled at them again.

A few minutes later, the waiter assisted a new guest to their table. Nayoung’s friends are surprised as to who the person was. Siyeon sit beside Nayoung and she can see that all eyes were on her. Nayoung laughed at her friends’ reaction.

“Nayoung unnie, I know that you have been lonely. Don’t tell me you are dating a minor please” Eunwoo remarked.

Nayoung, Siyeon, and Yuha laughed at Eunwoo. They can’t believe that they couldn’t recognize Nayoung’s daughter. Siyeon’s laughter echoed in the restaurant and the rest of her friends are in a daze.

“What are you talking about Eunwoo, this is Siyeon, my daughter”

Everyone gasped in surprise. Nayoung’s only daughter is back in Korea. Nayoung’s precious one is in front of them.

Siyeon greeted them and handed them the gifts that she prepared. She gives them a warm smile. Nayoung’s only happiness is finally in front of them.

“Thank you please!” Eunwoo said. Siyeon tried to hold her laughter but ended up laughing hard when she heard Yuha laugh.

“She speaks Korean, Eunwoo don’t try to embarrass yourself,” Kyulkyung said.

Siyeon notices a girl who was just staring at her. She sometimes will feel conscious as to why a girl was looking at her. Nayoung sees this and started to do something about it.

“Siyeon, this is Yewon”

Siyeon smiles at the girl and Yewon gives her the brightest smile. They started to talk and recall their memories when they were still a child. Yewon is older than Siyeon but that didn’t stop them from being best of friends.

“Hi Mom! I’m sorry I’m late, I was…” Chungha’s daughter stops midway upon seeing Siyeon.

“You?” Siyeon said and stood up.

“Yes me…and you! What are you doing here? ” Yebin asked.

“Yebin that’s not how you greet an old friend,” her mother, Chungha said.

“My friend? This kid is my friend?”

Siyeon looked at Nayoung looking for an answer. Nayoung mouthed her name and Siyeon can’t believe it.

“What did you do to Siyeon, Yebin?” Sejeong asked.


“Well, she was the girl who bumped me and made my coffee spill all over my clothes”

Chungha is baffled upon hearing that. She asked Yebin if she said sorry and she just shrugged her shoulders. She apologizes to Siyeon and Nayoung and hit her daughter's shoulder.

If looks can kill both Siyeon and Yebin are swimming in their own blood now. Siyeon doesn’t know what she has done but she hates Yebin now. She shifted her attention to Yewon and started to engage her in a conversation. Siyeon also entertained herself by answering the questions her aunts has for her. She enjoyed this moment. She is so thankful that her mother, Nayoung, is surrounded by good friends like these people.  

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Frozenwandy #1
Chapter 19: a beautiful story indeed!!! <3
Maomao9 #2
Chapter 18: OKAY I LOVE THIS FIC. Can you make a sequel of this? And it's all about Yebin and Siyeon. I love that ship tbvh *cries* They were so cute here. I hope you can make one! Thanks for this story!
hhhhhhhhh #3
Chapter 18: What about you continue the story with yebin and siyeon drama.hehe sorry.I just make some suggestion because I love to read your story.
Chapter 19: Thank you authornim :)) i'll really miss this fic ㅠㅠ i'll continue to read your other fics :)
lurae123 #5
Chapter 18: this is freaking nice<3 thankyou too authornim for making this story until the end <3
Chapter 19: This was really nice! I enjoyed it a lot <3 Thank you :) Can't wait to read your other fics!
Chapter 19: Thanks a lot for writing this far :D it's nice to reading till the end of the chapter ^^
jdjpnv_random #8
Chapter 18: OMG!! I remember punching my poor bed when you were about to end Xiyeon's life
Chapter 17: This story is so goof I'm crying tho. And you can just make a movie with this whole fic tho. Iloveyou ❤
Chapter 17: Wehehehe :")