The Way in Which the Wind Blows

The Way in Which the Wind Blows

White and gold; pretty lights.

Wedding bells; it seemed like death is calling.

"Are you ready?"



Inhale, and exhale.

"Just a minute, someone is here to see the bride."

Footsteps. One, two.

She kept her eyes on the pristine white heels, refusing to look at who it was.

"I'll give you two some privacy. Remember, ceremony starts in five."

She nods, looking up to finally meet the eye of the visitor.

And gasped.

Pause; rewind.

And freeze.


She knows those hazel pupils anywhere.


It's him.

"I told you not to come." The break in her voice is evident. Hoseok's eyes shifts, looking down at the white gown she is wearing.

He chuckles.

"But I want to see you in a wedding gown."

She can't stop staring. At his eyes, his smile and the second-hand tuxedo that fits him so well.

Something inside her felt like it was being scraped. It fell, landing at the bottom with a silent thud.

If only it was him.

"You look beautiful."

No, stop. Don't say that.

If only it was him she's marrying today.

She stayed silent, afraid of what might happen if she spoke.

"I brought something for you."

Hoseok reached into his pocket, pulling out a small and slightly squashed dandelion.

At the sight of the special flower, she couldn't help but feel the corners of her lips tugging skywards. She took it from him, admiring the fluffy white florets.

"Remember when we-" Hoseok started.

"Ran through the meadow chasing these?" They finished together. Their laughter was sweet, and their hearts were broken.

She stared into his warm, hazel pupils. She loved those pupils.

If only she could wake up to them every day.

"It's time for you to do what you taught me," Hoseok smiled, that one strand of hair falling into his eyes again. "Remember?"

She resisted to brush it away, just like how she always did when his hair fell into his eyes.

"Of course I do."



Early spring. It was the month of flowers and chocolates, but ironically, also the month of a family being broken.

Eleven-year-old Hoseok bawled under the scarlet oak tree in the meadow, his chubby fingers wiping violently at his red face. He hasn't even heard of the word 'divorce' until his own parents decided to split up.

And she was there for him. In fact; she always had. The ten-year-old girl wrapped her tiny arms around hoseok and told him everything is going to be okay.

"Look at this." She said, plucking a dandelion off the meadow grass.

Hoseok sniffled, frowning a little. "What is that?"

"A dandelion. Mummy told me that it's a magical flower, it tells you what to do."

Interested, little Hoseok stopped crying and plucked his own dandelion. "How?"

"You ask it a question and blow." She says simply, innocence reflected clearly in her large blinking eyes.

"What should I do, stay with mummy or follow daddy?" Hoseok asked seriously, staring at the dandelion so hard he almost went cross-eyed.

He then blew noisily, staring in awe as the fluffy white things began flying through the air.

"Follow it!" She squeaked, standing up and pointing.

Hoseok didn't need telling twice as he stood up and bolted for the dandelion seeds like a rocket. He ran and ran, finally stopping when the seeds were lost to the air.

She followed behind quietly. "Did it tell you where to go?"

"Yes," little Hoseok answered softly, having found the answer. "It told me to stay with mummy so that I can still spend time with you."

She threw her arms around him, giggling a little as he stumbles.

"I told you so. Just follow the direction of the wind, and it will lead you straight there."


She was unable to win the battle between her and her tears. They dripped down her rosy cheeks, ruining the 'masterpiece' that took the stylist two whole hours to create.

"Be happy with him, alright?" Hoseok asked, trying his hardest to sound cheerful.

She looked at him, and then back at the dandelion.

"No promises."

She blew lightly, the wind lifting up the seeds. They flew almost everywhere, majority landing on him.

Hoseok blinked in surprise, reaching up to brush the seeds away when she stopped him.

"The wind leads me here," She whispered, pressing her lips to his.



Angry voices; a chaotic rush.

"It can't be, are you sure?"

"The ceremony was supposed to begin ten minutes ago!"

The door burst open, the best man of the wedding pants as he met the faces of surprised bridesmaids.

"We have trouble. The wedding ceremony is unable to proceed."

A myriad of shouts and gasps of surprise; a thousand questions thrown.

The best man gripped his hair in frustration.

"The bride ran away."

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it feels so soft yet thrilling at the end. I love this
Chapter 1: this was so adorable and sweet. it would've totally rocked even more if it was a full story instead omfg
Woah congratulations! I told you, this story was amazing!
Chapter 1: Congrats on winning the drabble contest, you really deserved it! I really liked how you told the whole story and especially the whole idea with the dandelion and the wind. Really creative, and I'm so happy that in the end she followed her heart.
Chapter 1: This is so so niceeeee omg I wish it's a full story! :D
Chapter 1: Omg I love it!! You could make this into a full story though :3
Chapter 1: This was so good! Ahhh.