Did we get married or not?

High & Low Finale

Kira was sleeping on Shin's old bed, (covering all the bed) as she was laying on her belly. Slowly the noon rays of the sun appeared, brightening the room. Her cell phone was laying on the ground, with a bunch of unanswered calls from work. Above it was bras, unties and all kinds of new underwear. Next, all over the floor were her clothes, the pink skirt. She softly opened her eyes and rubbed them. She sat up yawning and gazing around the room. She blinked once, twice and jumped up. She looked at herself wearing only a white shirt and her undies.

"That isn't my shirt!" she noticed. She picked up one bra. It surely looked something she would buy, but it seemed too y. She rubbed her head noticing all the other stuff. "What did I do?" she asked herself as she couldn't remember much of last night.

She picked up her phone as she noticed it was already noon. And saw many phone calls from work. Although she was sure it was her day off. She called back the number.

"Kira, I called you to check if you are alright!" her office buddy told her.

"I am fine. I thought something happened at work," she said as she kept noticing all the stuff that was laying on the floor. Most of those things were not hers.

"No, it's not about work. It's about your marriage. I am not sure If I should sign that form."

Kira felt her mind explode. She started remembering a few scenes of that morning. "Marriage?" she asked confused with a bad headache. "I drunk last night a bit too much but what marriage?"

The girl explained "You called me this morning. You were in the city hall signing your marriage contract. You needed a witness."

Kira's mind went into shock. She fell on the floor, freezing for a few seconds. Then she remembered how she was yelling to get married. She looked at her fingers, there was a big pink ring. She recalled someone placed the ring there. But she was sure she asked for it last night. "Omg, what did I do! I have to end the call. We will talk later." she said.

She didn't wait at all. She called the city hall at the same time. She was sure, she signed the form. She was sure was yelling and demanding the clerk to accept the form. "I have to cancel that." she mumbled as she dialed the number.

"City awareness how can we help you?" asked the lady on the other side of the call.

"I want to cancel a marriage contract. We signed it this morning." Kira struggled to speak as her mind was spacing still out.

"Do you have the form number miss?" The lady asked her.

"No, I don't have it. I don't remember it" she said honestly.

"Don't worry. Your name and the name of the person you married."

"Sawada Kira... the person I married... I don't know" she answered as she couldn't remember with who she was there getting married.

"What do you mean to miss you don't know?" the lady asked her puzzled.

"I was drunk, out of mind. That's why I want to cancel it. How can I cancel it?" she screamed on the phone as she was now walking up and down the room. How did she manage to get herself into that?

"Miss you can only cancel it under three reasons. First, were you forced to sign the contract." the lady asked.

Kira remembered that she was jumping up and down asking strongly to get married "No, I wasn't forced"

"Did you have the wedding to get a legal way to stay in Japan?"

Kira shook her head "No, I am from here. I don't need to get married for that."

"Then have you any psychological illness?" the lady asked again.

"No, no that it's not. I just got drunk and got married. No one forced me." she ended up saying again.

"Then miss it cannot be canceled... only if you get a divorce." the lady said and closed the line.

Kira gazed at her phone for a few more seconds and then she screamed loudly. She dashed off the room running down the stairs.

Meanwhile at the same house, down in the living room sofa sat Cobra. The loud yells from upstairs woke him up. He was wearing nothing only a towel wrapped around him. His body edged against his knees as he was almost pulling his hair trying to remember what had happened. In front of him was a marriage contract with his name and Kira's. He couldn't remember anything.

He struggled to remember what happened, his muscles aching and cracking as he stood up crashing his fist against the wall. "Why?" he mumbled to himself as he remembered pulling Kira towards to city call. He was sure he placed her a ring. He recalled even picking her up and bringing her home. But why he was almost he didn't know. Or were his clothes were. He couldn't wait anymore. He turned around and rushed up the stairs. He had to talk to Kira. Maybe she remembered something more. Though facing that punk, that would be another challenge.

In the middle of the stairs, they both crashed into each other. Cobra gazing up at her and Kira gazing down at him, both froze. A cold breeze blow, before the first one, managed to talk.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" Cobra asked but he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the answered. His eyes scanned Kira from Toe to head. "That's not what I want to ask. Why are we married?" he rephrased the question.

Kira sighed, of all the people it had to be him. "I don't know. I don't remember everything. But you were pulling me!" she replied as both of them walked downstairs.

"Punk, you are always asking for trouble. You asked for it." he shouted back glaring at her.

"You put the ring on my fingers and ask me to marry you." Kira attacked him. Back and forth, they both fought like that for a few minutes before they managed to calm down and talk like normal humans.

"Anyway. We have to go and cancel it." Cobra concluded.

"I called the city hall, it cannot be canceled. We have to get a divorce," she responds.

"What?" Cobra's mind was swinging between killing her or killing himself. His facial expression was in frozen stated. "Get dressed. Let's go and check it. Where are my damn clothes."

Kira agreed, they couldn't just wait. They looked all over the place. And found that his jeans into the basket. Seemed that Kira somehow threw up against him again. Cobra cracked his knuckles, gazing at her deadly.

"You are dead!" he yelled and run after her. Kira without waiting she strode into the living room, up the stairs and tried to hide into Shin's room. But Cobra didn't wait he forced his way into the room. "You are so dead!" he said again ready to attack her, as he noticed the room. He stepped back, hitting his own head "I cannot take this!"

Kira climbed up the bed and was sure he would kill her looked at him dazzled. "Eh?" she hammed not sure why the mood swing.

Cobra pointed at the underwear on the floor. He had just recalled, "I bought those things for you!"

"What? You did?" Kira climbed down and walked over the closet she found a pair of jeans, and a shirt. She threw them at Cobra "Go change. Let's go find out what happened. We can figure the rest later."

Cobra agreed. The first priority was to make sure they didn't get married. Or at least cancel the wedding. Then they could fight about the rest later. He picked up the clothes, he went outside the room and changed. The jeans were long and seemed old. They sure were not Kira's clothes. When he returned into Shin's room Kira was also dressed. She only wore her jeans and went on wearing Cobra's shirt. They both took a taxi and soon they were in the city hall.

They stormed over where the clerk was sitting and showed him the form, both out of breath demanded: "Cancel it please."

The clerk shook her head "This morning you both were yelling at me to accept it." she said.

"We were drunk. Please. It was a mistake." Kira begged the woman hoping she would understand.

"And you don't want to make official than your Inoki love?" the lady mocked them.

"Eh Inoki what?" Kira asked her confused. But Cobra when hearing about the Inoki was sure what had happened. He would only end up speaking about his Inoki love, he must be very drunk. But all these years he never ended up married. 'That punk managed to get us in another level.' he thought.

"Calm down. I never accepted the form. I could tell that you both were too pink happy to get married." the clerk reviled "It took me a lot of effort to persuade both of you to agree. That Inoki love surely was strong."

Both took a long and deep breath, they looked at each other. They thanked the lady and walked out of the city hall with their heads down. Leaving as far as they could from the city hall. They didn't say anything, only wandered around for a few blocks.

They slowly recalled the rest of the events. After they left the clerks counter, Kira cycled around the city hall yelling "I am happy... I am married." Cobra lifted her up against his shoulder and they ended up into an underwear shop. There they picked up all the bras and the rest things. They were making sure all the customers of the shop knew that they got married.

Then they ended up in Shin's old home. They sat down, and Kira threw against his pants. (Thankfully not his mouth) He took off his shirt and went into the bathroom. Showering and ending up sleeping against the sofa. And Kira took his shirt. She walked upstairs and spend some time admiring the gifts. Then she changed into his shirt and fall also asleep.

They stopped into the middle of the road facing each other "Nothing happened!"

Kira nodded "Yes! I walked upstairs and fall asleep."

"And I took a shower and slept also." Cobra added.

"Let's say this never happened," Cobra uttered clearly. Maybe until that day, it was that "punks" fault he went through all these troubles. But this one was not only Kira's fault.

Kira agreed. "I never saw you after we left the Itokan Diner" she said.

Before they both parted, Cobra had one more last question "The jean's, aren't yours?"

"No, those are my fathers." she responded.

They didn't say anything else. What they were through was enough. They slowly took their way back home.

(( upcoming chapter ~ Act 9 ~ ))


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