
Imortal World
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Amber's POV


"Ok... Now start breathing like how i told you and try to feel natural elements around you." IT was gramma liu. 

Starting from this moment onwards i'm gonna walk my Path towards becoming a gran magi.  So here i am... Learning how to feel the natural elements in the atmosphere...Like wind, water, fire, earth, light, darkness etc etc... But damn... I still can't feel a thing after practicing for 1 hours. It's like my dragoneer chi manual. Now i'm starting to feel like something's wrong with me.


"Wait Gramma... How do i know that i'm feeling something?"


"Huh? Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you that. Well... For us magi... We won't be able to feel them inside of us... Cuz we are not absorbing the elements. We just need to close our eyes, concentrate on the energy around us... For example you will be able to see small dots flying around you in different colours. For wind elements, they are green in colour.  For water, they are blue. For fire, they are red. For earth, yellow. For light, they should be pure white. For darkness,  pure black. Now try again... Focus and called out to them."


"Hmmm... Gramma... I can see yellow colours." 


"How much did you see? This much?" she asked bringing out her thumb and the index finger. 


"What? You gotta be kidding me... That's not even one percent of what i saw... Tsk"


"what? Quick... Tell me how much did you see?"

*why is she so excited?*


"All i saw was me being covered by the yellow colour. That's all."


"C_covered? Like your hands?"


"No...  My whole body"


"W_what? Are you really not mistaken? Are you VERY VERY VERY sure amber?"

*Damn...  What's wrong with her. Does she think i'm joking?*


"uh... Yes?... Is that bad?


"Hahahahahaha... Finally... Someone competent is born in our clan hahahaha" she threw back her head and started laughing like a crazy person. 


"Uh.... What do you mean gramma?"


"Haha... It means that you have the chance to be a high class magi. If you work hard you can be a grand magi. How great is that? Hahaha"

*holy cow...*


"Really? Wow... This so great."


"Yes... You have great patience and courage. I know you will become someone great in the future amber... Work hard" she patted my head. 


"Yes...  I will gramma"

Somehow having her besides me. Makes me feel loved and secure.


"Ok... Now focus you mind and concentrate on the energy around you. Not only the yellow dots... But all the earth matter in the surrounding. Can you feel their presence?"


"Hmmmmm...  Yes i can feel them"


"Ok... Now focus your mind only on one single stone and try to lift it"

*is she serious?*


"Haaaaaaa..." i tried like she said... I could feel the rock move a little and that's all. 

"I can't... It's so difficult..." i laid down on the grass. 

Btw we are practicing near the waterfall behind the small mountain. It has quite a beautiful scenery and no one ever comes here so i thought it would a great place to practice alone. 


"Hmm... Actually you are doing good it was your first try but you managed to move the rock. That's Good"


"I'm so glad i met you gramma" i said as i closed my eyes to sleep.


"Me too child"

That's all i heard. 





From that day on... Amber started practicing alone behind the mountain...  Her father dis not stop her as he knew what she wanted. He was actually happy to know that his daughter was working even harder than before. 


A month had already passed since she stared practicing. She could perform level one earth spells like the Earthen spears (spears made out of earth would come out of the ground in a certain area) which are used to attack their opponents. She had a very rapid improvement and was a fast learner.  Now she is already a level one earth magi. But gramma liu told her to keep it a secret from everyone including her father. So she did as she was told. 


One day the villagers ran out of their houses because of a very strong earthquake. Amber and her family also came out of their manor. As they looked around searching for the cause...  They saw two persons hovering on the air above them. 


"Aaaah... S_saints... They are saint level magi or warrior...  Oh my god...  I can't believe i lived to see this day." someone from the crowd shouted. 


"Yeah... You're right. They are really saints... Aaah...  I'd be happy to die right now" hearing that they were saints, the villagers were very excited. 


"But i wonder what they are doing here in this small village..." said Nickhun.  They were standing near their manor. But they could hear all the commotions. 


"Look... I think they are fight over something... And i think he's a magi" Minhyuk pointed at the person holding a staff. The other person was a warrior as he was holding a sword. When suddenly they heard the magi shout... 


"Wang... Let me have it this time...  Next time i won't hinder your plans i promise." it really seemed like they way fighting over an object. 


"heh...? Than why don't you hand it over to me? I promise i won't ever meet you again. Hahaha.. Do you think i'm a fool Fenglei?" said the warrior. 


"Fine...  You wanna be my enemy?" he said as he hold out his left hand and squeeze them tight. 

"Hmmph...  If i can't have it than no one can." said the magi. 


"YOU...!!! I'll kill you..... " the warrior flew towards the magi and started to fight.

The waves from their attacks destroyed nearly all the houses in the village. The watching villagers or should i say audience started to run for shelter. Some were even killed the instant they met with the saint's attacks. 


While this happened... Nickhun stood there clutching his hands making his knuckles go white. He was angry...  Angry that he was weak and Couldn't do anything for his village. I felt helpless. 


The fight didn't go on for long, no one could gain an upper hand no matter what. It seemed like both of them were equally strong. A few moments later they parted their ways without any words. Which made the villagers heave a sigh of relief. 


"Remember that fight for the rest of your life amber... It'll be a good lesson for you not to fight around weak normal people. They were not mighty to do that here... They just wanted show off their strength that's all." gramma. Liu said in amber's mind. 


"Yes gramma


After that day the villager worked hard to build their houses again. One. Day when she was walking on the  balcony of her room she saw her father searching for something at the backyard of their manor. She jumped down asked her father what he was searching for and told him that she would do it. Her father nodded and walked away.


But after searching for an hour she couldn't find the vase no matter what. 

So she gave in and stood up to go back in the

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GEoRuth #1
Chapter 3: Hi. Chapter 1 keeps me going to chapter 2. But I noticed that this last updated was in 2017, do you plan on keep updating this? Wish you would. No pressure....
krystalover #2
Chapter 8: next chapter please. can't wait any longer. author please update soon.
bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 7: this fiction sounds awesome, next chapter please.

note : sorry to hear that, hope that all had settle and you are in good hand.
King_Aston #4
Chapter 7: Oh it's getting good!!!! Btw author thank you for updating!!!
amhar03 #5
Chapter 7: Woohoo its getting more interesting now
Chapter 6: Finally you updated for second I thought that you give up on this story
Chapter 7: Oh My God!!! This story is very interesting and I love it to death... Please update fast and more author-nin.:)
krystal1023 #8
Coiling dragon in Chinese is what name?
King_Aston #9
Chapter 6: Oh dang I'm excited to know ways gonna happen next!!!!!!
Chapter 6: I'm The Chosen One to read this first o(*≧▽≦*)o xD