Part 2 of 2

Anything For You

"Condition number 1: Get your grades up. Try to make it atleast average"

"Why the hell do we have to be here?" Mina muttered as she watched Sana and Tzuyu from across the table.

"Tzuyu doesn't like to be left alone with Sana" Chaeyoung answered completely focused on the book. Mina's eyes drifted to Chaeyoung who was beside her. The girl was struggling with one question for about an hour.

"Need help with that?" Mina offered.

Chaeyoung ripped another page of her math notebook and threw it to the dustbin for the nth time. "I can do it this time" she muttered through clenched teeth.

A few minutes passed in which Mina amusedly watched the irritated Chaeyoung desperately trying to solve the math problem.

"Arrgh!" Chaeyoung finally bursted with anger, ripping the page with more force and crumpling it before throwing it to the dustbin. Her eyes than went to Mina who was already smirking with anticipation.

"Can you help me with this question?" Chaeyoung asked.

Mina's smirk only grew wider. "You have to say please to be polite"

Chaeyoung sighed before saying "please"

Meanwhile on the otherside of the table Tzuyu explained Sana how to do the same math problem.

"So did you get that?" She asked after explaining.

"I don't get it" Sana said shaking her head from side to side "Aren't we supposed to be on a date?"

"You're off topic again" Tzuyu said starting to explain again. "So you have to find x-"

"Can we make out now?" Sana interrupted.

Tzuyu continued from where she left off only to get interrupted again.

"We can do more than that if you want" Sana said tilting her head to the side to look at Tzuyu whose eyes were glued to the book.

"Why can't you focus on studying instead of those dirtyminded things. Do this question on your own" Tzuyu said sliding the book towards Sana who groaned.

Tzuyu started solving the question on her own book. After she finished she looked at Sana whose head was on the table.

"So what is your answer?" Tzuyu asked.

"I don't know! 143 I guess" Sana muttered not taking her head from the table.

"So bring x to this side and when you reduce you'll get the answer which is.." Mina explained to Chaeyoung who was concentrated on it unlike Sana. "143"

Tzuyu looked wide eyed at Sana. "How did you do that? I swear you didn't do any calculation!"

Sana's head rised up and she looked at Tzuyu's wide eyes with confusion. "Wait! Did I say the correct answer?"

Tzuyu was too surprised to answer so she only nodded.

"Wow!" Sana muttered before smirking at Tzuyu. "See! I'm a math genius. Now can we go on an actual date?"


"Condition 2: Don't I mean DON'T get too clingy when we're in public"

"Why do I have to be the third wheel every time? Why can't it be Momo?" Mina muttered holding her vanilla ice-cream while walking ahead of Tzuyu and Sana.

"I'm the official third wheel here" Chaeyoung said matching with Mina's fast pace with one hand holding a strawberry ice-cream. "You can be the fourth if you want"

Mina rolled her eyes at the girl's enthusiasm but she decided to slow down so that she could walk along with Chaeyoung. Atleast she is not alone in this.

"Can I taste your ice-cream?" Sana said eagerly.

"No" Tzuyu answered without looking at Sana.

"But I like Choclate flavour" Sana complained while pouting.

"Then you should have ordered one for yourself" Tzuyu replied holding back the urge to smile at the stomping girl.

"But Blueberry is my favourite!" Sana stomped her foot with each word "Can I taste yours? I'll give you a taste of my blueberry one"

"Still no" Tzuyu started walking ahead of Sana. "I don't like blueberry anyway"

"They look more like a couple than us" Sana muttered looking at Mina's direction when a surprised Chaeyoung asked 'You're a ballerina?" a little too loudly.

Sana ran up to Tzuyu and held her hand earning a surprised look from her. "what are you doing? Didn't I say not to get too clingy?"

"Chill! I'm not all over you like those couples" Sana said gesturing towards a random couple who were making out on a bench. "But I can't deny I really want to do that"

Tzuyu's eyes landed on the couple before looking away with a disgusted look on her face.

"Calm your hormones girl" Tzuyu said tightening her hold on Sana's hand and walking away from the scene. Sana would have tried to argue but she was too happy at the fact that Tzuyu was letting her hold her hand.


"Condition 3: Never ever flirt with me. Don't say cheesy lines and no cringy nicknames"

"Hei Minari!" Chaeyoung called rather happily. "I missed you. Why did Momo have to come? All she thinks about is food"

Mina giggled. "But Chae it was only a week. I went to Japan for a few days because my mother was sick"

Tzuyu narrowed her eyes at the two people across the table. "Don't you think they are suspicious? I think they are dating"

Getting no answer from the girl beside her, her eyes shifted to Sana who was scribbling answers on her notebook while looking at the textbook.

"What are you doing Sana?" She asked finding it hard to believe that the girl is actually studying.

"I have an exam tomorrow and i'm going to get good results" Sana said determinedly.

Tzuyu muttered an 'okay' before taking out her books and starting to study. But soon she got bored and shifted her attention back to the unusually silent and studious Sana.

And it was the first time Sana's beauty captured her attention. Sana was a beautiful girl, but she never attracted Tzuyu's attention. But now for the first time seeing Sana actually concentrating on something garnered her attention. Her beautiful brows were furrowed in deep concentration with her eyes focused on the book and nose squinted a little. Her lips which usually blabbered nonsense were kept in a thin line and Tzuyu found herself staring at them unable to lookaway.

"Cute squirrel!" Tzuyu unconsciously said.

"Hmm?" Sana for once looked up from the book to her and she was takenaback by what she had unintentionally said.

"Did you say something Tzuyu?"

"No" She had immediately refused taking a book within her reach covering her flustered face with it and diverting her attention from Sana to the book.

The urge to look at Sana's concentrated face was too strong and after a while she gave in to the temptation, turning her head slowly with the book still covering half of her face. But the sight which greeted her wasn't Sana's concentrated face. But she wasn't complaining because Sana's sleeping face was just as cute.

"Chewy-ah" Sana talked surprising Tzuyu again "Look! I aced the exam"

"Is she sleep talking?" Tzuyu muttered to herself.

Sana smiled in her sleep. "I was the highest in class"

Tzuyu chuckled folding her hands. "In your dreams squirrel"


"Condition 4: Finally if you are worthy enough you have to impress my parents"

"Yes! I aced the test! I was the highest in class!"

"Congratulations!" Chaeyoung cheered loudly.

"Congratulations Mina" Tzuyu said with a generous smile before turning to Sana who had her head on the table. "How was yours?"

"I failed!" A muffled answer came. "I worked so hard and I failed"

"Its okay Sana!" Mina patted her bestfriend's back. "Next time"

"Yeah lift your head up. There's always a next time" Chaeyoung spoke.

"But I failed Tzuyu's condition. My result wasn't even average" Sana shouted not taking her head from the table.

"It's okay Sana" This time Tzuyu spoke. "You did work hard and that's what matters"

"Really?" Sana's head perked up looking at Tzuyu's eyes for reassurance.

"Yes. Anyway be ready at tonight 8 I'll come to pick you up from your house. Wear something formal. I'm going to-" Before Tzuyu can finish Sana spoke.

"Finally have a real date with me?" Sana finished with hopeful eyes.

"Yes! Without a third wheel or fourth wheel" Mina exclaimed happily.

"You're not inviting me and Mina with you?" Chaeyoung asked sadly.

"No i'm taking you to meet my parents" Tzuyu said standing up to leave. "My parents are hard to impress so you better be ready"

True enough Tzuyu was right on time to pick her up. Sana opened her front door and was greeted with the sight of Tzuyu wearing black dress which hugged her body.

Sana let her eyes wander around her body as Tzuyu seems to be doing the same. Unlike Sana's red dress which was long Tzuyu's dress stopped just above her knees and Sana's eyes lingered on Tzuyu's long slightly tanned legs a little longer than it should have.

"Uhm" It was the sound of Tzuyu clearing her through that brought Sana out of her daze."You look beautiful"

"Thankyou" Sana said politely. "You look stunning aswell" Sana complimented before adding her usual mischievous question with a smirk on her lips "Can we make out now?"

And then she saw Tzuyu's usual disgusted expression which for some reason looked incredibly adorable to Sana.

"Let's just go" Tzuyu said still with the disgusted look on her face.

It was when she stepped into the restaurant and caught sight Tzuyu's family that she found herself ready to explode due to the nerves.

"Here" Tzuyu had raised her hand for Sana to take it and she gladly accepted feeling a little relieved.

Sana held on to Tzuyu's hand tighter as they made their way towards the table where Tzuyu's family were seated. All of them stood up to greet Sana.

And Sana made her first embarrassment of the day by saying "Annyeonghaseyo!" a little too loudly and bowing repeatedly without looking up.

It was Tzuyu who stopped her from bowing. Sana looked up to see not only Tzuyu's family looking at her but all the other people in the restaurant as well.

Thankfully, the rather awakward moment was forgotten after they sat in their seat and Tzuyu's mother and elder brother started a conversation. They were quite easy to converse with and Sana had easily got comfortable with them due to her outgoing personality which was similar to them.

Tzuyu's father however, was a quiet one and would only speak when necessary much like Tzuyu.

"I really like her Tzu, you don't usually have friends like her, makes me wonder how you two started to date?" Tzuyu's elder brother, Louie asked.

Sana wasn't thinking straight or she was too engrossed on the delicious food she was eating that she answered so carelessly.

"Oh I just pretended to jump from the fourth floor of the school cause she was stubborn and kept on refusing me"

After she comprehended about what she had said, she looked up to see four wide and surprised eyes looking at her icluding Tzuyu's father who had remained with a stoic expression through out their conversation.

Sana giggled nervously in the silent and tense atmosphere.

"Just kidding" She lied "Right Tzuyu?" She said slapping Tzuyu's shoulder while laughing and thankfully Tzuyu nodded at her family with a smile to cover up the lie.

Then came the continuous series of Sana's clumsiness starting with accidently spilling her drink on to Tzuyu's brother who kindly accepted her apology with a smile and excused himself to the restroom. After that she accidently bumped to a waiter who had a tray full of empty plates and  glasses. Lastly, she just had to trip over Tzuyu's mother's dress and make a fool out of herself.

Sana thanked god the tragic night ended and now she was in Tzuyu's car which was parked infront of her house.

"Well that just proved that I'm not worthy of you" Sana muttered all of a sudden. Tzuyu just kept silent which made Sana feel even worse. "Well I'll be going now. It's the end of our relationship anyway"

Sana shut the car door feeling all hopes of Tzuyu stopping her vanish. She had only taken a few steps towards her house when she heard Tzuyu's voice.

"Wait!" Tzuyu came out of her car. "What makes you think that you can leave?"

"What?" Sana was left confused.

Tzuyu walked towards her and stopped infront of her.

"Minatozaki Sana" Tzuyu paused before saying "You can't leave me now. You can't leave me after making me fall for you"

Sana's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh?"

"What do you want to hear me say? I like you or I love you? Or do I have to make a suicide attempt too?"

Sana's let her tears fall on he cheek with the overwhelming feeling before bringing Tzuyu to her embrace. It was sudden and Tzuyu was taken aback for a while before finally reciprocating.

A few sniffs were heard and Tzuyu asked. "Why are you crying?"

"But I couldn't impress your family. I couldn't fulfill the last condition" Sana whined. Instead of comforting Sana, Tzuyu decided to laugh at her. "What's so funny?" Sana asked breaking the hug looking at Tzuyu with a glare.

Tzuyu chuckled before answering "Did you fulfill any of it?" Causing Sana to whine and hit her repeatedly.

"You're trying hard but you still didn't get your grades up, You said you won't be clingy but always end up holding my hand, although you said you won't flirt or say cheesy lines and cringy nicknames you unknowingly always do it and I probably shouldn't mention about tonight right" Tzuyu said teasingly making Sana groan.

"I can't believe I made a fool out of myself infront of your family. And your Dad would never allow his perfect daughter to be with a clumsy person like me" Sana spoke sadly.

Tzuyu frowned. "Actually" Tzuyu paused looking at Sana with a smile on her lips "My dad really liked you. After you went to the reatroom he said that your just like my mother and that your perfect for me"

"Really? You're not lying right cause he looked pretty angry to me"

"No it's just that he's just shy around people" Tzuyu explained.

"I see. So"

"So?" Tzuyu asked.

"So can we make out now?"


A rather excited Chaeyoung skipped her way towards Sana and Tzuyu with a bored looking Mina trailing behind her.

"Study date let's go!" She said when the four of them were together.

"We have planned to go out today" Tzuyu announced.

"Then out it is!" Chaeyoung cheered "what are we waiting for?"

Sana and Tzuyu looked at each other before Sana decided to explain to Chaeyoung.

"See Chaeyoung, The thing is we're actually dating now" Sana motioned towards Tzuyu and her to which the innocent little Chaeyoung replied 'great' and Mina raised a teasing eyebrow.

"And now Tzuyu has finally learned the beauty in making out" Chaeyoung gave a disgusted look to her bestfriend "So we don't need third or fourth wheel today. So why don't you two go do your own things"

Chaeyoung stared at the retreating back of her best friend.

"So" Her attention turned to Mina who was speaking "Are you going to be arrogant and hard headed like your best friend or can we go out on a real date?"

Chaeyoung was confused before answering.

"Goodthing that I am whipped for pretty ballerinas like you"


~The end~

A/N: lol this was so random. I actually don't have any idea what I have written.

Anyway thankyou for all the lovely comments. It was what inspired me to finish this story.


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This was really adorable. What a great story! :))))
Kiiarrah #2
Chapter 2: I love your story.. thou I am pretty late but yeah I super love it.. Hope you'll hae a sequel for this.... I mean an angsty one but of course with a happy ending.. Oh don't mind me pls.. it's ok if no sequel...Thank you..
zawszeitwice11 #3
Chapter 2: Uwu ~~(^ω^)~~ Sana is crazily and madly in love to Tzuyu that she will do anything for her. Also, Sana will always melt the heart of cold princess Tzuyu o(〃^▽^〃)o SaTzu always a cute couple ^o^
Tzuliet #4
FillDir 306 streak #5
Chapter 2: Awwwwww this is cute! Great job, Author-nim! ^^
matchstick08 #6
Chapter 2: Ahhh~ SaTzu and MiChaeng is so cuttteeeee~~~
Chapter 2: sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuteeeeee >.<