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Chanyeol sighed, swiftly glancing at the smaller beside him. What was he even doing? Why? He was already regretting it. But, oh well, no way to go back on his words right now. He would have to deal with it.

He sighed again.

“Here.” He opened the bedroom door and stepped aside. “You can use this.”

Baekhyun swiftly glanced at him and nodded. Hesitantly, he stepped inside the room, the place lighting up after Chanyeol switched the lights on.

Wow. The guest room was really spacious and—colorful, with a huge bay window giving a view to the backyard. Maybe way too colorful to be Chanyeol's idea. As far as Baekhyun could remember, the taller has always been someone rather sober. Dark and sober colors suiting more his liking.

“There is a bathroom over there.” Chanyeol pointed at the door facing the bed “You can use it. Drop your damp clothes in that laundry basket. I'll bring you clothes to change in.” barely done, he was already turning on his heels to leave the room. Not even giving time to Baekhyun to register everything he just said.

Obviously, he didn't like being in Baekhyun's presence... how could Baekhyun not notice it?

“Chanyeol, please wait.” Chanyeol stopped. His shoulders heaving up and down. An act that showed he was unwilling to stay any longer here. Yet, he still turned back to face Baekhyun.

“What?” Chanyeol was trying, really. But, just the sight of Baekhyun, in such proximity, was bringing back memories—things he would have rather stayed buried forever. He should have probably thought twice before inviting Baekhyun in his house. Because, never in his life, had he regretted doing something this much.

Baekhyun could sense the hostility. And, to be very honest, it was justified. He could already see it would be hard to melt the ice. However, that won't stop him from trying.

“I just...” he trailed off, taking in a deep breath. It was hard to talk knowing your interlocutor probably didn't care about what you had to say. Really hard. “Thank you again, for giving me a chance.”

Chanyeol ran a hand through his black locks, taking in a deep breath “Don't.” he shook his head.

“Don't.” he repeated again, firmer. “Because, I'm already regretting it.”

Chanyeol has always been someone straightforward and blunt sometimes. Something Baekhyun was, of course, aware.

Nonetheless, as much as he expected it, it didn't stop his heart from clenching painfully. He tried to play the pain off.

“I... imagine. I'm probably the last person you ever wanted to see again.” he smiled, sadly. Intending to lift the tension in the air. But, it just became heavier.

Chanyeol scoffed “You have no idea.”

Another pang in Baekhyun's heart.

“But, do you know what was more annoying?” Baekhyun lifted his gaze up in attention, knowing well that, what was coming, would hurt him either way.

Chanyeol leaned on the door-frame, arms crossed over his chest and a devious light shining in his irises, he looked pissed off. (and hot, but that wasn't the thing to focus on at the moment)

“Seeing your face everywhere, when all I was trying to do, was forgetting your existence.”

The brunette shut his eyes close, breathing in and out through his mouth, trying to calm his aching heart.

The firsts years were really hard for the taller. Baekhyun was everywhere, on tv, radio, internet, banners, news. Seeing him so happy and lively was so—sickening. As much as Chanyeol tried, no, he couldn't be happy for him. Not when, he was left battling on his own to get something that was due to him to begin with.

Those years were the worst ever of his life, how could he rejoice for anyone else. The same person who put him in those s, at that?

“I was almost there. I reached a point where it didn't affect me anymore. But you had to come back.” More than his words, what terrified Baekhyun was the calm tone Chanyeol used. No venom nor anger in his voice, that was honestly scary.

“I... I'm sorry. But, I don't regret coming back. I'm sincere when I say I want to redeem myself—start over again. I promise you, I hate myself too. All I want is make up for all my absences, the hurt and harm I caused. Please, believe me, I really regret it, and would do anything to get your forgiveness.”

“Really?” Chanyeol tilted his head, eyebrow quirked “Then, what would you have done if I never contacted you? What if I didn't meet you on the street earlier? Would you have fought to get our forgiveness, as you say?”

Baekhyun stayed silent, eyes wide open. Of course, Chanyeol knew the answer. He wouldn't, because that's how Baekhyun is. He gives up easily.

“You know what's your problem?” Chanyeol pulled away from the door-frame, arms hanging now. “You expect too much from others. You rely on their feelings, expecting things to go your way. Why? Because you are scared. You would have probably gone back to your glittery life if I didn't make the first step, right? Chanyeol scoffed with a bitter smile.

The taller's words painfully sank in, as air seemed to leave more and more the brunette.

You would have probably gone back to your glittery life, if I didn't make the first step.

How—true. Baekhyun already made his mind up that, if Chanyeol wouldn't contact him, he would leave and never come back... But that was because he was scare—

Ah... realization dawned on him. He is right after all...

Baekhyun was scared of rejection. He came back with the idea in mind that he didn't deserve to be forgiven. Which just proved Chanyeol's point.

In reality, he was just a coward.

“I...” he clutched the hem of his damp shirt, gaze trained on the floor, in shame. Chanyeol stared down at him, fighting that feeling of 'pity' rising up inside. And before he could hold them back, the words, he slightly regretted saying, already slipped past his lips.

“The only bold act you probably ever did in your life was abandoning your son behind to pursue your career. Congratulations.”

And that was the last blow. Baekhyun couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down.

A pinch in his heart. This would be the first time Chanyeol intentionally hurt Baekhyun. He didn't really had the intention to make him cry. But, there are lots of things he had bottle up through the years. Lots of unspoken feelings he never let out.

He always wished to yell his disdain at Baekhyun. Letting the singer know how disappointed he was of him. All these bitter feelings he had to bottle up—his frustrations, he always wished deep inside to let Baekhyun hear them.

But, now that it was done. He wasn't feeling any relieved. He wasn't proud of himself, it was actually the other way around. He felt bad, dejected—ashamed. Because, he was better than that. Didn't he say he wasn't seeking any revenge? Then why was he hurting him intentionally?

Wasn't he over this, already?

Chanyeol teared his gaze away from the brunette, unable to withhold the sight of him crying. Even worst when knowing it was his fault.

Damn it!

He was an adult—a father, not a teenager anymore. He couldn't give in to these petty games. He ought to think twice of every of his actions as well as the impact it could have on his son.

He had to be better than that.

“You... should get rid of those damp clothes before you catch a cold.” Chanyeol took in a deep breath. “ I'll bring you neat clothes to change into... Anything else you would need will be in the bathroom.” And he was gone.

Baekhyun's sobs gradually subdued once he was left alone in the room. His body was turning cold due to the dampness of his clothes. He really should get rid of them and take a warm bath before catching a cold. He wiped away his tears, using his right arm and took a deep breath.

Truth really did hurt, huh.

However, it was a good reminder of his imperfections and flaws. Being a celebrity often make you lose sight of reality. You can't also rely on fans judgements because they are flawed and biased. In their eyes, you are the incarnation of perfection. A reason why, Baekhyun, as a singer, also payed attention to his haters as much as fans, to improve himself.

Chanyeol's words were really a punch in the face for him. However, as much as they hurt, he needed to hear them. He made the decision to gain their forgiveness. It's obvious, Chanyeol had no intention to do all the work for him and act like his presence wasn't a bother.

And he, himself, couldn't just break down every time Chanyeol would give him a piece of his mind. It's bound to happen a lot during his two weeks deadline, obviously.

He had to be stronger than that.








“An acquaintance?” Kyungsoo repeated, Brows furrowed, and passed the plates to Chanyeol who was in charge of setting the table.

Earlier when he figured Chanyeol brought someone else home, barely had they make eye contact, Chanyeol pulled the man upstairs.Telling Kyungsoo he will explain later.

Well, Kyungsoo didn't really mind, since the man was drenched from head to toes. It was more important for him to change first before falling sick.

However, something about him felt—familiar. It was barely 10 seconds of eye contact, yet Kyungsoo felt like he already met him once. Weird, right?

Chanyeol merely nodded in response. Which Kyungsoo found somehow abnormal.

“And, is he staying over, tonight?”

Again, Chanyeol nodded.

“You aren't very much talkative, tonight.” Kyungsoo noticed, pausing from what he was doing. “Just to make sure, is everything alright?” Chanyeol could feel the concern leaking in his tone. He turned around to face him and sighed. He shouldn't make things to obvious to the point of worrying his lover.

Okay, no, it wasn't alright at all. But, Kyungsoo didn't need to know. Chanyeol had to be more cautious from now on with his words and actions.

“It's fine, just—work.” he didn't find a better excuse. He wasn't a good liar as well, so better not make it too big. “Also, a rough day. But don't worry about it, okay?” He pressed a soft, appeasing kiss on the smaller forehead. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and hummed. If Chanyeol said not to worry, then he wouldn't.

“Are you still bitter about forgetting to pick Jiwon, at kindergarten?” Chanyeol's eyes widened, he actually forgot that. Ugh.

“It wasn't that?” Kyungsoo snorted at the taller dejected pout. “Sorry to remind you, then.” somehow he couldn't stop laughing. Annoyed, Chanyeol pulled him close and shut him with a chaste kiss, then left the kitchen.

“Wonie!” Chanyeol called in a pouty voice, looking for his son around the Villa. He still hadn't apologized for not picking him up earlier.

The little boy was actually in his playroom. It was a whole room situated on the first floor. Not too far away from the kitchen. It was filled with toys of all genres. Play mobile houses, a small bookshelf for all his son super heroes stories. A mini train circuit. A figurine shelf. All sized of plushies, a mini couch; a mini piano, and guitar. A small basket ball playground. As well as a mini red Ferrari car. And lots of other toys.

Because, why not?

Well, you could say to be spoiled, Park Jiwon was spoiled.

“What are you doing, baby?” Chanyeol leaned curiously on the door-frame, watching his son being so focused on something, his eyebrows actually furrowed.

“Appa!” the little boy cried, lower

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#FinalsWeek is over, expect an update tomorrow^^


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Beau1996 1370 streak #1
Chapter 3: Too short 😾!!
Beau1996 1370 streak #2
Chapter 1: Will Baek try to get his son??
Tikaii #3
Chapter 1: Still waiting patiently for you author-nim :')
Tikaii #4
Chapter 3: As much as baekhyun is the one who made a mistake I'm already sad for him and want kyungsoo as sweet as he is to just go and let chanyeol fall for baekhyun all over again that is if he fell out of love(I don't think he did) and chanyeol could beat sm up for baekhyun and have another baby somewhere in that 2 weeks...oh God what am I even saying >.< Anyway can't wait for the update...thank you for writing this it o.o
Justiebaby #5
Chapter 3: I hope you update soon it really good...❤❤❤
Chapter 3: I really hope there will be an update soon ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: This is so suffocating. I feel bad for everyone in the story. I feel the hurt for Baekhyun, for Chanyeol, and a potential one coming for Kyungsoo....
Iyesss #9
Chapter 3: I just notice that u haven't update anything new lately.. that got me thinking are u even still writing on aff..? But then I looked at your last login and it still new, so maube I'm just overthinking here.. Anw, this is just my thought and I don't intend to hurry you for updates, you could take all the time you want :) But again, I want to let you know that your stories are really great, all have promosing plot, I love too see how it goes so far! Fighting!
Iyesss #10
Chapter 1: Oh wow apparently u just become one of my fave author here in aff! I love your plot! I'm glad you decide to write since you obviously have the gift! Keep writing I'll keep reading~~~