Chapter 10 - First Date

Love Revolution

The first thing I thought of when I woke up was "I was late for school!" But after immediately rushing to the bathroom, I realized it was Sunday. Defeated, I walked towards the dining room instead.

"Hey." Yonghwa called out. I turned to his direction and gave him a half-nod. I was still half asleep.

"I made breakfast." He grinned. I sat beside him and started attacking the food before me.

"You up for today?" Yonghwa asked.

"Today? Why? What are we going to do?" I managed while eating my muffin.

"You already forgot what I told you last night?" He looked hurt.

I scrambled my thoughts for what he meant. In my very foggy memories, I remember Yonghwa somewhat asking me to go with him somewhere.

"What a date?" I asked, looking at him weirdly.

"Well...I don't...I think...Uh...Yeah." He stammered. I stared at him then laughed.

"What?" He snapped.

"Nothing. It's just that you were so cute while you were lost for words." I giggled.

"Not funny." He gave me a death glare. I felt a shudder run my spine.

"Yea. Yea. I'm sorry." I surrendered. "So, where are we going?"

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"Anywhere. As long as it's your treat though." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Of course it's my treat! I'm a namja after all.We could go to the amusement park if you want?" He suggested.

I eagerly nodded. It's been such a long time since I've gone to an amusement park.

"Arasseo. Be ready by 10" He said then stood up and made his way to his room. I glanced at my watch and shrieked.

"Yah! It's already 9:30!" I shouted at him. His head peered from his door and there was a smirk on his face.

"You better get ready." He said and slammed the door. I quickly shoved the remains of my muffin in my mouth and downed the cold milk in front of me. I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. I was prancing around my room looking for a decent enough clothes to wear. I pulled out a really nice skirt out of my closet but I immediately ditched the idea of wearing skirt at an amusement park. I won't be able to ride any rides at all!

I settled with my black skinny jeans and my white graffiti shirt, I tied my red low cut chuck taylors and tied my long hair into a ponytail. I stared at myself at the mirror and cringed. I looked so simple!

While I was in the middle of my thoughts, a knock came to my door.

"Shin Hye! It's already 10!" Yonghwa called. I reluctantly opened the door and gasped. Yonghwa had the same look on his face.

"Did you do this on purpose?!" I shrieked.

"Yah! How am I supposed to know that that's what you're wearing?" He retorted.

Yonghwa was wearing jeans, a white shirt and red shoes. In other words, we have matching outfits.

"Ugh! Now I have to change!" I groaned andstarted walking back to my room to change, but Yonghwa garbbed my arm and grinned.

"This is fine. Gaja!" He said then immediately dragged me outside. We hopped on his car and sped towards the amusement park. Once we were there, I noticed that almost everyone there was a couple.

"Chakaman!" I raise my hand in motion for Yonghwa to stop dragging me.

"Why are there so much couples here today?" I asked the clerk that was inside the ticket booth.

"Oh. Today is a special promo for couples." She smiled.

"What? It's not even Valentines yet!!" I screeched, attracting too much attention.

"Yes, but our owner's son is celebrating an anniversary with his girlfriend, so that was the reason for the promo." She explained, a smile still plastered on her face, though I could see that she was losing patience with me. Yonghwa was still pulling at my arm and with one more succesful tug, I managed to let go of the table and be dragged inside the amusement park.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I exhaled.

"Aren't you happy that I'm treating you on a date?" He pouted.

"Happy? Ofcourse I am! It's just that our clothes and this stupid promo they have makes us look like a real couple!" I exclaimed, making exxagerated motions with my hands.

"Did I tell you that hyung's family owns this place?" He grinned.

"Hyung? Which Hyung?" I asked, looking at him skeptically.

"Kyuhyun Hyung" He simply said.

"Oh? Jin-EH? JINJA?!" I gasped, my eyes were wide.

Yonghwa nodded repeatedly. "You didn't know hyung was rich?"

"I know he's rich, but not rich-rich!" I exclaimed.

"Well, hyung IS rich-rich." He said, accompanied with air quotes and a chuckle.

"Woah! Daebak! Unnie is so lucky!" I gushed.

Yonghwa looked at me then laughed. "Yah. Hyung is much more lucky!"

"Eh. Wae?" I looked at him skeptically.

"Noona is neomu neomu yeppeo! She's y too! And she's also very rich like hyung. A match made in heaven!" He exclaimed with a sigh.

"Yah. You like Unnie?" I poked his sides.

Yonghwa was blushing madly. "Aniyo!"

"Aish. Don't try and hide it anymore. You like Unnie!" I eclaimed, feeling a little bit of pain in my heart.

He sighed. "Everyone likes Noona. Leeteuk hyung used to like her. I used to like her. Every other guy is Kyuhyun hyung's rival for Noona's heart."

" and Leeteuk Oppa likes Unnie?! Andwe! Then Oppa is cheating So Ra!" I shrieked.

"Yah! That was way before! Almost 5 years ago. We already accepted the fact that Noona really likes hyung." He grinned. He doesn't seemed fazed by it at all.

"So, you mean you don't like Unnie anymore?" A smile crept to my lips.

"I like Noona for Hyung, but I don't like her in any special way. I've been long over that crush!" He exclaimed. I sighed in relief.

"Anyway, if you're done chatting up. Let's go try the roller coaster." He said then quickly pulled on my arm dragging me towards the long line.

I groaned. "We have to wait for ages."

"No we don't." Yonghwa grinned then walked towards the front of the line. He showed a card to the attending clerk at the roller coaster ride and we were immediately asked to enter. I could hear a few protests from the ones who were in line.

"Yah. How did you do that? What was that card you showed him?" I asked non stop. Yonghwa pulled out the card, it was Kyuhyun Oppa's ID

"Eh? Kyuhyun Oppa's ID? Why did it affect them so much?" I asked. Yonghwa stared at me with a "duh" kind of look. That's when I remembered, Oppa's family owns the park.

"Ah.Majda, Mianhe." I grinned sheepishly. Then I realized something.

"Chakaman! The girl at the ticket booth said that the owner's son is having an anniversary with his girlfriend, so you mean, Oppa and Unnie's anniversary is today?" I asked. Yonghwa nodded.

"Then we should go and greet them!" I was about to grab my phone from my pockets but Yonghwa quickly stopped me.

"Aish. They're probably busy. Don't bather them Hyung would definitely have a fit." He said.

"Busy? What do you mean? It's sunday anyway." I looked at hime skeptically.

"Pabo." He grinned then rubbed his knuckles on my head.

"Yah! That hurts!" I cringed.

"Because you're just too innocent! Whatever! I don't want to talk about hyung's personal life. Let's just enjoy the rides!" He grinned then motioned for me to held on tight at the security bar tthat was placed in front of us. I suddenly felt fear. I tugged at Yonghwa's sleeves and whined.

"Yong! I don't think I can do this! I'm really scared!" I cried.

He laughed then said, "Just hold on to me tightly."

Yonghwa placed his arm on my waist, making a chill run down my spine. I shuddered. I looked over at Yonghwa, he has a smirk on his face.

"Yah! Are you enjoying my fear?" I seethed.

"Aniyo." He shook his head then laughed.

Please buckle your seat belts and hold tight on your security bars. The roller coaster ride will start now.

A voice announced. I edged closer to Yonghwa with my one hand securely holdin on the bar and the other at his arm.

"Hold on tight" Yonghwa said, the the roller coaster started moving up.

Jinja! I'm really scared! I could feel sweat beads forming on my forehead. Before I could even catch my breathe, the roller coaster started speeding down, making my stomach jump. I screamed throught out the whole ride. Once we were out of the ride, Yonghwa patted my back.

"Congrats! You broke my eardrums." He scoffed.

"Mianhe!" I smiled at him sheepishly.

"Whatever. Where do you want to go next?" He asked. I looked around and saw that everyone was lining towards the ferris wheel.

"Let's go to the ferris wheel!" I grinned then dragged Yonghwa towards it. He showed the clerk Kyuhyun Oppa's ID and in no time we were already inside the ferris wheel's car. Once we were high enough, I gasped at the view.

"Yong! Look! Yeppeuda!" I excitedly said then pointed at the view.

"Yeah it is." He sighed. I turned to look at him, not realizing how awfully close we are. We were just a milimeter apart. Before I could even retreat back, Yonghwa closed the space between us with his lips crashing on mine.

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Chapter 11: Muito fofo esses dois, como sempre quebrando regras. Por favor atualize eu amei essa história.♥️
Starligthangelcnblue #2
Chapter 11: eonnie please update this story its beautiful!
Starligthangelcnblue #3
Chapter 11: could u eonnie update soon plsz
ratriana #4
Chapter 11: i like this story
Chapter 11: They are so sweet. Please update soon~ :D
Can you update..Please...
Chapter 11: Nice one.I hope you will continue....
rowena_axentro #8
Chapter 7: hi it's a nice story, may i ask your nationality? i am a filipina. you want me to teach you some of the basic filipino words?
please update again if you have time T____T we missed this so bad ... thanks!
destinyYS11 #10
Chapter 11: Waaaahh...thanks for updating this authornim :) waaahhh im excited for the. Chaos on school and the new rule of the new couple! Kekekeke i hope they not able to violated any of rules...kekekeke yongshin <3 please update again