Cream Cheese - 18

Of Hotdogs, Bagels, and Basil

A/N: Hi guys! Miss me? Enough with the action, let's do some light moments and lots of fluff. Is that okay? 

Thank you to all our subscribers and readers who patiently waits for updates. This story is for all of you. 

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Ciao! ✌




Amber's POV

A cut in my bottom lip because of Mom's hard slap, a bloodied nose when I fought the guards, and my right hands being stomped on by that bastard who tried to get inside the bistro. I helped Leeteuk take down the guy, he was a skilled warrior in hand to hand combat and almost killed the two of us but Leeteuk is smart enough to shoot him when he had the chance.

I was taken to the hospital that night to have my x-rays and treat my wound. A cast was put on my right hand to speed up the healing of my fingers. Luckily no one was badly hurt from the guys and Kyuhyun's cut is okay.

It was like nothing happened when the morning came. Not a trace of all that gun fires and explosion is visible on the street. Those guys clean up good even blocking any news on the TV and web. No one talked about it like it didn't happen, like no one tried to harm the people I love.

Jackie decided to close the bistro again for a day so that the staff can rest and shake off what happened the night before. I know they're a bit shaken but I'm glad they are fine. I will not forgive myself if something bad happens to my friends. No damages was inflicted on the structure because the metal roller doors when impenetrable.

They say a mother's love protects and care for her child. Makes the child safe and gives all the love needed even her life. Mom loves me so much that it's so suffocating; yes, she did gave me everything and loved me the most. Cared for me the most, and gave me the best education our money can buy. But her love is dangerous too when you try to disobey and betray her.

Grandma understood my decision and took it without any protest. I know Grandma, you just have to explain to her your true intentions and she will listen to you. She will think about what you said and analyze it. And I'm her favorite Grand daughter and she loves me. I'm happy to know that she supports me in my decision maybe because I'm the second one in our clan to live a clean life.

Krys mentioned that Uncle Taeyeon and Aunt Jessi was worried about me too. I also had a talked with them before about what I'm going to do and they said it's a little risky but if it's the price of being free, I need to be sure that everyone's safe. I also asked for their permission if I can stay with Krys for a while. Even though Krys is already an adult, I still want to respect Atty. Taeyeon's stand about the possibility of living together with his daughter. He was cool about it and said it's okay, because Krys won't be alone anymore and someone will take care of her.

As lawyers and moves around the judicial system peeps, they fully know that no one has ever been successful or even dared to prosecute my family for the wrong doings being done. Finding evidence is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What's important right now is Krystal is safe and not hurt. I will never forgive myself if Mom did succeeded in hurting her like what she did with Bryan before. Yes, she will not kill you. But she will make sure you will remember her for the rest of your life. And that night of gun fires and explosions was her way of making Krys afraid of her. But what Mom did made Krys even more braver and actually, annoyed.

She has the right to be annoyed because like what she said, 'it was a crazy night'. Our friends' life was put on the line and she worried a lot about me. She said she won't forgive herself if something bad happened to me.

Weeks passed, my hand is already healing and I still continue to look after the bistro. There will also be days that I visit the galleries and check if everything is fine. There has been some incidents of trashing the front door of our gallery at night time. Although the police said it was just group of delinquents without anything to do, I still doubt it.

I think about what Mom said, how she will make my life miserable. The hell I care about that! I'll survive this, we will survive this.

Krystal has been extra caring and supportive to me ever since what happened that day. Living together was a breeze since we already did look like we were from the start of our relationship. The only difference now is the division of responsibilities.

I do the cooking when it's our rest day because I wanted to pamper her once in a while. She's always in the kitchen 10 hours a day and 6 days a week and she deserves to have a rest on it. She does the laundry and we do the cleaning together while I do the fixing if there are things to be done. I asked Bryan for additional security features to be added in the apartment building but no camera inside our unit.

NO. Never. I don't want our escapades to be recorded, that will be awkward especially if the feed is directly transmitted to the server of Bryan's security agency. One of their services is monitoring the CCTVs installed in every establishments that hires them. In that way, authorities can be called immediately for any disturbances.

It will be the death of me if they will see Krys parading around the unit just wearing her oversize T-shirt and undies. Sometimes unintentionally, a lot of times intentionally especially if she's teasing me.

She's strict and professional when she's in the kitchen and she looks y as hell doing it. I've been thrown out of the kitchen a lot of times because she said I'm disturbing her. I wasn't doing anything, I was just staring!

"Amber... Don't you have anything to do at the office?" She asked me with raised eyebrow. It was lunch hour and it's raining hard outside but diners are still coming. She was plating some Chicken parmigiana and I was just gawking at what she was doing.

"I already finished the reports and emailed it to Jackie. Can't I be here!? I want to be close to you.." I pouted shamelessly at her making Byul cringe beside her.

"As if we don't live together in one house! What do you get in staring at me while I work?" Krys asked still eyeing me while she reach for the bell to call a server but I reached it first and tapped it a lot of times. Luna came in and took the plate to serve it.

"I get to marvel at how beautiful, hard-working, and y my girlfriend is." Oh Amber... Flirting shamelessly with your girl. I heard Luna clicked her tongue while shaking her head.

"Stupid..." I saw a slight blush on her face and a small smile for a while then she turned back to her game face.

"And I love ringing that bell hehehe...." I tapped it again loudly and suddenly all 5 servers went inside the kitchen thinking they got an order to serve.

"Any orders ready chef?!" Wendy asked her and Krys glared at me for doing it. Glaring Krys is hot, but HellKrys is scary especially if you're disturbing her workflow.

"Sorry guys, Amber here got excited with the bell. I'll call you when there's any." She gave them an apologetic smile and they all went out leaving Luna inside.

I played with my hands like a scolded kid by her teacher and made a puppy eye look that I know she won't resist. "Sorry Chef...."

"Don't pull that look at me Amber. Go find something to do."

I continued it making her crossed her arms in front of me. Luna was watching us amusely while picking on some cheese.

"I just want to watch you work Krys.... And I'm feeling lazy in the office cause I'm alone and it's raining and it makes me think of pillows and blankets and hot cocoa." I whine to her like a kid. It's true I do love when it's raining because it means snuggling under the sheets and doing nothing. "Just do your thing and don't mind me here Krys just think that I'm not around."

I looked at her and she's just staring at me with a blank expression. Fine.. my charm isn't working right now on her. I really pissed her off this time and I'm getting hell later.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine. I'm going and will not disturb you ever and ever because you're busy and you don't want me here. I'll just go to Victoria and ask her if she needs any help. I'll just see you at lunch later." I said to her still pouting and sulking. But before I went out I tapped the bell again and I saw her jaw dropped and eyes narrowed at my childishness. Oh ! I gotta run because she's holding the plate like she's gonna throw it at me.!

Victoria gave me some proposals from individuals who wants to franchise the bistro and I started working and analyzing it. Atleast I can use what I majored in and maybe help Jackie with the business. I made a few calls with Jackie checking if she's okay and telling her that I'm analyzing the documents. She told me to make some recommendations and maybe we can discuss in a few days the possibility of having the bistro expand in the city.

I didn't realize the lunch hour was over until Krys entered the office and took her chair and sat beside me on my table. I smiled at her and continued what I'm doing with the documents. Some proposals are promising and taking some time for me to analyze it. And I'm still hurt with what happened earlier.

"Am... Let's go, lunch is already serve." She told me while rubbing my back affectionately and placing her chin on my left shoulders. One thing I love about her is her ability to switch from a strict chef to a sweet girlfriend. But I plan to starting today for throwing me out of the kitchen again and not biting to my charms. Hey! My Llama pride still hurts and sulking on the corner. It's payback time!

"You go ahead Krys, I'm still halfway done with this documents. I need to call Jackie again later regarding this." I said without looking at her and still busy taking down notes.

Let's see now who's busy!

"O-okay... Or maybe I'll just get us some food then we'll eat here, okay?" She asked waiting for my reply. Sorry baby...

"Hmmm.... It's okay Krys, just eat with them. It will be hard for me right now to leave this, I'll just ask for food later. Go, I know you're already hungry.." I kissed her forehead and resume on my work. Ooohhh... Damn Amber you good actor.

"Am..-" My phone suddenly rings and it's Jackie on the other line. "Just go ahead Krys, I'll be fine.." I answered the phone and turned around my chair away from her for effects. Nyahahaha....

I heard her light steps going out the room then the office door closed. I pumped my fist on the air celebrating my payback. Huh! You don't want me around you while working so I'll just busy myself here and not pester you for a few days. Let's see what will happen. I know you'll miss my presence in your kitchen!



Krystal's POV


I took a final look at Amber who's now busy talking about proposals to Jackie and sighed. Dummy! You basically threw her out of the kitchen again and told her to find something to do. Now she found something so what's weird about it Krystal?

Because this is the first time she did this. She always eats lunch with me and there wasn't a day that we don't. Whatever she was doing she will drop it and she will fetch me at the kitchen every lunch time without fail. It was always a highlight of my day whenever she hangs around the kitchen or just simply sit near me while I'm working. I was just teaching her a lesson this morning because she keeps on tapping the bell making the servers think that their orders are ready.

I sat beside Luna still thinking about Amber's behavior when she passed me the food. I shook my head and grab the bowl of salad and dumped some greens on my plate. Now I'm feeling guilty with what I did to her this morning. I was always the clingy one when we're off duty, and she doesn't complain about it. She said she loves it because it means I don't want to be apart from her.

"Hey Chef.." I turned my head on the direction of the voice and it was Seulgi looking at me with a bread stick on .

"Yeah... Did you all like the food?"

"Of course Chef! You always cook the best food ever! No doubt about that. Where's Amber?"

"She's at the office right now doing some paperwork." I told her and smiled but deep inside I feel .

"Jackie told her to work on it immediately because they'll meet in 2 days to discuss. That's about 10 proposals Krys so maybe she's really busting her off to finish it before her deadline." Victoria said while drinking her wine.

"Maybe she's sulking Chef... You threw her out of the kitchen again. Talk about pride.." I glared at Byul sharply and furrow my brows. "You know... Maybe she's mad at you.."

Maybe.. but Amber is the type of person who always do the first move whenever we have a silly fight. She will always kiss me and say sorry first even though it's my fault. I was always the impatient one in the relationship while she has the patience as big as the Hoover Dam. Most of the time she will be the one to initiate the make-up . She's allergic to mangoes while I'm allergic to apples, but we love blueberries. She's into books and arts while I'm into movies and cookbooks.

And she never gets mad. Ever. And she pays attention to every thing I say or do. One time we were in bed preparing to sleep when I unconsciously told her that I miss eating tteokbokki , specifically the one being bought on a Pojang Macha near my old high school. The next day came and she disappeared after lunch and came back at night to the bistro all sweaty and panting with a take out box of the tteokbokki I was talking about. She said she asked Dad where I studied high school and she went there searching for the store and bought it.

She missed the bus and decided to walk all the way back to the bistro when she encountered a German Shepherd that chased her on the streets while the dog owner is also running trying to catch the big dog. I was so touched with her action that I pulled her collar and crashed my lips to hers and gave her the most sweetest kiss I can give full of love and admiration.



We resumed our operations for the dinner hours and it was still raining hard that's why there's only a handful of diners inside the bistro. Amber skipped lunch and just asked for black tea so I know she's hungry right now. I made her favorite Pesto and brought it at the office. Byul and Luna was teasing me telling that it's a peace offering for being hard to Amber this morning.

I knocked on the door before entering and her head shot up from her laptop. I think she's typing some documents from the way her fingers spread on the keyboard. She smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes then continued again on what she's doing. Is she going to starve herself just to finish that report? I placed the plate of pasta on her table and I sat down in front of her.

"Hey Am... You skipped lunch baby. I prepared pesto for you.. take a break and eat first." I told her and opened a bottle of her favorite milk tea I have stocked on the fridge. She just eyed it and looked up to me smiling "Thanks Krys... Just leave it there and I'll eat it later." No way that I'm leaving this office without you touching what I cooked! I picked up the fork and twirl the pasta on it and leaned on her table bringing the food to .

"Open your mouth.." She was startled for a bit but obeyed me and opened and I shoved the pasta.

"You don't have to do this Krys, I know your busy in the kitchen. Give it to me and I'll eat it now. " She tried to get the fork from me but I didn't let her and feed her again.

"There's only a small number of guests so I'm sure Byul can supervise the kitchen. Just do your thing and I'll feed you. Drink your milk tea.." I handled the bottle to her and she drank a little and placed it beside her. I kept on feeding her while she works until the plate is empty. I set aside the plate and wiped with a table napkin and I stared at her face immerse on what she's doing.

She has her glasses on and she looks so handsome. And she's wearing a hoodie with the sleeves rolled up to the middle of her arms. Maybe she noticed me staring at her and she spoke in an amused tone "Krys, do you want to go home early? I'll ask Victoria if we can since like you said we don't have a lot of customers now." I just nodded and kept staring at her.

Going home early might be a good idea. We can snuggle at the bed and enjoy the weather. And maybe I can make up for what I did to her this morning.

With that a bright idea came into my mind.








Ahhh... Sulky Ber making Krys feel guilty 😏










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2076 streak #1
Chapter 12: The end of this chapter makes my heart goes bummm
snackplate #2
Chapter 44: Rereading this again n again. I hope to see at least one happy n lovely family like this in real life.
2076 streak #3
Chapter 12: It’s so cute
Derileil #4
Chapter 44: author, I'm waiting for a story involving yoona and seohyu, with the kryber kids gathering together as adults, it will be fun to see Joey's protective side for his aunts and younger siblings
Emjey012 #5
Chapter 10: Argghhhh!! Can't stop reading!!!
Finally! They've met again!! Woohhh~
Emjey012 #6
Chapter 3: So...if there's a pout there should be a kiss??? Hahaha XD
Liking this fanfic already... So cute~
Chapter 29: Love is thin woaoaoaoaoaoalllssss
can get you in trouble..
Chapter 11: Going homeeee hahaha more like a home run for them!!!!!
Chapter 6: Hahaha young love is lit. I even did kiss my lover on our first date. And it was exciting !!!!!!! Hahaa
Chapter 5: Oohhhh krys... soo jjang!! My periwinkle soul is happy! Hahah so bold!!!!!