
The voice of my heart.





The alarm was noisy today. It kept on ringing since just now, whose alarm was that. Please silent it. I wanted to sleep more. I pulled the blanket up to my head and covered my ears. Ugh! I opened my eyes and sat up. I turned my head and search for my phone somewhere on my bed. My eyes bulged out when I saw the clock. Darn it! I hurriedly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.


I heaved a sigh as I was able to catch the first bus. I thought I would be late but… I actually set the alarm one hour earlier and I forgot about it.


I held tight the warm coffee on my hands. “It is cold.” The air this morning is too cold. I could feel the air pierced through my thick clothes and made me shiver from time to time. I thought spring is coming but I guessed I was wrong again. It is still winter and the snow is still falling. I looked at the watch and zone out for a moment. The time has stopped. Is it frozen because of the temperature? Or is it because of the battery? I smiled and took out my camera.


“Time” doesn’t flow the same way for all human being…


Arriving at the port I went to the ticket booth and looked at the schedule. “Should I stay one night?” I took out my phone and search for more information. I put it back inside my pocket and turned to the ticket booth. “One way ticket for 1 person, please”


There were not a lot of people in the ferry. Yeah, no one would want to go to the beach in this cold weather. I am the only insane one, I guessed. I laughed at myself and looked at the scenery outside. It is beautiful. I lift up my camera and capture it.


I looked at my watch. “Ah! Right. It stops working now” I laughed at how forgetful I am and took out my phone. The bus soon arrived and I hopped on. I am heading to the beach.


Before reaching the beach, the bus stopped at the Somuuido. You can see the small village and mountains around. “The mountain has turned old” I turned my head and saw him. He was here…beside me. He was pointing out to the mountain and looked amazed with it. That guy who always amazed with everything he saw… was no longer here anymore.


I hopped down from the bus and walked around followed the other passengers. I heard them wanting to climb up so I just followed them from behind. One of the ajhussi suddenly stopped and looked at me.


“Hey, you!”


I looked around then pointed to myself.


“Yeah, you. Young man”


I walked up to him and bowed a bit.


“Don’t walk alone, come and join us” He said warmly. I smiled and walked beside him. The ajusshi kept talking to me. He told me that he was born in here and always climbed up here with his friends. They would come up and shouted their embarrassing secrets out.


“We promised not to come up if one of us is going to come out and shout his embarrassing secret out but then little did they know, some of us actually followed them and heard their secrets out loud” He laughed reminiscing the old day.


“But then, we stopped coming here after one incident” His lips went down and his face looked sad. “If I could go back to that time…” The journey to the top became silent. I didn’t ask further and the ajhussi said nothing either.


“Finally we arrived”


I took out my bottle and gulped down the water. It was tiring but standing here looking at the scenery down there, is worth it.


I took my camera and began to take pictures. I could feel my camera is in it high peak. The sound of the shutter is out loud and full of energy. After taking for a while, I stopped when I saw the ajhussi just now. He was standing at the top, looking at the sky. The sun which hides under the clouds, shine its light to the ajhussi. It is beautiful scenery. I lifted up my camera and froze that moment, made it eternally. I looked at the result and smiled.



My body shivered as the wind brushed my cheeks. It was totally not a good idea to come here in winter. It is totally not…”Oh, the tide begins to lower now.” Here in Muuido, is famous with watching the sunsets but then, when the sun begin to set down, the tide also begin to lower and you are able to walk out till you reach the waterline.


For now, I would put down my camera and enjoyed the walk. I walked for around 20 minutes till I reached the waterline. The water is just an inch in front of me. I lifted up my head and was greeted with the shades of purple and blue and reflected on the barely-there sea. As I looked ahead I saw the sky is meeting the sea. I felt like I am walking between the sky and the sea.


The next day I woke up around 6 AM. I got ready myself and headed out to the beach. There I saw some folks and children around. They are digging something. “Ah, I remembered now, the clams.” The kids were playing with the mud but they still dug the clams out. It is cold but they are coming out to play on the mud. Kids are surely full of energy.


I sat there with my buddy, ready to capture the moment of the sun greets its world.


“Have a good day ahead.”








Tuesday, February 14th, 2017






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Love this so far ^.^ keep up the good work