
Last First Love
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“Baby, your handphone.”


“Why?” I shifted my eyes from the window and grabbed my phone. “Oh someone’s calling me.”


The number showed in the screen wasn’t saved as any name but I picked it up anyway, it could be an emergency.


“Hello… Who is this?”


“Is this Shin Geummi number?”


“Yes… It’s Shim Geummi speaking. Whom with I speak?”


“It’s me, Baekhyun.”


“Baekhyun?” Baekhyun who? That Baekhyun? Oh my God. “Yeah, hi, Baekhyun. How’s life?”


I excused myself from my table and the man beside me. Jeon Wonwoo. My current two years boyfriend. He mouthed me a ‘who?’ but I only threw a weak smile at him and jogged outside the café.


“I’m good. Very good. Thanks. This so sudden. What’s up?”


“Right? Yeah, I’m sorry. Is it okay to talk a bit?”


Nope, actually not okay, because my boyfriend is glaring at me through the window. “Sure. Go on.”


“Are you in town?”


“Sorry, no. I’m in Seoul now. Anything I can help?”


“How about Auntie?” He meant my mother. Baekhyun was so close to my mother and my sister.


“Mom surely in town.”


“Can I get her phone number?


“Sure. You got a pen?”


“Can you send me by text, please?” Ugh. More works to do.


“No problem. You could just asked me by text instead of calling me.”


“I just want to make sure you still use this number.” He stuttered a bit. Oho, I detected an uncertainty.


“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”


“Well, we kinda lost contact years ago, so yeah… You know…” Yes, Sherlock.


“We both busy with study, can’t help it.” Busy my .


“Hundred percent. So, I’ll wait for your text?”


“Sure. Bye then.”


“Bye. Hmm… Geummi-ya?” No, not that freaking pet name I hate the most.


“Yup!” I exclaimed and popped my lips at the ‘p’.


“Thanks a lot.”


“You’re very welcome.” I peeked at Wonwoo at the table. He was getting bored sitting by himself and scrolled on his phone randomly.


“See you later?”


“Hope so. Sorry, I gotta go now. Bye, Baekhyun.”



I entered the café again as my fingers danced at my home screen, saving his number in my contact then typed him my mother numbers, which I remember clearly at the back of my head.


“Who was that?”


“I smell jealousy.”


“I was just asking.”


I giggled. Wonwoo has never been jealous to any male around me. Because I trust him enough to answer all my incoming calls in front of him, even when my mother call.


“Byun Baekhyun.” I answered his question.


“Byun Baekhyun who?” He questioned back. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Now I have to explain who was this Byun Baekhyun to him. Another work to do.


“Baek-oppa.” I paused, awating for his response. “My first love, remember?”


Suddenly his expression turned bitter. “Ah… Your famous first love…” He said mockingly.


See? He’s jealous. “Is this jealousy, Jeon Wonwoo?”


“Nope. Not really.”


Wonwoo threw his gaze outside the window, looking blankly at trees as if it was the most amusing God creature ever alive. Jeon Wonwoo and his jealousy.


“Jeon Wonwoo…”


“Mmhmm…” He mumbled, eyes still on those amusing trees.


“I will answer his call in front of you next time, I promise.”


He turned his head slowly facing me. His slanted eyes wandered, searching for my pairs. “You will?”


“Swear to God.” I answered firmly because I really will. There’s no point hiding anything from my own boyfriend, right? Besides, Baekhyun is just my best friend, whom also the first male creature I declared as my first love. Nothing more.


Wonwoo convinced and gave me a nodded. He fixed his seat closer to mine, making our shoulders met.


“Why did he call you?”


“He asked Mom’s number.” I said while use my hand to spoon a banana cake and shove it to my mouth.


“What for?” Wonwoo reached for my lips and wipe the banana crumbs with his finger. Sweet .


“Didn’t know, didn’t ask, and didn’t really care. It’s just Moms’ phone number anyway.”


“Really? Should you call your mom?”


I looked at my wrist. 3.53 pm. “Later maybe. She’s still working now.”


Wonwoo nodded agreeing. His thumb caress my cheek slowly. I glared at him in annoyance and he took his fingers back, whispering a small ‘sorry’.


“Okay. Now where should we go?” Talks about Baekhyun suddenly make my mood down. He was the very last person I hope to contact me after all these years. In another side, he also the very first person I hope I can get along back with. When was this hate for him started? I didn’t recall it.


Wonwoo brought his phone closer to me and showed me a list of now-playing movies on cinema. “How about movie?”


Cute. Jeon Wonwoo is cute. He always have his way to brighten my days, to avoid any small-useless lover quarrels, and to show his love for me even though he’s younger than me. 


“Movie sounds good. Let’s go!”




Jeon Wonwoo is enough for me, more than enough.








Byun Baekhyun.


Byun freaking Baekhyun.


My first crush.


My longest unrequited crush, six freaking years.


Nasty, yeah.











I was thirteen when I first saw him. A chubby, short, and ball-ish boy sitting with the elected class president in the back row. I didn’t recall how I can get along with him back then. We both were too different. I was a nerd, one of those who preferred to sit near the teachers table instead at the back row, and he was surely the easy going type, who preferred to sit with those famous kid.


Baekhyun was good at study, which was surprising. But I was better than him. He ranked tenth at the mid-test while I ranked fourth. I could rank higher if it wasn’t if it wasn’t for my P.E score. Baekhyun wasn’t any better at sport than I was. With his chubby body, he always finished run the last, makes him fall even further than me.


It was one cloudy day, my mom promised to pick me up at school after she finished her shift. I was waiting inside the library, the warmest place in school, while doing my homework. He was there, approaching my table and sat beside me, staring at my face from side. “Shin Geummi, right?”


Out of nowhere? “Yep. That’s me.” I answered, eyes still on the book.


“Ranking number four in the whole school.”


“I’ll take it as a compliment, thank you.”


Hearing my half-assed answer, he brought his chair closer to me, tucking his head deeper and closer to my face. “You know who I am?”


“Byun Baekhyun, ranking tenth.”


“Is ranking all you know about me?”


“It’s the only thing matter for me.”


“Wow.” He gaped while closing his mouth with his palm. “Quite a hard catch, aren’t you?”


“If you have free time, better be working at your ranking. Don’t wanna upset daddy again, do you?”


Mr. Byun and Mrs. Byun worked as doctor. Mr. Byun worked in the same hospital as my mother works, he was a very famous for his skill. And Baekhyun, sharing the same surname, having just the same burden.





Baekhyun and I were in the same class for the whole junior high school years, three years in row. The unplanned encounter at the library back then brought him clinged more into me, making his circles do the same, ended up friending me.


“Hello, Baek?” I spoke to my cordless phone.


“Ready for the game?”


“Just a minute, my sister is still using the computer.”


“Then popcorn it is.”


“I’ll have pudding, mom made it.”


“Auntieeeeee it’s Baekhyun~” He screamed at my ears. Asshead.


“Shut up face .” I shifted the phone from my ear and look at my mom. “Mom, Baekhyun said hi.” Then I put it back on my ear. “She’s busy vacuuming.”


“What’s Geumbi-noona doing?”


“Uhm,” I peeked at the computer table where a girl with a very thick glasses glued her eyes to screen. “Fangirling?”




“Yeah, ewh. Said someone who watch Girls Generation music video on repeat for a whole week.”


“Hey! I didn’t do–“


“She’s done, Baek.” I cut him off before he tried another excuse. “Games on. Remember the bet?”


He mumbled some alien words, I could hear his fingers danced above the keyboard. “Prepare your wallet, Geum. Imma get that newest Nintendo.”



A week later, my powder desk filled with various kind of newest facial treatment while in other part of the world, a boy mourned over loss of his month allowance. Byun Baekhyun would never win against me.






“Hey, Geum. You know you were born eleven months after me, right?”


No, not this conversation again.


“Just once, call me oppa.”


“Ewh, not. Never in a million year.”


“Come on. Don’t be shy. I won’t tell the other kids, I promise.”


“Keep dreaming, Byun.”


“Yah yah yah Shin Geummi! Wait for me!” He said while draped his arms over my shoulder. His finger busy poking my cheek while still asked me to call him oppa.


“Baek, the girl on your seven o’clock.” He turned his head naturally, looking at the girl. “I heard she likes you. She talks about you a lot.”


“How can you even know it?”


“You know the second year who live next door? She told me that.”


“Who? You have friends aside of me and the boys?”


“I also have a life outside you, Baek.”


“Wah. I’m suddenly feeling jealous?”


“Nonsense.” I scoffed. “So you’re going to approach that girl too? She’s quite famous for her looks.”


“She’s quite a catch.” I nodded. “But I have you.”




“I have you, also the boys. I need no one else.” He said while take a step further in front of me. “You’re enough. Shin Geummi is more than enough.”


Waw. That escalated quickly.





“I need no one else. You’re enough. Shin Geummi is more than enough.”





His words lingered in my head like a chant. I didn’t expect those words came out from his own mouth, Byun Baekhyun mouth. He was half right. All three years we always hanged around each other a lot. Aside of him, I have some other girl friends, yes, but we didn’t even close. I didn’t even have their phone numbers. All I have was Baekhyun and the boys’ numbers. Baekhyun, whom I saw as a very sociable human being, tend to jump on friends quickly. But with me and the boys, he stick longer than I expected.







“Shin Geum!” Someone tapped my shoulder from behind. A boy wore thick glasses standing close to me while waving his hands to my face. Seeing his face make my lips curled up.


“Oho! Kim Junmyeon! My class president! What are you doing here?” My one and only class president Kim Junmyeon, whom also one of the name I save in my phone.


“Grocery shopping for mom. You, too?”


“Yeah, she’s on night shift.”


His eyes wandered around, looking right and left. “I didn’t see Baekhyun?”


“Uhm… Because he’s not here?”


“He usually clings around like a gum.”


I shrugged my shoulders and pushed my cart forward. “Nope, not today. He got a game with his fellow friends.”


“I see…”



He pushed his cart towards vegetables section, choosing carrots, bean sprouts, and some green leaves. I did the same, putting some of them at my cart after checking through the shopping list my mom made.


“Are you dating Baekhyun?”


“Waw, waw, Sherlock.” I threw a disguisting gaze at him. “Make a prologue, Junmyeon. You can’t just threw a question at a lady like that.”


“I guess I’m not the first one who asked you that, right?” Yeah, hell.


“Genius. The answer is no, we are not dating. There. Happy?”


I pushed the cart forwards, heading to fruits section. He still choosing onions behind me before he catched up with my cart. “But Baekhyun said differently to us.”


Us who? “The boys? What did he tell you guys?”


“He said it’s a secret. And Baekhyun never like someone invading his personal space, we didn’t ask for more.” Since when Baekhyun do that?


“Ah… He’s fooling you guys. We’re not dating. That’s the answer.” I gave Junmyeon a firm answer while put a pineapple to my cart.


“Baekhyun is sociable, yes, but he never tell any of us about his family. Perhaps he told you any?”


“A bit…” Junmyeon looked at me suspiciously. “Okay, he told me a lot. Even the event organizer for his oldest sisters’ marriage.”


“His oldest sister is getting marry?” He asked in high tone, almost screaming. “When?”


“You guys don’t know?”


Junmyeon shook his head, his mouth gaped and his expression showed a betrayal feeling. He brought his fingers to his temple, giving them pressure. How can Baekhyun didn’t tell his own friends about this? I nervously bit my lower lips and threw my gaze somewhere else. On one side, I felt sorry to the boys. I always considered them as my friends, all six of them. Baekhyun and I were unexpectedly went along well as time passed by. I also talked with the other boys. Jongin and Sehun always asked me for a good music for their dance, Kyungsoo shared his lunch to me, Chanyeol and Junmyeon bickered a lot and making me their third person. But it was always Baekhyun who shamelessly dragged me around the school, who accompanied him to movies, who had the longest phone call ever. It was always Baekhyun. He was always there around me. He was morning cuckoo and he was my night lullaby. Byun Baekhyun.


“I guess you’re really someone for Baekhyun, am I right?” I bit my lower lips harder, feeling uncomfortable for his question. “Baekhyun tells you things he never told us afterall.”





“I never believe a girl and a boy can be just a friend.” Junmyeon make a quote-and-quote with his fingers. Look at my nerdy class president talked about love, guys.


Scoffing at his sudden statement, I mocked him. “Nice tumblr quotes you picked there, Pres.”


“Just an early warning, Shin Geum.”



Early warning? For what?




“Just an early warning before one of you fell for another.”











Double date . I wished I only have Wonwoo by myself but now that my friend and his boyfriend also came along, it became a bit uncomfortable. Glad the movie wasn’t my cup of tea, so I can rest my head on his arms. Wonwoo looks drowned in this movie, which was surprising. We didn’t have a lot of match in movie preference and it was always him who precede my likings. This time I’d let him watch his likings.


The couple beside me wasn’t even better. They’ve been making out since the half part of the movie, eating each other face in silence in case disturbing other people. Ew, nasty.


“Wonwoo-ya…” I whispered to his ears.


“Mmhmm?” he mumbled, titling his head so his cheek is resting on my crown. “Are you feeling cold, Noona?”


I shook my head, snuggled closer to his neck. “No…”




“Can I get a peck?” I asked in cute tone, making his eyes leaving the screen for a moment and look at me in amaze. “Why? I can’t?” I asked him again, followed by pout.


Looking at me trying my best on putting cute act, he chuckled in whisper. The man leaned forwards until his lips met mine for a couple of seconds, my eyes automatically closed feeling his familiar warmth. He pulled back and grinned to my lips while scrunching his nose. He gave one last peck to my nose before glued his eyes back to the screen. “There. Your kiss.”


“You always taste sweet, I like it.” I snuggled even closer to his arms and plant my cheek in his crook neck.


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