Yoonjin Domesticity






Yoongi considers himself a very controlled man in terms of emotions.

He rarely shows interest in most things, unless he decides to do so.

His usual form of expression is his music.

But for variety shows of course, he lets himself go a bit, since the fans enjoy when he participates.

So he lets himself be more active, a little noisier—without of course, compromising his usual snarky nature.

However, even the amount of expression he shows on TV is limited.

Because the thing is, he can be pretty aggressive when triggered.


Which is why, he had to stop the beast from within during their recent 'You Never Walk Alone' Preview show on Vlive.


The Loser has to kiss Namjoon on the cheek.


That was the punishment that got picked.

And sad to say…. It was Seokjin who made such a stupid punishment.

Now he had to carry it out himself.

Yoongi’s head was heating up.

He’d better just play along, or else he might go on a rampage.


“Hurry up! We don’t have time!” Yoongi urges, slightly irritated without showing it.

Everyone seems to be enjoying this punishment.

That Jeon brat Jungkook even had the audacity to say that he wants to hear the kiss.


That boy is not innocent.


Namjoon kneels down, and Seokjin does the same with much hesitation.

The whole scene just kills Yoongi.

He knows they have to do fan service and all… but, this is just too much.


With the other members and even some staff cheering them on, Jin finally does it.

He slaps himself at least 3 times, and then gets on with it.

His soft lips touch Namjoon’s cheek for the briefest of seconds.

Yoongi’s mind explodes from within the confines of his head.


Everybody screams with the overwhelming feels of the moment.

Yoongi just feels overwhelmed.


Seokjin and Namjoon awkwardly try not to look at each other for the rest of the show.

But obviously, the other members still tease them, even when the show has ended.




Thankfully, when they’ve returned to the dorm, Namjoon and Seokjin start to act normal around each other again. Hoseok has let the issue pass, and retired to his bedroom.

However, the maknaes still haven’t stopped talking about it.


“You know what the fans call them?” Jimin asks Taehyung and Jungkook. “They’re called ‘Namjin! It’s so cute! I bet all the fans went wild after the kiss!”

“Well, Namjoon hyung was pretty flustered~ I bet he secretly liked it.” Jungkook says with a sinister smile.

“Are they, like, our parents now?” Taehyung laughs at his own conclusion.


“Would the three of you just shut up?” Yoongi suddenly snaps with so much venom in his voice.

The young ones gulp and quiet down.


“I think you’re forgetting something—that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about. I may have been okay with it during the show, but I hated it on the inside. So stop talking about it before I rip your throats out.”


After making that final statement, Yoongi slams his bedroom door on his way in.


He sits on his bed and runs fingers through his hair.

He lets out a sigh and lies down.


Calm down Yoongi. It’s over.

Anyway, it’s not like Seokjin meant to kiss Namjoon.

He just had to.

He probably didn’t even like it…



Yoongi shakes his head and decides he needs to sleep this off.

While rummaging through his drawer for something comfortable, Seokjin enters the bedroom.





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DorkyDragon #1
Chapter 14: More please!!!
DorkyDragon #2
Chapter 2: I love how you wrote these two! My fave ship. Thank you!! (´∀`)♡♡♡♡
joanna20 #3
Chapter 14: Hi. How r u? Its been a long time.take care. Fighting!
Chapter 1: Dear ricebuns,

I have read your fic and I love it so much. It was so cute and soft, almost melting my heart. This is definitely one of my favorite Yoonjin fics ever, making me re-read it all over again. Hence, I want to ask for your permission to translate it into Vietnamese. I promise to give you the link with full credit once I have finished my translation. I look forward to receiving your reply.

Best regards,
Chapter 13: I'm soft I love your writing so much
Chapter 11: I'm soft omg you're so creative I love it
Chapter 4: I love this oml
Natashabird #8
Chapter 13: Yoonjin has completely taken over my life. Yoonjin is such a cute ship. Sin all the way!!!!
This is so cute, keep going author.
Jungkooklovesme #9
Chapter 13: Aww