The Beach (The Sky Reminds me of You)

Short Story - The Beach (The Sky Reminds me of You)


The DSLR camera took the last picture of Jongin and Kyungsoo of the day. Jongin continued to take his shirt off as Kyungsoo put his back on.

"Take your shirt off! Loosen up! We have no more schedules today, lets spend the day here...I want to" Kai said softly.

"I can't" Whined Kyungsoo, "Not next to you, you'll put me to shame" 

Jongin laughed, "But you're cute and adorable, so we complete each other" 

Kyungsoo tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm good looking, you're cute and cuddly" said Jongin.

"'re saying I'm not good looking" said Kyungsoo while looking down at the sand.

"Hyung, you know I didn't mean it like that, I was talking about our bodies" Said Jongin whilst placing his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder

Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly.

"Lets have some fun" smirked Jongin.

The pair went up to the car to tell the others they were staying and grabbed various beach items such as a wind blocker, towels and spare clothes, the usual for a beach day. 

After they set up their things and hired out the biggest, most house like, beach hut they could, they lay in the sand, admiring the blue sky. 

"You know what the sky reminds me of?" Says Jongin

"Whats that?" Replies Kyungsoo

"You" said Jongin

A relaxed, close eyed Kyungsoo suddenly became wide eyed as he jumped up to a sitting position in the sand.

"What?!" Exclaimed Kyungsoo

"Its bright, beautiful, wonderful and amazing. Just like you" said Jongin with a smile

"Kai...I" Kyungsoo had began to use Jongin's nickname as he became nervous and twitchy. Jongin's words made him tremble. 

Jongin soon sat up to face Kyungsoo, "I've always admired you hyung" Jongin whispered as he inched closer and closer to Kyungsoo's face. 

"Jongin...lo-" Before he could finish his sentance Kyungsoo foujd himself being kissed by the younger boy. As Jongin's lips pressed against his, Kyungsoo froze. So many things went through his mind. He'd always liked Jongin, but always kept it to himself. 

Before he knew it, Kyungsoo was kissing back and ended up underneath Jongin on the sand. Kyungsoo's mindset changed in an instant as he grabbed Jongin's hair. He was ready; he was ready for Jongin. 

Both men had became hard and the desperation between them rose, as their members teased and rubbed against each other through their swimshorts. Kyungsoo was almost leaking with desperation as he let out a faint "Jongin". Jongin knew what Kyungsoo meant, there was no need for discussion. 

He removed his swimshorts, revealing what could only make Kyungsoo more desperate. Jongin soon removed Kyungsoo's swimshorts and lifted his legs into the air, revealing Kyungsoo's member, dripping with pre-, and his entrance, ready to be filled. 

A breathless Jongin soon prepared for what was to come. Kyungsoo was ready, the desperation had risen to unberable levels.

"Jongin, I'm tired of waiting. I want you...I want you now" exclaimed Kyungsoo.

Jongin had soon entered, as Kungsoo once again pulled on his hair as their hips rolled into each other so effortlessly. Jongin wasn't too slow that it was boring, and wasn't too fast that it was painful. He was just right for Kyungsoo. 

As their hips rolled into each other and as the sound of contacting skin filled the area, their lips met once more. 
Soon followed by Kyungsoo saying, "I want you more...please" 

Pleasurable breaths of air, soon became pleasuable moans as Jongin got faster, rsising the tension, making Kyungsoo more desperate wanting more and more. The sound of contacting skin became louder and faster. Jongin was pushing so hard that the pair were sinking into the sand with every push. 

Jongin groaned as Kyungsoo screamed, the most pleasursble of screams. 
"Jongin...I...I'm gonna..." 
This didn't stop Jongin. He only got faster, pushing his hips harder into Kyungsoo's. Kyungsoo's moans soon became cries of Jongin's name,
"JONGIN-AH...JONGIN...JONG...AHHH" White liquid soon poured from Kyungsoo's member all over his body. 
"KYUNGSOO-AH...KYUNGSOO...HYUNG..." Jongin soon pulled out and poured himself all over where Kyungsoo had already decorated. 

With heavy pants and a last kiss, Kyungsoo said,
"You're the best. The sky reminds me of you too" 





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