
The Same Secret Road

This fic is like a treasure trove of fandom references. How many can you find?

Kyungsoo paused on his way out the door to check his reflection, taking care to lift his unruly fringe from off his forehead so as to fully reveal the lightning scar he’d drawn there. He removed the round-wire glasses he was wearing in order to clean them on the edge of his costume robe, then put them back on again as his name was called from the hallway.

“Hurry up, Soo!”

Kyungsoo huffed and rolled his eyes, but allowed his friend to grab him by the arm and drag him from the room, once Chanyeol reappeared in the doorway and again called his name.

“Comic Con isn’t going anywhere,” Kyungsoo teased his friend as Chanyeol continued to rush them down the hallway and then bounce anxiously on his toes as they waited for the elevator that would take them down to the lobby.

“Yes, but look!” Chanyeol nearly shouted in his excitement as he his forearm into Kyungsoo’s line of sight and waved it around. “In less than two hours I’m supposed to meet my soulmate; what if we’re late and I miss him?”

Kyungsoo really wanted to roll his eyes again, but he knew the gesture would be lost on Chanyeol, who was staring fixedly at the numbers counting steadily down to zero on his arm. Still he sighed in exasperation as he endeavored to remind his friend that soulmates, by their very nature, were impossible to miss.

“That’s the whole point of the clocks, isn’t it?” He asked leadingly. “They’re counting down to when you’ll meet so there’s literally no way you won’t meet, once the clock hits all zeroes.”

Chanyeol seemed to accept this, nodding slowly in agreement as the elevator reached the ground floor and opened up to the hotel lobby. They walked side by side out into the bright colors of New York in the fall, the perfect picture of Harry Potter and Yoda as they joined the thousands of other pop-culture enthusiasts waiting to enter the venue for the final day of NYCC.

Once in place, and after enough time to formulate new arguments, Chanyeol returned to their earlier discussion and pointed out, “But your clock’s been at zero for a while now and as far as I know you haven't found your soulmate yet.”

He doubtless meant this comment to show that their countdown clocks weren't infallible after all, but Kyungsoo was too surprised by the realization that he must have inadvertently met his soulmate to accept Chanyeol’s logic. He peeled back the long sleeves of his imitation Hogwarts robe and stared in awe at the string of zeroes on his forearm. When had that happened?

“You didn't know?” Chanyeol wondered tentatively, clearly nervous that Kyungsoo might suddenly explode from shock. “I thought you knew.”

Gaping like a fish, Kyungsoo shook his head furiously, gaze still catching on his countdown. “You know I don’t check it as much as you do,” he whispered eventually, once the line started moving forward and he was forced to speak or else leave Chanyeol behind quaking. “And I’m not going to freak out,” he declared, louder, “so stop it, okay?”

Getting Chanyeol to stop biting his lip and peeking nervously at him was easier said than done, but by the time they reached the entrance of the convention center both boys had calmed considerably and Chanyeol evidently found himself with a renewed ability to talk.

“You’re not freaking out,” he confirmed, obviously unable to believe it. “Why aren’t you freaking out? I’d be freaking out.”

“We get it,” Kyungsoo deadpanned between gritted teeth. “You’d be freaking out. Now stop telling me how to feel and start helping me find him.”

Chanyeol looked like a kicked puppy for approximately two and a half seconds before he reevaluated, his expression taking on a smirk of determination as he checked his own clock.

“Okay, Soo. We’ve got 47 minutes before I’m destined to meet the love of my life; let’s help you find yours!”

Chanyeol’s enthusiasm was, as usual, quite infectious, and it wasn’t long before Kyungsoo and his friend were reflecting back on their last few days at Comic Con, trying to figure out who Kyungsoo’s soulmate might be.

“Remind me again what you were first?” Chanyeol asked, making his way through the booths with no trouble, his height parting the way for Kyungsoo to trail along slightly behind him. “Merlin, right?”

Kyungsoo sighed, though he supposed Chanyeol wasn’t entirely at fault for forgetting Kyungsoo’s cosplay costume, especially since Kyungsoo couldn’t remember Chanyeol’s from Day 1 either.

“Merlin was yesterday, Yoda,” he corrects as they join a line for a panel about the next installment in the Fantastic Beasts series. “Cause I found myself an Arthur, remember?”

Chanyeol squints at nothing, the expression sort of terrifying when paired with the green tint of the Yoda make-up on his skin, and eventually nods. “The hottie in armor?”

To Kyungsoo’s dismay, his cheeks flush brightly and Chanyeol laughs when he agrees. “He was pretty cute, wasn’t he? It’s too bad we met yesterday though,” Kyungsoo adds after a moment of thought. “I’m pretty sure I reached zero closer to the end of the first day or right at the start of the second.”

“What about your Rose?” Chanyeol pondered then, remembering the blonde boy from that second day who’d been dressed in flare jeans, a leather jacket, and a t-shirt with the british flag on it. When he’d fearlessly approached the two friends, Chanyeol dressed as Legolas and Kyungsoo as David Tennant’s Doctor, and asked if Kyungsoo was looking for a specific blonde in a union jack, Kyungsoo had responded “Well I didn’t just wake up this morning with a craving!”

The boy had laughed, told them to call him Rose for the day, and had stuck by Kyungsoo’s side until they’d had to part ways to go back to their respective hotels sometime around midnight.

“It’s possible, I guess,” mused Kyungsoo. “I had long sleeves on all day so I wouldn’t have noticed if my countdown reached zero when I met him. But when did you notice?”

“Oh!” From his response it was clear that Chanyeol hadn’t thought of his own involvement in the situation. “That first day, afternoon maybe?”

Kyungsoo wanted to ask what the point of reminiscing and getting his hopes up about Rose was when the boy in question must not be his soulmate after all; however, knowing that Chanyeol would get all pouty and apologetic, a weird combination in general but especially with the Yoda costume, Kyungsoo refrained. Instead, he murmured thoughtfully, “Did we meet anyone special that day though? There were literally thousands of people out that day; he could have been any one of them.”

“True,” Chanyeol conceded, “but weren’t you Yuuri that day?”

Kyungsoo, still feeling the ache in his shoulders from carrying ice skates around all day, nodded wearily.

“And of the thousands of people we saw, how many Viktors did you meet?”

The point was a good one, but Kyungsoo was distracted from agreeing by a bright flash of bleach blonde hair in line in front of them.

“Is that Rose, do you think?” He asked abruptly. “I’m going to say hello.”

He was gone before Chanyeol could stop him, though that didn't keep the boy dressed as Yoda from calling out after him.

“Rose isn't it for you, Soo! Day 1, remember?!”

Kyungsoo could, in fact, remember the Viktor to his Yuuri, but they'd only just barely brushed past each other on their way into and out of the bathroom, so Kyungsoo hadn't gotten that close a glimpse at the other’s face. All he could remember was Viktor’s hair, blonde like Rose’s had also been, and like Draco Malfoy’s too.

“Are you Rose?” Kyungsoo asked, practically panting. He was already breathless from all the apologies he had to give to people who thought that he was cutting the line, but the sight of the boy dressed as Draco Malfoy from The Half-Blood Prince in a well-cut suit and holding a hawthorn wand, nearly knocked Kyungsoo breathless again.

“Not today, I'm not,” said the boy, smiling at Kyungsoo like his mere presence was enough to brighten the boy’s day. “But you're not the Doctor today either, so I suppose you’d better call me Draco and I'll call you–”

Kyungsoo nearly tripped over himself to interrupt and exclaim, “Kyungsoo! That's my name,” he mumbled, suddenly embarrassed by his own outburst. “You can call me that if you like.”

“I like you,” admitted the boy, seemingly with no shame whatsoever, though Kyungsoo was pleased to note a spot of pink on the boy’s cheeks. “I'll call you whatever you want me to call you, as long as you call me Junmyeon.”

“Junmyeon,” Kyungsoo repeated, rolling the name around on his tongue. “I like it.”

The blush on Junmyeon’s cheeks spread out to the tips of his ears. “Well good,” he eventually said, “Cause that's my name.”

Still, Kyungsoo was puzzled. “Why didn't you say anything yesterday?”

“Why didn't you?” Countered the boy, blush gone as his confidence took over.

Kyungsoo had nothing to say to that, and anyway, the line was starting to move.

“I'll see you around, Junmyeon,” he said eventually, slipping away through the crowd and back to Chanyeol without so much as a backward glance.

It hurt too much, he thought, for Junmyeon to be so wonderful when Kyungsoo wasn't sure if Junmyeon really was his soulmate or not. He could be the boy who’d cosplayed as Viktor on the first day of NYCC, but he could also just be someone really great. Someone who Kyungsoo had definitely felt a connection with, but who, with Kyungsoo’s luck, probably belonged to someone else.

When he returned to his spot in line with Chanyeol, Kyungsoo was surprised to find a pint-sized Peter Pan staring up at Chanyeol adoringly. Kyungsoo was surprised again to feel a warm grip of fingers cone around his wrist, and turned around to see that Junmyeon had left his coveted spot near the front of the line to chase after Kyungsoo.

“Yuuri?” He asked quietly, voice tinged with the same sort of hope that swelled in Kyungsoo’s heart at the question.

“Viktor?” was Kyungsoo’s shy response.

He was rewarded with a smile so enormous it took up Junmyeon’s entire face, and Kyungsoo matched the expression with a grin of his own when Junmyeon undid his cuff buttons and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his soulmate countdown.

Chanyeol, who Kyungsoo had frankly forgotten for the moment, murmured in awe, “It’s all zeroes.” After a moment he added, “Kyungsoo’s too, you know.”

Junmyeon shook his head to indicate that no, he hadn't known, but now he did and that's what mattered.

He ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed, Draco Malfoy hair, and gestured vaguely at the Gilmore Girls themed coffee stand a little ways off from the slowly-moving line.

“Do you maybe wanna–?” He asked, trailing off at the end as though he wasn't quite sure what it was he was suggesting but was nevertheless interested in spending some quality time with Kyungsoo.

“I'd love to,” Kyungsoo breathed out his response in a gush of relieved happiness. He, too, had no idea what it was his newly-discovered soulmate was suggesting, but he was happy to be with his Junmyeon all the same.

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Chapter 1: i love this. it reminds me of going to a con as a teenager and I ran into a guy from my school there!
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD WHY WAS THAT SO ADORABLE. Junmyeonnieeeee ahajdbdakmcmskcnc congrats ^0^)/ omg but the fact that they were Yuri and Viktor, Dravo and Harry :"")))) I'm all emo now.

When he returned to his spot in line with Chanyeol, Kyungsoo was surprised to find a pint-sized Peter Pan staring up at Chanyeol adoringly.

wait does Yeol realize that he probs hit zeros?????????? UR SOULMATE IS THAT BOY IN THE GOD DAMN TIGHTS BOI