Too Close

Waiting for you
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Many thoughts went through her head and besides her headache her head really was about to explode in any moment. All in all she was worried about Yoongi. 'Gosh what am I doing, I couldn't even change my clothes, just today Jisoo had to drink and now i'm the one who has to be the knight in shining armour, UUURGH YOONGI YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!' She arrived at her car and started the motor without a clue where to go. She remembered him saying something about a green pub even so she had no idea where to go, not forgetting the fact that it was a battle against the time either since she didn't know what happened to Yoongi. Jennie googled for any green pubs in Seoul and there really was a pub called 'The Green Pub'. On her way she could only think about punching him in the face for his irresponsible actions, but only if she succeeded in finding him. She couldn't remember a day where she drove so fast like today. After 10 minutes she arrived at 'The Green Pub' yet Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. She drove around the building and grew more and more nervous. She turned into a corner to leave her car and look for him inside the pub, just then she noticed two woman who were dressed too lightly for the season - to describe it nicely - clinging to a pretty man who leaned to a wall. It was Yoongi who was not really conscious right now. The woman were running their hands through his hair, touching his chest and one of them was whispering something in his ear. The thing was that Yoongi literally gave zero s about the woman. He was just in his own little drunk world. Just watching the scene made Jennie boil inside, hence she parked her car right next to them and went outside.

'YAH YOU UGLY ES! Get your filthy hands of him. This is not the area, it's 15 km away from here.'

'Who are you? Are you a beggar or why do you walk around in such clothes? Go back to where you came from, so disgusting!'

The woman actually had a point, Jennie could have really changed her pyjama like clothes first before she headed outside nevertheless the woman weren't moving.

'Okay if you really want to do it that way, I am his girlfriend and I have a baton in the back of my car and i've never hesitated once to use it, I'll give you 10 seconds to leave otherwise I think we are going to have a problem, 1-...2-...3-...4-...'

In fact the woman were moving away as fast as they could, gladly Jennie had this special aura which made you feel intimidated just by looking at her. Yoongi seemed to be back on earth. 'Who are you?', he asked still leaning to the wall. 'An Angel', she answered. She wanted to drag him along but he was too strong for her, he wouldn't even move an inch from the wall. 'Where do you want me to go, I was taught that I should never go with strangers', he said and suddenly he grabbed Jennie's wrist and pulled her closer to him so that there were only a few centimetres left between their faces, 'but they never mentioned an angel who was so unbelievably beautiful.'

Jennie's heart was beating like crazy, she was lost in his dark and deep brown eyes when she suddenly realized that Yoongi was so drunk that

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Asdfghbvcxz #1
Chapter 23: Yes please update
priandaridesi #2
Chapter 23: Please update soon
dhjasiufheui #3
Chapter 23: wowww thanks a lot for updating, finally both of them confess their true feelings. I cant wait for the next update. Kumawo authornim
Asdfghbvcxz #4
Chapter 16: This is really really good. THanks for the updates. I just love your story so much
Jenduekie #5
Chapter 19: Despite all d updates i still want more T_T hehehe this is getting good. Hope sun will rise and flower will blossom on d next chapter>.<
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 16: Ohh i always read the author's note.. takenur time dont rush and i like then flow of the story
Asdfghbvcxz #7
Chapter 15: Thank you so much authornim. And not again,Yoongi you really need to clear things up
Jenduekie #8
Chapter 15: Aww sad hanbib is a bad guy hahaha
Jenduekie #9
Chapter 13: Shiitt triple updatws i love dying with ma feels
dhjasiufheui #10
thank you for the updates. I love you author-nim