No Mercy

Bad Neighbor

Youngjae hasn't been able to peacefully sleep or study for days now.

His neighbor has been on a rampage for 7 days straight. And it looked like most of it were with different girls considering how different they sounded now and then. Of course, he would know what they sound like, all they did was scream about how good they have it and how good 'Daehyunie' does it.

Youngjae didn't give a .

He just wanted to sleep.

His neighbor did take a break on the 5th day, and Youngjae had rejoiced thinking that he's finally done. But it started again the next day and you can only imagine Youngjae's disappointment. And growing frustration.

How much ever sheep he counted, or tried to fill his thoughts with case reports or notes from his books, he just can't seem to drown out the screams. He even went and bought himself some ear plugs, which did provide him some solace to study, but not enough to let him sleep in peace.

During the day time, Youngjae would think about going and telling his neighbor to shut the up, but he just found the idea annoying and bothersome.

"If this keeps on, I'm probably going to turn into a zombie," Youngjae thought wearily, as he took a shower. He got out and changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. As he toweled his hair dry, 



Youngjae froze.


"What .." Youngjae thought, confused at first, "It's still 10:30  it's too-"


And Youngjae snaps.

" this  I'm so done,"

He rushes out of his apartment to give his neighbor a piece of his mind. Now standing outside Daehyunie's apartment, he kept ringing the doorbell. Letting out his frustration and wanting to annoy the out of his neighborHe kept hitting the doorbell until Daehyunie himself appeared, opening the door, shirtless.

Youngjae just stood there staring at his neighbor. He blinked in surprise as he recognized him as the hot guy at the club.

"It's the hot guy at the club," Youngjae repeated in his thoughts as he stared, somehow blank... until realization hits him.


But Youngjae knew he was way over that silly embarrassment by now, so he just gaped at him.

Now standing face to face, Youngjae got a better look at him. He was perhaps an inch or so taller than him, His hair was rather messy and brown, and his nose is long and straight. His puffy lips still managed to catch Youngjae's attention. Now he could also catch the minor details of the stranger because of their proximity, like the spot under his left eye. His body was slender but looked strong, especially his arms. "This is soo super weird.." he thought as his eyes scanned the other's wiry traces of abs-

"Are you done?"

 Youngjae snapped out of his trance, "Hm?"

"I said are you done?" the other replied, "staring that is." He looked mocking when Youngjae met eyes with him. 

"I was only looking at what's in front of me," Youngjae says, unfazed.

"Mmhmm," the other hummed maintaining eye contact with Youngjae as he leaned against the doorframe."I'm Daehyun."

"I didn't ask, though," Youngjae said, "and I know."

"You do, huh?" Daehyun looked mildly surprised at this," and how?" he asked, his voice still mocking.

His voice was deep but had some kind of sweetness to it. Like, Yongguk was practically a whale, but this guy's deep voice was rather gentle.

"It looks like he doesn't remember me," Youngjae mused, "which is good,"

"I've been hearing your booty calls scream about how good Daehyunie does it for days now and I don't think I can take it anymore. I need to be able to live and sleep peacefully as your neighbor, so either you move out, or you make them crazy girls shut the hell up. Also, move your bed away from the wall-"  

"What's your name?" Daehyun interrupted.

Youngjae paused and unconsciously replied, "Youngjae." 

Daehyun leaned on his door frame, running his hand through his hair, staring at Youngjae. Who looked back at him, questioningly. But he just kept staring at Youngjae, with those eyes that felt familiar to Youngjae but couldn't comprehend.

Then Youngjae started to feel somewhat weird.

He looked away for a second, then looked back, flinching when their eyes met again. Youngjae consciously brushed his wet bangs away from his eyes.

"You know, you're kinda pretty for a guy." Daehyun finally said, after what felt like ages. Then smiled charmingly at Youngjae, who felt even more weirded out.


"How old are you?" Daehyun asked, looking interested.

"Twenty-one," Youngjae replied, trying to act normal unlike what he felt, "and you?"

"I'm twenty-two," Daehyun replied, seemingly pleased that Youngjae bothered to ask him back.

Youngjae shifted his feet, feeling unusually bothered about something, so he said that he'll leave then. "And you better keep it down from now on," he warned Daehyun, passively.

Daehyun nodded, "I'm sorry,"

Youngjae nodded, "It's okay, nice meeting you," he said as he bowed his head to take his leave


Youngjae lay in bed, feeling unusual and confused,

"I was flirting that day," Daehyun had interrupted when Youngjae had proceeded to move to his apartment, "and I probably had wanted to do you too," he said folding his arms, watching Youngjae freeze in his tracks.

Youngjae had stared at him, blank at first,

Then confused, because he had thought Daehyun didn't remember him.

Daehyun stared at him, slightly smiling, but his eyes intent on him.

But as Youngjae processed what Daehyun just said to him, he felt the once-dead embarrassment creep up.

He had just managed to give Daehyun a confused look, as he wasn't sure whether the elder was teasing him or if he actually meant what he said. Scared that he might just embarrass himself for real depending on his reaction. he had abruptly gone inside his apartment, wanting to escape.

"Just how the was I supposed to react to that?" Youngjae wondered as he stared up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep.

But nooo his thoughts are what's too loud now, It was around 12:30 am and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"And how did I end up being so nice to him at the end, I had clearly suffered for days because of him..." 

He wondered why he felt so uncomfortable, with the way Daehyun had looked at him. He wasn't unused to people sometimes staring at him or telling him that he's got a cute face, men included. Hell, Himchan would sometimes be all over him squealing about how pretty his cheekbones are or how much he hated Youngjae for being such a 'cutie patootie.' But Youngjae never felt awkward. He would just kick Himchan off of him for being bothersome.

It's probably the way Daehyun had said it. It just seemed somewhat profound? like he actually meant it, when he mentioned about having with him. He shuddered at the thought, feeling weird again.

He was and has always been straight. Having only dated girls so far, he wasn't very used to being talked to like that, by a man. He wasn't particularly disgusted or anything, he could even be not bothered about it, but he was just foreign to this situation.

"He was just playing me," Youngjae thought, shaking his head. "I mean look at all those girls he's got on his doorstep, literally." He thought, amused at the guy who seemed to have the drive of a dolphin.

He just decides to sleep in the end, happy that he can finally get his life back on track.

Ironically, that is so not what's going to happen now.


I suggest that you all read everything from the first, I've made so many changes that it's almost pathetic :"D 

Whoops ╮(─▽─)╭

I'm sorry though :/


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Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 5: Really good story. I hope you can update soon.
yellowrere #3
Chapter 5: i enjoyed it . please update soon ❤
Chapter 5: This has become one of my favorite daejae fanfics and I'm always excited for an update. Keep up the good work authornim ^-^
Chapter 5: So...this is great. I meant really really great . this kind of story make me feel at ease, donno why but i love ittttt so much:) u r talented. Hope to see ur update soon;);)
NaDaeHyun #7
Chapter 5: This chapter is amazing ㅠㅠ can't wait for the next ones!
newera #8
please update soon and fighting!!!!!
anyway, thanks for the update :D
Chapter 2: Omg hahahah i can't wait to see youngjae's reaction when he realizes daehyun is his friggin neughbour xD