
Onew's Reasons


Reason 1:

“I wanna go out,” Key pouted at the rest. No one was really paying attention. He always finds an excuse to complain so they zone out when it becomes nagging. He stomps his feet and exit the room. Jinki takes note of this. He only goes off alone when he is truly upset.

He sighs to himself as he thinks Gosh, I am sleepy. But we are in London. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to go out with him.

He enters the room to hear Key muttering under his breath.

“Stupid members, stupid concert, stupid everyone-“

“Key, would you like to go sightseeing?” He questions.

It’s almost magical the way his eyes light up.

Yeah, it’s worth it.


Reason 2:

It was going to be a long fanmeeting. They were playing games, singing, dancing, and many other things. It was always a blessing to see the fans and interact with them. But Onew was sleepy today.

That is why he wasn’t paying attention to the game. They told them to line up. The rules were that the fans would hug their favorite member.

He closed his eyes and rocked himself for laughs. However his breath was knocked out of him when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around him. He was shocked to say the least.

It was funny though; funny enough to wake him up when Minho smiled at him.

Reason 3:

They were on the radio and things were going very smoothly. They were laughing and having a great recording. Taemin was asked to sing though. Taemin has a beautiful voice. The problem is that he does not know it. Jinki can see him shake a little as he tells what song he will be singing.

“What Key are you singing in?” He asks softly. Not trying to patronize him and make it seem like he didn’t know what he is doing. Just to help calm him.

They talk briefly and Onew sings a key that suits him. Taemin sings back with relief.

His hand flies to him right before his song. He never finishes the movement because starts his song.

He can only look on in pride though as his youngest band member sings a cappella without the other’s to help him.


Reason 4:

A-Yo is playing and they have their ear pieces in. At this moment they are SHINee. However it doesn’t hurt to give some individual attention.

They are sweaty but smiling and the fans are screaming. Onew looks over to see Jjong. They lock eyes and smile.

Jinki lowers himself and holds out his finger. Jonghyun smiles in response and moves closer. Their fingers connect and Jonghyun laughs while he sings.

That’s all he really wanted to do in the first place.


Reason 5:

He is too into the choreography. He wasn’t really paying attention.

He only notices Taemin after he feels himself pushing him. He looks apologetically at him as the song goes on. That’s one rule that is burned into their brains. The show must go on.

Taemin is okay obviously. But he just isn’t alright with being the reason he fell.


Reason 6:

He doesn’t mind messing with members at certain moments. It’s all for fun anyway. When he and Key are pushed close together he gets an idea.

For once he doesn’t think it over and just reacts.

His tongue slips out and his face, but only slightly. Key jerks in response though and sends him a glare. All he does is smile.

Now if only those stupid fancam’s would get it right.

It was not Minho who did it but Onew who Key. Ugh.


Reason 7:

Taemin is smiling and waving. He is happy and so is Jinki. His finger is caught on his sweater. He is just waiting for his response.

When Tae does turn and notice he is all laughs and giggles.

The fancam’s got it right on this time.


Reason 8:

He does not feel like being awake right now. Key is back and that is great but he just wants to shut his eyes.

He rolls over and fins warmth as someone rubs his back. He leans into their lap and rests for the moment; for as long as he can without the PD complaining.

He makes a mental note to thank Minho later.


Reason 9:

He closes his eyes as he sings. He lets the music flow through him and waits for the perfect moment.

He opens his eyes and has that smile on his face. The one his fans love. He looks right at one camera and points. Let’s the smile just sink in as they go crazy.

You could say that was a huge reason to this.

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Wow, this was so good. I couldn't stop reading it. Even waiting for the next chapter felt like pain. Please write more!
omg, i love this ! please update ! <3
the feeling he got from his lovable fans - is a good reason to stay.

Choi Minho - good enough reason to stay.

impressive first two chapters. keep them coming.
