
Don't You Dare to Love Me

Soojung POV


After putting ice packs all over my body, my cellphone suddenly rings. Thinking it's just Sulli I pick it up before looking at the caller id first.


“Hey” the person on the other line says. I’m pretty sure that voice doesn't belong to Sulli.


I look at my phone and it literally says 'Kris oppa <3'.

Why did he even put a heart on it.

“Kris what the I said. I gasp, realizing I just cursed at him,Umm, I'm really sorry. I didn’t intend to-

“It’s fine” he laughs, “just never thought you would change muchhe says and I could hear him sigh.

 I furrow my brows,“What do you mean?” I ask.


I roll my eyes.

“Don’t you dare roll your eyes” he says

"I just did”


The conversation goes wild from that point for the next hour but he tells me to hang up first because he says ‘you need lots of rest because you’re just 18’ I scoff at his words.


Listening to his words obediently, not because I want to but because my body has been asking me to give it a rest, I hang up and go to bed.


The next morning I feel worse and I regret I didn’t exercise as much as I used to back when I was still at the orphanage.


I get ready and walk out of my apartment to go to my first class. Feeling tired already, I assure myself, You can do it! 


Just when I thought this day is going to be better, I see him holding his phone up to his ears and walking towards where the lift is,


“Don’t kill her” I hear him say.

Every hair that is on my neck rises when he speaks again,

“Kill him instead”



I take the stairs to avoid him. Was he ordering someone to be killed? What is he involved in? 


My mind is suddenly interrupted by a sudden message.


‘Let’s have lunch together-Kris’


Looking at the time, I still have one class before lunchtime.


‘I’ll be done by 1 pm’  I text him back.


His reply comes back in, ‘I’ll be waiting at the parking lot’


Putting my phone away, I realize and ask myself. Since when do I agree willingly to a guy asking me out for a lunch?



“Hey Soojung” Kris waves at me.


“So, where are you going to take me? And don’t tell me we’re walking there cause my feet hurts like hell”


“Just a cafe nearby, and of course not. Your highness, let me present you your chariot for this afternoon” he turns his head back and his hands spread wide open. I’m not aware that this whole time he was leaning against a car.


In front of me, stood a sport car.  A flashy one to be exact.


Although I came from outside Seoul, but I do know what a sport car looks like. And I know it is not a car you can get from your yearly paycheck. It’s red, and with the sun reflecting its color, causes it to be quite a beauty.


“Let’s go” he opens the passenger door and gestures me to get inside.


The lunch is not as awkward as I thought it would be. Kris keeps on talking and asking me questions and I end up telling about my childhood to him.


“-and yeah so he left without without saying anything” I tell him, finishing up my story.

He stays silent with his eyes locked on mine.


“Kris?” I wave my hand in front of his face.

“O-oh sorry. I spaced out”

“Urgh, so you weren’t listening to my story just now. Whatever, now tell me yours.” I said demandingly.


He seems taken back at my request and he rubs the back of his neck. Seeing his uneasiness I say, “It’s okay Kris, you don’t have to tell me”


Seeing my disappointed face, he sighs, “I think I’m not ready yet. But someday, I promise to tell you”



Kris drops me off at my next class, which causes quite a ruckus because who thought that the great and charming Kris would an ordinary girl like me.


“Bye see you later Kris” I wave at him and proceed going to the class.



Stopping at a convenience store nearby, I pick up some band aids because my feet somewhat got hurt earlier when I was dancing. And then a picture of Kai with his bruises and cuts comes to my mind. Should I buy him some band aids too? I decide to pick up a few more band aids, painkillers, and every medicine that says ‘to heal bruise’ or ‘to heal injuries’. Walking out of the store I sigh while looking at the things I just bought. Hope that he will not be so cold to me after I give these to him.




It’s 11pm when I’m finally done with the business. I park my black ducati in the parking lot and I go straight to the lobby of the apartment.


This day is tiresome. Luhan and Lay freaking lost our target this morning and Kris was supposed to be our plan B. But he was nowhere to be found. him. So I myself need to jump into the scene and get my hands dirty which I hated because I despise fighting with someone that’s not on my level. After Lay got the target’s whereabouts, he told me that he’s heading to Hwaseong. I skipped my classes today, not that I hate it, but riding a bike for hours is pretty much self-explanatory why I’m tired at this very moment.


I’m about to punch the passcode lock when I notice that something is hung on the door’s handle. I pick it up and take it with me inside my room. Opening the bag, there are many things inside so I literally just turn the bag upside down and give it a little shake so that all of its contents falls right onto my bed.


Ice packs, bandages, antiseptics, and more are all there laying on my bed. There’s a note hidden beneath the others and I take it and read it


‘Use these to heal your injuries. Hope you get well soon.’ -from your neighbor




Then it clicks. Oh, Kris’s new .


If you’re thinking that I’m kinda rude, well you’re wrong. I’m totally rude. I admit it and I don’t even give a what others think of me. I learned that being rude is the only way people will dislike you. If they dislike you, then they will go away. If they keep their distance from you, the chance of you getting hurt is small. Therefore, being rude means you don’t get hurt. See? Logic.



Soojung POV


The five of us, me, Sulli, Lay, Sehun, and Luhan are having a break between our classes as we sit in a cafe.


In the middle of our conversation, Sehun suddenly says, “Ouch” but he soon clears his throat and continues, “S-sulli, let’s go grab some froyo, I’m craving for some”

Being the girl she is, of course Sulli agrees and walks out with Sehun. Well that was weird.


Now it’s Luhan’s turn to clears his throat.


“S-, I heard that you live nearby?” he starts. Drinking my coffee, I nod.

“And kai’s your neighbor?” Lay blurts out. I choke on my drink.

“How did you know?” I ask both of them.

“Well, Kai is technically one of us so of we’ll know of course"

“R-right. So, what’s your point?” I ask again


Lay sighs, “Soojung, we’re just warning you"


"Don’t get too close with him”



A/N:   Back with chapter 11! Hope you guys like it. And I would also like to get to know you guys:) Add me as a friend and I'll be glad to talk to you <333


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adryanazafirah #1
Chapter 19: I really love your story.please update i really want to know what happen next .
Chapter 19: Hahaha surely loved it, especially Lay XD
I love him!
Also didn't know Soojung had that much guts to call him that way >.< *little cringe*
Seeing as there is a #TeamKai Chapter I'll dare to guess there's also a #TeamKris Chapter ^^ I'm ready tho ;D
Chapter 19: #teamkai ftw!! <3
Chapter 18: Hi I'm new to the story but I already love it!! Can't wait to read more chapters :) #teamkris
Chapter 18: Congrats that you finished them and of course I'm excited that you'll be able to write again ❤
The flashbacks were good to read but did Soojung actually get ? Or was it just almost? I guess I'll find out anyway.
Omg I didn't even know they broke up...what a pity, I stanned them tho :(
#TeamKai #Forever XD
missnabila #7
Chapter 17: hi authornim!!!!!!!!!!! thanks a lot for updating. interesting as always. by the way, are they wolf pack? love the supernatural things! u can do it. fighting!!!!!
Chapter 17: I love how this is going!
Although the story seemed immature at first (I'm not trying to offend you ^^') You're imagination and how the story is going are actually quite interesting and addicting to read.
It think I read the chapters in a flash, seems like I just read the third chapter but it's already the last one and now I gotta wait >.< but praise my patience cause I can wait XD
Chapter 17: haha i love u too author-nim.WOPP WOPP for double updatee
Chapter 17: Yes we need more Kai thanks author