
IMperfect match
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"Make sure you get those documents to me as soon as you can," Jaein said into her phone. 

It's been a little over a month since she started working at C&J, and each day there seemed to be some other obstacle that she had to overcome. Luckily, Jaebum had been there to help her deal with some of those things, but for the past couple weeks, she had refused his help. 

Jaein had ears, and she heard the gossip, like how Jaein is incapable and only got the job because of her connection to the company. Even the law firm attorneys were looking down at her, and if she accepted any more of Jaebum's help she was definitely going to lose any credibility. 

She let out a long sigh. There wasn't much else she could do without the documents she needed. She checked her watch, which read almost 8pm. It wasn't until then that Jaein noticed the dark night sky through the window. 

Knock. Knock. 

"Jaein?" Jaebum peeked his head in from behind her door. "Hey, you finished?" 

Jaein greeted him with a smile, happy to see him. "Yeah. I'm done," she said putting together the files in front of her and locking it in one of the drawers. 

"Did you finish just now?" Jaein asked him. Surprisingly, Jaebum had been finishing up his work before Jaein. Way before Jaein did, actually. She felt bad making him wait for her all the time. 

"Yeah," Jaebum answered. "I was trying to get in some extra work since we won't be coming in tomorrow."

Jaein looked at Jaebum confused before she remembered. 

"March 9th," Jaein said realizing tomorrow's date. It was the death anniversary of a lot of people including Jaein's mother, her aunt and uncle, and Jaebum's parents. 

She completely forgot as she had done so for the past six years. While she was in New York, she hadn't done anything in remembrance for those whose lives were lost. March 9th would pass, and every year she would realize a couple days or even a week late that she had missed the date. She felt terrible for forgetting every time, but honestly it wasn't a memory she wanted to relive. Jaebum, Yugyeom, and her father, on the other hand, must have had a memorial every year. 

Jaebum appeared by Jaein's side and gave her a sympathetic smile. He must have sensed her dread because he reached out for her hand to hold. "Come on," he said. "Let's go home." 

It had been particularly cold for a March morning. Maybe it was because they were in the mountains, but Jaein could see the puffs of air with every breath she let out. She walked a familiar stony path with Jaebum by her side. Yugyeom was there. Her father was there along with many others whose faces that she had not seen since she last visited the cemetery seven years ago.

"You cold?" Jaebum asked in a low voice taking Jaein's hand into his. 

Jaein shook her head but let Jaebum hold her hand. It eased some of the nerves, or maybe it was guilt, that she was feeling.

"I should have come here as soon as I got back from New York," she told Jaebum. "Or, at least before we got married and visit your parents too."

Jaebum gave her a sympathetic smile and squeezed her hand. "It's okay," he pacified some of her guilt. "We're here now." 

Jaein again nodded, and the two made their way up the mountain with the rest of the people. 

At the top, Jaein saw the familiar mounds of dirt and the grave-marks. They walked past grave after grave, and Jaein read the names on each as she passed. Some she remembered from walking down this path all those years ago, others were new. 

She finally came to a stop at her mother's name. 

"Go talk to your mom," Jaebum said giving her hand another reassuring squeeze before he left her be. Jaein watch Jaebum stalk off to where his parents lay. She looked back to her mom's name on the gravestone and bit her lip unsure of what to do, but after some time she gathered her hands and started to pray. 

Hi, mom. I'm sorry it's been a while. I should have come visit sooner. 

A lot has changed since I last saw you. I didn't even graduate high school the last time I was here, but I graduated from college and law school. 

I even got married… to Jaebum. 

Jaein had faint memories of her mom from her childhood, and it was now, for some reason, that she recalled her mom telling her to be nice and play with Jaebum when he came over with his family. She smiled to herself. 

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Chapter 31: And yet, you're not coming back here again 😪😪
Tingtongtang #2
Chapter 31: Hi will you update i have wait fo along time now ... I hope you fave time to update
exomen #3
Chapter 31: this is so goood omg omg. Take your time in life^^ we can always wait <3
jtediana #4
Chapter 17: Pleasee continue on.. I hope you dont give up on this story. I just read this and starting to love the story. Its quite hard finding the good Jaebums based story. Plus theres BAP and yongguk!! I stand both group. Good luck on continuing this, pls dont keep me hanging
Chapter 30: Welcome back .. can't wait to know what's gonna happen in the next chapter . Hope JB will find his wife soon
Chapter 30: welcome back :D this chapter hyped up the tension between the characters. cant wait to see how jaebum will handle this situation.
hanayorishizouka #7
Chapter 30: Welcome back author-nim!!'s relief that you are back, please update soon :)
grayash #8
Chapter 30: Omigooood what will happen cant wait!!!
grayash #9
Chapter 29: I am so happy you are back!!! Thank youuuu :)
BadBoyMagnet #10
Chapter 30: Oh God.... Poor JB... Hope they find her in time! Thank you for updating!! Fighting!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!