the rescue

the perks of being unsociable, by Im Jaebum™

“Come on JB-ssi, why don’t you give me your number? I would love to talk with you some more in private!“ Fingers clawing on his arms, nails digging into the flesh. Jaebum avoided the touch, pulling his arm out of the pleading touch and pushing his chair backwards for a few inches...again. The girl beside him really didn’t realize he wasn’t interested in her.

She was the model of his last fashion shooting, big eyes, long hair and a cute, charming smile. It wasn’t that Bae Suzy was not attractive (she was, really) or he didn’t have fun taking the photos of her, kneeling besides loads and loads of small flowers, or lying down on thousands of teddy bears. The shoot had been fantastic, actually. But firstly, Jaebum didn’t want to date the models he worked with and secondly, he was getting uncomfortable under her constant pleasing and touching. As a more reserved person, he was rather uncomfortable with people touching him uninvited. This whole party was so tiring for him, but his boss said, if he wanted to network, then he had to attend, and “just be ing nice, JB, more friends mean more clients and more money”.

“Excuse me, but I have to go to the toilet” Jaebum apologized and stood up, politely wanting to get out of this talk. “If you want to contact me for a shoot, then please search for my office number on our website. It was very nice working with you Suzy-ssi, but I don’t intend getting more private with you, I’m sorry.”

“But JB-ssi, I wanted to-“ She called out for him, but Jaebum avoided her touch and paved his way through the masses of people.



Tired eyes, dark colors mixing with pale cheeks and a constrained frown. His dark hair was swept away from his face and he spotted the various piercings on his ears shimmering under the cold light of the bathroom. Looking at his face in the mirror, Jaebum sighed. This face really didn’t look like it wanted to network at all and he wasn’t very fond of acting all friendly either. He washed his hands under cold water and splashed some on his face, to get at least a bit of liveliness into it. Even after getting his hands and face clean; jaebum felt kind of dirty. It wasn’t just physical, this feeling, it had just gotten worse with all the tipsy people dancing to bad club music all around this house. Running through his hair he already smelled the cigarette smoke and the alcohol on his clothes, especially on his favorite leather jacket. Urgh. He really didn’t suit parties.



Gathering himself, Jaebum closed his eyes for a moment and then opened the bathroom door. . She was standing like five meters away from him, currently speaking with some other models, but she would definitely notice him if he would step out of the room. He spun around and went into the restroom again, cursing under his breath. Jaebum was never a lucky person in such situations.

“Hey, can you let me through?” Jaebum heard a soft chuckle, turning around while clearing the way into the bathroom. A young man, roughly his age, walked past him and Jaebum’s nose got filled with a pleasant smell. How could this person smell so good when the whole area around them just emitted thousands of nasty smells? The man was examining his outfit in the mirror, wearing form fitting black jeans and a dark red shirt, sporting a black velvet choker. It was kind of captivating, actually.

“Looks like Suzy-ssi is waiting for you.” Mr. Nice Smell smiled while rearranging his dark hair. It was styled down, which would give him a young and innocent look if it weren't for the choker lying seductively on his throat. Jaebum closed the door and huffed. “Yeah, but I wasn’t really thinking of being another trophy on her boyfriend shelf, if you know what I mean”, he answered, trying not to notice the interested gaze the other was giving him.

The man chuckled. “Really? I thought Bae Suzy was every man’s dream girl.” He readjusted his choker (man, this looked hot as ; jaebum thought) and tugged at his shirt. His pale skin looked so delicate under this light that Jaebum was getting more and more distracted. Back to the topic. “She’s pretty of course, but not really my style” Jaebum sighed, “I don’t think I’m suited for celebrity life anyways.” “Yeah, I get that.”

After finishing his little touch-up, the man turned around and faced Jaebum. He really had nice eyes, Jaebum noticed, so lively and sincere. (What he didn't notice was the attracted look the other was giving him, looking all up- and downwards on Jaebum's body.) 

“I am Park Jinyoung, by the way.” He reached out his hand for a greeting. “I’m Im Jaebum.” Jaebum tried to smile as cool as possible (and failed).

“It was nice meeting you, Jaebum-ssi”, Park Jinyoung responded, “I really would like to talk to you longer, but some important people are waiting outside and don’t want to ruin my reputation of being always on time,” He laughed, “So, sorry and good luck with Suzy-ssi!” A last tug on the shirt, a short grin to Jaebum through the mirror and Park Jinyoung was gone, opening the bathroom door and letting in the loud music from outside.



“There you are, I was searching for you!” Suzy smiled widely as he walked out of the bathroom after now approximately thirty minutes. Her attention skills didn't get worse with more alcohol, and this was rather miserable for Jaebum. He almost heard all of Suzy's celebrity fanboys booing, that he shold be lucky to have her full attention, but at this moment he would offer his best camera to the person saving him from this conversation. Okay, maybe his secnd best camera. “So, I was wondering if you could give me any improvement tips after today’s shoot!” She tucked her arm into his side and pulled him to one of the big leather couches, sitting down and grabbing a drink on the way. Jaebum was sure he wasn’t getting out of this conversation anytime soon.



After approximately forty minutes of talking about the shoot (Suzy was talking like the whole time and it felt like four hours for Jaebum), he had finally gotten himself out of her clutches. Park Jinyoung was sitting at the bar and sipping a fancy drink, noticing Jaebum and raising his glass when their eyes met each other through the mass of people. Jaebum was really in the need for a strong drink after all this talking, he thought. Even if he didn’t drink that much regularly, desperate times called for desperate measures. Digging his way through the people, he arrived at the bar and called out for some gin. Strong enough.

“You really looked like you had a hard time, Jaebum-ssi” Someone behind Jaebum stated, the following small laugh nearly inaudible through the heavy bass of the music. Park Jinyoung leant at the bar, swaying his cocktail glass around and stifling a laugh in sight of the frown sitting on Jaebum’s face. “You look like the angry bird, the yellow one.”

“I wish I could actually catapult myself away”, Jaebum deadpanned, but he already felt more relaxed. The other’s presence somehow soothed him. Taking a sip from his drink, he looked at Park Jinyoung. “By the way, you can call me Jaebum, without the honorifics.” 

“Wow, this is more progress than Suzy-ssi had with you.” Jinyoung grinned again. The fine lines next to his eyes got deeper as he laughed and at this sight, Jaebum couldn’t hide his smile either. Man, Park Jinyoung got a seriously charming smile.

“She actually is getting on my nerves really bad right now”, Jaebum complained, now a little more laid-back with some alcohol in his system. “I wish she could leave me alone and just speak with her mass of fanboys, but as a socially incapable human, I don’t have the knowledge how to.” It was surprising for him how easy it was to speak with Jinyoung, even if his looks distracted him at every chance. Like now, he was on the straw of his cocktail glass and his full lips surrounding the plastic just… let Jaebum think of other things they could surround. Oh man, why was he even thinking of this, he didn’t even know Jinyoung for that long? He tried to think about something else as the lips formed some words he nearly missed. "Suzy-ssi just knows how handsome you are, Jaebum." This casual mention alone lit Jaebum's cheeks on fire, but the sudden sight of Jinyoung’s pink tongue playing around with the straw of his drink were just too much now. Jinyoung was doing that on purpose, wasn’t he?!

“Then, should I show you how to get rid of her flirty behavior?” Jaebum didn’t know if he should trust the sparkle in Jinyoung’s eyes.



As "planned", Jinyoung dismissed himself for a few minutes (his obvious flirting was getting almost too much for Jaebum, but he was just so handsome so it was welcome, very much welcome, thank you). After a short while, Bae Suzy was in front of him again, a bit tipsy, stumbling from all the champaign she had drunk this evening and constantly seeking halt at Jaebum’s side. He was definitely getting uncomfortable now and searched for Jinyoung over the mass of people dancing to the club music. He found him near the window, eyeing them, looking like he just noticed them. Jaebum closed his eyes in defeat, nodding slightly and like that allowing Jinyoung to do whatever the latter had plotted for his rescue.

A strong tug at his leather jacket tore Jaebum away from Jinyoung’s gaze. Suzy was pouting and pulled his head downwards to shout into his ear. “Why won’t you listen to me, JB-ssi?! I was speaking to you!”

“I’m sorry, Suzy-ssi, I was distracted-“

“Jaebummie, what are you doing? You promised to dance with me, babe!” A sweet voice let Jaebum freeze.

Jinyoung was standing in front of them, loving eyes fixed at Jaebum and grasping his hand. Pulling the latter out of Suzy’s embrace, Jinyoung led him onto the dance floor as if it was the most normal thing to do for him. At this moment, Jaebum was just as taken aback as Suzy, but he let Jinyoung take control and stumbled after him.

“And like that, you get rid of all the girls wanting to invade your private space”, Jinyoung laughed and guided Jaebum’s hands on his hips, beginning to move his body to the rhythm of the music. “But I am afraid to tell you that for achieving that goal, you have to let me into your private space instead.” Jinyoung looked almost pleased as he put his hands around Jaebum’s neck and intertwined his fingers.

They looked each other in the eyes, Jinyoung grinning and Jaebum just standing there, in the middle of the dance floor, stunned at the latter’s blunt strategy. But after Jinyoung began to playfully run his fingers through the short hair on his neck, Jaebum woke up from his rigidity and began to relax. “You really are something”, Jaebum chuckled as he also began dancing to the beat, pulling Jinyoung closer to him. Jinyoung buried his hands in Jaebum’s dark hair and flushed his body against him. And Jaebum really didn’t mind.





So this was what I had in mind for now? I hope you enjoyed it :)

Please comment if you have any suggestions for improvement or if you maybe want to beta my stories? English is not my native language and I struggle when it comes to linking words and sentences orz

I don't know if I should continue this fic, but I have some in mind (Jinyoung is a power bottom y'all) and also some cute scenes when they meet some other time, so I could continue :) (haha when im feeling inspired so like in 3 months otl)

Thank you for reading! <3 

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Chapter 1: Continue this story please~~ this's good!!
Chapter 1: I super like this! Yes, I do hope you'll continue with this story. It's really good ^_^
Chapter 1: yes continue this please !