The one

Locked Away
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What's up guys!
A new project forming here! English is not my first language, so please forgive me for possible mistakes.



The sepulchral silence was affable, the putrid scent of burnt flesh was strong and disgusting, the darkness that probed the whole room was so intense that anyone would have to squint to try to see a hand in front of the face. On the other hand, the three people present at that moment did not seem bothered at all, in fact, they all seemed very comfortable.

The young woman digitized her surroundings looking for something, cat eyes narrowing considerably before she gave up and simply sat there, her feet stretched out on a chair and her face turned into an absorbed expression.

"Time is running out," she murmured, catching the attention of the other two men.

One of them looked very young, shaking his white head restlessly before rising abruptly from his seat on a sort of bench made of bones and leather.

"We should go." The boy in question spoke, waiting for the woman's approval. She shook her head in denial.

"We can not. I gave my word that this meeting would happen. Sit Seungri, give me another two minutes, if they do not show up we will go and then the guilt will not fall on our shoulders.”

Seungri sat back against his will, eyes shifting to the man sitting in front of him, analyzing the hard expression and the distant eyes. Such a little boy, no one would bet that guy was even younger than him.

"What are you thinking, Mino?"

Mino looked up, a black shadow in his expression.

"I do not like this situation, I can not think of any plausible reason to be here."

"Maybe a confrontation will happen, and for that we are prepared. If it is necessary, I will pierce each heart with my blade. "The girl exclaimed, clapping her hands on the table, causing the wood to shake violently.

"Certainly it is a fine speech CL, however, I believe it is not propitious that we have to get our hands dirty with such barbarity."

A beautiful man made his way into the room,  nose wrinkling visibly with the scent impregnating his nostril. He elegantly led to the opposite end of the table, two other men subtly posted on his heels.

"G-Dragon!" The woman growled, the anger evident in her face.

"Do not be like that CL, you know that anger only serves to damage your beautiful face," he said softly. "You know, one night I was thinking about the irony of our Titles, CL, if you were more delicate as your name sounds, maybe you was not doomed to live in the underworld."

"I can not believe you spent a night thinking about it, maybe someone has failed to nominate you as an angel, if you stay with the thought of a devil, maybe your place is here with me." CL replied, watching with contempt as the face of the man did not change at all, the same expression impassive and calm.

"Do not procrastinate trying to use your irony in these creatures, CL, you know very well that such a prototype is incapable of processing any joke. Or feel something at all, "Mino interposed, folding the arms across his chest.

"Au contraire Song Min-ho, the ability to feel is very evident in our daily lives. Now the difference is that we can choose to show this only to those who are dear to us. "One of the men next to G-Dragon spoke, the porcelain face glazed in the other man's eyes.

Mino visibly narrowed his eyes at that. It was known as a gigantic offense to use the human name of the demons, it was practically to sign a war charter.

"Very brave, are not we Choi Seunghyung?"

The two men stared at each other, their palpable tension taking hold of the air.

"I advise you to hold your men tighter on the collar GD, if you came after fight, we could have done it in a suitable place. Purgatory is not ideal for a bloodshed. "CL said, hand itching to pull the sword dangling from her hip.

"You know very well that we will never incite a fight. TOP is not on a good day, sorry for the slip, "the man replied. Behind him TOP cleared his throat, nodding without showing any remorse.

"As much as I love to see such an interaction, I'm still curious to know why we're here," Seungri said, looking with controlled curiosity at the squadron of angels.

"You know the recent events that have plagued us, both angels and demons." G-Dragon began.

CL raised both eyebrows. Yes, she knew what was going on very well, and by analyzing it now, she could imagine what her enemy would say.

Some time ago, a time she would not be able to count correctly, since the space in that reality was very different from the conventional one, something strangely had happened. If she had not witnessed angelic hysteria with her own eyes, she would never have believed it. God was gone. Really like this. He simply disappeared, leaving no warning. Rarely an angel was seen showing any emotion in front of the enemies, but CL clearly remembered the troubled face of G-Dragon for weeks, after all, the responsibility of carrying the Paradise became entirely of that ice playboy, an extra burden by the Leader tittle on him back. She had laughed, made fun, delighted with the whole situation. And then it came back to bite her. A short time later Satan himself was gone, and the whole scene was repeated, with her having the mission to take over the whole Hell.

"So?" Mino questioned when noticed that CL was still stuck in her own thoughts.

"I'll be clear and straightforward, based on the whole picture of the situation, I think it would be beneficial for both sides to determine a period of truce," GD said quietly, his hands clasped on the table.

"Oh hell no," CL simply replied.

"I'll ask you to think again, miss."

"I can not even consider such a ridiculous hypothesis. Do you think I'd agree to a truce with you? No way."

"Think right. Use your head for something. Any attack in the meantime would culminate in a calamity without size, think of your losses! "G-Dragon exclaimed, and CL was surprised by the rush of emotions on his face. He looked almost ... desperate?

"You heard her, she said no," Seungri said quickly.

"Do not interrupt the dialogue," TOP replied, frowning.

"What did you say?"

Seungri rose slightly.

“I told you not to interrupt the dialogue, child. The issue at the table is serious, it should not be treated merely as banality, as your leader is doing. "

"G-Dragon, I repeat, I recommend that you hold your dog on the leash, you're not in a good position." CL warned,  fingernail scraping her sword in anxiety.

"How dare you demand anything, you are nothing but a slave of your own race!" Mino exclaimed, shouting.

"Do you call me a slave? I at least have the freedom to live in paradise, while you're stuck in hell living in the dung! "TOP said, an arrogant smile.


CL frowned, noticing how uncontrolled this servant of GD seemed today, normally he would be the epitome of self-control, really atypical.

"GD ... control it!" CL barked, seeing as Seungri and Mino were agitated.

"Seunghyun, you better stop," GD said, a hand holding the man's arm now at his side.

"It is necessary for these infamous creatures to hear the truth, so that they see the reason in front of their eyes. Barbarians like they should be extinct, washed away in their sins and dead for all real eternity! "!

It all happened in the blink of an eye, Seungri's eyes a black and furious shadow of what he usually was, his teeth clinking, and in a matter of seconds he was no longer seated, his sword in hand, and the purpose clear in his mind. It would end TOP's life.

"Seungri!" CL yelled, seeing as instead of hitting the bastard, Seungri slowly fell to the ground.

Mino blinked once, then two, trying to process what had happened. Instead of hitting his target, Seungri was now static, while GD was in front of the boy, one hand tucked into his chest, Seungri's flesh ripped open. G Dragon quickly plucked out his heart, his body in shock falling to the floor, without even a drop of blood spilled.

"No ..." CL was steaming, she did not even notice consciously as her hand grasped the long sword, holding it so tightly that her knuckles went pale, erect as her legs began to run toward her friend, with such a speed that Mino's hair just rippled with the air left behind. If Seungri had not succeeded in his attack, then the woman had done for him, watching with satisfaction as TOP's body sagged lifeless, convulsing as the blade traversed her abdomen, her eyes blank and insensitive.

G-Dragon looked stunned, bruised as his eyes glittered helplessly at the whole course of the story, but then his face returned to the same sameness, as CL plucked her sword and took measured strides to that other boy. It was obvious that this would happen, the nerves of demons like they could never be controlled. They were impulsive, and now by  meanness, him best friend lay lifeless. , he should know better.

"Take this," he hissed, pointing to the body of the dead angel to one of his helpers, who seemed horrified at everything. "There is no truce."

"There's never been a truce," she replied, lowering herself to the ground, watching Seungri.

"Prepare for war, maybe we will not be able to feel any kind of malicious feeling, like envy, but may God forgive me, for every friend you bring down, I will double, until your existence is zero."

GD's face was dark, his taciturn expression so aggravated that CL did not avoid feeling a crawl of insecurity run through his stomach.

"I'll wait for you, my dear angel."

CL did not know if it was night, she did not know i

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Chapter 1: Omggg interesting! I feel so excited! Please update soonnnnn..i want to know whts going onnnnn