
Lost in Translation


KyuHyun’s P.O.V.

It was 9 o’clock in the morning, the next day. All of the SJ members were present in the hang-out room. All except Olivia and Heechul. Everyone thought that Heechul was still mad from yesterday.

I was playing my favorite game on the pc. We were called here by our manager. I believe he said something of bringing some stuff? Or was he bringing some old pictures?.....The point is, we were called here for something that’s probably not that important. Though he said that it was at 9 o’clock, there is still no sign of him.

I pause my game, and ask Siwon to get me a bottle of water (since he’s too kind to say no to stupid favors like that, no matter how lazy I am. Kkkkkkkkk! >:} ). I stare at Yesung, who’s lying on the sofa, texting through his phone……

KyuHyun: Who’re you texting to, Yesung?

Yesung: Someone. –he keeps texting-

KyuHyun: And who might that someone be?-I said as Siwon gave me my bottle-

Yesung: A person.

KyuHyun: Is she a girl? And if it is a girl, how old is she? Is she pretty?-I asked suspiciously-

Yesung: Yes. I don’t know. And yes….

KyuHyun: LIA---Huh? You are?  .  .  .   HaHA!!! -I said as I ran to the sofa and took his phone-

Yesung: Hey! Give me back my phone!

KyuHyun:-I read the phone’s screen- Huh? You’re texting your mom?

Yesung: Of course I am, Babo!!! I’m telling what she can, and cannot feed the turtles!

I gave him his phone back, and kept playing my game. 15 minutes later, Heechul enters the room along with…….OLIVIA!!!!!!!!

KyuHyun: What are you two doing together?!!!!

Leeteuk: Yeah!!


Heechul’s P.O.V.

“We bumped into each other on our way here!~” I replied to them. Yeah, as in ‘bumped’. I woke up really early today and waited for her to leave the hotel……and made it look as if I was ‘walking’ by. Then we took a taxi here, where we talked (or should I say bonded) a lot!~ ;) . You just had to see evil Maknae’s face! He looked so angry, I swear to you that he looked like he had rabies! “We talked a lot on our way here.” I said as I placed my arm on her  shoulders. “And we have a lot of things in common as well!~” I added, as Yesung immediately  sat straight, and looked at us.

KyuHyun: Is that true, Olivia? That you two have a lot of things in common?!-he said worried-

Olivia: Mhm!~ -my angel smiled!-

Yesung and Leeteuk: Really?!-They asked surprised-

Heechul: Yeah! Olivia, describe to them how you feel!!~

Olivia: Well, it is true! We both have so much in common, it’s almost unbelievable! He’s like the brother I’ve never had!!~

At this moment my spirits were crushed…….”Like the brother she never had?” I thought to myself….She likes me as a brother?...........That means that we’ll never be an item! Our love will never blossom into a beautiful pink rose………….We’ll never have cute babies together! I’ll never have her like a lover, or a wife!.........Just as a sister……….OMO!!!! I’m too depressed!........If you need me, I’ll be sitting on the sofa, now………Just view this through KyuHyun’s point of view……….I can’t take this anymore!!!!


KyuHyun’s P.O.V.

“Phew!.......I knew there wasn’t anything special about Heechul that might interest her in that way!” I thought to myself. Which means I’ve only got one competitor………Yesung! Unless any of the members try anything dirty!..........Especially Teukie Teukie(if my calculations don’t deceive!).

So we kept on waiting a couple of more minutes till’ our manager arrived……….along with the famous man who makes a girl’s hormones go crazy, Kim Hyun Joong… I couldn’t believe that our manager would bring him!

SJManager: Hey guys! Today I’ve brought along someone with whom you’re all familiar with! Give a warm welcome to Mr. Kim Hyun Joong!

KyuHyun: What is he doing here?

SJManager: Well, you guys know that Olivia wrote two songs for your album before coming here, right?

SJ: Yeah.

SJManager: Well~, one of the songs talks about a boy who falls in love with a girl who’s out of his league. Then he tries to conquer her heart by doing lots of romantic things, which she really appreciates. So, the company thought of hiring Hyun Joong for the boy’s role.

KyuHyun: Oh, I see~!

Leeteuk: And I’m guessing that Olivia plays the girl’s role, right?

SJManager: I never had that in store for her, but that sounds like a great idea, Leeteuk!!!

KyuHyun: ……Yeah……thanks a lot Leeteuk!!!-I said as I got even more pissed at our manager stupid idea-

Hyun Joong: And who might this Olivia be?

KyuHyun: Umm, that would be her over there! The singer of Temptation’s Flower!!

Hyun Joong: Really?!!!-he said as he got held Olivia’s hand- Excuse me for not knowing your name. I only knew you as their beautiful and talented singer! I’m really looking forward to collaborating with you!-he said as smiled and hugged my Olivia-

Yesung and I stared in shock. Our jaws dropped as we witnessed the player’s indecent move. I looked over at Heechul. He had also witnessed what we’ve seen. Heechul broke the hug by pulling Hyun Joong away from Olivia, as Yesung and I took her away, outside of the room.

Heechul: Who do you think you are, buddy?! I didn’t say you could hug my sis!

Hyun Joong: She’s your sis?

Heechul: Not biologically, but- -


Yesung’s P.O.V.

We took Olivia to the second floor, away from that…..that man! We went inside the music room (and by that I mean, a big piano in the middle of a big room with shiny guitars and bass guitars on the walls). As I was about to hold her hand, KyuHyun lifted her up (bride-style) and sat her on top of the piano. What ticked me off was that he placed his hands on her thighs as he said-“Don’t worry, we’ll be back in 15 minutes to an hour….or until that bastard leaves the building, ok?! We’ll just lock the door!” “But--!” -she responded.

Yesung: You can’t keep her locked in here!

KyuHyun: Oh yes I can!

Yesung: It’s technically called kidnaping. It’s illegal!

KyuHyun: No, it isn’t!

Olivia: Yes, it is!-she said as she got off from the piano-

KyuHyun: But not when you’re trying to protect them from some famous male singer like Kim Hyun Joong!

Yesung: It’s………good point.

KyuHyun: Anyways, we have to return. C’mon Yesung. –he said as he left the room-

At that moment she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I turned around, meeting face to face with her:

Yesung: Something wrong?

Olivia: Something wrong?!-She said sarcastically- You’re about to lock me in a room for who-knows how long!

Yesung: I know, but…

KyuHyun:-screams from outside- Yesung, the elevator’s already here!!!

Yesung: Anyways, see ya!

I turned around to release her hand from my wrist. Then I looked into her eyes…., they captivated my heart; and for a moment we were both struck by each other’s silent messages. At that moment, I forgot that Kyuhyun was calling me to go to the elevator, but there was just something about her……her eyes that had me lost in them. They spoke to me, but in a different language. I slid my hands up her arms to her shoulders, and down again, holding her hands.

Yesung: O-Olivia…I-I…

Olivia: Please don’t lock the door……And if you are, please stay with me. –she said as she hugged me-

Yesung: I would like to, but there’s a huge risk that KyuHyun will catch us together. –I hugged her even tighter-

Olivia looked away, and then back at me. “Please?” she begged as she slid her arms up to my chest. She looked so cute, I couldn’t resist her. I gently lifted her chin up,so our eyes could meet again. I leaned in closer to her, as she followed my lead. I finally got an inch closer to her lips. But as our lips touched, the voice of the evil Maknae kept calling to the elevator. Soon after we both let go of each other...

Yesung: Just wait here for a moment, I'll be back as soon as possible. -I said as I softly kissed her forehead-

Olivia: I'll be waiting. -she smiled-

While I went running towards the elevator I finally meet up with Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: What took you so long? 

Yesung: Umm……… nothing, I was just explaining how our plan's gonna work!

Kyuhyun: Mhm....I see........-he said suspiciously-

We finally arrived at the first floor, and went back to where the meeting is being held. As we entered we see Heechul sitting on the sofa pissed off.

SJManager: Where the hell did you two wonder off with Olivia?

KyuHyun: Somewhere far away from here!

Hyun Joong: And where's Olivia?

Yesung: She's in a safe place away from YOU! I mean, she's in a different room! 

Leeteuk: You locked her in a room?!!!

KyuHyun: Yes! Yesung locked the door!

Yesung: Yeah....about that....I didn't lock the door.

KyuHyun:'re a disappointment, you know that....

Yesung: Well, what if a fire were to start in that place? or what if she gets hungry or has to go to the bathroom? 

KyuHyun:......-sighs- Anyways, my dear friend Kim Hyun Joong, the point is that neither SuJu nor Olivia want to work with you. What I'm trying to say is that not even the kind hearted Siwon wants to work with you.

Siwon: But I- -

KyuHyun: See?! And by the way, Olivia prefers to do the music video with me as the boy instead of some fake blonde like you!

Yesung & Hyun Joong: What?!!

SJManager:  .  .  .  Great idea, KyuHyun!!!

KyuHyun: I know. And to make it even better, how about a kissing scene? The ELFs will really like it!

Yesung: Now that’s just crossing the line….

SJManager: Well, now that things are clear; Kim Hyun Joong, you’re fired.

Hyun Joong: What?!

SJManager: You may leave the building at once. Bye!!~

Hyun Joong:  .  .  .  Hmph! Bye….


I left the room and went back upstairs to Olivia. I was really pissed at KyuHyun and his stupid idea… I got on the elevator. Once it stopped on the second floor and the doors opened, I heard a beautiful piano melody playing from the music room. I entered the room and of course saw Olivia playing the piano. She looked so serene, despite the fact that we forced her to stay in there. I stood behind her, but somehow she still hasn’t noticed me. Her song had me hypnotized. I snapped out of it as soon as she finished playing. “That was really beautiful” I said to her as I kissed her on the cheek and sat next to her. “Will you teach me how to play that song?” I asked. “It’s a difficult song to learn, but I’m up for the challenge.” she replied. As we began playing and learning, our hands eventually found each other on the piano. We both paused for a while and stared at our hands. Then, as we were rising our heads to look at each other, we hear the manager say…

SJManager: Now that’s the kind of chemistry that I’m looking for, for the music video!!!!!

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kaicho #1
I read the first chapter and falling in love. you two are such a great writer really!<br />
love this :D<br />
*fanself to the awesome writers*
dinosayshi-77 #2
Awwwww. Lovvveee ittt! Update soon!!^_^
dinosayshi-77 #3
I have to agree with @ilovepicture.. Update soon!!^_^
dinosayshi-77 #4
dinosayshi-77 #5
Awwwwwww. Yesu-Oli, that's cute. Heechul can't just get to her lol. Update soon!!^_^
dinosayshi-77 #6
Funny and interesting!! Double threat!! Lol Update soon!!^_^