A White Crayon

Drabble Collection//Writing Practice[clovern/PraePanda collab]
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A White Crayon


I've never had that many ARMYs who talked to me when we had these events.


They've always talked to Jungkook, or Jimin, or V. But not me.


I was at the end of the table, sitting and watching all the other members talk with fans. One girl finished speaking with Namjoon, heading towards me. I smiled, holding out my hand to say hello.


She walked right past, as if I didn't exist.


That woke me up to reality. I just wasn't good enough; everyone else would always be twice as good as I was. I was worthless.


I hated myself. Why couldn't I just do something useful?


Namjoon saw it. He tried to help me, but he didn't understand how I felt. Not quite.


I'm as useless as a white crayon.


I told this to myself. Over, and over, and over again. It was what I believed in more than anything.


But then it happened.


Today, it's changing. A girl walked right past the other six, and right over to me.


“Kim Seokjin, I'm so excited to meet you! Can I have a photo? Or- Could you sign my album? I'm sorry I'm just… I’ve been waiting to meet you for years! And

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Chapter 15: I need to stop reading these right before bed holy cow Clover that was dark
I'm going to need to add fluff for the next chapter bc that was sAD
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
Chapter 10: Squeeeeeeeeee ahhhh I really loved my Drabble!!!!!!! Jimin!!!! Hehehehehehe can I make another request? :)