The Time Traveller Brothers

My name is Do Kyungsoo and im a time traveller. All my life I believed living in the present would have been better then following my Father’s path. It was until I learnt in order to be alongside those who I loved I had to give up my normal life. I was never meant to have a normal life; I was a true time traveller following our family’s long history.  

It was another chaotic day in the Koong Hospital, just as there had been an enormous accident on the main highway, which had at least injured enough patients to fill the emergency centre.

“We need more forceps and sterilizer immediately!”

There were blood oozing everywhere with the floor filled with people’s cry from pain. It was a time of horror, there were death everywhere and no hope was seen.

Just as another group of patients had struck the centre, two doctors came running towards the first stretcher.


“Dropping every second, with a metal part stuck in the abdomen and a fractured right leg” the paramedic shouted as he pushed the stretcher into a possible gap.

“Ill take this one” Kyungsoo remarked as he grabbed a stethoscope.

Time was crucial and there was no time to be wasted. Kyungsoo immediately treated the patient.

“Nurse Lee, we need a surgery room right now!” he shouted as he grabbed the stretcher along with his intern on duty.

“Doctor Do, this patient is in whiplash” the intern commented as they were pushing the stretcher into the elevator.

“Your name?” Kyungsoo asked as the door closed.

The intern realized he had misjudged and quickly lost his confidence. 

“Its Oh Sehun, sir”

Kyungsoo faced Sehun and gave him an unusual stare.

“No patient of mine will die today”

Sehun nodded quickly.

“I hope your assumption would be wrong Sehun, but we’re gonna try our best”

Kyungsoo gave him a half-smile and quickly pushed the stretcher as the door opened on 7th floor.

As soon as the stretcher was safely on the floor the nurses took control and gave time for Kyungsoo to prepare for the surgery.

The door of his locker was filled with photos and happiness. Kyungsoo quietly stared into the photos and grabbed a small round objective hidden deep in his locker.


Kyungsoo swiftly pushed the object back into the darkness and closed his locker, and straight away two arms swung around his neck.

“I just finished my fifteen hours shift”

As Kyungsoo pulled back he could see Jiwon was gazing into his eyes.

“Well there’s been an emergency call for all doctors” Kyungsoo smiled cheekily while Jiwon’s face slowly turned darker.

She sank down to the bench and took in a deep breath.

“Dinner tonight don’t you dare drop out!” Jiwon gave Kyungsoo one last look and gave him a quick wink and ran out.

She was his only hope for happiness in a long time, and he knew she was the only one he had left. She was the one.


“Are we good to start?” Kyungsoo asked

Doctor Kim nodded and the twenty-hour surgery underwent.

“Havent seen your brother lately in a surgery room?” Doctor Kim remarked as he was grabbing a retractor.

Kyungsoo acted as if he didn’t hear anything but replied after a good pause of silence.

“He’s in his room researching, he’ll be in for some surgery soon”

“Why don’t you take over?” Doctor Kim smirked

The room was slowly starting to become quiet and was filled with discomfort.

“Maybe we should concentrate on the patient Doctor Kim”

“Don’t you think it’s strange how a patient never died in your Brother’s surgery?”

Kyungsoo halted for a moment and glared into Doctor Kim.

“I guess that’s why he’s in charge”

Kyungsoo gave an awkward smile and carried on the surgery when suddenly the patient went into shock.

“Give me the defibrillator!”

Kyungsoo pulled himself on the bed and started CPR when he glimpsed to the second floor into the viewers room where he spotted his brother quietly observing the whole situation.

“The patient is gone…” One of the nurse remarked as she slowly grabbed onto Kyungsoo’s shoulders suggesting for him to give up.

Kyungsoo slowly came down from the bed and while he was gasping he quickly faced the viewers room. He spotted his Brother slowly grabbing something inside his pocket.

“No! Stop!” Kyungsoo shouted into the window, but it was too late.

In a second of breath a sudden force slapped Kyungsoo and for a moment there was silence then a small squeal.

“Doctor Do? Are you ok?”

Kyungsoo slowly looked around the room and his dead patient or even Doctor Kim was nowhere to be seen.

“Professor is looking for you” the nurse remarked.

The nurse slowly began questioning Kyungsoo who was in an empty surgery room.

“I thought I had left something in here, so my brother is looking for me?” Kyungsoo smiled as he moved out of the room.

Every footstep became faster. For a moment Kyungsoo hesitated but with a deep breath he opened the door and found his Brother to be in his seat looking into some documents.

“What did you do?” Kyungsoo asked gently hoping he was wrong.

“What do you mean, I was in my room the whole time” Jaehoon replied smiling at his little brother.

“The accident in highway 13, and the tens of people who were injured where are they all? Don’t lie to me this time!” Kyungsoo shouted

Jaehoon dropped the documents and stood up.

“You wanted me to watch all those people die? They were killed because a damn idiot decided to get drunk!” Jaehoon remarked as he was raising his voice.

Kyungsoo turned around in anger and looked into his brother.

“That’s why we exist, us doctors. And maybe it’s their destiny to die, we cant or we shouldn’t be changing their destiny’s like that, consequences always follow”

Jaehoon shook his head as he was disagreeing with his brother for the thousand time.

“Is that why you don’t time travel?”

Kyungsoo was disturbed and couldn’t answer his brother but just stared into empty air.

“Is that why you never changed the past on January 21st 2011 where Jieun was killed, cause it was her destiny to die!?” Jaehoon shouted at his brother endlessly.

“I loved her…but…” Kyungsoo replied in a mixture of tear and anger.

“I know you always travelled back in time to just see her face, but tell me why you never saved her, you could have prevented that accident?” Jaehoon asked as he stepped closer to his brother.

Kyungsoo shook his head and stepped away from his brother.

“I’ve never used that clock in 4 years, and I never will”

“Kyungsoo you will lose you powers! You have to time travel” Jaehoon shouted

Kyungsoo ran out the door and threw himself into his dorm and sat himself down on the floor where he struck the back part of his head to the wall. The door swung open.

“Kyungsoo, it’s…”

As soon as Jiwon found Kyungsoo banging his head she ran over and wrapped her arm around his head and hugged him tightly.

“What’s wrong?” Jiwon asked gently.

Kyungsoo silently held onto Jiwon and cried.

He was the only one who exactly knew that if he had saved Jieun from the accident that day, that his family would have been killed from a terrible fire. He had went back in time hundred and thousand of times trying to save the women he loved, but the result always had ended in his family’s death. The choice between his loved ones was too brutal that he had to sacrifice something. Jiwon had helped him resolve and settle down to his present life. It now also meant saving Jieun he would have never fell in love with Jiwon or even met her. But when times became hard, he still missed her but Kyungsoo didn’t want to live in the past but in the present, so the clock had remained in his closet for the past 4 years unused.

He pulled away from Jiwon and gently embraced her face.

“Will you marry me?”

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Chapter 1: Wow, omo omo
Author nim, please update soon
Fighting author nim (/^▽^)/