the adorable, carrot-nibbling white ball of fluff with large pink ears and a cute fuzzy tail

his little darling

“Hi guys, I’d like to introduce you all to my new friend, his name is Daehyun! He just transferred yesterday and I was instructed by my tutor to take care of him. Is it alright if he sits with us?”   

The four boys blink speechlessly up at the newcomer, studying the way his bangs almost covered half of his face and how he picked nervously at the tips of his fingers. He barely gave the boys a little wave before he was cowering behind Youngjae, a little too intimidated by the four pairs of eyes staring back at him. “He’s a little shy,” Youngjae adds, side stepping away from Daehyun who was using him as a human shield. 

Still, there was hardly any reaction from the pack. It’s not everyday the antisocial bunny-boy brings over someone new to their table; his wit usually scared them all away. Being the loud, outspoken individual that he is, it was never easy for Youngjae to make friends other than the one’s he has already got. He weren’t close to anyone from his classes either.

Whenever the teacher administered work that required the students to partner up, Youngjae would always be left to do the work on his own because nobody wanted to partner up with him. He didn’t really mind because afterwards he would hop into the canteen and have a rant about it to an impassive Jongup who truly couldn’t give a dog’s bollocks. He, as well as the rest of the boys, has grown a little too familiar with Youngjae’s perpetual whining sessions at the lunch table.

It’s always been the five of them since they started schooling together. There was never anyone willing to expand their little social circle and they liked it that way because the five of them got on really well, and loved each other very dearly. In a school full of hybrids, it’s hard to get everyone to get along. For example the cat hybrids never liked the mice and there was always rivalry between the lions and the tigers. It has always been that way from generation to generation, perhaps an instinctual hatred every hybrid is bred with. As Daehyun makes another attempt to tuck away behind Youngjae’s back, the piglet leans in towards the jaguar to whisper something in his ear.

“He seems a little weird,” Zelo comments. The latter nods quickly in agreement.

“He must be a turtle breed,” he whispers back, earning a glare from Youngjae who somehow managed to overhear it. Turtles were known to be the shyest hybrids. There were only 3 of them in the entire institute. Since Daehyun’s animal traits weren’t showing, neither of them were aware of the fact that he was actually a puppy. A sweet-hearted Golden Retriever pup.  

“Well, where did all our manners go?” Himchan suddenly speaks, diminishing the awkward atmosphere that clouded the lunch table upon the new kid’s arrival. Daehyun shifts nervously on his feet, softly clutching onto the sleeves of Youngjae’s loose yellow hoodie. “Hi Daehyun, my name is Himchan. I’m a red fox, a cold-blooded pigeon killer that was born and raised by the most savage pair of mutts to ever walk the soils of this earth!” He exaggerates, inciting a snicker between the two youngest boys on the table. It was all in good humour, although Youngjae finds himself frowning at Himchan for saying such things because he knew Daehyun gets easily frightened. He is a pup, after all.

“Welcome to our pack.” Himchan finally purrs, curling his lips up into, what he thought was a welcoming smile, only to intimidate the puppy some more. He didn’t realize a pigeon was right behind him the whole time collecting salsa for his tacos on a nearby stand when he spouted the whole baloney about being a cold-blooded pigeon killer. Suho, who felt strongly belittled by Himchan’s nonsense, sends a plastic fork his way, which successfully pokes the proud fox on the head.

“Watch your back, Kim Himchan,” the pigeon hisses scathingly. Himchan has to muffle back a laugh.

Excitedly nudging Daehyun forward by the arm, Youngjae watches as his new friend stumbles clumsily onto the space beside the scary looking one, Yongguk, whilst shyly bowing his head in the fox-hybrid’s direction. He then squeezes himself onto the same row and ends up squishing Daehyun between himself and the eldest to the point Daehyun feels queasy and hot. Himchan decides to inform the newcomer on the individual hybrids, but the pup paid very little attention due to the very close proximity between him and the sweet rabbit. He was too busy looking down at the small thigh rubbing against his underneath the table to absorb the names of the others and their hybrid identities.

“This is Jongup, he’s part jaguar, and this is Junhong, our little piglet. Yongguk over here is a white wolf. He may seem intimidating but he is nothing of the sort, trust me. Don’t let his looks deceive you, he’s actually a puppy at heart.” Himchan kindly informs, but Daehyun doesn’t feel any less intimidated. Besides, Youngjae's thigh is way more interesting right now.

Daehyun, for starters, doesn’t like it when the spotlight is on him. He hates attention and he hates socializing, unless its with the bunny hybrid. He was never one to mix and mingle within big groups of people because he felt like an outcast a lot of the time, and too socially inept to fit in. When he agreed to be Youngjae’s friend, he didn't expect the boy to introduce him to four other faces he’d never seen before. He was hoping it would just be him and Youngjae, eating lunch together and simply having a good time in each other’s company. He wasn’t expecting this. 

“You are awfully quiet,” Zelo pouts, earning a smack on the arm from Youngjae.

“He is shy!” he defends, wrapping a protective arm around Daehyun’s narrow shoulders.

“He seems a little antisocial,” adds Jongup. Youngjae’s eyes shrivel into little terrorizing slits as if to say ‘If you dare carry on I will not hesitate to bite you’ and Jongup almost immediately retreats. Daehyun softly simpers within his hold and Youngjae’s heart melts like butter on a fry pan because Daehyun is the definition of adorable. Definitely a pup, that’s for sure. He knew that this was a little out of the ordinary, but he really liked Daehyun and he was hoping his friends would like him too. All he needed was for Daehyun to warm up to them a little bit because yes, he did have a little bit of a social anxiety and yes, he isn’t too fond of people.

Eventually, with Himchan’s endless babbling and Yongguk’s tender smiles, Daehyun crawls out of his shell. Not completely, but Youngjae insists that there were prominent signs of progress. He knew that in no time, Daehyun would warm up to them and perhaps, come to the stage of actually liking them at the very least. If he liked the rabbit, surely he would like the others right?

“Me and Daehyun are going to head off. We have physics now, don’t we Daehyun?” the latter nods and Youngjae takes that as his cue to pull Daehyun along by the arm. “We’ll catch-up with you guys later!” the rabbit hollers, excitedly tugging his new friend along with him towards their class. A little iffy, Himchan his chin once the duo disappear somewhere through the double doors of the cafeteria.

“What is your take on this, Yongguk-san?” he ponders, rubbing at the tiny speckles of hair and skin. The wolf crumples his eyebrows.

“I like him.” Is the simple verdict the eldest man provides. It’s the first time he has spoken up since the arrival of the pup.

“Me too.”

“He’s not as noisy and bothersome as you.”

“I agree— wait, excuse me?”

Yongguk shrugs. “I’ll see you after school, pigeon killer.”

Himchan blushes like a bouquet of red roses.



“Can you pass me the popcorn?” 

Daehyun shoves the huge bowl of popcorn in Youngjae’s lap and the bunny doesn’t hesitate to stick a fist full of the salted goodness into his mouth. His mother passes through the room and scolds the two boys pigging out on the couch watching Disney shows, noting neither of them had budged for more than 4 hours. “I am going out for a few hours. By the time I get back, I expect this place to be clean and tidy!” She grabs her coat from the closet and starts towards the door, mumbling to herself when her son throws his weight onto the other hybrid much like a needy blob of fur. She questions her son’s antiques just upon leaving the house wondering why she raised such a tiny weird rabbit.

As soon as the door clicks to a close, Youngjae shoves the popcorn back into Daehyun’s lap and snuggles against his chest thinking of other activities they may occupy themselves in for the weekend. He was tempted to take Daehyun out to a restaurant, but realizes that he is literally penniless. And being penniless doesn’t leave you with very many options. He tries to think of some games to play, but gives up when he notes that all the board games he has in his closet are childish and boring. He’s too busy wracking his brain for something to do that he doesn’t recognize the aggravating prod of Daehyun’s nose within his tufts of clean, brown hair. Not until he suddenly swings upwards with an idea and ends up head-butting the pup’s poor nose.

“I know!”



Entirely dismissing Daehyun’s agony, Youngjae mindlessly elaborates. “Perhaps we can play hide and seek in the dark! Or if you’re hungry we can barbeque ourselves some meat first and then play hide and seek in the dark!”

Despite cupping a throbbing nose that is very nearly close to pouring out with blood, Daehyun thinks Youngjae looks utterly adorable. Too cute to care that his nose may be broken, or that he might just start having a nosebleed in the middle of Youngjae’s excitement. Luckily that doesn’t happen though.

“I’m so hungry right now I could eat…I could eat you!” Youngjae giggles, throwing his arms around Daehyun’s neck and caving in to take a playful bite out of the pup’s neck. Daehyun feels like he’d just swallowed an elephant because ‘oh my god Yoo Youngjae is nibbling my neck! It feels so wonderful! It feels like heaven! And oh! Youngjae smells so divine…’

A sound of pleasure rips through the quietude of the lounge like an orchestra and Youngjae wastes no time in pouncing in the other direction, his gorgeous pair of glittering brown eyes rounded in sheer horror at the amplitude of Daehyun’s arousal. The puppy grows hot and embarrassed, his ears sporting a fine shade of rose as he stared bewildered at the panting rabbit. ‘He started it!’ His mind screams, but there is no mind reader to console the puppy as he is suddenly ensconced within a thick sheet of regret.

He notices Youngjae’s tiny round tail wiggle behind his back before he is slinking away from Daehyun with his cheeks alight.

“Where are you going?” the puppy asks sadly, bounding after the rabbit out of instinct. He couldn’t help it. He was literally attached the boy since he’d met him. Where Youngjae stood, Daehyun stood. Where Youngjae walked, Daehyun followed. The pair were inseparable and it has been like that for the last 6 weeks of knowing each other. Given that Zelo was always with Jongup, and Himchan was always with Yongguk, Youngjae felt a little left out. Befriending Daehyun was perhaps the greatest thing he’d done because now he finally had someone he could genuinely rely on and pair up with. Now that Daehyun joined the school and was in all of Youngjae’s classes, he didn’t have to complete projects on his own and neither was he the one left without a partner in partnered work.

Daehyun was just…perfect.

He was a little too clingy at times, but Youngjae couldn’t blame him. All dog hybrids are like that. Once they grow fond of someone, there’s no going back. The puppy would simply attach itself to your hip and follow you around like an extra tail with its tongue lolling out of its dribbling mouth. And his appetite was that of a starved beast, but Youngjae didn’t mind that either. It was cute to him. He liked watching the puppy scoff down three bowls of ramen and ten rolls of kimbap all in one go. It was one of the most charming quirks about Daehyun, his appetite. It took Youngjae a while to realize that there was hardly anything he didn’t like about Daehyun. He was too likeable. It’s so easy to just drown Daehyun in a well of love and devotion.

So when he, the forever-hungry, overly possessive tail-wagger delivered a lustrous moan at the feeling of small nibbles along his neck, Youngjae grew downright shy. How could he have done that bold move without properly reviewing the circumstance? They were alone, bundled up on a couch with their limbs woven together like silk ties as serenades of a Disney romance permeated the soporific fuzz of the faded blue lounge. Why hadn’t he considered the side effects of the love potion he downed when he met Jung Daehyun? He is so careless, and so deeply in love. He almost feels as needy as the pup.

“Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae—” Daehyun plods behind the rabbit as though he were lost in a theme park, a bright red bite brandishing the flushed skin around his neck. It tingles and burns a tiny bit, but the feeling is nothing but welcomed by the eager pup. As Youngjae pours himself and Daehyun two tall glass of cold water to down the heat away, his shoulders flinch when the warm tip of Daehyun’s nose peppers kisses along the stretch of milky white skin. It’s a habit of Daehyun’s, which is why Youngjae never tries to push him off.

The other four boys noticed Daehyun’s doggish habit of leaning in and sniffing the body butter and vanilla extract out of him, but with the exception of being a pup, nobody really said anything. Daehyun’s nose being in Youngjae’s hair is as normal as a bird without wings.  He would rather use his nose to sniff than his mouth to speak and not-so-surpringly, Youngjae was the only one who found that endearing.

‘You smell so good, you smell so good, you smell so good—’

As Daehyun’s senses fall into frenzy, Youngjae hands the glass over to him wearing a tired expression. He didn’t feel like playing hide and seek in the dark anymore.


The pup lets out a yip, his doggy ears perking up from his hair and his long tail curling out from under his shirt. Youngjae’s furry attributes do the same. “I don’t want to play hide and seek anymore.” He says after taking a gulp of his water. Daehyun doesn’t have enough brains to take the glow on Youngjae’s cheeks as a clear hint.

“Why not? Is there something else you’d like us to do?”


“Do you have another game we could play?”


Daehyun turns puzzled as Youngjae blinks at the really striking red mark he left on the older boy’s neck. It looked great, in his personal opinion. He made an excellent choice of nibbling a little too hard on the tender gold flesh.

“I want you to kiss me.”

The words had barely past his lips before Daehyun was obediently cupping his fluffy cute cheeks and bringing him forward into a scorching, sweet kiss, their minds ablaze with the exchange of new flavors bursting past their mouths and onto their tongues. Youngjae’s tail ruffles cutely against his and he winds his arms around the taller boy’s neck, arching his body to fit the shape of Daehyun’s. The pup thinks no food tastes better than this so he kisses him a little harder, not minding at all when Youngjae's front bunny teeth knock into his own. How long had he wanted to do this? Most likely the moment his eyes landed on those small plump petals of rosy joy.

‘Vanilla, vanilla, vanilla, sweet, sweet just like vanilla!’

Youngjae starts to laugh when Daehyun breaks the kiss and goes back to sniffing him some more, relishing in his unique scent and pressing his nose into the pretty mole on Youngjae’s neck before going back up to sniff his lovely round cheeks whilst pelting them with warm, wet kisses.


‘Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae…’


‘I love you, love you, love you.’





a/n: Idk what this is lol I just wanted to play with words. Apologies for any errors!


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Chapter 1: Aaaah it's sooooo adorable~ ♥
Chapter 1: Aaaahhhhhh!! Too cuteeee~~~ This is beautiful. Thank you for this :)
xsmileyrinx #3
Chapter 1: Awww this is so adorable.
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!!!!
This is too cute so be true. Daehyun is cute. Youngjae is cute. Everything in them is cute. It's like a cute story with a cute couple full of cuteness. (?)

Thanks for this. (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Chapter 1: Ainggg~ I'm melting this is too cute!! xD
Chapter 1: This is adorable!!! Forever DaeJae...
ani_xxi #7
Chapter 1: OMGGG SOOOOOO CUUUUTTTTTEEEEE :O :O :O (●´ω`●) (╹◡╹)♡
altosankun #8
Chapter 1: awwwwww why so cute daejae ♡♡
thx ♡♡
Chapter 1: So so so so so so cute <3333

Thanks you for this ^^