Chapter 5

Drawn In
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As Jingle Bells blared annoyingly throughout the entire room, Wendy roused from her slumber rather abruptly and muttered a curse under her breath. She swore to throttle Joy for picking such a damn frustrating song as a doorbell, before pulling the blankets over her head and hiding under them. 


The alarm she set the previous night hadn't rang yet and there was no way in hell she was getting out of bed to open the door.


Joy, sleeping soundly next to her, didn't even flinch from the overbearing carol. Light snores could be heard from the younger girl and Wendy briefly wondered if the girl could even sleep through an earthquake. 


She prayed silently that the unwelcome intruder outside would soon give up after a few minutes of no response, but boy, was she wrong. The person was unrelenting, pressing the doorbell every few minutes. By the end of it, Wendy had the cheery tune of Jingle Bells stuck in her head and she was sure she never wanted to hear it again for as long as she lived. 


Wendy kicked Joy less than subtly, allowing a smirk to flit across her face when the girl shot up from bed with a small scream. It was always the best way to wake the girl up, from her experience. Screaming in her ear would never work and spraying water in the girl's face would only result in being disgustingly spat on. 


"It's your turn to answer the door, , I did it the last time," she croaked out, her voice unstable from the lack of use in the previous hours. Joy rubbed her eyes hard and whined loudly for a full ten seconds to make her dissatisfaction known before shooting Wendy a dirty look and dragging and stomping her feet to the door. She swung the door open so hard that it banged against the wall and Wendy almost felt pity for the other party who was at the receiving end of Joy's wrath. 


Almost. If only that bastard didn't wake her up from her precious beauty sleep. The person would be getting what she deserved; Joy in a foul morning mood. 


Wendy expected Joy to return after a few seconds with a parcel or letter, with a full on rant about being kicked in the early in the morning, but started to feel anxious when there was no response after a full two minutes. 


The position of the beds in the dorm room was such that she couldn't see the entrance from where she laid, and Wendy hoped that Joy didn't get drugged and kidnapped by a serial killer, like what was always shown in the daily TV dramas that she liked to watch.


She warily stepped out of bed and put on her glasses, shuffling towards the door in her pink Hello Kitty slippers. If anyone besides Joy caught sight of them, she swore that she would never be able to live it down. 


Wendy heaved a small sigh of relief when she saw Joy standing at the door, albeit motionless. The younger girl was seemingly frozen, her jaw hanging open and her eyes comically wide. Wendy almost laughed out loud at the scene before she took a glance outside and realised who was standing there. 




In a pair of skinny jeans and a light purple sweater, was a girl who had furrowed eyebrows and looked mildly confused. Her face contorted slightly and she tilted her head at the sight in front of her. 


"H-hello? Are you okay?" Irene waved a hand in front of Joy's face, before finally spotting Wendy behind her with an amused yet lazy smile on her face. 


"Oh, Wendy!", Irene's face visibly relaxed, "I swear I have no idea what happened to her, I just told her I was looking for you and this happened." 


Wendy chuckled, knowing completely why Joy was acting like a fool. It wasn't everyday where one's idol would appear in front of your door, looking for your roommate. She was just about to open to speak when the splutterings of Joy interrupted her. 


"Y-you....Irene Bae? I-in my room?" 


A look on understanding appeared on Irene's face, and an easygoing grin replaced the concerned look from before. "Oh, are you a fan? Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me." 


Joy vehemently shook her head, "N-no! I'm just surprised...and Oh my god! Irene Bae's talking to me! She just talked to me!" She then let out a scandalized gasp, and her hand shot out to the innocent idol's face, pinching it. "And this is not a dream! Not a dream! Oh my ing god, holy !" 


Joy then turned back around and sprinted into the room, presumably burying herself into the comforts of the blankets and squealing about how she made physical contact with God. 


A curious look was etched onto Irene's face, as if she couldn't believe what had just happened. Wendy scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, letting out a small and discreet cough. "Well, sorry about that, Joy just happens to be a great fan of yours." 


Irene raised an eyebrow, quickly recovering from the weird occurence. "Your roommate happens to be a great fan of mine and yet you couldn't even recognise me when we first met?" 


A blush grew on Wendy's cheeks and she slapped her palms to her face in an attempt to reduce the heat. "I-I'm sorry, okay! I just don't really pay much attention to the entertainment industry..." 


Irene let out a few husky chuckles and met Wendy's gaze with a cheeky glint in her eyes. "If you're really sorry, give me a kiss." 


"W-what? No! Why on earth would I do that?" Wendy choked out, ignoring the peels of laughter from the girl opposite her. 


"Man, you're too easy to tease. Lighten up, will you cutie?" 


Wendy put on her best glare and shot it at Irene, even putting her hand on her waist for good measure. She could be intimidating if she wanted to. Yes, she could. "What are you doing here, anyway?" 


"I'm here to bring my girlfriend out for breakfast." Irene grinned, lifting her right hand up to show another stalk of blue rose. 


Wendy paused and hesitantly took the rose from her, but narrowed her eyes after Irene's words processed in her mind. "Girlfriend? I'm not your girlfriend, okay? I never agreed to anything of that sort." 


Irene rolled her eyes, as if expecting Wendy to say that. "Fine, play hard to get if you want to. But mark my words, sooner or later you'll be begging to be my girlfriend. But first, aren't you going to invite me in?" She said pleasantly, a smile stretching from ear to ear. 


Wendy heaved an exasperated sigh, turning her body to allow the older girl into her dorm. "Just don't blame me if Joy jumps you. I sure hope you have insurance." 


Irene halted in her steps immediately, her body frozen. She had forgotten that Wendy had an over-enthusiastic fan for a roommate and pondered hard for a full second if she was making the right decision by going in. 


Wendy smirked, thinking that she could have some fun teasi

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Chapter 7: Sad that we can't get to see how the story pan out.
Chapter 7: I always forget to leave a comment on every good story, because I'm too focused on seeing the continuation of the story
WenRene_77 #3
Chapter 7: it's been 4 yrs since last updated😔 i hope author-nim will finish this..
killuagotic #4
Chapter 7: hope you are ok :( come back whenever you want 💙
Chapter 7: manifesting an update
Chapter 7: I hope you will comeback and finish this story 🙂
ReVeLuvyyy #7
Chapter 7: I hope you comeback :(
Chapter 7: I hope you keep writing author. Have a good day!
Chapter 7: Your story is good, we are going to wait for your updates. I hope that passion of yours in writing will soon come back! Fighting!!
Chapter 7: Hi author~nim, how are you??