(Meanie) The Unwanted

Cupid's Book

Pairing: Meanie

Summary: Meanie are engaged, but Mingyu never loved Wonwoo (Wonwoo's POV)

Genre: Angst


I heard it. I heard it loud and clear, the conversation between my fiance and my brother. The burning desire they had for each other, the confessions, I heard it all.

"Just one word, Jungkook," I heard Mingyu said softly to my younger brother, "just one word from you and I will stop all of this. I'll tell Wonwoo myself, I'll beg for his forgiveness. Please, Jungkook, please admit that you love me too. I'll cancel this wedding."

Jungkook sobbed and without even looking at him, I know he was shaking his head furiously. "No, please don't cancel the wedding. Please don't do that to him, don't do that to my family."

"But I can't see you like this, I can't see us like this. Wonwoo is my good friend and I love him, but it's not the same way like I love you, you know I only date him because you ask me to."

I tried so hard not to choke and cry, this can't be happening to me. This is too cruel.

"But I can't accept you, Mingyu, never. My brother loves you and I can't betray him like that. He loves you for so long, I can't be selfish, he needs you more than I do, please take care of him. Besides, I have Taehyung now, I know that I don't love him like the way I love you yet, but I'm starting to feel something for him, I really hope this relationship will last."

I heard Mingyu growl, and I know that it's jealousy and I've never been able to make Mingyu growl like that even though I throw myself to somebody's arm, now I know the reason. Mingyu never loved me in the first place. He probably thought that I'm a nuisance that it's better if I'm in someone else's arms than his.

"Mingyu, I love you," Jungkook stated softly, "but I love my brother more than anything, he's my hero, I will sacrifice anything for him even the man I love. I know I ask too much from you, but please take care of him."

Before I choked a sob and made my presence to be noticed, I retreated from my hiding place behind the wall and walked away. Away from my broken heart.


This was hard, especially seeing my family gathered together and enjoyed the moment, preparing for my wedding. I couldn't be selfish and broke their little bubble like that, especially my mom's. They'll be shocked and sad if I announce it, but on the other hand, I couldn't be selfish and part two people in love either. Some people will be hurt one way or another, but Mingyu and Jungkook deserved to be happy, that much I know.

I wanted to call my mom and asked her to talk in private, but suddenly Jungkook hugged me tightly from behind, burying his face on my nape. "I'm happy," he said.

I smiled bitterly, knowing all too well that Jungkook was not really happy, in fact, he's hurting inside. And it's all because of me.

"Really?" I asked, decided to play along.

He nodded, "yeah, I'm happy for both of you. You guys are perfect together."

I fought back a cry and patted Jungkook's arm. "Can we talk in private? I want to say something," I asked, releasing myself from him and faced him with a small smile.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows but nodded. "Sure."

We went to my room and I locked the door once we're inside.

"What do you want to talk about?"

I sighed and took a seat beside him on the bed. "It's about the wedding," I began, "I don't think I can do it."

Jungkook's mouth was hanging ajar and I'd like to think it's cute if not for the atmosphere right now.

"What are you talking about?!" Jungkook boomed.

I shrugged, pretending not to care. "I'm not ready, besides lately I doubt that Mingyu is the one." Lie. Mingyu was the only person I could ever loved. Ever.

"Are you crazy?"

I turned to Jungkook and stared deep in his eyes. "Have you ever doubt your choice, Jungkook? Like you suddenly not sure about you choices in life? That's what happen to me right now. Not just about the wedding, but also about Mingyu."

"Bull," Jungkook snapped. "I know how much I love him, and don't you dare lie to me. What happened? Why did you suddenly do this? Did he cheated on you?"

I faked a small smile. "It just.. I love Mingyu, but I don't think I could spend the rest of my life with him. I'm canceling the wedding."

That was final, and no one could convince me otherwise.


Hell break loose when I announced my idea the day after. Not only gasp of surprises, I also heard set of screams.

"Are you crazy?" That's my mom, half screaming half crying. "The wedding's on two day."

But nothing could set me off guard other than Mingyu, who dragged me with fuming breath, took me to my room and slammed the door closed.

"WHAT THE ?!" That's the only thing Mingyu screamed. 3 words, but needed bunch of craps explanation.

"Let's break up, I don't want to do this."

Mingyu was shocked to hear my explanation. If I didn't know better, I'd thought that I saw hurt in his eyes. But I was sure that the only feelings Mingyu felt right then, was only confuse.

"What are you talking about?" Mingyu snapped, "didn't you hear your mom? the wedding is in two days, don't joke around now, Wonwoo."

"Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with me, Mingyu? Think about that. Do you even love me?"

Mingyu was practically fuming, slamming his hands on my desk. "Of course I love you. What are you implying right now? that I don't want to be with you? Then what do you think I do these past three years dating you?!"

I smiled weakly. "I heard your conversation with Jungkook yesterday," that seemed to shut Mingyu off. "I know you don't love me, you love him.. and he loves you."

Mingyu baffled, "Won-wonwoo, I can explain."

I shook my head tiredly. "I don't want your explanation, Mingyu. I get it. I just want you to be happy."

"But, Wonwoo.."

"Jungkook and you are the most important people in my life, I can't live in peace knowing that you're hurting inside. Now, I set you free, Mingyu," I put my palm in Mingyu's pale face. "Please be happy."

Mingyu choked a sob, which broke my heart. "Wonwoo, please don't do this. I promise I'll be the best husband."

"I don't want the best husband, Gyu. I just want a husband who loves me, and that's not you," my words probably harsh, but my tone was soft and desperate. 

I bit my lip to prevent my tears from falling and it's hard, especially when Mingyu cried his heart out.

"Please be happy, Mingyu. Please take care of my brother."

I went out the house, leaving the chaos behind.


I didn't go home that night, or the night after, and also after that. I crashed at my friend's house, crying everyday. Only after a week, when my mom begged me to come home that I finally went home, only to retrieve my belongings. I left for good after that, moving to another country.

That was 5 years ago. I never met Mingyu anymore after our cancelled wedding, rumour has it that he moved to Jeju, to heal his seemingly 'broken heart'.

I took the blame, being the one who got away. Nobody knew about the real reason of our break up, not even Jungkook. I didn't want to put the burden on that kid. I love him too much for that.

Today was the first time I went home after 5 years, to attend a wedding. My only brother finally decided to settle down with his long time boyfriend, Taehyung.

I was a little sad that Jungkook didn't end up with Mingyu after all the drama. But, seeing how happy Jungkook was with his current life, my heart was a little at ease.

Still, after going home, I still didn't see Mingyu. He probably hated me up until this day, or he probably too heart broken to be back,he didn't win the guy after all.

No matter where Mingyu was, I still hope he'd be happy, that he'd find a love that care for him because he deserves it. Also I hope that he wouldn't end up like me, being the unwanted.


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Gooine #1
Chapter 3: Yixing is such an adorable fluffball . Gosh that was so cute. I love how awkward yet adorable it was <3 yifan walking away then turning around again multiple times was hilarious and I could totally picture that happening. Totally loved it! Thanks for the fic authornim! Kray fighting!

Lol that last line thou >_<
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 2: shiiiiizzzz...that was intense!...you have no idea what this fic did to while i was slowly reading it and trying to grasp everything...(╥﹏╥) omg..just wow...just really...wow
idolzlover #3
Chapter 2: I'm choking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: meanie sequel please