best kind of company 

till we meet again

A/N: This took a while longer than I had wanted, but enjoy. 

Characters: Sohye, Yoojung, Yeonjung, Mina, Doyeon


best kind of company

The gust of wind caused the tree branches to rattle against each other, casting eerie shadows under the full moon.

Sohye recalled in the horror movies that Doyeon forced them to watch that this was when the serial killer would come out and begin murdering everyone. The supporting characters were always the first to die, so she eyed her surrounding warily and prepared herself to run.

Though Sohye wasn’t a fast runner, nor did she know where she would run to at the moment. 

Sohye looked to her left to check on Yoojung and Mina. The two girls were huddled underneath a tree, and she could see the eyes of both girls threatening to close as they tried hard to stay awake. She was tired as well, but knew that if she did not keep her eyes on all of the girls, there was a high chance that Doyeon and Yeonjung would leave them behind. 

Doyeon because it would be a funny prank, while Yeonjung could be a bit forgetful when she was too excited. 

Sohye often questioned Doyeon’s idea of fun, so she should have known better than to follow the taller girl out of their tent when she was woken up in the middle of the night and told that they were going on an adventure. The excited smile on Doyeon’s face always meant trouble, but it was too late to back out when her friends had all gathered outside. 

Other than Doyeon, Yeonjung was the most excited for whatever was planned, while Yoojung was obligated to join in the fun because she was Doyeon’s best friend. Mina, in her half-asleep state, was probably dragged out without knowing what she was signing up for, so Sohye would feel really bad if she left the girl alone with the other three.

Plus they were only going through the forest to find a small pond, so what could possibly go wrong? A lot, Sohye realized very quickly. 

Within five minutes of their trip, Yoojung had tripped over a tree trunk and scraped her knee. Luckily Sohye had hand sanitizer and a band-aid with her, so they were able to clean the injury up and were on their way again. Except they almost lost Mina, who had dozed off while they were tending to Yoojung, and had to turn around to find the girl when they realized that she wasn’t with the group. Then Yeonjung accidentally ripped the map they were following when Doyeon tried to scare her, so there was a small chase afterwards because Yeonjung needed to get her revenge. 

All of which led them to their current situation, lost in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night, with a serial killer out to get their lives.

The last part may be a bit exaggerated, but Sohye really wanted to stay alive and graduate high school. She was looking forward to her last year of high school because she would be in the same class as all of her friends. She had classes with her friends before, Doyeon and Mina or Yoojung and Yeonjung, but they were never all together in one classroom. Daily lessons were more bearable when she had Mina to sneak snacks with in class, though their teacher probably wouldn’t appreciate the shenanigans of Doyeon, Yeonjung, and Yoojung together. 

Sohye had also looked forward to this camping trip that the school had organized for the seniors. The trip was to allow them to enjoy the free time with their classmates before school started next week. She was having a great time, even joining in the impromptu dance battle during dinner with Yoojung and Mina.

That was until Doyeon’s brilliant idea. 

Sohye turned her attention to Doyeon and Yeonjung. Once they had realized that they were lost, all five girls gathered together to figure out their location with the ripped map. They knew where the camping site and pond were located, but figuring out their location was a lot more challenging. 

Especially when everything around them were trees, more trees, and even more trees.  

Sohye had given up along with Yoojung and Mina and hoped a miracle would save them, but Doyeon and Yeonjung were not ones to give up so easily.

“Why don’t we continue heading straight?” Yeonjung suggested. “Maybe we’ll find a sign that would point us somewhere.” 

Yeonjung was always the most optimistic one in the group, sometimes to the point that left Sohye in awe, but more often than not, her optimism always comes through.

“Alright.” Doyeon easily agreed. “Let’s go then!” 

Everyone was quiet as they began their journey through the forest again, feeling fatigued from the long night. But when Yeonjung began singing the latest pop song, Yoojung was quick to harmonize, while Mina and Doyeon were matching dance moves to the lyrics. Sohye laughed at her friends’ antics and joined in the craziness by beatboxing a melody. 

Sohye was still concerned about being lost in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the night, with a serial killer out to get their lives, but the situation was less scary when they were having fun together. 

The serial killer was definitely an exaggeration because Sohye was actually more afraid of what their homeroom teacher would do to them if she found out they were missing. 

Bae Yoonjung seonsaengnim was very scary and Sohye really wanted to graduate high school without too much problem.

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YoodaengStan #1
Chapter 1: good job author ~ keep updating it!
Maryia_Morales #2
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed reading this. Keep up the good work.