Chapter 1

You Did This To Me
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The thumping bass, the flashing lights, this was a very different scene to what Mina was used to, she prefered to be spending her evenings at home watching anime, or k-dramas but her friend, Im Nayeon, had dragged her out giving her the promise of a great night out and that she would pay the favour back by spending an evening watching her shows with her.


The moment she walked through the door she could feel a pair of eyes on her, not the usual kind that you would expect, not those of someone that could potentially drug her up and do what they wanted, no these eyes had a different feel.


She kept catching glimpses of a girl with peach coloured hair in the corner of her vision but as soon as she looked in that direction no such girl was seen. “Nayeon, I feel like someone is staring at me” she semi-shouted to her black haired friend.


“Well of course someone is going to have their eyes on you silly, just look at you” she said with a slight slur “You’re f-ing hot” Nayeon had always been somewhat of a lightweight, her cheeks were already flushed from the alcohol and she was starting to slur her words.


Mina wasn’t convinced but decided that if anything was going to happen she could defend herself whether she was sober or not, taking another drink she decided she wanted to go dance so she grabbed Nayeon’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the dance floor. “If you’re going to drag me out to a club Nabongs at least treat me to a dance” Nayeon placed her hands on Mina’s hips and they danced, moving to the beat.


They had been in the club for a while now, Mina had drank enough that she had let her safeguards down and was finally able to enjoy herself, she left Nayeon and was dancing with someone she had never met before.


After the song was over she left the man to buy herself another drink and came across someone she felt she recognised, she was just a little taller than she was and she had peach hair “Hey there, mind if I buy you a drink?”


“W-What’s the o-occasion?” Mina asked, struggling to form words.


“Well I just met a really pretty girl and I wanted to celebrate” She winked and ordered two drinks.


“Thanks” Blushing slightly.


“I’m Momo and you?” She said taking her hand leading her to the dance floor.


“M-Mina” she stuttered, somehow she couldn’t keep her eyes off Momo, her stare was intense, she felt like she had no control over her actions, she just kept following after they passed the dance floor and headed for the rear entrance to the club.


“Mina I want to show you something but I need you to promise that whatever you see that you will forget about it okay?” she said when they reached the back alley.


“O-Okay” Mina was starting to get a little scared, she always thought she would be able to fend for herself even after drinking but this girl was proving difficult to say no to. Momo smiled showing her teeth, but there was something off about them, two were longer than they should have been.


Mina’s eyes widened as she realised what she was seeing, she opened and was about to scream when she felt a soft hand covering , it was ice cold but that wasn’t surprising, the girl in front of her made a motion that told her screaming would be a very bad idea.


“Mina, I know this is a shock, in fact I remember what it was like when I first found out we existed” Momo said in a reassuring voice “I want to offer this gift to you”


Mina was stunned, shocked and absolutely terrified “G-Gift?”


“Yes, gift,

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: Update please T^T
1241 streak #2
Chapter 2: Will u update this? :3
Chapter 2: Update
Chapter 2: Update
J_T-ara_M #5
Chapter 2: I don't really believe vampire scare of sun...
1241 streak #6
Chapter 1: Nice start for a great ff!!good job author-ssi! ;)
yuki_momoko #7
Chapter 1: Nice start authornim :) mina's life change rapidly though. Hope momo will take good care of her :)
Thank you so much for this *-*
Chapter 1: Ohohoohohohhohohhohohohohoh! People it is intersting! Hope for action lol!
Chapter 1: Oohhh. Interesting, never knew it was "this" kind of fic. I will not mention the theme of the fic bc people might read the comments first before reading it (I mean, at least... that's what I do) I can't wait for the next update~ Let's see how will the daily life of Mina will change while Momo is by her side :)