
Love is Nothing but Just a Lie?

Yuju,SinB and Eunha are currently sitting on the couch at Yuju house.

"Uhm,unnie. SinB. I've know where Sowon unnie body is" Yuju said make both SinB and Eunha look at her immediately.

"Where is it Yuju ah??" Eunha ask and was about to shedding her tears.

"It's in one of room at SinB house"

"So,all this while. I'm living with Sowon unnie without life body?" SinB ask and Yuju just nodding.

"So what are you waiting for Yuju?? Go and get it then let's do the funeral" Eunha said eagerly.

"We can't do it right now unnie,it's daytime and it'll be dangerous for us. I've called my friend,he'll help me to break that wall tonight" Yuju said make SinB look at her curiously.

"He? Friend? I thought that you never have a friend other than Yerin and Umji?" SinB ask in a bit jealousy tone.

"He's my friend from high school but he didn't continue his study to college since his family has some financial problems. So he's working as a construction site worker. That's why I'm asking for his help. He has the equipment to break that wall" Yuju explain

"When will your friend being here?" Eunha ask

"About 10pm" 


Eunha walking along the river,the place that she and Sowon always go whenever they want to release their tension because of study.

Sowon always would brought her at there then watch the sunset. She take a glance then saw there's only about 30min before the sunset. So she decide to wait for it

She's sitting on the ground with both of her knees are folding up till her chest. She's smile when she remembered her position. It same like the way she did when Sowon still alive.

She would brought her knees to her chest then lean onto Sowon shoulder. Have a few chit chat about the random thing and how stress they are during in class till sunset. And they'll go home while walking hand in hand.

Without realise,her tears come out from her eyes. She wipe it using her thumb,then keep watching the sun.


Like always,Sowon and Eunha are sitting on the ground while facing the sun. Eunha put her head on Sowon shoulder then Sowon put her head on top of Eunha head

They're enjoying each other presence,feeling each other warm,felt the warm wind that blown in the summer. 

While staring the Orange sky,suddenly Eunha was thinking about one question that make she's curious the answer. She lift up her head on Sowon shoulder then look up to face the taller girl

"Sowon ah"

"Hmm?" Sowon look at her

"Why did you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Because from the first time I lay my eyes on you,I already know that you're the one that I want to live with" Sowon said truthfully

"But we're just 5 when we met" Eunha said try to covering her blush

"Love didn't know age" Sowon said while smiling. 

"Oh ok" Eunha nodding

"What about you? Why did you wanna be my girlfriend?" Sowon ask And Eunha kinda got startled by that question

"Uhm" Eunha humming


"Well,like you I also want to spent my life with you" Eunha said cutely make Sowon pinch both of her cheeks

"You're lucky that I love you so much. I hate women who take so long time to answer that question. But because that person is you,I'll let you go"

"Aww,such a lucky I am. Right?" Eunha mocking

"Yah! I'm serious" Sowon said a bit shout in unsatisfied

"Yea right" Eunha rolled her eyes make Sowon poking her waist side

"Of course it was right. I never lie when it comes about love and you" Sowon said and tickling Eunha

"Yah! Stop it! Ok ok I'm sorry,I trust you. I trust you" Eunha said make Sowon stop tickling her.

Eunha wipe her years that come out from her eyes due to the tickling session by Sowon a while ago. She then felt that Sowon was stare her.

"Why did you stare me like that?" Eunha ask

"I love you" Sowon didn't answer Eunha question but just saying those three magic word with sincere eyes and lovingly tone.

"I love you too" Eunha also replied in same tone and eyes.

They just stare into each other eyes,then Sowon took a first step by leaning closer to Eunha face. Her eyes who are look into Eunha's was moving slowly to Eunha nose then stop at Eunha luscious lips.

Eunha bit her below lip and it make she's look more hot with that action. Sowon stop her face in front of Eunha face and their nose are touching each other.

Sowon move her head a bit aside then softly connect her lips with Eunha's. Feeling like a magnet was attaching between their lips,Eunha immediately respond to the kiss and move sync with Sowon lips.

They're kissing at same time with the sunset. Their kiss was being background by a darker Orange colours sky.

They pulled away from each other then once again their eyes caught each other eyes. Wide smile was playing on their lips.

Feeling the happiness was the best thing to be felt. But where's happiness,there's also sadness come along.

Ended of Flashback.

Her ringtone from her phone snap Eunha from her thought. She fish out her phone and found Yuju was calling

"Hello?" Eunha answer the call

"Unnie? Where are you? Why you didn't come home yet? It's night already" Yuju said in worried tone

"I'm on my way going home now. Don't worry"

"Come back home faster unnie. It's getting dark out there" Eunha just smile hearing her baby cousin worry voice

"Ok baby girl,I'm home now. It's not really dark,so don't worry"

"Ok then,bye unnie. Take care" Yuju said and Eunha also replied the same before put her phone back in her handbag

Before she heading back to Yuju house,she once again take a glance at the river. The river that saved a lot of sweet and bitter memories between her and Sowon.




"SinB ah, here I introduce you with my friend. SinB,this is DK and DK,this is SinB. Don't stare her too long or I'll break you neck" Yuju whisper to DK ear in stern tone make DK lift both of his arms to the air sign surrender

"Nice to meet you DK" SinB said while smile friendly

"Yea,me too" DK just said in normal friendly tone when he saw from his end of eyes that Yuju was sending her death glare to him

"Yuju,are you sure that you didn't need me and Eunha unnie in there?"SinB ask anxiously

"Yes we're sure. Beside if something bad was happens to me or DK,you guys can help by getting someone else helps" Yuju said in gentle tone

"Gosh! We're just gonna break the wall. Not like we're going to having a world war or something" DK said while rolled his eyes then walk to SinB house

"Well,he's right. Uhm,bye" Yuju said while scratching her nape

"Bye" SinB said then Yuju turn around and heading to SinB house. 

In her midway,Yuju walk back to SinB direction make the shorter girl confused. Yuju stop In front of SinB then lean closer to her right ear,since Eunha on SinB left side

"I love you" Yuju whisper then pulled away with her grin. She kiss her index finger then put that finger to SinB lips make SinB more shock with her action

Yuju then walk to SinB house with bright smile. Leaving frozen SinB in front of her door house. Eunha just laughing seeing how cute SinB is when Yuju did that

"She'll be back. Let's get in now" Eunha said make SinB snapback into reality and with her red cheeks she just following Eunha get into the house 

"I love you too" SinB whisper then touch her lips with shy smile




"So,let's start now" DK said then start to preparing his equipment out 

"Did you feel or hear something DK?" Yuju ask since she felt like she has been staring from somewhere and hear something like someone footsteps

"No,why?" DK try to hear for it But he didn't hear anything

"Oh ok. Let's just start it now" Yuju said

"Oh yea,can you please get me some water?"

"Seriously? You didn't even start something yet. You already ask for a water?" Yuju ask disbelief

"Hey,I'm thirsty. You know that my house is far from your house right? So it's normal if I'm thirsty" DK reasoned out

"Ok fine. Wait" Yuju the walk to the kitchen to get the drink for DK

While she's in the kitchen,she can heard that machine sounds from that wall direction. But not long after that,machine stop make a loud sounds. Feeling weird,she walk to that wall with a glass of water in her hand

"DK?" She called after she can't see her friend sight and that machine just leave on the floor

"Yah! Can you please be serious? The faster we finish this,more faster we got a rest"

After hearing nothing from her friend,Yuju just thinking that DK maybe in toilet or somewhere else. She took that machine then was about to held it to the wall but then suddenly she felt someone was hitting her from behind

It make she's collapse on the floor. She's groan a bit,feeling the pain on behind her back head. She look up to see the hitter face and got culture shock when she saw Jungkook was standing there with baseball bat in his hand


"Hi Yuju,long time no see right? And oh! It seems like you've found that girl "grave" what will you do next? Make a funeral ceremony for her?" Jungkook smirking

Just when Jungkook was about to drag Yuju to somewhere like he did to DK,the door swung open widely

"Yuju!" SinB and Eunha shout unison when they saw Yuju was laying on her stomach on the floor

"Wow! Look what's we have here? Welcome girls,come and join us here" Jungkook said 

"Why did you do this?? I thought you've promised that you'll not show up in front of me anymore!" Eunha shout at Jungkook

"Yea I am! But that Sowon ghost was keep on haunting me all day and night! I'm.done with it! I'm done!"Jungkook said in wrath

SinB was about to get Yuju but she only got push by Jungkook to the other side,far from Yuju side

"Yah! This is only between us. Why did you bring these kids along?!"

"Because they know about what happen that night and it'll make us be in a big trouble!"

"But you've make a crime and you deserve it!" Eunha said again in more angry tone

"Argh!!" Jungkook push Eunha on the floor then take out the knife from his pocket to stab Eunha but SinB manage to stop him by holding tight his arm

"SinB don't! It's dangerous!" Eunha shout at SinB when she saw SinB are struggling with Jungkook over that knife

SinB however lost in the fight between she and Jungkook. Her grip around Jungkook arm are getting loosening then not long after that,SinB finally let go her hand and once again got push by Jungkook on the floor

"Just die you! Go and join Sowon in hell!" Jungkook lift up that knife into the air then want to it into SinB stomach

SinB just wait for that knife being into her stomach with closed eyes and how to endure the pain but that pain never come.





In Venice,


The glass in Yuju mom grip are falling down on the floor. She's so shock with that sounds. Feeling uneasy feeling in her heart,make she remembered about Yuju.

"What's wrong babe? Oh gosh! What happening here?" Yuju dad ask when he saw there's a lot of piece of glass was scattered on the floor.

"Moonbyul,let's go home now! I'm worry about Yuju" she shaken her husband body.

"But why?"

"I'm just worry. Come on. Let's go home now!" Hearing his wife please voice make Moonbyul give in.

Solar can't stay still,on her way to the airport. Especially when Yuju phones can't be reach. Both SinB and Eunha are also can't be reach.

She's keep on hoping that three of that girls are just doing fine and there's a nothing bad was happen. However,her hoping just leave as a hope only when she got a phone call from Eunha .

"A-auntie,Yuju auntie Yuju" Eunha while panting.

"What's wrong with her???"

"She's got stabbed on her stomach"

Hearing that,Solar phone's falling on the ground. She's then starts crying. Seeing his wife are crying,he couldn't help but feeling it too.





Back to Korea,

SinB look up then saw Yuju was standing in front of her. Try to blocking Jungkook knife from its hitting and into SinB stomach

Unfortunately,bad luck was on her side. Yuju stand in front between SinB and Jungkook then just in one,that knife being into Yuju stomach

"Yuju!!!" Eunha and SinB shout unison but SinB voice more louder

Jungkook pulling out that knife from Yuju stomach then try to run away but Eunha hold him tight

SinB took Yuju head on her lap then crying so hard. She can't imagine how she can stay alive without someone like Yuju on her side

"Yuju ah,wake up! Don't leave me!" SinB cried and Yuju just let out small warm smile, and look at SinB with lovingly,her eyes are slowly getting heavier then close tightly. On SinB lap

"Yuju!!!" SinB shout while crying after she can't feel Yuju heartbeat anymore









Chapter Twenty-four,check ~~

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hello!!! can you give me permission to translate or take reference from this story with my language please? :D bc i like your story so much and never forget this. but i will write another idol ship not sinju. i probably post on only wattpad and i will give cr. to you as my respected author.

if you dont like this, sure i will stop writing and posting this. I respect your thought♥
I was abit scared reading this because or the horror tag and its night time where I live now. But the story is really great and I can't believe I was too late on reading this one. Just randomly searching for sinju tags and I got here.
Eunha's last part really took a blow out of me. Wonha got me emo omg!

Just one question tho or maybe I miss that part but whatever happened to Eunha's necklace, sinb found it right. Did she return it or not?
Chapter 29: woah...this is great and so scary....the story on hte last chapter between eunha and sowon is si sad....sinju are also so cute and im happy that yesisters are one of the side ship hehe....jungkook is really annoying great story!
Hello? Hehe Believe me or not, this is my 9th time being here and reading this great story! I want to say it agn, This Story Is Really Great!!!!!! TT TT
Chapter 29: Hi authir-nim, it's me again remember? The reader who read up to 3am for the eomma story!
I actually saw this story back then but when I saw *horror* and read the description I got scare... >_<;;

Then today I'm like hm it's sunny.. Let's give it a try. Oh god I got scare just by imagining sowon.. But I had to keep reading it because it's so good!!! I just finish the story and my heart is beating so fast >< still scare.

Hopefully I won't have a nightmare tonight!!!
Can't wait to read more of your stories!
Chapter 30: new reader here~ohmaigodd thiss story is jinjja daebak!! i cant believe that i'm so late to find this amazing story..ur story is really amazing that i cant take off my eyes from reading it..n guess what??i finished reading this in one day only n only took bout 3 hours only..i love ur story..thx cuz making such a great story for gfriend!!!xD
hyejin_123 #7
Found ya! Haha.. gonna start reading now.

I know I'm a bit late. *bows* hahaha....
rainingcandy14 #8
i like your story :D
and i am glad that it actually has an ending. most horror stories i read wasn't being continued until the end :<
thank you~
Chapter 29: Wooohh! It's already done *pout emoji* Great job for making this story author-nim ^_^ I had fun solving his case even though my theories didn't match any >_< hahahaha

WonHa T_T
Chapter 30: last..tq for the great story..its really good n the 'best' dongsaeng ah..u really a great ur english is so good..n keep writing!