
Love is Nothing but Just a Lie?

Flashback,(Eunha story)

When Eunha arrived at her college,the first person that she want to met is Sowon. Sowon didn't walk her to college that morning because Sowon said that she has something to do at college so she has to leave early in the morning

Once she has spot Sowon in her classroom while reading her books,Eunha immediately skip her way to her lover

"Sowon! Why did you sit in here? I thought you have something to do?" She ask as she took a seat next to Sowon. Sowon just look at her with poker face then answer shortly

"It's done already" then Sowon turn her attention back to her book make Eunha frown

Usually,when they met. Sowon is the one who always has something to say and to chat but that day,it's different. Sowon just act like she didn't exist

On lunch break,Sowon didn't go to cafeteria and just sleep in her classroom. Eunha asked her but she told Eunha to just go alone

Sowon gave Eunha the cold shoulder till the class is ended. And while they're walking back to home,Eunha try to hold Sowon hand but the taller girl pull her hand away then walk leaving Eunha 

Eunha felt so weird,usually Sowon will always held her hand. But it's different that day. That day was a bad day for Eunha,Sowon ignore her and she has a lot of homework to do

On the night,Eunha still didn't finish her homework. She called Sowon to ask her if she has done with the homework but Sowon didn't answer her call

So she called Jungkook,also didn't got any respond from that guy. Eunha let out heavy sigh then throw her phone on her bed,she's walk to Sowon house since Sowon house was just in front of her uncle and auntie house and she's living with those two

The atmosphere so quiet that time,Eunha walk to the door and knock it several times but Sowon seems like didn't hear it

She turn the doorknob but the door is locked,so took out Sowon's let house from the mailbox. Sowon always leave one key in the mailbox because she always forgot where did she put her key house

Eunha open the door and she was greeting with the dark house. All lamps are off,then she called Sowon

"Sowon? Sowon ah? Where are you?" She got no respond

"Where are you? Are you here?" Still no respond or Sowon voice can be heard

Eunha walk to the switch lamp,then turn on all the lamps. She look around the leaving room,there's no sign of Sowon in there but when she look at the kitchen. Her eyes wide opens when she saw Sowon was laying on the floor with knife being stab in her stomach

"Sowon!!" She shout then run to Sowon side

Sowon was gasping for breath. The blood are gushing out from her stomach where the knife located. Sowon flawless cheeks have a long wound right under the eyes till the corner of her lip

Eunha crying non-stop looking at Sowon condition. Sowon hold her hand and hold it tightly

"Sowon ah,who did this to you?" Eunha ask while crying. Sowon didn't answer but just put her palm on Eunha cheek

"I....lo-" Sowon try to say something but Eunha cut in first

"Don't talk to much Sowon ah. I'll try to take this knife off from your stomach" Eunha hold that knife and pull it away from Sowon stomach. Once she has took off that knife,Sowon hold her hands once again and look into her eyes

Eunha can see that Sowon eyes is filling with pain. How she want to replacing Sowon and feel that pain. She can't stand it seeing her Sowon in pain

" Eunha.." Sowon said while panting and Eunha was about to reply the same but suddenly there's a hand pulled her away from Sowon

"Ahh!" She's scream but that person close using his palm

That person pulled Eunha  away from Sowon then brought her the loving room. Eunha bite that person hand make that person pull off his hand away from Eunha mouth

Eunha took this chance to let go herself and once she did it. She turn around and once again her eyes widen open

"J-jungkook??" Eunha ask in shock after seeing Jungkook behind her with wearing black sweater 

"Eunha,you have to help me" Jungkook said while panting

Eunha look at her weirdly,then move her gaze to Jungkook hands. She saw Jungkook hands has a blood stain. She's gasping with what she just witnessed.With shivering finger,she pointing at Jungkook

"Y-you s-stabbed S-Sowon "Eunha stuttering 

"I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean it. Eunha ah,please help me by hiding my action toward Sowon please" Jungkook pleading but Eunha just shook her head and running toward Sowon phone house. With shivering fingers she press the police number but didn't manage Eunha call the police,Jungkook snatch that phone away from Eunha. He thrown that phone away

"Jungkook what are you doing?? I have to call the police" Eunha try to run through the door but with Jungkook strength

He hug tight Eunha small frame then whisper to her with warm whisper. Eunha try to struggling but Jungkook held her too tight

"Listen Eunha! If you call the police or tell this thing to someone else. You'll be drag along with me"

"Let me go you bastard!" Eunha shout

"No! Listen first! Can you see that knife?" Jungkook make Eunha look at the knife that laying next to Sowon. That also the knife that Jungkook used to stabbed her

"On that knife,have your fingerprints. And if police or someone else found that knife,you'll be the suspect. And I'm sure you didn't want to be in jail right?"

Eunha stop struggling when she heard that. Seeing Eunha just froze at her spot,Jungkook smirking

"Now,look at your hand. Who's blood is this?.It Sowon's" Eunha look at her hand and saw Sowon blood on her hand. She got it while pulling that knife off from Sowon stomach

"Listen Eunha. There's no way that Sowon will still alive. Look at her,she's laying there lifeless and if you tell this to police,it'll not make Sowon alive. Sowon still will leave you" Jungkook keep on pressure Eunha to shut up and covering his wrongdoing

"I'll let you go,but in one condition. Pretend that there's nothing happened tonight and you and I,will be safe. Nobody gonna knew it other you and I" 

With that,Jungkook slowly let go of Eunha and Eunha starts walk to the door. She didn't want to be blamed on the crime that she didn't make. She still has a long journey that she'll face in future. With that thought,Eunha turn the doorknob but turn around to see Sowon face for the last time

​​​​​That moment,their eyes are met. Sowon eyes seems like begging Eunha to not leaving her. But Eunha was young that time,she only think about what she have to do on that time and not thinking about the thing that might be happen in future. With heavy heart,she's leaving the house,taking glance on her bloody hand,she's starts crying

Feeling guilty for Sowon. She love Sowon but she was too selfish that time,she only thinking about her safety

On the next day,Eunha was awake by the sounds of her phone. She look at it,and saw Jungkook sent her a text

"I hope you'll keep your word" that's what Jungkook wrote

"Where did you enough Sowon body?" Eunha replied

"Somewhere and you don't have to know"

Since that day,guilty keep on haunting her. All days,whenever she look at Sowon house. She'll remember her wrongdoing,and since that day too. Jungkook always look at her with warm eyes

Didnt care whether in public or not,Jungkook keep on eyed her. His action make Eunha felt depressed and more guilty to Sowon. She's always spacing out and the eyes that Sowon give her always repeating and beaming in her mind. That's make she's not being herself

After a month's,she still didn't change. All of their families member are worried. Their families ask her if she has any problem but she choose to keep it herself

Worrying about her condition. Her parents took her to Japan and live with them. Eunha thought by going far away from that place can make she forgot about Sowon but no. That felt still haunting her. Until today








Chapter Twenty,check ~~

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hello!!! can you give me permission to translate or take reference from this story with my language please? :D bc i like your story so much and never forget this. but i will write another idol ship not sinju. i probably post on only wattpad and i will give cr. to you as my respected author.

if you dont like this, sure i will stop writing and posting this. I respect your thought♥
I was abit scared reading this because or the horror tag and its night time where I live now. But the story is really great and I can't believe I was too late on reading this one. Just randomly searching for sinju tags and I got here.
Eunha's last part really took a blow out of me. Wonha got me emo omg!

Just one question tho or maybe I miss that part but whatever happened to Eunha's necklace, sinb found it right. Did she return it or not?
Chapter 29: woah...this is great and so scary....the story on hte last chapter between eunha and sowon is si sad....sinju are also so cute and im happy that yesisters are one of the side ship hehe....jungkook is really annoying great story!
Hello? Hehe Believe me or not, this is my 9th time being here and reading this great story! I want to say it agn, This Story Is Really Great!!!!!! TT TT
Chapter 29: Hi authir-nim, it's me again remember? The reader who read up to 3am for the eomma story!
I actually saw this story back then but when I saw *horror* and read the description I got scare... >_<;;

Then today I'm like hm it's sunny.. Let's give it a try. Oh god I got scare just by imagining sowon.. But I had to keep reading it because it's so good!!! I just finish the story and my heart is beating so fast >< still scare.

Hopefully I won't have a nightmare tonight!!!
Can't wait to read more of your stories!
Chapter 30: new reader here~ohmaigodd thiss story is jinjja daebak!! i cant believe that i'm so late to find this amazing story..ur story is really amazing that i cant take off my eyes from reading it..n guess what??i finished reading this in one day only n only took bout 3 hours only..i love ur story..thx cuz making such a great story for gfriend!!!xD
hyejin_123 #7
Found ya! Haha.. gonna start reading now.

I know I'm a bit late. *bows* hahaha....
rainingcandy14 #8
i like your story :D
and i am glad that it actually has an ending. most horror stories i read wasn't being continued until the end :<
thank you~
Chapter 29: Wooohh! It's already done *pout emoji* Great job for making this story author-nim ^_^ I had fun solving his case even though my theories didn't match any >_< hahahaha

WonHa T_T
Chapter 30: last..tq for the great story..its really good n the 'best' dongsaeng ah..u really a great ur english is so good..n keep writing!