
Love is Nothing but Just a Lie?

Sowon were walking in the hallway alone while humming a soft song. She has determined that she want to confess to Eunha about her real feeling

While she's walking,then she suddenly saw everyone were running to the gym. Feeling curious,she's following them too

Then the scene that she can saw in the gym is make her heart feel like want to fall from it's place. Jungkook were kneeling in front of Eunha and ask her to be his girlfriend

Everyone's there were whistling and cheer for Jungkook. They're shouting,asking for Eunha to accept Jungkook love

Sowon saw Eunha open to speak and she don't want to hear it. Because she already know the answer. She's running with tears in her eye to the school backyard then burst into the tears

She's sure that Eunha will say yes. Because she once told to Sowon that she's secretly have a crush on Jungkook. So Sowon thought that Eunha will accept his confession

While she's crying suddenly someone were handing her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away. She look up and saw Eunha were smiling brightness to her


"Take this and wipe your tears" Eunha said in soft tone but Sowon just stare at that handkerchief

'Why she's here? Isn't she suppose to be with Jungkook right now?' Sowon ask in her mind then felt like someone were wiping her tears. She look next to her then there's Eunha were sitting beside and wipe her tears

"You took so long time so I've to wipe it for you" Eunha said while smile warmly

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Why? Am I not been allow to be with my bestfriend anymore?" Eunha ask then pout cutely

"No,that's now what I mean. Isn't you should be with Jungkook right now?"

"Why would I wanna be with him?"

"He's confessed to you right? And you're saying yes to him right?"

"Oh that?" Eunha said then laughing make Sowon weird

"What so funny?"

"I bet you didn't watch the scene till the end"

'How can I watch it if I can't accept it?' Sowon said in her mind

"You mean?"

"I didn't say yes to him" Eunha answer make Sowon shock

"What?? Why?" Sowon admit that she's a bit happy because of that news but Jungkook is still her bestfriend so she has to know

"Well,blame this one person. I lost my crush toward Jungkook because of her" 

"H-her??" Sowon said and was hoping that one person is her 


"Where is she right now? Did she know about your feeling?"

"Nope,she's too stupid because can't see my love to her all this while"

"Did I know her?"

"Really well"

"What's her name?" Sowon ask make Eunha blush a bit then gesture Sowon to lean in more closer and Sowon did lean in

"Her name is" Eunha whisper to Sowon ear then quickly pulled away to cover her red cheeks

Sowon at first were blank but then when the realisation were hitting her,she's grinning like idiot then look at Eunha


"Hmm" Eunha nodding still covering her face with her palms

Sowon hit her fist into the air then pull Eunha hands away from her face. She look at Eunha eyes but the shorter girl just look away

With chuckle,Sowon cup her face gently then make an eye contact with Eunha. She can't stop herself from smiling 

"If that so,will you be that girl girlfriend?" Sowon ask

"I'm sorry but I want to hear that girl confession first. After that then I'll give my answer"

"Ok then" Sowon inhale deeply then hold tight Eunha hands 

"Eunha ah,I know that we're has become a bestfriend since we're kids. And I shouldn't feeling this to my bestfriend but I just couldn't help it. Day by day, my love for you is growing up till the stage that I can't live without you. So here I am today,being witness by the sun,the air and the wind. Me,Kim Sowon,want ask you Jung Eunha to be my girlfriend. Will you accept me?" Eunha just nodding then throw herself into Sowon embrace

While they're enjoying being in each other arm,they heard someone were clapping hand. They turn around and saw Jungkook were walking toward them while clapping his hand

"Finally you become brave huh Sowon?" Jungkook said while smile brightly

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Sowon ask

"Watching your confession of course. If I didn't make that so called confession. I bet until now,you still didn't tell her right?"

"So that confession just"

"Yup Eunha. That just one of my act,I want Sowon to be bold and brave to confess to you. Now look,you guys are couple now!" Jungkook said excitedly

"Thanks dude!" Sowon said then caught Jungkook in her bear hug

"Yea yea your welcome" Jungkook patting her back "But you have to pay it. For making me felt ashamed after got rejected by Eunha awhile ago" Jungkook in playful strict voice 

"Ok,just tell me what is it?"

"Hurm,I'll tell you later" Jungkook said then move his gaze to Eunha who keep on smiling"Yah! Don't just smile. At least hug me to thank me" hearing that,Eunha couldn't help but laughing then come toward Jungkook and hug him

"Thank you so much Kookie"

"You're welcome. Ok,so who wants shaved ice?" Jungkook as he pull away from Eunha

"Me!" Sowon and Eunha raise their hands unison

"Great! Let's race,who got there at last place will pay for everything!" Jungkook then pull Eunha along with him leaving Sowon behind alone

"Yah! Did you guys planing to make me treat you guys??" Sowon shout then run after them


The person who watching that scene since awhile ago just smile. Bitter smile.








"Yuju ah,summer will come soon. Both of us are planing to have a vacation. Did you want to tag along?" Yuju dad ask while they're eating their breakfast

"No it's ok dad. Beside Eunha unnie will come here and spend her summer with me"

"Eunha want to come here?" Her mom ask

"Yea,I called her last night. Oh yea,she say hi"

"Oh ok then. What about you SinB? Are you going to stay here or going to China and spend you summer with your parents in China?" Yuju dad ask SinB

"I'll just spend my summer here since mama and papa are in Venice right now,they'll be there till the end of summer"

"Great! So Yuju,I handing my responsibility on SinB to you ok?" Yuju`s mom said

"Ok mommy,I'll try to taking care of her" Yuju said lazily

"Don't try but did" her mom said firmly, she just humming as an answer

"When will Eunha arrive? Did she need someone to pick her up?" Yuju dad asking

"She said she'll be here on tomorrow. And nope. She said she'll be fine to get here by her own"

"I hope she's not like the way she's moving out from here" Yuju mom said sadly

"She's not like the way she's moving out? Sorry auntie but what does it mean?" SinB couldn't help but asking

"Well,she used to be a good,bubbly and cheerful girl but don't know what happen to her. She's turning to be a anxious,scare,and she's always spacing out. When we asked her if she has a problem or something but she just shake her head. Then after about a month,her condition still didn't change. So her parents decide to brought her to live with them in Japan and finishing her study there" Yuju mom end her talk with heavy sigh while thinking about her niece

"Yea,she's like were having something in her mind that bothering her" Yuju dad continued

"Let's just hope that she'll be just fine and well" Yuju parents just nodding with Yuju word

SinB look at Yuju with a lot of questioning that written on her face. Feeling like someone was staring her,Yuju look on her side then saw SinB look at her

"What?" She's mouthed to SinB but the latter just shaking her head then proceed her breakfast

She don't know why but she's kinda suspicious about Eunha. And her suspicious getting higher when she heard about her change antic before she's move out from the Choi house 




"Yuju,when did Eunha unnie move out?" She ask Yuju who was preparing the chronology of that murder case on her study table

"About 2yrs ago" she answer without look at SinB

"Since when did Sowon disappeared?"

"About 2yrs ago too"

"And that cruel murder starts?" SinB ask again and this time it caught Yuju attention

She look at SinB who was laying on her bed with frown on her forehead

"A few months after Sowon unnie were suddenly disappeared"

Both of them were sharing the questioning look. Both of their mind was processing everything that can be related to that murder case

"Aside from Eunha unnie,did you have Jungkook numbers?" SinB ask 

"I don't think I have it since I never call him before. But maybe Eunha unnie have it" Yuju said and SinB just nodding

She staring the ceiling and thinking about what has happened. She come to Korea for study in college and it's turn  out to be she's in solving the murder case

"Don't think too much. Don't worry you'll not be the next victim SinB" Yuju said with her eyes focus on her paper

"That's not what I'm thinking. But how can you be so sure that I'm not gonna be next kill victim?"

"Because you didn't have a friend here right? And beside I'm here. I'm strong enough to take care of you" Yuju said in her cocky tone make SinB throw her a pillow

"I was touched awhile ago when you said you're gonna take care of me but it's all gone once your cocky behaviour is back" SinB rolled her eyes "I'm sleepy,wake me up once you've done with your work" SinB said then turn around to sleep

"Ungrateful. You just throw a pillow toward me and now you're sleeping on my bed. So shameless" Yuju said then throw that pillow back to SinB

"Well,enemy always be a shameless person with each other" 

"Whatever. Just go and sleep. Your voice are so annoying"

"Hey,my ex willing to hearing my voice everyday and you said it annoying?"

"Your ex must be deaf then"

"Yah! He's not deaf!" SinB shot up from her lay position and sit up

"Yes he is. And his ear were getting better,that's why he's broke up with you" 

SinB didn't say a word but just storming out from Yuju room. She slam the door loudly make Yuju startled

"Am I too much?" Yuju ask herself "Nah,she'll just sulking and will be back in minute" Yuju shrugged then proceeding her work 











Chapter Ten,check ~~

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hello!!! can you give me permission to translate or take reference from this story with my language please? :D bc i like your story so much and never forget this. but i will write another idol ship not sinju. i probably post on only wattpad and i will give cr. to you as my respected author.

if you dont like this, sure i will stop writing and posting this. I respect your thought♥
I was abit scared reading this because or the horror tag and its night time where I live now. But the story is really great and I can't believe I was too late on reading this one. Just randomly searching for sinju tags and I got here.
Eunha's last part really took a blow out of me. Wonha got me emo omg!

Just one question tho or maybe I miss that part but whatever happened to Eunha's necklace, sinb found it right. Did she return it or not?
Chapter 29: woah...this is great and so scary....the story on hte last chapter between eunha and sowon is si sad....sinju are also so cute and im happy that yesisters are one of the side ship hehe....jungkook is really annoying here....so great story!
Hello? Hehe Believe me or not, this is my 9th time being here and reading this great story! I want to say it agn, This Story Is Really Great!!!!!! TT TT
Chapter 29: Hi authir-nim, it's me again remember? The reader who read up to 3am for the eomma story!
I actually saw this story back then but when I saw *horror* and read the description I got scare... >_<;;

Then today I'm like hm it's sunny.. Let's give it a try. Oh god I got scare just by imagining sowon.. But I had to keep reading it because it's so good!!! I just finish the story and my heart is beating so fast >< still scare.

Hopefully I won't have a nightmare tonight!!!
Can't wait to read more of your stories!
Chapter 30: new reader here~ohmaigodd thiss story is jinjja daebak!! i cant believe that i'm so late to find this amazing story..ur story is really amazing that i cant take off my eyes from reading it..n guess what??i finished reading this in one day only n only took bout 3 hours only..i love ur story..thx cuz making such a great story for gfriend!!!xD
hyejin_123 #7
Found ya! Haha.. gonna start reading now.

I know I'm a bit late. *bows* hahaha....
rainingcandy14 #8
i like your story :D
and i am glad that it actually has an ending. most horror stories i read wasn't being continued until the end :<
thank you~
Chapter 29: Wooohh! It's already done *pout emoji* Great job for making this story author-nim ^_^ I had fun solving his case even though my theories didn't match any >_< hahahaha

WonHa T_T
Chapter 30: Waa..at last..tq for the great story..its really good n the 'best' dongsaeng ah..u really a great author.plus ur english is so good..n keep writing!