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Sehun is not a naughty little boy who doesn't listen to his brother. He does whatever his older brother tells him even though he seems like not listening. When his brother asks him to wash the dishes, he'll leave his toys and get up to gather the dirty dishes and washes it in the back of their small wooden house. If Junmyeon goes to the river to wash their clothes, Sehun will ask to come along because he doesn't want Junmyeon to be lonely and he'll be a help somehow. Every time Junmyeon arrives home tired after working all day, Sehun will be silent and let Junmyeon falls asleep, even though he really wants to show him the drawing on the mud he made that day. He will obey Junmyeon because Sehun loves his brother. Junmyeon is his only family and he works really hard to keep them both alive

Junmyeon goes to another village once every two days for work. Sehun doesn't know what his brother does there, but he knows Junmyeon will always be very tired when he comes home. He goes very early in the morning when the sun even hasn’t risen yet and comes back after the sun sets. He always reminds Sehun to not wander around too far when he is not home and Sehun obeys him.

Today is also not different.

“Remember to stay close to home, Sehunnie.” Junmyeon says while buttoning his old jacket. “And promise me you will not go down hill even if it tempts you.” Their small wooden hut is built on the top of the hill, overseeing the part of the village below where the ones better off than them live. Here near the top of the hill is for the poorest people of their village.

Sehun nods. It’s not like he wants to go there anyway.

Junmyeon tucks him back to sleep and kisses his forehead. “Don’t forget to go to Minseok’s for lunch, okay?” and then Junmyeon leaves.

When the sun is at its highest, Sehun makes his way to Minseok’s house. Every time his brother is away, Sehun will have lunch in their neighbor’s house along with Minseok’s younger brothers Jongdae and Jongin. Jongdae is older and too loud for Sehun’s liking, but he always gives Sehun sweets after he finishes his food. Jongin is his age and despite being awkward at their first weeks of meeting, now they are best friends.

After knocking the door, Sehun enters the house. Just like his house, this house also has three rooms: a bathroom, a bedroom, and a big space used as kitchen, living room, and dining room. Usually, Jongin will be there with food, waiting for Sehun while Minseok arrives home after picking Jongdae up from school. But right now, food is the only thing that greets him, Jongin is nowhere to be found.

His ears pick up a small voice of Jongin whining and Jongdae speaking. Sehun stands on his tip toes to see through a window to the back of the house. “Jongin!” he calls when he sees the brothers seems to be debating in the back of the house.

“Look! Sehun is here! Go play with him!” Jongdae says while trying to pry Jongin’s fingers off his bag.

“No!” Jongin hollers while tightening his grasp on his brother’s bag. “Minseok says I have to keep my eyes on you while he is gone!”

Jongdae ponders for a bit before saying. “Then why don’t you go with me to the village?”

Jongin thinks for a while before looking at Sehun. “But Sehunnie...”

“Then he’ll go with us too. Do you want to go, Sehun?” Jongdae asks him.

“To where?” Sehun tilts his head in confusion.

“To the village,” Jongin answers excitedly. The thought of having his best friend comes along makes him happy.

“Junmyeon says I can’t go to the village without him.” Jongin frowns sadly while Jongdae grinned. “Then stay at home and eat, Sehunnie! Be careful of the red ghost lady who likes to come to children who eat alone!”

In a blink of an eye, Sehun runs out from the house towards the brothers and clings to Jongin’s arm. “Don’t leave me alone!” He cries out. Jongin pats his hand while Jongdae gives him a smug grin. “Then off we go!”

“Why does Jongdae want to go to the village?” Sehun asks. He and Jongin are walking together following Jongdae who walks quite fastly in the front. “Jongdae wants to see the crazy man.” Answers Jongin. “What crazy man?”

Hearing this, Jongdae turn back to them and starts walking backward. “The crazy man me and Minseok meet when we are on our way home. He is very dirty and he has green red eyes that follow you everywhere you go!” He tries to scare the younger kids.”Anyway, he says he is from a place called Mogag and

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next update will be in 2 years.
kidding. i'll try to update before y'all start having grey hair.


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cyfome #1
Chapter 1: Oooohh....love this one....please update♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
2438 streak #2
Chapter 1: ahhhhh... very interesting!!!
how come it's only a select few who can see the ghost of the Young Master Wu??? what's with the "crazy man" then? coz maybe he shows himself to Jun and Sehun coz they knew each other before... but the man? maybe he knew the Wus before too?
it's very creepy tho... HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon? :))) *wink wink btw i hope you update your other stories too? heehee*
Chapter 1: IT is so interesting!! I can't wait to read more :)
rhe3a_1891 #4
Chapter 1: Update hwaiting ...
Chapter 1: Interesting.!!! Looking forward to the next chapter
Great! Can't wait for your story!
yulapaxob #7