A Young Genius

Class Clown

"I'm telling you, Momo. She was gorgeous and get this...she actually does her homework." Her friend gasped as the two were exiting the principal office. Apparently, having a dance party in the library was considered to be against the school's rules. They strolled down the hallway as the blonde continued to talk about the beautiful student that she spotted while the dancer tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Jeong. We'll find her again soon." She patted her back and gave her a warm smile. Jeongyeon nodded and tried to stay positive, hoping that one day she'll be able to see that adoring girl. They walked into class as Jeongyeon stopped at her tracks and noticed something instantly. She widened her eyes as she detected the same girl from the library was sitting up front, writing something down in her notebook as Jeongyeon felt as if she just found the jackpot.

"Well, that was easy." She looked at Momo and gestured her head at the girl. Momo scanned her eyes at the student and gave Jeongyeon an impressed nod. The teacher finally spoke up and waved her chalk at the girls.

"You two are late. Take your seats, already." She scolded at them as Jeongyeon let out a scoff.

"Sorry, we were having a chit chat with the principal." She smirked as the the older woman rolled her eyes. The mysterious girl eyed Jeongyeon as the blonde stared at her back, which caused the girl to look away as Jeongyeon smirked. She and Momo finally walked over to sit in the back as usual with no excitement. The teacher  smiled at the class before putting her chalk down.

"Alright, everyone. Today we have a new student." She looked over at her and asked. "Would you like to stand up and introduce yourself to the class?"

She gave her a small nod before getting up slowly, looking around the room which caused Jeongyeon to sit up straight. This was the first time she was actually paying attention in class. The girl cleared before speaking. "Hello, I'm Chou Tzuyu. I just came here from Taiwan, so it's my first day today and I'm just really happy to be here." She grinned before sitting back down.

"Tzuyu..." Jeongyeon repeated her name as she kept her eyes glued to her. She was definitely in her own world at the moment. The teacher grabbed a pack of papers before handing them around to the class.

"Well, Ms. Chou. You came at a very interesting time. We have a quiz today, so just try your best alright?" The teacher stated as the younger girl shrugged a little.

"Alright." Once the whole class got their papers, they were able to begin. In just a few seconds, Tzuyu was already done. She raised her hand up as the teacher looked at her surprised.

"Done already, Ms. Chou? Did you look over your paper?" She asked as Tzuyu shook her head.

"I don't think I need to." 

Jeongyeon was just as astonished at Tzuyu's speed as the instructor was. She leaned over to Momo and whispered. "How the hell did she finish so quickly? I just finished writing my name down. I don't even know what class this is!"

Tzuyu held her paper out as the older lady walked over to seat to collect her quiz. She looked over at her answers and was completely stunned. "Oh my goodness. You got every answer right." 

Tzuyu leaned against her seat and beamed at her teacher. "Yeah, I kinda learned all of that material years ago. I'm a big chemistry fan."

Jeongyeon whispered again to Momo. "Oh. I knew this was some kind of geometry class."

"Well done, Ms. Chou. A+!" 

Jeongyeon kept on grinning at Tzuyu, completely dazed before she realized that she only had a few minutes to finish this quiz. So far, she knew only her own name.


The next day, the two friends were heading to one of Momo's heartwarming places, the cafeteria. Once they came in, Momo quickly skipped on over to grab a tray as Jeongyeon followed behind her.  "Don't you just love food? It's like happiness in a plate." She squealed as she received her meal from the cafeteria lady as if it was Christmas. Jeongyeon knew that Momo's love for food was almost indescribable . Getting gifts for her birthday was easy, just drag her to any restaurant and she'll be the happiest person on the planet.

They went over to a table and sat across from each other. Momo did not hesitate to start eating. Jeongyeon took a sip from her juice bottle before asking. "So what do we do now?"

As usual, Momo answered her with a mouthful. "Why can't you just talk to her?"

Jeongyeon looked appalled. "Just talk to her? If she starts talking to me, she'll lose brain cells."

Momo pouted. "So you're aren't gonna talk to her at all."

Jeongyeon sighed in despair. "I will. I just need to know more about her, so I don't sound like a complete idiot."

Momo turned her head and pointed at a girl who was sitting not too far from them. "Why don't we ask Mina?"

Jeongyeon put down her bottle and shook her head. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no."

"Oh come on, Jeongyeon!"

The short haired continued to reject the idea. "Momo, she's quiet and quiet people kill other people."

"That's not true. Chaeyoung's dating her and she said she's a complete sweetheart." 

"Chaeyoung is a little cupcake who sees the good in everyone."

Momo pleaded at her. "Jeongyeon, she's our only hope."

Jeongyeon turned her head and stared at Mina. Even though she really didn't want to ask her, she knew the idea could possibly work. She let out a sigh and got up with Momo. Momo happily walked on over to Mina's table while Jeongyeon didn't look the slightest happy. However, as soon as they got to her, Jeongyeon quickly changed her expression to a friendlier one. 

"Mina, hey!" Jeongyeon greeted her as the quiet raised her head, away from her phone. 

"Oh hello, Jeongyeon...Momo" She nodded at the two without a smile. Momo looked so excited while Jeongyeon was trying so hard to not look like she panicking.

"It's been a while, huh?" The tall one smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, I haven't spoken to you since you decided to annoy the video game club and change our disks to videos of Rick Roll." She blankly stared at her which caused Jeongyeon to freak out more inside.

"Oh gosh. That was such a long time ago."

"That was last week."

Momo finally decided to cut in. "Okay! So anyway, we kinda need your help. We need you to find some information about a girl."

Momo put her phone down and raised a brow. "What girl?"

"She's new. Her name is Chou Tzuyu and she's from Taiwan." Jeongyeon replied.

Mina nodded. "Oh yeah, she's in my calculus class. She's really smart."

"That's why we need your help. You work at the school's office. Maybe you can take a peek at her background records?" Jeongyeon gave her a sheepish smile as Mina went back to look at her phone.

"I think I'll pass."

"Oh come on! You don't even have to check. Just let us into the room and we'll do it ourselves. " Jeongyeon was practically begging at this point.

"You aren't supposed to be in there. You'll get in trouble."

Momo chuckled. "Trouble is her hobby."

Jeongyeon put her hands together and pouted at her. "Come on, I'll do whatever you want."

Mina looked back the them again. "Okay, buy me the Pokemon moon AND sun games."

"She'll buy it!" Momo agreed as Jeongyeon glanced at her.


"Well, Jeongyeon? Do we have a deal?" Mina asked as Jeongyeon looked at her nervously. She finally agreed to the deal and let out her hand. 

"Fine. I'll have them ready by tomorrow." The two shook hands as Mina smirked in victory.

"Perfect. See you then."

The two friends finally turned away and headed back to their seats. Jeongyeon still couldn't believe about the amount of money she was going to spend just to find out more about Tzuyu. 

"There goes my allowance."

"You were gonna spend it on useless crap anyway." Momo patted her back comfortably.

"That's true." She suddenly bumped into a figure before noticing who it was, and boy was she happy to see her. "Tzuyu!"

The Taiwanese student grinned at the two shyly as she fixed her books in her hands."H-hey, Jeongyeon. "She turned her head to look at the dancer. "Momo, right?"

She gasped in joy and nudged her friend. "Look at that! She even knows my name!"

Jeongyeon laughed and rolled her eyes. "You in a rush?"

"Yeah. I gotta go study in the library. You two aren't gonna be there right?"

Jeongyeon waved her hand around and smiled softly. "Ah, don't worry. We're banned from entering there for the next two weeks."

Tzuyu nodded. "I see. Well I better get going. See ya tomorrow!" She waved at the two before passing by them and leaving the cafeteria. They turned to watch her leave as Jeongyeon sighed in content.

"She's so beautiful. She makes me wanna do my homework."

Momo looked at her and giggled. "Oh wow. You really do have it bad."


Ah finally had the time to post another chapter. I really hope you guys liked it.

College has been kicking my by the way ugh

Please comment and subscribe^^

Love you all <333333







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Chewy_Peach #1
Chapter 3: God I love this story
Chapter 11: I'll drop my thoughts in one comment:
First of all, I love how Jeongyeon is a crackhead and a bit of a fool. Oh, wait scratch that she's a dummy..Hahaha. Its funny, my stomach hurt the whole time i was reading this,, her jokes, her antics, on point! Phew, i got tears in my eyes. Haha
Second, her relationship with Momo is best friend goals! Ugh, I miss my friends all of a sudden.. Friends make school fun and bearable so i love their dynamic here and how they make everything fun and light.. their pranks, their teasing and how they support each other...a big uwu for them!!
Third, Tzuyu is the cutest being in the world!!! Ahh, my heart is soft for her. I just wanna put her in my pocket if Jeongyeon doesnt..hahaha
Fourth, JeongTzu couple...aaah, their opposite personalities compliment each other, it feels like they complete each other's puzzles..huhu, they're too soft, too cheesy, too clingy..and i cant help but admit i low-key liked every moment they have, its so sappy..ugh, young love...ugh, they make me realize i have feelings..i feel vulnerable...hahaha
Lastly, the way you write it's amazing. The details, the characterization and how you put things into place, wow! Its a big two thumbs up! I like how short but detailed the story was! Its a very light material and i love it!! Huhu.. the story has finally ended, i'll miss this..so so much..probably gonna drop by here again from time to time ...hahaha.. with that in mind, thank you for this wonderful story and i hope you write more in the future author-nim!! Hehe. Ciao!
JeYoon #3
Natsuki37 #4
Chapter 11: another jeongtzu pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 11: I love the ending :)
11010614_jeongtzu #6
Chapter 11: neh!!!! ANOTHER JEONGTZU!!! I LOVE JEONGTZU SO MUCH. my 1st and 2nd bias. hehehehe
Chapter 11: another jeongtzu please...
Ihateeveryonearoundm #8
Love everything!
Heyboiii #9
Chapter 11: Cute