“They’re late.” Ara rolled her eyes as she looked out the window. Minhyun was glaring at the library entrance as they had been waiting for Sehun and Chanyeol to be here to work on the project and they were 10 minutes late.

“Chill, maybe they needed to go-” They were seated face to face so it would be easier to work with their partners later. Minhyun scowled as he turned towards her.

“Don’t try to calm me down by saying they’re relieving themselves because as a man myself, we don’t take 10 minutes like girls do.” Ara glared at him as she opened her laptop to go over her parts that she had already finished before the meeting.

“Hey, so sorry that we’re late!” They turned their heads towards the twin towers as they sat down.

“It’s fine, let’s get this done.”




Few hours have passed and it was already 7pm.

“I think we’re good for today. Guess we just need the presentation slide, last run through and we’ll be set!” Ara smiled as she saved the final essay document.


Ara stared at him as he packed up and was about to suggest the public library when Chanyeol cut in, “Great, everyone at my house 12pm Saturday ?”

*Huh?* Ara looked at the two in front of her as they chatted rather comfortably, even laughing. *Since when did they get so close?..*

“Our group is hanging over at night anyways, why don’t you guys stay over for the night as well.” Chanyeol turned to her and smiled as Minhyun looked at her pleadingly.

“Umm, sure.” 

Minhyun cheered in delight, “Wait, can I invite Jaejoon?” Chanyeol nodded in delight as they squealed together like little kids. 

Ara just stared in confusion *And here I thought he hated them..* 

Minhyun wasn’t the type to open up to others because it was always just them three: Ara, Jaejoon and Minhyun. Some other students tried to befriend him when he joined the basketball club a year ago, inviting him to hangouts but he was always so adamant on doing things with just them three instead. Yet here he was, acting like he has been close to Chanyeol for a while now, which amused Ara but she was glad.

“Maybe have a draft of your speech ready by Saturday,” Sehun said expressionless. “It’ll be easier to get it done.” 

“Yeah sure..” Ara eyed him as he waited for Chanyeol to pack up. *He cares more about his grades than I thought.*

Sehun was always the type to get things done above average. He had the mindset that if he were going to spend hours of his time on something, he’d rather work hard than complete it half-heartedly and waste hours of his time, even if it meant school. Plus, when he takes over his father’s business, people wouldn’t think he was always slacking off all the time and not worthy to be handed over a successful business just because he was his father’s son.

“Do you guys need a ride? It’s dark out and we can go for dinner before heading home!” Minhyun’s eyes lit up.

“Awesome idea!”

“I know right!”

Ara and Sehun watched as the two high-fived each other and started walking towards the exit. Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed before following the two out. He didn’t feel her behind him so he looked back. She was just standing there, staring out the window.

“Ara?” He called out but she didn’t move. He moved closer to her and noticed she was deep in thought. “Ara? Are you coming?”

She finally snapped out and looked at him, “Oh, yeah sorry.” She adjusted her backpack and headed towards the exit. Sehun stared at her with perplexity before following her footsteps.




“That was so good!” Chanyeol declared as Minhyun nodded in content.

“Told you it was good,” they had just finished dinner and were heading towards the car. “There are so many other hidden places that you can eat for cheap. I’ll show you some other time.”

The whole dinner consisted of Minhyun and Chanyeol chattering like they were best friends whilst Ara chimed in now and then, and Sehun just sat there eating. 

Chanyeol looked towards Minhyun and Ara, “So, who do I drop of first?”

“I live closer so I guess that would be me.”

“Alright, address please.” Minhyun leaned from the back seat to input her address as she got in the back seat next to him.

As if they hadn’t left the restaurant, the car ride was a duplicate of the dinner. Now and then, Ara would make eye contact with Sehun when he would turn as they were seated on opposite sides making it even more awkward.

“Alright, we’re here.” Chanyeol and Minhyun turned to Ara who just blankly stared out the window. Minhyun nudged her and she broke concentration.

Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed again as he turned towards her. “Oh, thanks for the ride Chanyeol. See you guys on Saturday.” 

“No worries!” Chanyeol said as he rolled down his window.

She smiled before grabbing her bag and opening the car door. “Bye oppa!”

“Night baby!” Minhyun waved her off as they watched her go inside. “Okay, my turn.” He leaned over again and input his address.

Chanyeol rolled his window up and he eyed Minhyun through the rear view mirror. “So,” he started. “Are you guys dating?” Sehun quickly turned towards the monkey whose eyes were on the road now heading towards Minyun’s house, thinking he has gone mad as the boy in the back seat blinked.

“What? No!” Minhyun answered and then furrowed his eyebrows and gave Chanyeol a suspicious look, “...why? Who wants to know?” His attention was now on the boy next to him who was busy looking out the window now.

“Nothing really,” Chanyeol shrugged, “you guys are just very touchy and you call her baby.” 

“She’s like my baby sister and we’ve been best friends since young so I just treasure her.”

“I guess guys and girls can really be best friends huh.” Minhyun was now beginning to feel slightly bothered as he fidgeted in his seat.

“I wouldn’t ask for a better partner in crime, besides Jaejoon.”




“So, I’ve become a chauffeur now have I?” Jaejoon scowled as he picked up the two on Saturday morning.

“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Minhyun exclaimed excitedly as Ara chuckled.

“But you guys have an assignment to complete.” Jaejoon was just so confused as to why he even agreed to go with them Minhyun had pleaded with him to come along and Ara didn’t seem quite comfortable going either after she explained how close Chanyeol and Minhyun were. Leaving her and Sehun alone which she elucidated how awkward it was.

“Just be our audience then,” Ara assured him, “I mean you’re already here, can’t be complaining now.”

“Woah..” Minhyun exclaimed as they all looked at the entrance of Chanyeol’s ‘house’. “And here I thought your mansion was big.”

Jaejoon drove into the driveway as the gate opened for them expectedly and spotted a tall, big eared boy waving at them with a toothy smile who indicated to park in front of him. Once parked, Minhyun immediately jumped out and gave the monkey a hug as Ara just laughed at their cuteness.

“You weren’t joking..” Jaejoon commented about the two kids as they got out of the car. She hummed as they approached the other two.

“Chanyeol.” The toothy boy handed out his hand as Jaejoon gladly shook it.


“Let’s go in, Sehun’s already here.” Once inside, they all began to work along with Jaejoon who was studying on his own.

Finishing up their presentations, going through a couple practice runs with Jaejoon listening along, hours had passed and it was 4pm. Stretching their arms, they started packing up with smiles on their faces, except Sehun of course.

“We’re done!” Minhyun sighed as he lay on the sofa with his eyes closed.

“The guys should be heading over soon,” Chanyeol checked his phone, “I’m gonna get them to grab some food on the way here.”

“Can I use your bathroom Chanyeol?” Ara asked as he nodded and lead the way. “Thanks.”

One by one, Chanyeol’s friends started arriving. The house was in chaos mode as they started setting up the food and just talking since they had just formerly met Jaejoon and Minhyun. So much for hating the rich boys huh. Sehun just sat there quietly, bothered by the fact that Ara was still not out. *Why am I so bothered?* He groaned, attracting D.O’s attention whose eyebrow raised.

“What’s wrong?” Sehun just shook his head before groaning again and headed towards the bathroom, leaving a rather confused D.O.

*I don’t care,* Sehun tried to reassure himself, *I just need to use the bathroom.*

“Ara?” He knocked on the door but received silence. With a puzzled look he tried knocking and calling her name, but still nothing. So he put his hand on the handle and realised it was open. Even more confused, he walked around trying to find her before sighting her hair flowing in the wind outside in the back, seated on a chair. He walked towards her and noticed she was in her own world again. He contemplated whether he should interrupt her train of thought but was startled by a cheer coming from indoors along with Ara.

She immediately turned around and made eye contact with Sehun. “Oh sorry, just needed some fresh air.” She quickly looked away as she got up to go inside.

Sehun noticed the discomfort in her eyes but didn’t question it as he followed her inside.

*Why am I bothered, geez.*




After a weekend of fun and games, Monday came, which meant presentations. And it went well, even better than practiced. Ara smiled in content after class had finished. *Finally done.* 

EXO-K and the three had gotten closer just over that one night and other students had started to notice. Ara of course, being the only female, was getting a lot of looks from other girls.

“Let’s go grab some lunch,” Minhyun laced their fingers together as the walked off to the cafeteria after putting their books away in their lockers. On the way, they noticed the many glares headed their way, making Ara uncomfortable and Minhyun irritated. Grabbing their food, they seated with Jaejoon who was already at the back already eating.

“What’s with the facial expressions?”

“I don’t know,” Minhyun exclaimed rather annoyed, “girls keep glaring at us.”

Ara put her tray down and said, “I need to go to the toilet, be right back.” She sped walked towards the girl’s room, into a cubicle, locking the door and put the seat cover down before taking a deep breath. She sat there trying to recover her breathing as she stared at the door before closing her eyes. Sighing, she got to get out once she felt better but she heard a few students walk in.

“Did you hear? Apparently Minhyun, Jaejoon and Ara went to Chanyeol’s house to work on the group work.” Ara’s eyebrows furrowed as she stayed seated listening. *Hyera.*

“Who does she think she is?”

“Doesn’t matter, the presentations have finished,” Ara felt her phone buzz in her pocket, probably Minhyun or Jaejoon calling to check up on her but she didn’t pick up. “They won’t talk to them anymore. They’re gonna be CEOs soon enough, they don’t have time to make friends with middle class students.”

Hyera and her friends were rich kids. Although the school was a middle class school, the girls had decided to attend because they heard EXO-K was enrolled here as well. But rumour was that the boys were here to bring up a reputation that they weren’t spoilt, arrogant kids and could experience the regular life of non-high class people so their company images would look better, especially when they would take over in the future.

When the girls finally left, Ara got out and went to freshen her face a bit before heaving a sigh and heading back to the cafeteria. The boys were so glad to see her they sighed in relief.

“Baby, where have you been?” Minhyun looked at her with concern.

She sat down and began to eat before replying, “Got stuck in the cubicle because I figured out why all these girls have been glaring at me.” They both looked at her with questioning expressions as she continued, “Someone found out we hung out at Chanyeol’s house on Saturday.” 

The boys rolled their eyes, blurting out simultaneously, “girls.”




“The guys invited us to hang out again Friday night after school.” The three were on the way to the cafe for their shift.

Ara raised an eyebrow at Jaejoon, “The guys?”

“You know, EXO-K.” 

Ara gave him a weird look, “Since when were you so close to them?” One day, they were over the hype of the group of boys, the next, they’re suddenly becoming best friends.

Jaejoon held up his phone, “Since we exchanged phone numbers.” Jaejoon usually kept to himself, so him exchanging numbers with someone was confusing Ara quite a bit.

“Wait, why didn’t I-”

“Because I told them if they wanted to talk to you, it would be through me.” Minhyun proudly said as they entered the cafe. Ara rolled her eyes and laughed as they got ready for work. *Always so protective, you’re the reason why people think I’m self-centred for just sticking with you two.* 

“Kai?” The two turned to Jaejoon who was looking at Kai. He was seated next to Jaejoon’s usual spot right by the counter. The chiselled boy looked at them with surprise.

“Oh, hey.” They looked at him weirdly as he scratched the back of his neck. “Just here for coffee.” They were not buying it. 

Kai kind of didn’t really have a good boy reputation. He’s always smirking and flirting with girls. Going on dates and all. Definitely more like a rich playboy rather than a wholesome guy who goes to cafes so yes, it was surprising to them.

Just then, their female co-worker came out from the back, “I’ll get off work then since you guys are here.”

The three looked at each other before exclaiming, “Oh.” and went back to work.

“Work hard guys!” She waved at them before walking towards the exit leaving a hurried Kai.

“Please don’t tell the guys.” Kai looked at them with pleading eyes. Ara gave him a reassuring smile as he returned it and scurried to catch up with the other girl.

“Huh,” Minhyun and Kai smirked at each other, “Jei and Kai, did not see that coming.”

Ara stared out the window. Jei was the same age as them but attended a different highschool around the area. She was just like Ara, smart and kept to herself most of the time. Which is why it’s surprising that she knew Kai. *Who would’ve guessed.*

Ara whacked them both, “back to work.”




“FRIDAY!!” The three met up with EXO-K in the student car park for a night of fun at Baekhyun’s house this time since his parents were on a business trip overseas.

Ara watched as Chanyeol and Baekhyun dragged Minhyun and Jaejoon into the car as they all hurried in and drove off, leaving her speechless. She heard a sigh behind her.

“Guess you’re with me.” She watched as Sehun walked past her to his car. She pursed her lips as she hesitantly walked towards it as he rolled the window down, “Are you getting in or not?”

She opened the car door and sat in the front seat next to Sehun and quickly put on the seat belt as he drove off. The whole car ride was awkward. She just stared out the window the whole time.

Sehun was annoyed at his friends. They had purposely hurried off without them. *When we get there, I swear.* He heaved a heavy sigh, attracting the attention of Ara.

“Something on your mind?” Ara’s eyes widened as she turned away from Sehun as she realised what she just blurted out. *Ugh, I just made it even more awkward, why did I say that.* She mentally slapped herself in the head.

“Nothing, just tired.” 

From then on, just awkward silence. *Can we just get to Baekhyun’s house already?* Ara pleaded in her mind.



“Finally, you’re here,” Kai put his hand over Sehun’s shoulder and smirked at him. “So,” The younger just glared at him, “how was the car ride?”

“Awkward, painfully awkward.”

“What the heck,” Kai slapped the back of his head as the younger scowled and rubbed his head. “You didn’t talk at all?” The group was hanging out in the kitchen trying to find something to eat.

“I don’t know how to small talk.”

Kai shook his head, “No, you do know how to talk, just not with girls.”

The younger just scoffed, “Again, I do not like her.”

“But you know, I feel like she fancies you a bit.” Sehun looked at him with a questioned look. “Hah! So you do like her.” Kai pointed at him.

“Again, no.”

“But admit it, you’re attracted to her.” This time, Sehun didn’t deny it and just walked away, hearing Kai say, “Ask her out, you don’t know what will happen.”

Sehun just rolled his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, wanting a glass of water, bumping into Ara as she was walking out.

“I’m so sorry!” Ara looked at him with worry.

*Peony, her hair smells like peonies.* “Sorry too.”

They just stood there awkwardly staring at each other before leaving opposite directions with Kai watching in the hallway. *These two are probably the most awkward people in the world, how on Earth did they complete that group assignment.*




It was already around 5:30am and Sehun couldn’t sleep. He just felt bothered for no reason and it is exacerbating his forehead wrinkles. After a number of turns left and right to get into a more comfortable position, he eventually got up, grabbed a jacket and his car keys. Sighing, he drove off to the other side of the city. 

With eyebrows furrowed, he spotted a figure on the swings. *Ara?..* He slowed down as he neared the park. Sehun was confused as to why she was out here in the cold. He contemplated whether he should approach her but his body was already out of the car and walking towards her. Still in her world, Sehun sat in the other swing next to her.

The sound of the chain pulled her out of concentration and Ara turned to her right, not startled at all. Her face was just blank as they stared at each other before she turned back to look at the stars. 

“The stars are so bright aren’t they.” Sehun watched as her lips curled up. 

It was true, Sehun found her attractive, which guy wouldn’t though. She was smart, hard-working, polite and, if you ask anyone, beautiful no doubt. Her black, voluminous hair framed her small almost round but oval face. She wasn’t like other girls who were into guys or using social media, but always kept to herself and her two friends. It’s not a surprise she gets a few admirers and looks from guys at school. Sehun admitted that he wasn’t excluded from the list. He knew that she wasn’t interested in dating though and opening up to others because anyone could tell she was content with her life right now. But it’s not like he wanted to be in a relationship right now either.. for now.

He watched as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He could tell she was feeling troubled about something, as if the past week of her blanking out wasn’t obvious enough. So he proposed something to her, quite unlike Sehun to.


“Yeah?” Ara replied, eyes still remaining closed.

“Do you wanna go on a car ride?”



*written* 08.10.2019

Author's Note: Story is just developing, sorry for the long start ~ l

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