
blue spring

     "...Yoo Youngjae?"

     The boy shook his head and walked towards the counter, holding onto a packet of samgak gimbap. "I'm sorry...that's not my name." Baek Youngjae snatched the packet from Daehyun's hands and tossed it onto the counter along with the gimbap and couple of notes. "I'll buy this too." He murmured to the cashier, who nodded and began scanning the items. 

     Daehyun merely watched the exchange, his mouth hanging open as he searched for words. The cashier handed over a bag with the items purchased and placed change in Youngjae's hand. He said a quick thank you then walked to the door with quick steps, Daehyun quickly following. 

     "But you are Youngjae...aren't you?" He trailed behind Youngjae as the words gushed out of his mouth like water from a pipe. 

      The minute the pair of feet in front of Daehyun halted, he froze in place and stared in wonder as Youngjae suddenly shivered. He wrapped his arms around his own body as if trying to hug himself, his entire body shaking with another exaggerated shiver. 

       "Aish. It's so cold." He muttered before turning to face Daehyun, a certain glint in his dark eyes. The two boys stared at each other for a few seconds and Youngjae's arms slowly fell back down to his sides. He simpered and said with a soft voice, "It started raining pretty suddenly, didn't it?" 

      A grin that he could not contain spread across Daehyun's face as his eyes flickered to the clear skies above before returning his gaze to the boy before him. They continued to stare, neither one speaking. That is, until Daehyun rushed forward and threw his arms around the younger's broad shoulders. "Youngjae, it is you!" He cried out, holding him flush against his own chest. 

      He was overjoyed. The boy he had spent countless days thinking about was finally with him again. Wrapped in his arms, where Daehyun had always hoped he would be. 

      The sound of Youngjae's sweet laughter entered his ears as the younger pulled away from the embrace, a silly half smile gracing his lips. "Yoo Youngjae....really, I thought I was imagining it. But it is really you, Yoo Youngjae!" Daehyun was almost bouncing from excitement. His voice was a little too loud, but he didn't care. All that mattered was Youngjae. 

     Youngjae's hand found its way to the back of his neck, which he rubbed briefly for a moment. "Actually..." He dropped his hand, gaze leaving Daehyun as he focused on his feet. Silence lasted for a moment too long. All the while, Daehyun panicked as his mind immediately went to the thought that Youngjae may say he would be transferring schools soon, or something along those lines. The fear of losing him again was strong. "'s Baek now." Youngjae finished the sentence and looked at Daehyun again with an awkward smile. 

      The elder felt a small feeling of relief wash over him. "...why?"

      Youngjae hummed. "Let's not talk about it." His hand disappeared into the plastic bag he held, reappearing after a moment with the packet of chips. He opened it, fingers pinching onto one of the crispy treats before he shoved it in his mouth. He gave a pleased smile at the taste and held out the packet to Daehyun.

     "Uh..." Daehyun shook his head and a gentle laugh fell from his lips. "I'm not really hungry." 

     "Huh?" His eyes widened in surprise before falling into an annoyed gaze. "Then what's the point in me buying them for you? Ah..." He shook his head, "I'll just eat it myself."

     Different. That was the first word that came to Daehyun's mind after hearing those words. Something about Youngjae just seemed strange. It was the same body, he knew that, but it didn't feel like the same person. He recalled a soft spoken boy asking him to the firework show with a red tint to his cheeks. 

     Why didn't you come to the summer festival that night? was the question that had plagued his mind for two years, but now that he stood in front of the only person who could answer him, he couldn't bring himself to ask. It slipped his mind as he merely stared at the boy before him. Daehyun had been fascinated by him for years, and evidently still was. The anger and sadness he had once felt had left him and was replaced with joy.

      "Let's sit down somewhere." Youngjae suddenly said.

     They walked to a nearby park in silence, the sounds of footsteps hanging in the air along with the crinkle of the aluminum packet Youngjae held onto. The two sat down at a bench, remaining quiet until the younger swallowed his mouthful. "You didn't notice me." His voice sounded sad as he stared down at his feet.


     "You didn't notice me the whole three terms I've been at this school." Youngjae finally looked at him, the ghost of a smile upon his lips and a distant look of joy in his eyes. Daehyun's heart ached at the sight. You see, Youngjae was the sun. At least, in Daehyun's eyes he was. A bright beacon of light that shone upon the dark and dreary hallways of middle school; his favourite source of light that disappeared and left his life cast in shadow. And now, even though the sun had once again returned, he could see that in no longer shone as bright. 

     Daehyun swallowed before speaking, briefly his now dry lips. " were here three terms?" He must have been a fool not to have realised.

     "I can't believe it took you this long." Youngjae laughed, but the smile he wore did not reach his eyes. "Only after I was transferred to your class did you take notice." The silence that followed the statement lasted for too long, but Daehyun could not find the words he wanted to speak. " were the only person I recognised at this school." The volume of his voice had dropped to barely above a whisper. "I recognised you even though you changed a lot." For the first time in a while, they made eye contact. "You grew your hair out...I like it." 

     Daehyun eyed Youngjae's hand as he raised it slightly, about to reach out for something, but frowned as the younger promptly returned it to the place in his lap. "I-I..." The elder stuttered, searching for Youngjae's eyes as he looked away once more. Suddenly he felt frustration. "Well if you knew I was here, why didn't you come and talk to me!?" He shouted, pushing against the younger's shoulder only to receive a slight chuckle in return.

     "You used to be so quiet, Daehyun. You really have changed."

     "Yeah?'ve changed a lot too" He huffed in disbelief at Youngjae's new character, folding his arms over his chest as he heard the crinkling of aluminum once more. 

     "Hmm...I guess it just happens." 

     Again, silence. Daehyun stayed annoyed and Youngjae remained indifferent. 

     "You used to hate it when people touched you." The younger suddenly said, a wistful look in his eyes as he watched a pair of primary school children running to the swing set. He smiled. The first genuine smile of the afternoon. "And you hated touching people."

     "I still do." Daehyun whispered, eyes locked onto Youngjae's lips. He knew what the next words would be.

     "Then why-" Why did you hug me?

      "Because you're different." He didn't want to hold back the words anymore. He stood up, moving in front of Youngjae and staring down at him. Their eyes met and Daehyun suddenly felt his heart leap into his throat. "I don't mind if it's you...I never did. Because...because I like you. I have liked you for a long time, Youngjae. Probably more than I should." He felt himself shaking as he finally spilt the unspoken words. Finally, finally he would know.

     He watched as Youngjae lifted his hand, letting it hover in front of his mouth for a moment. He looked away. "...I see." A long pause had Daehyun's eyes stinging, but he willed away the tears. "...I liked you too." Daehyun felt so many emotions in that moment; relief, affection, elation. But most of all, he felt wary of the use of past tense. "Not in the way friends do." Youngjae concluded, wearing the slightest of smiles as he stood to match the elder.

     There are some moments that you will stumble upon in life that are not so easily forgotten. For Daehyun, it was the scent of rain as he stood in front of a convenience store with the first person he ever loved, and similarly the crunch of chicken flavoured chips as they stood there two years later. However, it was that next moment which particularly stood out in his memory. 

     "We can't go back to that time though...things are different now. We've changed." 

     Daehyun didn't meet Youngjae's apologetic gaze and he was glad when the younger began walking away. This way, he wouldn't be able to see the tears which began to spill so easily from the elder's eyes. For the first time, Daehyun experienced true heartache. 


      Daehyun sat and thought about what he had seen in Youngjae's eyes.

      He recalled the day he had walked home from school with Youngjae not far behind him. He wasn't sure if Youngjae even knew he was. They hadn't spoken, only shared glances in the hallways and across the gym in P.E. Daehyun had glanced over his shoulder once, and was met with the sight of Youngjae burrying half his face into his scarf and staring at his feet while he walked. Daehyun instantly looked forward again. He couldn't help feeling that Youngjae was...cute

     He heard a phone ringing, followed shortly by a softly-spoken 'hello?' from behind. The voice was soft and Daehyun didn't realise he was smiling for a few moments. The next he heard Youngjae's voice, it was loud and full of urgency as he said 'She is?'. Whatever the conversation was about was lost on Daehyun, but he looked over his shoulder once more. Youngjae had stopped walking and his eyes were wide. '...I'll be home in a minute.' He said before hanging up and shoving his phone into his pocket. Daehyun looked forward and a moment later, Youngjae was dashing past him and down the street. He made a left and disappeared from view. 

     The next he saw Youngjae, they were passing in the hallway the following day. He looked tired, eyes sunken and red, and he only half-listened as Hyunggeun spoke to him. Daehyun noticed the sad look he wore.

     It resembled the same look Youngjae had worn this afternoon. He seemed...lonely

A/N: Thank you for reading ^_^

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Chapter 8: this is really adorable i am Crying
Chapter 8: Ahhh..i forgot to comment..thnk u for the updates..cnnot wait for more..
hwaiting authornin (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
Chapter 8: Ahhh..i forgot to comment..thnk u for the updates..cnnot wait for more..
hwaiting authornin (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
#4 haru ride..i love that interesting how u make it into daejae..cannot wait to read it later (i hav to work now)..hwaiting authornim~~*run to work*
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for the update! Happy Valentine's day and omg the poster is the cutest thing ever ^^
Chapter 6: This is so cute!!! ^^
Chapter 6: YOU MADE ME REALLY HAPPY, TOO❣❣❣ (๑♡▿♡๑)
I really liked the chapter, thank you so much~ (ɔ˘ ³(ˆ‿ˆc) Of course Jae was in the convenience store cause he was hungry, not because he knew Dae would make a stop there and was waiting for him.
P.S. Has Jongup developed a crush on the boy who has recently transferred to their class and started sitting in front of him? Are we gonna get a love triangle? (◕o◕)
Chapter 5: I' m so excited!
So glad I stumbled onto this story! I usually only read BigBang or SHINee, sometime EXO, but I love it! My heart is breaking! You've captured the angst of the whole "high school peer pressure thing" so well! Looking forward to more....and of course, hoping for a happy ending! LOL
Missy27 #10
Chapter 4: Aaaaaa, i love this story, can't waitt