Because I love You - Hoya and Ljoe


Hoya could never understand the true reasons why Byunghun hadn’t walked out on him that night. To this day, almost three years later, it still confused him why the younger rapper hadn’t stormed out and abandoned him. It wasn’t something he questioned, because then he thought of the fight and the words that had come between them. Even now, he hated dwelling on past memories. But it really was something he had to work out…




Byunghun looked up at Hoya as the other stood in the doorway, a questioning look in his intensely dark and – in Byunghun’s opinion – y eyes. The elder had come to him, all mussed hair from and kiss swollen lips, asking – more like demanding – to be told why he hadn’t been abandoned after their fight.


The younger merely smiled, drew closer and kissed Hoya until the elder was left half dazed.


“…That’s why. Because I love you, and no amount of fighting could ever damage the chemistry and…perfection between us.”


Hoya never once questioned why Byunghun was with him after that.

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*was not nudged* ..... *flails* SHOKYUTE!! *hoards and rolls away*
HOJONG. *flails and rolls around; nudges Kayla with her foot to go and read*
*cheerfully resumes flipping *